View Full Version : "In a More Diverse America, A Mostly White Convention"

09-04-2008, 07:47 AM
"As the country rapidly diversifies, Republicans are presenting a convention that is almost entirely white.

Only 36 of the 2,380 delegates seated on the convention floor are black, the lowest number since the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies (http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/related/topic/Joint+Center+for+Political+and+Economic+Studies?ti d=informline) began tracking diversity at political conventions 40 years ago. Each night, the overwhelmingly white audience watches a series of white politicians step to the lectern -- a visual reminder that no black Republican has served as a governor, U.S. senator or U.S. House (http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/related/topic/U.S.+House+of+Representatives?tid=informline) member in the past six years."

"Republicans spent much of the past decade working to improve their minority outreach, particularly to blacks and Hispanics. But a number of setbacks, including an anti-Republican national mood, anger over the response to Hurricane Katrina and the Democratic nomination of Sen. Barack Obama (http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/o000167/), have largely negated their efforts, several Republicans said"



aka, "Minneapolis, We Have A Problem"

The level of Repug criminal tactics, as in Ohio 2004, to intimidate and disenfranchise non-whites will be unprecedented and unparalleled, as will the inundation of October slime and slander.

Which ethnic minority person distinguished himself wonderfully under dubya? Alberto Gonzalez :rollin

09-04-2008, 07:51 AM
"As the country rapidly diversifies, Republicans are presenting a convention that is almost entirely white.

Only 36 of the 2,380 delegates seated on the convention floor are black, the lowest number since the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies (http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/related/topic/Joint+Center+for+Political+and+Economic+Studies?ti d=informline) began tracking diversity at political conventions 40 years ago. Each night, the overwhelmingly white audience watches a series of white politicians step to the lectern -- a visual reminder that no black Republican has served as a governor, U.S. senator or U.S. House (http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/related/topic/U.S.+House+of+Representatives?tid=informline) member in the past six years."

"Republicans spent much of the past decade working to improve their minority outreach, particularly to blacks and Hispanics. But a number of setbacks, including an anti-Republican national mood, anger over the response to Hurricane Katrina and the Democratic nomination of Sen. Barack Obama (http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/o000167/), have largely negated their efforts, several Republicans said"



aka, "Minneapolis, We Have A Problem"

The level of Repug criminal tactics, as in Ohio 2004, to intimidate and disenfranchise non-whites will be unprecedented and unparalleled, as will the inundation of October slime and slander.

Which ethnic minority person distinguished himself wonderfully under dubya? Alberto Gonzalez :rollin

The two most powerful black people in this country RIGHT NOW were appointed by Republicans.

What are the stats for Hispanics at the convention?

09-04-2008, 08:21 AM
Great thread :rolleyes

09-04-2008, 08:23 AM
Smeagol contributes his typical brilliant insight

09-04-2008, 08:33 AM
boutons starts another meanigless thread pushing his washed out and boring agenda . . .

Congrats :tu

09-04-2008, 08:47 AM
"As the country rapidly diversifies, Republicans are presenting a convention that is almost entirely white.

Only 36 of the 2,380 delegates seated on the convention floor are black, the lowest number since the Joint Center for Political and Economic Studies (http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/related/topic/Joint+Center+for+Political+and+Economic+Studies?ti d=informline) began tracking diversity at political conventions 40 years ago. Each night, the overwhelmingly white audience watches a series of white politicians step to the lectern -- a visual reminder that no black Republican has served as a governor, U.S. senator or U.S. House (http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/related/topic/U.S.+House+of+Representatives?tid=informline) member in the past six years."

"Republicans spent much of the past decade working to improve their minority outreach, particularly to blacks and Hispanics. But a number of setbacks, including an anti-Republican national mood, anger over the response to Hurricane Katrina and the Democratic nomination of Sen. Barack Obama (http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/o000167/), have largely negated their efforts, several Republicans said"



aka, "Minneapolis, We Have A Problem"

The level of Repug criminal tactics, as in Ohio 2004, to intimidate and disenfranchise non-whites will be unprecedented and unparalleled, as will the inundation of October slime and slander.

Which ethnic minority person distinguished himself wonderfully under dubya? Alberto Gonzalez :rollin

Condeleeza didn't do too bad.

09-04-2008, 09:50 AM
Leave it up to the left to keep up the racism.

Keep them angry!

I love this shit. The left demonizes Clarence Thomas and Palin. A black man, a woman, who have both used conservative ideals to win at life.

If too many minorities caught on to this, it might take votes away from the government dependence the left depends on. Oh noes!

09-04-2008, 09:59 AM
I didn't know Lynn Swan was a Republican...that's pretty cool.

Anyway...boutons, a guy like David Robinson would get the Repub nod in a second if he got some seasoning...and he'd win the Presidency.

Viva Las Espuelas
09-04-2008, 10:42 AM
this whole black white thing is just a lotta blah blah. it really didn't look like Cloud City in Denver last week. compared to this week, yes, but it wasn't a full blown David Duke rally. i do see more younger black republicans emerging or at least getting coverage or more coverage than before.

09-04-2008, 11:14 AM
As I recall, the 2004 Republican Convention featured unusually high diversity among the delegates and Republicans were accused of planting minorities.

09-04-2008, 11:21 AM
"2004 Republican Convention featured unusually high diversity among the delegates and Republicans were accused of planting minorities."

.. why wasn't such charade done this week?

So the absence of non-white RNC delegates is boutons fault?

So Clarence Thomas, radical, activist extremist and weak jurist, is proof that the Repugs represent ALL of America and not just the white wealthy and corps?

Thanks, that's the proof I've been waitin for.

09-04-2008, 11:28 AM
why wasn't such charade done this week?

Should it have been?

09-04-2008, 11:47 AM
"should" is up to the Repugs, not me.

The charade really didn't work in 04, where dubya got re-elected as a Bogus War President with the tiniest margin for an incumbent, and even with Kerry failing badly to defend himself against the Repug slime spew.

09-04-2008, 11:59 AM
"should" is up to the Repugs, not me.

The charade really didn't work in 04, where dubya got re-elected as a Bogus War President with the tiniest margin for an incumbent, and even with Kerry failing badly to defend himself against the Repug slime spew.

Pretty weak dodge.

09-04-2008, 12:02 PM
I didn't know Lynn Swan was a Republican...that's pretty cool.

Anyway...boutons, a guy like David Robinson would get the Repub nod in a second if he got some seasoning...and he'd win the Presidency.

Yeah he was running for office in PA. Of course the he doesn't get much pub since he's a Republican.

Oh, Gee!!
09-04-2008, 12:04 PM
Yeah he was running for office in PA. Of course the he doesn't get much pub since he's a Republican.

liberal media strikes again

09-04-2008, 12:05 PM
"a guy like David Robinson"

so you deal with hypothetical fantasies as talking points? So where is this DRob clone and why haven't the Repugs found him?

09-04-2008, 12:09 PM
"Pretty weak dodge."

I made it clear I thought the Repugs 04 charade didn't work, so maybe the Repugs, already badly out-played by HUSSEIN's 50-state grass-roots effort, figured another charade wouldn't work now, either.

Pit bull hockey moms with lipstick? That's really addressing America's problems created by the Repugs themselves.

09-04-2008, 12:10 PM
Yeah he was running for office in PA. Of course the he doesn't get much pub since he's a Republican.

It didn't get much attention because it wasn't even close. Rendell clobbered him by 20 percentage points, and considering how much people worship the Steelers in PA, that's kind of amazing.

Mr. Body
09-04-2008, 12:55 PM
As I recall, the 2004 Republican Convention featured unusually high diversity among the delegates and Republicans were accused of planting minorities.

The 2004 RNC had something like 87% white people. This year it was 93%.

Wild Cobra
09-04-2008, 03:15 PM
The 2004 RNC had something like 87% white people. This year it was 93%.
Republicans do use a quota system.

Nuff said.

---- ADDED -----

I made A mistake. I meant to say "Republicans do not use a quota system."

Oh, Gee!!
09-04-2008, 03:52 PM
Republicans do use a quota system.

Nuff said.

is this an endorsement or a an accusation? Republicans using a quota system is a good thing, or bad?

Wild Cobra
09-04-2008, 10:20 PM
is this an endorsement or a an accusation? Republicans using a quota system is a good thing, or bad?

A simple, but serious mistake on my part. I edited my posing.

You guys seem to think it's important to see more minority faces out there. I'll tell you what. You go out and tell the black community, hispanic community, etc. that they must divide themselves into 45% democrat, 45% republican, and 10% other.

Go ahead. Be an authoritarian just like good democrats want to be.

I said this in another thread. Minnesota is 89.3%white, 3.8% hispanic, and 4.5% black. Blacks are mostly democrat rather than republican. I'll guess that only 10% of the black population is republican. That means about 0.45% of the black population near the convention is black. That's why you accurately see so few minorities in the crowd.

Why do you liberals get hung up on quotas? How many minorities do you know who are republican?

Mr. Peabody
09-04-2008, 10:26 PM
A simple, but serious mistake on my part. I edited my posing.

You guys seem to think it's important to see more minority faces out there. I'll tell you what. You go out and tell the black community, hispanic community, etc. that they must divide themselves into 45% democrat, 45% republican, and 10% other.

Go ahead. Be an authoritarian just like good democrats want to be.

I said this in another thread. Minnesota is 89.3%white, 3.8% hispanic, and 4.5% black. Blacks are mostly democrat rather than republican. I'll guess that only 10% of the black population is republican. That means about 0.45% of the black population near the convention is black. That's why you accurately see so few minorities in the crowd.

Your argument is flawed because it's not the general population of Minnesota that's in the crowd. The average Minnesotan (?) probably couldn't get a pass to get on the floor at this thing. The people in that audience are all Republican big wigs in their area. These are the heads of the Republican Party from across the nation.

09-04-2008, 10:45 PM
A lot of black people are voting for Obama only because he's black and that is a fact. They don't want to hear what the Republicans have to say because there is a chance to make history by voting for the first black president.

09-04-2008, 10:51 PM
"They don't want to hear what the Republicans have to say"

They heard what Repugs say about blacks.

dubya before the NAACP: "I care about the black vote"

not "I care about blacks"

Rich, white Repugs vote for Repug just because he's a Repug, and they don't care what blacks have to say, so why should the blacks, voting for HUSSEIN because he's black, care about what Repugs have to say?

Mr. Body
09-04-2008, 10:53 PM
A lot of black people are voting for Obama only because he's black and that is a fact. They don't want to hear what the Republicans have to say because there is a chance to make history by voting for the first black president.

He'll get slightly more blacks than a Dem candidate usually gets. The GOP is pretty damned racist, so don't expect them coming back any time soon.

T Park
09-04-2008, 11:07 PM
The GOP is pretty damned racist

Fuck you.

this is such bullshit I don't even know where to fucking start.

09-04-2008, 11:09 PM
Democrats always are first to use racism as an excuse for everything.

Wild Cobra
09-05-2008, 12:16 AM
Fuck you.

this is such bullshit I don't even know where to fucking start.

Don't get too worked up over Mr. Nobody. He has proven himself a complete fool like boutons.