View Full Version : Palin files ethics complaint against self in ‘troopergate’.

09-03-2008, 10:56 AM
Since we are all having fun...


The lawyer, Thomas Van Flein, also asked the state legislature to drop its own investigation into the Monegan matter. He says the Personnel Board has jurisdiction over ethics.

A senator running the investigation immediately refused.

The legislature’s special counsel Steve Branchflower so far has not been able to depose either Palin or her husband, Todd. Van Flein indicated the governor likely will not agree to a deposition unless lawmakers turn the matter over to the Personnel Board.

“Assuming you agree to submit to proper jurisdictional process, we can check the governor’s schedule to see when she and the first gentleman are available for an interview,” Van Flein wrote.

What say you? Are republicans trying to keep her from being deposed?

09-03-2008, 11:29 AM
he fucked over my sister.

Wild Cobra
09-03-2008, 06:11 PM
It's part of her stellar tactics. She was accused of something she knows she didn't do. In filing the complaint, they cannot just summarily dismiss it without her consent. In forcing the investigation, the truth about those who lied about her will come out!

09-03-2008, 06:23 PM
Looks like Palins already mastered the Republican art of dodge and roll....

Palin Aide Dodges Trooper-Gate Deposition
By Zachary Roth - September 3, 2008, 5:17PM

As if we needed another sign that Sarah Palin has decided to stonewall the Trooper-Gate investigation, ABC News reports this afternoon that lawyers for her aide Frank Bailey have cancelled Bailey's scheduled deposition in the investigation .

Bailey is central to the case. In phone recordings released last month as part of a parallel probe by the state Attorney General, Bailey suggested that Palin and her husband wanted trooper Mike Wooten -- who has been embroiled in a messy family dispute with the Palins -- removed from his job.

"The Palins can't figure out why nothing's going on," Bailey told a trooper official. "I mean he's declared bankruptcy, his finances are a complete disaster, he's bought a new truck. All kinds of crazy stuff. He doesn't represent the department well. The community knows it, but no action is being taken."

This is by no means the first instance of foot-dragging on the legislature's investigation from Palin's camp since she was announced last week as John McCain's running mate. In a complaint filed last night to the Alaska Attorney General, Palin's lawyer suggested that Palin would not be made available for her deposition unless the investigation was taken out of the hands of the legislature and handed over to the state personnel board, who's three members are appointed by the governor. Sen. Hollis French, the Anchorage Democrat overseeing the probe, has said that he is willing to issue subpoenas if necessary.

Talking Point Memo (http://tpmmuckraker.talkingpointsmemo.com/2008/09/palin_aide_dodges_troopergate.php)

Pretty soon nobody is gonna remember Palin was once governor of alaska....amazing case of amnesia....

09-03-2008, 06:24 PM
It's a nice stalling tactic. One would think she would be eager to be deposed by anyone as soon as possible.

Wild Cobra
09-03-2008, 06:32 PM
It's a nice stalling tactic. One would think she would be eager to be deposed by anyone as soon as possible.

Well, I think her priorities are runnig for VP now. Things change you know. The investigation was opened up some time ago. Now they want her while she is busy?

What's the rush. Investigae as the time permits.

09-03-2008, 06:35 PM
Well, I think her priorities are runnig for VP now. Things change you know. The investigation was opened up some time ago. Now they want her while she is busy?

What's the rush. Investigae as the time permits.Yes, God forbid she takes a couple of hours to tell her part of the story.

I'm sure you felt the same way about Clinton when he was actually president, you paragon of consistency.

09-03-2008, 06:42 PM
"her priorities are runnig for VP now."

no, her 2nd priority should be writing here withdrawal speech (letting her daughter have her baby out of the glare), because her first priority of putting out the forest fire she started is failing magnificently.