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08-29-2008, 01:28 AM
I know it looks pretty long but can someone translate this Manu column for me. Thanks :)


Me van a operar, pero volvería a tomar la decisión de ir a Pekín"
Por Manu Ginóbili

SAN ANTONIO.- Aquí estoy, de vuelta en San Antonio, feliz con la medalla de bronce conseguida en los Juegos y dispuesto a encarar una nueva temporada de la NBA. Ni bien llegué me hicieron una resonancia en el tobillo izquierdo, más que nada para comprobar el estado del ligamento, si se había agrandado o achicado, o si estaba dañado. Básicamente, los estudios indicaron que el ligamento está igual que hace dos meses, cuando me hicieron la primera resonancia. No está peor, eso es importante. Ahora: el tema es que tampoco está mejor, y parece que la única forma para la recuperación total es que se me practique una artroscopia.
Todavía no hay una fecha definida para la intervención; tampoco sé qué médico me operará, pero lo concreto es que lo tengo que hacer sí o sí. Me explicaron que hay que limpiar la zona de la cicatriz en la zona afectada y volver el ligamento a su tamaño original para que no me moleste. Hoy, el tobillo no me duele al caminar, pero sí cuando intento saltar o correr. En estos casos, el período de recuperación es de seis a ocho semanas, aunque no sé si en la octava semana estaré listo para jugar o sólo para volver a entrenarme. Tengo la impresión de que llegaré al comienzo de la temporada con lo justo, o tal vez me pierda los primeros partidos.
Más allá de esta situación estoy muy tranquilo, sabía a lo que me atenía: el plan era formar parte de los Juegos Olímpicos y después, si sufría algún tipo de dolor, me iba a tener que operar. No es algo que me tome por sorpresa, no es que hoy esté diciendo: ¡Uy, jamás me esperaba una artroscopia!
Sé que se habló mucho sobre el tema, pero estoy seguro de lo que hice, porque tampoco fue una decisión unilateral, sino que la charlé con el cuerpo técnico de San Antonio Spurs. Volvería a tomar la misma decisión de estar en Pekín. Entiendo la frustración, entiendo que es posible que me pierda algunos partidos. Pero participar en los Juegos Olímpicos es muy importante para cualquier atleta. A mí me hizo más maduro todavía, me ofreció una experiencia más de vida y siempre sentí que debía hacerlo. Cualquier deportista que cuente con la posibilidad de vivir un Juego Olímpico no debería rechazarla. Habrá gente que lo entenderá y otra gente que no.
Tuve la chance de leer alguna columna en un medio de San Antonio, en la que se me criticó por la decisión de haberme ido con el seleccionado a los Juegos. Está bien, respeto al periodista que opina y al que le pagan para hacer críticas. Yo, por mi parte, tengo mi opinión muy bien formada. Lo más importante es que el técnico Gregg Popovich está de acuerdo conmigo y él es, al fin y al cabo, mi contratante, por decirlo de algún modo. Por eso tengo total tranquilidad respecto de la manera en que procedí y siento el aval de toda la gente de San Antonio.
Sinceramente, me sorprendió mucho que Pop me haya ido a buscar al aeropuerto de San Antonio. No me lo esperaba en absoluto, porque eran las 10.30 de la noche, que aquí se considera bastante tarde. Pero por supuesto que valoro su gesto; es una muestra de afecto y de clase muy importante. Este acercamiento con el DT se dio cuando yo estaba hablando con un grupo de periodistas; él me agarró de un brazo y me dijo: "Vamos, que ya estuviste viajando demasiado". Entonces nos subimos a una camioneta y charlamos en forma muy amena. Así que éste es el panorama en lo que respecta a los Spurs.
En cuanto al seleccionado, aún con toda la alegría que significó que nos hayamos subido al podio como en Atenas 2004, me hubiese gustado mantenerme con el resto del equipo un poco más para celebrar, estar juntos y despedirnos. Fue doloroso haber hecho todo a las corridas luego de la finalización del partido por el tercer puesto con Lituania. Volvimos a la Villa, nos cambiamos, agarramos la medalla y los bolsos de mano y subimos al avión enseguida. No me gustó para nada, porque después de haber estado 50 días juntos no disfrutamos de un rato tranquilos, sin esa responsabilidad de afrontar al día siguiente otro juego. Me hubiese encantado celebrar la medalla en Ezeiza con todos, pero por los diversos compromisos con los equipos extranjeros era imposible que estuviese el plantel completo.
De corazón, no tengo ni idea cómo seguirá mi carrera en el seleccionado. No dije nada después de Atenas 2004, tampoco luego del Mundial 2006 ni digo nada ahora, pero creo que conviene separar las cosas. En Japón comenté que mi futuro en el equipo no dependía de si ganaba el oro o si salía último. Esta vez tampoco: estar sano o no, ahora no será definitorio respecto de mi carrera. Cuando llegue el momento se evaluará todo. Antes de un gran compromiso uno tiene que saber en qué punto está físicamente. Como hizo Pepe Sánchez: no dijo qué haría hasta que llegó la ocasión. Entonces, a partir de ahí, evaluó su estado físico y anímico. Lo mismo voy a hacer yo. Aparte, no creo que haya una necesidad imperiosa de decidir algo ahora, dos años antes del Mundial de Turquía, ¿no?
Tampoco considero conveniente opinar acerca de Sergio Hernández, sobre si debe seguir o no al frente del seleccionado. Lo que sí, hizo un gran trabajo. Arrancó su ciclo con muchas dudas de parte de la gente y también de la prensa. Pero esta medalla de bronce le da mucho crédito: certifica sus dotes como técnico. Tengamos en cuenta que comenzó su gestión con el techo más alto que podía tener: tomó a un grupo que venía de ser campeón olímpico. Creo que en Pekín, Sergio concretó un gran campeonato. Insisto: si debe seguir o no, lo deberán evaluar él y la Confederación Argentina.
Me quedo también con el dato de que el seleccionado volvió al puesto N° 1 en el ranking de la FIBA. No sé bien cómo se calcula esta estadística, pero es algo enorme. Es increíble que te distingan como una potencia por delante de los Estados Unidos, y gigantes como Rusia, Serbia, Lituania y España. Nuestro equipo se va renovando y rejuveneciendo, aunque no sé si el recambio será tan dinámico en los próximos años. Por lo pronto, hay que disfrutarlo.

08-29-2008, 01:31 AM
I know it looks pretty long but can someone translate this Manu column for me. Thanks :)


Me van a operar, pero volvería a tomar la decisión de ir a Pekín"
Por Manu Ginóbili

SAN ANTONIO.- Aquí estoy, de vuelta en San Antonio, feliz con la medalla de bronce conseguida en los Juegos y dispuesto a encarar una nueva temporada de la NBA. Ni bien llegué me hicieron una resonancia en el tobillo izquierdo, más que nada para comprobar el estado del ligamento, si se había agrandado o achicado, o si estaba dañado. Básicamente, los estudios indicaron que el ligamento está igual que hace dos meses, cuando me hicieron la primera resonancia. No está peor, eso es importante. Ahora: el tema es que tampoco está mejor, y parece que la única forma para la recuperación total es que se me practique una artroscopia.
Todavía no hay una fecha definida para la intervención; tampoco sé qué médico me operará, pero lo concreto es que lo tengo que hacer sí o sí. Me explicaron que hay que limpiar la zona de la cicatriz en la zona afectada y volver el ligamento a su tamaño original para que no me moleste. Hoy, el tobillo no me duele al caminar, pero sí cuando intento saltar o correr. En estos casos, el período de recuperación es de seis a ocho semanas, aunque no sé si en la octava semana estaré listo para jugar o sólo para volver a entrenarme. Tengo la impresión de que llegaré al comienzo de la temporada con lo justo, o tal vez me pierda los primeros partidos.
Más allá de esta situación estoy muy tranquilo, sabía a lo que me atenía: el plan era formar parte de los Juegos Olímpicos y después, si sufría algún tipo de dolor, me iba a tener que operar. No es algo que me tome por sorpresa, no es que hoy esté diciendo: ¡Uy, jamás me esperaba una artroscopia!
Sé que se habló mucho sobre el tema, pero estoy seguro de lo que hice, porque tampoco fue una decisión unilateral, sino que la charlé con el cuerpo técnico de San Antonio Spurs. Volvería a tomar la misma decisión de estar en Pekín. Entiendo la frustración, entiendo que es posible que me pierda algunos partidos. Pero participar en los Juegos Olímpicos es muy importante para cualquier atleta. A mí me hizo más maduro todavía, me ofreció una experiencia más de vida y siempre sentí que debía hacerlo. Cualquier deportista que cuente con la posibilidad de vivir un Juego Olímpico no debería rechazarla. Habrá gente que lo entenderá y otra gente que no.
Tuve la chance de leer alguna columna en un medio de San Antonio, en la que se me criticó por la decisión de haberme ido con el seleccionado a los Juegos. Está bien, respeto al periodista que opina y al que le pagan para hacer críticas. Yo, por mi parte, tengo mi opinión muy bien formada. Lo más importante es que el técnico Gregg Popovich está de acuerdo conmigo y él es, al fin y al cabo, mi contratante, por decirlo de algún modo. Por eso tengo total tranquilidad respecto de la manera en que procedí y siento el aval de toda la gente de San Antonio.
Sinceramente, me sorprendió mucho que Pop me haya ido a buscar al aeropuerto de San Antonio. No me lo esperaba en absoluto, porque eran las 10.30 de la noche, que aquí se considera bastante tarde. Pero por supuesto que valoro su gesto; es una muestra de afecto y de clase muy importante. Este acercamiento con el DT se dio cuando yo estaba hablando con un grupo de periodistas; él me agarró de un brazo y me dijo: "Vamos, que ya estuviste viajando demasiado". Entonces nos subimos a una camioneta y charlamos en forma muy amena. Así que éste es el panorama en lo que respecta a los Spurs.
En cuanto al seleccionado, aún con toda la alegría que significó que nos hayamos subido al podio como en Atenas 2004, me hubiese gustado mantenerme con el resto del equipo un poco más para celebrar, estar juntos y despedirnos. Fue doloroso haber hecho todo a las corridas luego de la finalización del partido por el tercer puesto con Lituania. Volvimos a la Villa, nos cambiamos, agarramos la medalla y los bolsos de mano y subimos al avión enseguida. No me gustó para nada, porque después de haber estado 50 días juntos no disfrutamos de un rato tranquilos, sin esa responsabilidad de afrontar al día siguiente otro juego. Me hubiese encantado celebrar la medalla en Ezeiza con todos, pero por los diversos compromisos con los equipos extranjeros era imposible que estuviese el plantel completo.
De corazón, no tengo ni idea cómo seguirá mi carrera en el seleccionado. No dije nada después de Atenas 2004, tampoco luego del Mundial 2006 ni digo nada ahora, pero creo que conviene separar las cosas. En Japón comenté que mi futuro en el equipo no dependía de si ganaba el oro o si salía último. Esta vez tampoco: estar sano o no, ahora no será definitorio respecto de mi carrera. Cuando llegue el momento se evaluará todo. Antes de un gran compromiso uno tiene que saber en qué punto está físicamente. Como hizo Pepe Sánchez: no dijo qué haría hasta que llegó la ocasión. Entonces, a partir de ahí, evaluó su estado físico y anímico. Lo mismo voy a hacer yo. Aparte, no creo que haya una necesidad imperiosa de decidir algo ahora, dos años antes del Mundial de Turquía, ¿no?
Tampoco considero conveniente opinar acerca de Sergio Hernández, sobre si debe seguir o no al frente del seleccionado. Lo que sí, hizo un gran trabajo. Arrancó su ciclo con muchas dudas de parte de la gente y también de la prensa. Pero esta medalla de bronce le da mucho crédito: certifica sus dotes como técnico. Tengamos en cuenta que comenzó su gestión con el techo más alto que podía tener: tomó a un grupo que venía de ser campeón olímpico. Creo que en Pekín, Sergio concretó un gran campeonato. Insisto: si debe seguir o no, lo deberán evaluar él y la Confederación Argentina.
Me quedo también con el dato de que el seleccionado volvió al puesto N° 1 en el ranking de la FIBA. No sé bien cómo se calcula esta estadística, pero es algo enorme. Es increíble que te distingan como una potencia por delante de los Estados Unidos, y gigantes como Rusia, Serbia, Lituania y España. Nuestro equipo se va renovando y rejuveneciendo, aunque no sé si el recambio será tan dinámico en los próximos años. Por lo pronto, hay que disfrutarlo.

Here I am, back in San Antonio, happy with the bronze medal achieved in the Games and ready to tackle a new season of the NBA. Neither well I got made me a resonance in the left ankle, more than anything else to check the status of the ligament, if it had been enlarged or downsizing, or if it was damaged. Basically, the studies indicated that the ligament is like two months ago, when I made the first resonance. It is not worse, that's important. Now the issue is that neither is better, and it seems that the only way to full recovery is that I engaged in an arthroscopy.
Still no date set for intervention, nor know what doctor I operate, but the reality is that what I do yes or yes. I explained that we must clear the area of the scar in the affected area and the ligament back to its original size so that it does not bother me. Today, I am not hurt the ankle while walking, but when I try to run or jump. In these cases, the recovery period is six to eight weeks, although I do not know if in the eighth week will be ready to play or just to return to training. My impression is they reach the beginning of the season with the fair, or perhaps I miss the early matches.
Beyond this situation I am very calm, I knew what I followed: the plan was part of the Olympics and then, if suffered some kind of pain I was going to have to operate. It is not something that takes me by surprise is not that today is saying: Uy, I never expected a arthroscopy!
I know that was talked a lot about the subject, but I am sure what I did because it was not a unilateral decision, but the coaching staff talks with the San Antonio Spurs. Again take the same decision to stay in Beijing. I understand the frustration, I understand that I may lose some games. But participate in the Olympic Games is very important for any athlete. I became more mature yet, gave me more experience of life and always felt that it should do so. Any athlete who has the possibility to live a Olympic Games should not reject it. There will be people who understands you and other people who do not.
I had the chance to read a column in half of San Antonio, in which I was criticized by the decision of having ido with selected to the Games. Okay, to respect and the journalist who believes that you get paid to make criticisms. I, for my part, I made up my mind very well. The most important thing is that the coach Gregg Popovich agrees with me and he is, after all, my contractor, to say the least. That is why I have complete peace of mind regarding the manner in which I proceeded and feel the backing of all the people of San Antonio.
Frankly, I was surprised a lot to me Pop ido a look at the airport in San Antonio. I was waiting for him at all, because they were the 10.30 at night, which is seen here rather late. But of course we appreciate his gesture, is a sign of affection and very important class. This rapprochement with the TD was taken when I was talking to a group of journalists, he grabbed an arm and told me: "Come on, that have been traveling too." Then we go up to a truck and chatted in a very enjoyable. So this is the picture with regard to the Spurs.
With regard to selected, even with all the joy that meant that we have risen to the podium in Athens as 2004, I would have liked to stay with the rest of the team a little more to celebrate being together and say goodbye. It was painful to have done everything to run after the completion of the match for third place with Lithuania. Go to the Villa, we changed, grabbed the medal and handbags and boarding the plane right away. I do not like at all, because after 50 days together not enjoy a bit quieter, without this responsibility to face the next day another game. I would have loved to hold the medal at Ezeiza with everyone, but by the various commitments to foreign teams was impossible for the campus was complete.
From heart, I have no idea how to continue my career in the selected. I did not say anything after Athens 2004, nor after the 2006 World nor say anything now, but I believe we should separate things. In Japan commented that my future in the team did not depend on whether or won the gold if I walked out last. This time neither: be healthy or not, now is not about defining my career. When the time comes will evaluate everything. Before a big commitment you have to know where he is physically. As Pepe Sanchez did not said what she would do until he reached the occasion. Then, from there, assessed their physical condition and morale. The same I am going to do. Besides, I do not think there is a compelling need to decide anything now, two years before the World Turkey, is not it?
Nor do I consider appropriate to comment on Sergio Hernandez, on whether to continue or not in front of selected. What it does, did a great job. Booted its cycle with many doubts from the people and the press. But this bronze medal gives much credit: certify their skills as a coach. Let us note that began his performance with the highest ceiling that could have: took a group that came to be Olympic champion. I believe that in Beijing, Sergio finalized a major championship. I repeat: whether to continue or not, what should evaluate him and the Confederation Argentina.
I am also with the fact that the selected since returned to No. 1 in the ranking of the fiber. I do not know how well this statistic is calculated, but it's something huge. It is incredible that distinguish you as a power ahead of the United States, and giants like Russia, Serbia, Lithuania and Spain. Our team is renewing and rejuvenating, but I do not know if the replacement will be as dynamic in the coming years. In the meantime, we should enjoy it.

08-29-2008, 01:52 AM
Thanks for the translation.
I'm coming to San Antonio in Novemeber to see a game. Now, it is highly unlikely that Manu would play then so that SUCKS for us who can only come once. :depressed But I am praying for a full healing and recovery for Manu.

One for the thumb....Go Spurs Go! :flag:

08-29-2008, 01:52 AM
Here I am, back in San Antonio, happy with the bronze medal achieved in the Games and ready to tackle a new season of the NBA. Neither well I got made me a resonance in the left ankle, more than anything else to check the status of the ligament, if it had been enlarged or downsizing, or if it was damaged. Basically, the studies indicated that the ligament is like two months ago, when I made the first resonance.
It is not worse, that's important.
Now the issue is that neither is better, and it seems that the only way to full recovery is that I engaged in an arthroscopy.

Still no date set for intervention, nor know what doctor I operate, but the reality is that what I do yes or yes. I explained that we must clear the area of the scar in the affected area and the ligament back to its original size so that it does not bother me. Today, I am not hurt the ankle while walking, but when I try to run or jump.

In these cases, the recovery period is six to eight weeks, although I do not know if in the eighth week will be ready to play or just to return to training. My impression is they reach the beginning of the season with the fair, or perhaps I miss the early matches.

Beyond this situation I am very calm, I knew what I followed: the plan was part of the Olympics and then, if suffered some kind of pain I was going to have to operate. It is not something that takes me by surprise is not that today is saying: Uy, I never expected a arthroscopy!

I know that was talked a lot about the subject, but I am sure what I did because it was not a unilateral decision, but the coaching staff talks with the San Antonio Spurs. Again take the same decision to stay in Beijing. I understand the frustration, I understand that I may lose some games. But participate in the Olympic Games is very important for any athlete. I became more mature yet, gave me more experience of life and always felt that it should do so. Any athlete who has the possibility to live a Olympic Games should not reject it. There will be people who understands you and other people who do not.

I had the chance to read a column in half of San Antonio, in which I was criticized by the decision of having ido with selected to the Games. Okay, to respect and the journalist who believes that you get paid to make criticisms. I, for my part, I made up my mind very well. The most important thing is that the coach Gregg Popovich agrees with me and he is, after all, my contractor, to say the least. That is why I have complete peace of mind regarding the manner in which I proceeded and feel the backing of all the people of San Antonio.

Frankly, I was surprised a lot to me Pop ido a look at the airport in San Antonio. I was waiting for him at all, because they were the 10.30 at night, which is seen here rather late. But of course we appreciate his gesture, is a sign of affection and very important class.

This rapprochement with the TD was taken when I was talking to a group of journalists, he grabbed an arm and told me: "Come on, that have been traveling too." Then we go up to a truck and chatted in a very enjoyable. So this is the picture with regard to the Spurs.

With regard to selected, even with all the joy that meant that we have risen to the podium in Athens as 2004, I would have liked to stay with the rest of the team a little more to celebrate being together and say goodbye. It was painful to have done everything to run after the completion of the match for third place with Lithuania. Go to the Villa, we changed, grabbed the medal and handbags and boarding the plane right away. I do not like at all, because after 50 days together not enjoy a bit quieter, without this responsibility to face the next day another game. I would have loved to hold the medal at Ezeiza with everyone, but by the various commitments to foreign teams was impossible for the campus was complete.

From heart, I have no idea how to continue my career in the selected. I did not say anything after Athens 2004, nor after the 2006 World nor say anything now, but I believe we should separate things. In Japan commented that my future in the team did not depend on whether or won the gold if I walked out last. This time neither: be healthy or not, now is not about defining my career. When the time comes will evaluate everything. Before a big commitment you have to know where he is physically. As Pepe Sanchez did not said what she would do until he reached the occasion. Then, from there, assessed their physical condition and morale. The same I am going to do. Besides, I do not think there is a compelling need to decide anything now, two years before the World Turkey, is not it?

Nor do I consider appropriate to comment on Sergio Hernandez, on whether to continue or not in front of selected. What it does, did a great job. Booted its cycle with many doubts from the people and the press. But this bronze medal gives much credit: certify their skills as a coach. Let us note that began his performance with the highest ceiling that could have: took a group that came to be Olympic champion. I believe that in Beijing, Sergio finalized a major championship. I repeat: whether to continue or not, what should evaluate him and the Confederation Argentina.

I am also with the fact that the selected since returned to No. 1 in the ranking of the fiber. I do not know how well this statistic is calculated, but it's something huge. It is incredible that distinguish you as a power ahead of the United States, and giants like Russia, Serbia, Lithuania and Spain. Our team is renewing and rejuvenating, but I do not know if the replacement will be as dynamic in the coming years. In the meantime, we should enjoy it.

The bold sections happen to be what I think is most important.

08-29-2008, 02:07 AM
Basically, the studies indicated that the ligament is like two months ago, when I made the first resonance. It is not worse, that's important. Now the issue is that neither is better, and it seems that the only way to full recovery is that I engaged in an arthroscopy. Looks like arthroscopic surgery for Manu.

In these cases, the recovery period is six to eight weeks, although I do not know if in the eighth week will be ready to play or just to return to training. My impression is they reach the beginning of the season with the fair, or perhaps I miss the early matches. Out 6-to-8 weeks. Eight weeks may only be when he's allowed to start practicing. Sounds like a December return to me.

What sucks is that if he would have had the surgery right after the season, he'd have been totally healthy by the start of training camp.

I understand the frustration, I understand that I may lose some games. But participate in the Olympic Games is very important for any athlete.Interesting.

I had the chance to read a column in half of San Antonio, in which I was criticized by the decision of having ido with selected to the Games. Okay, to respect and the journalist who believes that you get paid to make criticisms. I, for my part, I made up my mind very well. The most important thing is that the coach Gregg Popovich agrees with me and he is, after all, my contractor, to say the least. That is why I have complete peace of mind regarding the manner in which I proceeded and feel the backing of all the people of San Antonio. Manu calling out Buck Harvey :lol

With regard to selected, even with all the joy that meant that we have risen to the podium in Athens as 2004, I would have liked to stay with the rest of the team a little more to celebrate being together and say goodbye. It was painful to have done everything to run after the completion of the match for third place with Lithuania. Go to the Villa, we changed, grabbed the medal and handbags and boarding the plane right away. I do not like at allWhat the hell. It sounds like Manu wanted his cake, wanted to eat it and then wanted to bask in the glory of eating it.

Hopefully that is just a bad translation.

From heart, I have no idea how to continue my career in the selected. I did not say anything after Athens 2004, nor after the 2006 World nor say anything now, but I believe we should separate things. In Japan commented that my future in the team did not depend on whether or won the gold if I walked out last. This time neither: be healthy or not, now is not about defining my career. When the time comes will evaluate everything. Sounds like Manu's international career is far from over. Good news for Argentina.

Joe Schmoogins
08-29-2008, 02:21 AM
I'm probably one of the very few who see manu's ankle injury as a blessing in disguise.

If he didn't play in the olympics, perhaps he never would have got the athroscopic surgery... This surgery could be quite helpful in the long run.

Perhaps he would have went through training camp and played in the regular season eventually re-injuring his ankle mid season... then he must go through with the surgery, try to rush back for the playoffs potentially reinjuring his ankle by not letting it fully heal from surgery or not even being available for the playoffs.

Instead, Manu will possibly miss the first month of the season, slowly work his way into the rotation and hopefully be extra fresh for the playoffs. In the mean time it will force Pop to rely on Mason Jr., Udoka, and Hill to fill that void. That is valuable time that will only benefit all three of those players.

Who knows how the season will unfold, but there is a chance that this could be a good thing.

08-29-2008, 03:19 AM
Here I am, back in San Antonio, happy with the bronze medal achieved in the Games and ready to tackle a new season of the NBA. Neither well I got made me a resonance in the left ankle, more than anything else to check the status of the ligament, if it had been enlarged or downsizing, or if it was damaged. Basically, the studies indicated that the ligament is like two months ago, when I made the first resonance. It is not worse, that's important. Now the issue is that neither is better, and it seems that the only way to full recovery is that I engaged in an arthroscopy.
Still no date set for intervention, nor know what doctor I operate, but the reality is that what I do yes or yes. I explained that we must clear the area of the scar in the affected area and the ligament back to its original size so that it does not bother me. Today, I am not hurt the ankle while walking, but when I try to run or jump. In these cases, the recovery period is six to eight weeks, although I do not know if in the eighth week will be ready to play or just to return to training. My impression is they reach the beginning of the season with the fair, or perhaps I miss the early matches.
Beyond this situation I am very calm, I knew what I followed: the plan was part of the Olympics and then, if suffered some kind of pain I was going to have to operate. It is not something that takes me by surprise is not that today is saying: Uy, I never expected a arthroscopy!
I know that was talked a lot about the subject, but I am sure what I did because it was not a unilateral decision, but the coaching staff talks with the San Antonio Spurs. Again take the same decision to stay in Beijing. I understand the frustration, I understand that I may lose some games. But participate in the Olympic Games is very important for any athlete. I became more mature yet, gave me more experience of life and always felt that it should do so. Any athlete who has the possibility to live a Olympic Games should not reject it. There will be people who understands you and other people who do not.
I had the chance to read a column in half of San Antonio, in which I was criticized by the decision of having ido with selected to the Games. Okay, to respect and the journalist who believes that you get paid to make criticisms. I, for my part, I made up my mind very well. The most important thing is that the coach Gregg Popovich agrees with me and he is, after all, my contractor, to say the least. That is why I have complete peace of mind regarding the manner in which I proceeded and feel the backing of all the people of San Antonio.
Frankly, I was surprised a lot to me Pop ido a look at the airport in San Antonio. I was waiting for him at all, because they were the 10.30 at night, which is seen here rather late. But of course we appreciate his gesture, is a sign of affection and very important class. This rapprochement with the TD was taken when I was talking to a group of journalists, he grabbed an arm and told me: "Come on, that have been traveling too." Then we go up to a truck and chatted in a very enjoyable. So this is the picture with regard to the Spurs.
With regard to selected, even with all the joy that meant that we have risen to the podium in Athens as 2004, I would have liked to stay with the rest of the team a little more to celebrate being together and say goodbye. It was painful to have done everything to run after the completion of the match for third place with Lithuania. Go to the Villa, we changed, grabbed the medal and handbags and boarding the plane right away. I do not like at all, because after 50 days together not enjoy a bit quieter, without this responsibility to face the next day another game. I would have loved to hold the medal at Ezeiza with everyone, but by the various commitments to foreign teams was impossible for the campus was complete.
From heart, I have no idea how to continue my career in the selected. I did not say anything after Athens 2004, nor after the 2006 World nor say anything now, but I believe we should separate things. In Japan commented that my future in the team did not depend on whether or won the gold if I walked out last. This time neither: be healthy or not, now is not about defining my career. When the time comes will evaluate everything. Before a big commitment you have to know where he is physically. As Pepe Sanchez did not said what she would do until he reached the occasion. Then, from there, assessed their physical condition and morale. The same I am going to do. Besides, I do not think there is a compelling need to decide anything now, two years before the World Turkey, is not it?
Nor do I consider appropriate to comment on Sergio Hernandez, on whether to continue or not in front of selected. What it does, did a great job. Booted its cycle with many doubts from the people and the press. But this bronze medal gives much credit: certify their skills as a coach. Let us note that began his performance with the highest ceiling that could have: took a group that came to be Olympic champion. I believe that in Beijing, Sergio finalized a major championship. I repeat: whether to continue or not, what should evaluate him and the Confederation Argentina.
I am also with the fact that the selected since returned to No. 1 in the ranking of the fiber. I do not know how well this statistic is calculated, but it's something huge. It is incredible that distinguish you as a power ahead of the United States, and giants like Russia, Serbia, Lithuania and Spain. Our team is renewing and rejuvenating, but I do not know if the replacement will be as dynamic in the coming years. In the meantime, we should enjoy it.

It's just translation from Google Tool. It's really hard to read it.
Can anyone else give a revised version?

08-29-2008, 03:25 AM
Manu is no good to us hurt. Obviously from the playoffs he will hurt us more than help. So whatever. See you in December then. Sick of this Manu crap already.

08-29-2008, 03:46 AM
It sucks but at least it isn't a 6 month rest surgery.
With time to come back in shape, Manu should miss one month or even less.
I just hope that there won't be complication and that it won't take forever for him to come back. If Manu isn't back by January, making the playoffs will be damn hard given the level of the west.

The positive aspect is that this surgery will give some rest to Manu and he will be fresher for the playoffs.

08-29-2008, 07:06 AM
And it may allow Mason to have some PT and learn the system faster.


08-29-2008, 07:37 AM
I agree alot with Bruno's thoughts. And ill add if we give to many minutes to Hill, we're going nowhere fast. It will be up to TP and Mason to fill that void. Suddenly bringing back the Fins wasnt such a bad thing now. The Fins should help keep Mason rested while learning both the 1 and 2.

08-29-2008, 07:56 AM
It sucks but at least it isn't a 6 month rest surgery.
With time to come back in shape, Manu should miss one month or even less.
I just hope that there won't be complication and that it won't take forever for him to come back. If Manu isn't back by January, making the playoffs will be damn hard given the level of the west.

The positive aspect is that this surgery will give some rest to Manu and he will be fresher for the playoffs.

i think TP and TD wil have us into top 4 contention in the west,,, if Mason turns out to be a stud or someone else steps up we'll be right there... once Manu comes back the chemistry will turn up a notch and we should be ready to contend again...

comments from what i read:

Manu NEVER knew Pop would pick him up... i loved reading how much close Pop was to everything and how he respects and understands what he is all about...

Manu doesn't give a fuck about Buck Harvey

Manu will play in Turkey unless he is VERY hobbled

Argentina is nbr 1 on the FIBA rankings and that is something he is DEEPLY enjoying... as timvp said the this argentine golden generation will be introduced in the HOF

08-29-2008, 08:09 AM
From heart, I have no idea how to continue my career in the selected. I did not say anything after Athens 2004, nor after the 2006 World nor say anything now, but I believe we should separate things. In Japan commented that my future in the team did not depend on whether or won the gold if I walked out last. This time neither: be healthy or not, now is not about defining my career. When the time comes will evaluate everything. Before a big commitment you have to know where he is physically. As Pepe Sanchez did not said what she would do until he reached the occasion. Then, from there, assessed their physical condition and morale.

The Google translation is so TERRIBLE!
Can urunobili give a revised version? Thank you.

08-29-2008, 08:25 AM
[QUOTE=Spur-Addict]From heart, I have no idea how to continue my career in the selected. I did not say anything after Athens 2004, nor after the 2006 World nor say anything now, but I believe we should separate things. In Japan commented that my future in the team did not depend on whether or won the gold if I walked out last. This time neither: be healthy or not, now is not about defining my career. When the time comes will evaluate everything. Before a big commitment you have to know where he is physically. As Pepe Sanchez did not said what she would do until he reached the occasion. Then, from there, assessed their physical condition and morale.[QUOTE]

The Google translation is so TERRIBLE!
Can urunobili give a revised version? Thank you.
ok i will do it.. i didn;t realize that the originally posted was from google.... please delete the google translations and i'll do one...

08-29-2008, 08:43 AM
ok i will do it.. i didn;t realize that the originally posted was from google.... please delete the google translations and i'll do one...

Thank you very much.

08-29-2008, 08:44 AM
Dang it!!!! I was hoping that this would not be the case. Oh well. He needs to have it done and should have it done ASAP so that the recovery can stat ASAP. Like TIMVP stated, it looks like its a December return. Hopefully sooner, but you know how the Spurs work, they hate to rush someone back from an injury.

So now do the Spurs try to trade for another wing, sign a free agent or what?

Not resigning Brent Barry looks even dumber now.

08-29-2008, 08:56 AM
I'm probably one of the very few who see manu's ankle injury as a blessing in disguise.

If he didn't play in the olympics, perhaps he never would have got the athroscopic surgery... This surgery could be quite helpful in the long run.

Excellent point. People tend to put off surgery as long as possible. Without it, he certainly would have hurt himself in preseason or early part of the season. This way, he can have the surgery now and be back sooner than later.

08-29-2008, 08:57 AM
Dang it!!!! I was hoping that this would not be the case. Oh well. He needs to have it done and should have it done ASAP so that the recovery can stat ASAP. Like TIMVP stated, it looks like its a December return. Hopefully sooner, but you know how the Spurs work, they hate to rush someone back from an injury.

So now do the Spurs try to trade for another wing, sign a free agent or what?

Not resigning Brent Barry looks even dumber now.

Not sure how dumb it was. I think they wanted him back but he didn't want to return.

08-29-2008, 08:59 AM
Good point. It could be he wanted to end it in Houston because of lack of playing time or whatever. However, I have a feeling the Spurs didn't even make an offer. That's just my opinion.

Los Spurs
08-29-2008, 08:59 AM
Gee, cut Manu some slack. He's only human for crying out loud! All we can do is wish Manu the best with his surgery and a Pronto recovery...

08-29-2008, 09:06 AM
“I will undergo surgery, but I would make the same decision of going to Beijing again”

By Manu
Translation By Urunobili

San Antonio – Here I am, back in San Antonio, happy with the Bronze medal won in the games and ready to face a new season on the NBA. After I arrived they immediately did an MRI on my left ankle, more than anything to check how the ligament looked, if it was bigger or smaller than last time we checked or if it was damaged. Basically, the studies indicated that it’s just like it was two months ago when I got the first MRI. It is not worse which is important. Now the thing is it is not better either, and it looks that the only way for a total recovery is to undergo arthroscopic surgery.

There is still no timeline defined for the intervention, I do not know either what doctor will do it, but the thing is I must to do this. I was explained that they have to clean the area where the scar is and bring the ligament to its normal size for it not to bother any more. Today, the ankle doesn’t hurt when I walk, but it does when I jump or run. On these cases, the rehab period it’s from six to eight weeks, but I don’t know if on the eight week I’ll be ready to start playing or simply start training. I have the impression that I will make it for the season opener or maybe lose the first few games.

Apart from this situation I am in peace, I knew what was in stake; the plan was to be part of the Olympic Games and then, if I had any sort of pain, I would need to get surgery. It is not a surprise, and it is not that today I am saying “Uh I never thought I’d get an arthroscopic intervention!”

I know that a lot was talked about the subject, but I ma sure of what I did, because it wasn’t an unilateral decision, it is something that it was talked with San Antonio Spurs coaching staff. I would make that same decision of going to Beijing again. I understand the frustration; I understand that is possible that I miss some matches. But being part of the Olympic Games is very important for any athlete. In my case, it made me more mature than what I was, it offered another life experience and I always felt I had to do it. Any athlete that has the possibility of experiencing an Olympic Game shouldn’t refuse it. There are some people who will understand and some other that won’t.

I had the chance to read some columns in a San Antonio communication medium, where I was criticized for my decision of going with the National Team to the games. It’s all good, I respect the journalist that is giving his opinion and who is paid to do such thing. To me, from my part, I have a very well formed opinion. The most important thing is that Gregg Popovich is on the same page with me and he is, at the end of the day my contractor to say it somehow. That’s why I am very confident about the way I proceeded, and I feel backed up by the people in San Antonio.

Sincerely, I was very surprised that Pop picked me up at the San Antonio International airport. I was not expecting it at all because it was 10:30pm, that here is considered very late. But of course I value his gesture, it is a shown of affection and class very important. When this approach with the coach happened I was talking to a group of journalists; he grabbed my arm and said: “let’s go, you have been traveling too much”. We then got into his SUV and talked on a very friendly way. So that’s how things look regarding the Spurs.

About the National Team, even with the happiness that meant that we were able to make it to the podium like in Athens 2004, I would have preferred to stay with the rest of the team a little more to celebrate, be together and then say goodbye. It was painful that we had to run all over the place after the Bronze medal game against Lithuania. We came back to the Village, changed our clothes, grabbed the medal our carry on luggage and then get in the plane right away. I didn’t like it at all, because after being together 60 days we didn’t enjoy of a moment of tranquility, without that responsibility of facing the following day another match. I would have liked to celebrate the medal in Ezeiza with everyone, but for different compromises with the foreign teams it was impossible to keep the while team together.

From the bottom of my heart, I have no idea how my career with the National Team will follow. I didn’t say anything after Athens 2004, nothing after Japan’s 2006 World Cup and I am not saying anything now, but I think that is convenient to separate things. In Japan I commented that my future on the team did not depend if we won gold or end up last in the tournament. This time either; being healthy or not now won’t be defining what I have done for the team on my career with them. Once the time arrives, it will all be evaluated. Before a big commitment you have to know where you stand physically. Like Pepe Sanchez did, he didn’t say what he would do until the occasion arrived. Then, and from there, he evaluated his physical conditioning and his spirit. I will do the same thing. Even more so I don’t think there is a big necessity to decide nothing right now, there are two years left for Turkey’s World Cup isn’t it?

I don’t think it’s convenient either to give my opinion about Sergio Hernandez, about if he should be or not leading the squad. What he definitively did is a great job. He begun his cycle with lots of doubts form the people and the press. But this Bronze medal gives him lots of credit; it certifies his conditions for the job. Let’s remember that he begun his job with the highest ceiling you could get, he took over a group that came from being Olympic Champion. I think in Beijing, Sergio conducted a great tournament. I insist; if he has to continue or not it’s going to be his decision and the Argentine Confederation one.

I am keeping in my heart also that the team is back at the number 1 position in the FIBA rankings. I don’t know how that stat is being calculated, it’s something huge. It’s incredible to be distinguished as a power house ahead of giants like the United States, Russia, Serbia, Lithuania and Spain. Our team starts renewing and rejuvenating, but I don’t know if the changes ahead will be as dynamic as they’ve been. At the moment we just have to enjoy it.

Los Spurs
08-29-2008, 09:17 AM
Sincerely, I was very surprised that Pop picked me up at the San Antonio International airport. I was not expecting it at all because it was 10:30pm, that here is considered very late. But of course I value his gesture, it is a shown of affection and class very important. When this approach with the coach happened I was talking to a group of journalists; he grabbed my arm and said: “let’s go, you have been traveling too much”. We then got into his SUV and talked on a very friendly way. So that’s how things look regarding the Spurs.

Just like a Father looking out after his son.

08-29-2008, 09:33 AM
Thanks for the translation urunobili. Well it's good that he's going to get the problem fixed now. I'd rather have it fixed now then to have him start playing in the regular season and see it pop up again even worse than it is now. Good luck and get well soon to Manu.

08-29-2008, 09:54 AM
Time for Mason and Udoka to step up and hopefully get something from Finley off the bench.

08-29-2008, 11:19 AM
urunobili does deserve a Spur. He translates almost every article and does a great job. I might quible,occasionally, but I think it is just because of the different Spanish version we speak.

08-29-2008, 11:36 AM
i know manu got hurt, and that it will hurt our team early on, and the west is so good now give away losses with be disasterous..

but i am proud of him. he plays with heart because he knows what he wants and thats why we all love him.

it hits me hard knowing that manu could be out until decemeber, but i would support him again.

08-29-2008, 11:37 AM
Thanks a lot urunobili. :tu

Los Spurs
08-29-2008, 11:40 AM
i know manu got hurt, and that it will hurt our team early on, and the west is so good now give away losses with be disasterous..

but i am proud of him. he plays with heart because he knows what he wants and thats why we all love him.

it hits me hard knowing that manu could be out until decemeber, but i would support him again.


Ronaldo McDonald
08-29-2008, 01:14 PM
Manu's just not going to be the same player, at least not for this year. And we just can't compete w/o his high energy and reckless abandon. Fuck.

08-29-2008, 01:16 PM
urunobili does deserve a Spur. He translates almost every article and does a great job...

Hear, hear!

08-29-2008, 01:18 PM
Hear, hear!


08-29-2008, 01:30 PM
uronibili for a Spur!!!!!!!!!!!!

08-29-2008, 05:10 PM
urunobili deserves a Spur for being ST's Official Translator.

Those Google translations total crap.

urunobili does deserve a Spur. He translates almost every article and does a great job. I might quible,occasionally, but I think it is just because of the different Spanish version we speak.

Thanks a lot urunobili. :tu

Hear, hear!


uronibili for a Spur!!!!!!!!!!!!

Thank you all for your support! i think i have publicly said i would love to have one and i'm dying to get it, but if it doesn't come i'll try to keep doing this as i think it actually brings value to all Spurs, Manu fans and to Manu himself so he doesn't need to do stuff twice; i don;t know when he launches his auto-biography (it was announced he is working on it) who will do it in English though!... thanks again i appreciate it :toast

08-29-2008, 06:15 PM
Link to where urunobili doesn't have a spur under his name? :wakeup


08-29-2008, 06:18 PM
Awesome. Congrats Urunobili. :)

08-29-2008, 06:26 PM
Congrats on the coveted "spur" Urunobili, I like reading the translated Manu articles. Foreign articles tend to have a refreshing look upon things as compared to most cynical US articles.

08-29-2008, 08:06 PM
Link to where urunobili doesn't have a spur under his name? :wakeup

damn thanks so much timvp and Kori! i hope i can somehow contribute and bring some value to this board that i love so much :)

09-10-2008, 09:42 AM
hey urunobili can you translate Manu's new column for me. Thanks for all the work you do.

Esta vez voy a arrancar -10, pero estoy tranquilo
por MANU

La verdad es que estoy sorprendido por cómo respondí en este momento. Siempre fui hiperactivo y después de mi primera operación y mi primer yeso, tengo que actuar muy distinto de cómo soy habitualmente. Me mentalicé para comportarme pacientemente. Llevo cuatro días sin salir de casa y lo estoy pasando bien por ahora. Mi mujer, como siempre, me da una mano bárbara para que todo funcione.
No sé si hay detalles que pueda contar de la operación que no conozcan. Fue una artroscopia. Me hicieron varios cortes y por esos agujeritos pasan una cámara, la luz y lo que necesiten en el momento para ir limpiando y corrigiendo. Si bien fue con anestesia total y no pude ver la intervención en el momento, me dieron un DVD y al día siguiente estuve "chusmeando" un rato cómo fue todo.
Lo que más me tranquilizó fue que el doctor (Richard Frenkel) me dijo que, más allá de la lesión, el tobillo está bien. Me contó que muchas veces abren y se encuentran con sorpresas por otros problemas. Por suerte no fue mi caso.
Ahora, en casa, los días los paso mirando muchas películas. Todo muy sedentario, opaco. Si tuviera que recomendar una de las que vi, me gustó "Gone baby gone", que en la Argentina se conoció como "Desapareció una noche". No es nueva, pero estoy viendo de todo, recuperando tiempo. Las que no tengo en DVD las veo en algunos de los 200 canales con películas que tienen los cables acá.
También seguí por televisión las semifinales y las finales del US Open de tenis. No llegué a ver a Del Potro, porque cuando él jugó contra Murray me estaban operando en Los Angeles.
Me aconsejaron mucho reposo y que trate de tener la pierna en alto el mayor tiempo posible y éso es lo que estoy tratando de hacer. Después, ando con muletas y cada tanto voy a la compu para ver algo en Internet.
Aunque todavía estoy lejos del básquetbol, sigo algunas noticias y pases de la NBA, claro. Principalmente de los equipos de la Conferencia Oeste, donde están los rivales que más me interesan, porque los voy a enfrentar. Lo más importante es que los Clippers se reforzaron bien con Marcus Camby y Baron Davis, pero también tuvieron que dejar ir a Elton Brand. Y Houston, que ya era un rival muy importante, se va a potenciar más todavía con la llegada de Ron Artest, que es un gran jugador.
También se está hablando de los jugadores que se van a Europa por mejores salarios. Si me preguntan si yo volvería para allá, lo primero que tengo que decir es que siempre prefiero quedarme en San Antonio.
Pero uno nunca sabe lo que puede ocurrir. Si algún día me tocara un cambio y pasar a una ciudad que no me gusta o en la que no estoy cómodo acá en los Estados Unidos, lo pensaría. Pero es algo que cualquiera haría. Hasta Kobe Bryant dijo que por cierta cantidad de dinero aceptaría dejar la NBA.
Igual es todo sobre supuestos y yo hoy estoy con el "chip" para recuperarme. Normalmente hubiera empezado los entrenamientos a fin de este mes, pero tendré que ir de a poco. Aunque no tengo ningún dolor, por ahora no voy a poder apoyar el pie. Mañana me van a sacar el yeso para quitarme los puntos y me volverán a poner una férula. Me imagino que después van a seguir trabajos de recuperación en la pileta No voy a tener que empezar de cero. Esta vez voy a arrancar -10, pero estoy tranquilo, llenándome de paciencia y pensando en hacer las cosas bien para volver a jugar.

09-10-2008, 09:49 AM
i'm working on it... will open a new thread with it...

09-10-2008, 11:06 AM
Good read. I don't know if there is another star-level player that opens themself, as frequently, genuinely and non-condescendingly to their fanbase as much as Manu does. :tu

09-10-2008, 12:27 PM
Good read. I don't know if there is another star-level player that opens themself, as frequently, genuinely and non-condescendingly to their fanbase as much as Manu does. :tu

Stop it . . . he is a selfish, me-first, a-hole!

09-10-2008, 01:06 PM
Good read. I don't know if there is another star-level player that opens themself, as frequently, genuinely and non-condescendingly to their fanbase as much as Manu does. :tu

I haven't found another elite athlete doing what Manu does on his site. It's wonderful how he communicates with his fans. And in 2 languages!