View Full Version : Ellis Admits He Lied To Warriors About Injury

09-06-2008, 04:52 PM
Ellis admits he lied to Warriors about injury (http://www.mercurynews.com/ci_10398543?nclick_check=1)
By Marcus Thompson II

The saga surrounding the left ankle of Warriors guard Monta Ellis has taken a step toward a conclusion. The Contra Costa Times has learned that Ellis has admitted to the Warriors that he wasn't truthful about how he hurt his ankle, and the two sides are in talks about how to put the situation behind them.

According to a team source, the Warriors now know that Ellis' ankle injury which was repaired during surgery on Aug. 27 was not sustained "in a gym," and "it happened out doors and not while playing basketball."

The source did not reveal what Ellis told Warriors management he was doing when he got hurt, only that he "was scared to tell the truth at first," but eventually did.

At first, Ellis told the team he was working out in Jackson, Miss., when he injured his ankle on Aug. 21, tearing a deltoid ligament and suffering a severe high ankle sprain. But he has been in regular communication with Chris Mullin, the executive vice president of basketball operations, with whom Ellis has a close relationship.

The team can fine and/or suspend Ellis if he injured his ankle by participating in a prohibited activity, such as motorcycle riding or snowboarding. Should he somehow not be able to play again, the Warriors could terminate the six-year, $66 million contract they signed Ellis to in July.

Ellis will be out for a minimum of three months.

09-06-2008, 04:54 PM
beat me by a minute!, ignore the other thread

09-06-2008, 09:25 PM
I'd be glad to see him lose a good chunk of cash if he was indeed was doing an activity that was forbidden by his contract. If he's getting payed millions then he should have some discipline. Heck at my old university I knew a football player who got the bitching of his life just for playing pickup bball.

09-06-2008, 09:30 PM
Vlad Radmanovic had a similar scenario a year or two back, what happened to him? I can't remember.

09-06-2008, 09:49 PM
I don't understand his thinking at all.

The Franchise
09-06-2008, 09:51 PM
I don't understand his thinking at all.

What do you mean?

09-06-2008, 09:55 PM
Vlad Radmanovic had a similar scenario a year or two back, what happened to him? I can't remember.

Monta and Vlad went now boarding recently.

09-06-2008, 09:58 PM
Vlad Radmanovic had a similar scenario a year or two back, what happened to him? I can't remember.

He was snowboarding, but he lied to the Lakers and said he slipped on ice. When he admitted it he was fined $500,000. He had a clause in his contract that banned him from activities with a high risk of injury and snowboarding was listed. He got lucky with the fine, the Lakers legally could have voided his contract if they wanted to.

09-06-2008, 11:36 PM
Between Ellis' lie and injury, Davis leaving, overpaying for Magette and Don Nelson staying I feel sorry for Warriors fans.

09-07-2008, 12:09 AM
Between Ellis' lie and injury, Davis leaving, overpaying for Magette and Don Nelson staying I feel sorry for Warriors fans.

no kidding.

09-07-2008, 12:56 AM
Fuck Warriors fans (well, the 97% who just jumped on the bandwagon anyway).

And I don't think they should fine or suspend Ellis; he's too big of a dumbass for that. I think they should void his contract before telling him to get and stay the fuck out of Oakland.

09-07-2008, 12:59 AM
Fuck Warriors fans (well, the 100% who just jumped on the bandwagon anyway).

And I don't think they should fine or suspend Ellis; he's too big of a dumbass for that. I think they should void his contract before telling him to get and stay the fuck out of Oakland.

fixed. they all use to be Laker fans before their team became "hella" good.

09-07-2008, 01:00 AM
Ellises heal fast. He'll be back by Jan. 1.

09-07-2008, 01:38 AM
Ellises heal fast. He'll be back by Jan. 1.

I'm sure he'll be back, but I don't expect he'll ever be back to form. He tore his deltoid which is a huge thick and tough ligament that aids the proper function of tendons. To call this a "sprain" is to rely on semantics, because ultimately this will affect his tendons in a chronically debilitating way. It's very, very serious and not many people fully get their explosiveness and stability back after injuring it so badly.

- this ligament prevents posterior tibial tendon from slipping into Ankle Joint;
- ligament ultimately heals in a lengthen position;
- these patients are often diagnosed as having chronic deltoid sprains;
- main problem, however, is lateral talar shift resulting from malunited frx of lateral malleolus or a syndesmotic ligament injury, which widens mortise &
produces chronic ankle instability;

09-07-2008, 10:20 AM

09-07-2008, 01:49 PM
Ellis needs to rehabilitate more than his ankle (http://www.contracostatimes.com/ci_10402247?nclick_check=1)
Warrior needs to start talking to save his reputation
By Cam Inman

More light is being shed on Monta Ellis' twisted-up story about his mangled ankle. But the damage has already been done. To his ankle. To his credibility. To his leadership role.

Ellis lied, according to the latest update from Media News' Warriors beat writer, Marcus Thompson II. Of course, everyone is on edge to learn more about how that left ankle betrayed the Warriors' new posterboy.

Word is he didn't get hurt playing pick-up basketball at home in Mississippi, a story that seemed suspicious from the get-go because of a lack of supporting details, eyewitnesses or any public testimony whatsoever from Ellis himself.

The mysterious cause has created two profound effects to ponder: 1.), What ramifications will Ellis' lying have on his state with the franchise?; 2.), Is he so severely wounded that his ankle could hamper the rest of what promised to be a stat-crazy career?

Oh yeah, there's also a third question: Did Ellis' tongue get hurt, too? He hasn't explained himself, and thus, the "We Believe" concept doesn't apply here. If he's confessed to the Warriors brass, that's a good start. But just a start.

Question No. 1 is the hot-button topic because Ellis' public persona has just flipped. This apparently is not an innocent injury to report. It's on a path of becoming a diabolical cover-up to protect his newfound wealth, that $66 million contract he received last month.

Remember when Jeff Kent fell further out of favor with the Giants and their fans when questions arose about a spring-training wrist injury, one that apparently wasn't the result of a truck-washing mishap? That sullied his reputation, which already wasn't in the best shape because of his sourpuss nature.

Ellis' Ankle-gate could be overlooked - not completely forgotten, mind you - if he reverts to the sensational scorer he's become three seasons into his NBA career.

Which brings back up Question No. 2: What are the long-term effects physically for him? That's still the most pertinent question. That's what his bosses, coaches and teammates want to know.

If this injury significantly derails his career, then the cause of it will be magnified so much more. A million times more. Make that 66 million times more.

That's why he must immediately start his rehabilitation. Not just on his surgically repaired ankle, but also on his reputation.

Ellis needs to step to the free-throw line and shoot for forgiveness from the court of public opinion.

Shame on Ellis for lying. But he isn't the first and won't be the last athlete to fib about an injury, and that goes for whether it was an inexcusable offseason act or an actual on-the-job boo-boo that one tries hiding from the opposition.

Now, with every passing day, with every juicy tidbit emerging about a cover-up, he's doing more harm than good, to himself and the Warriors. So once he comes clean in public, his damage control will also likely include some team-imposed sanction (beside the requisite filing of paperwork documenting the injury's cause, in case that mega-contract needs to be addressed in the future.)

His punishment will be, first and foremost, get healthy as quick as he can. There'll likely be a stiff fine, but, really, how stiff can, say, a $500,000 penalty be if he still stands to pocket $65,500,000? Perhaps his penance should also be determined by how exactly he got hurt. If it was on a motorcycle, he should go tell youth groups about the dangers of riding one.

But we still don't know the root of this evil ankle. The Warriors may know. Ellis may know. We don't know the whole story. It's about time we do.

Red Hawk #21
09-07-2008, 02:14 PM
I'm sure he'll be back, but I don't expect he'll ever be back to form. He tore his deltoid which is a huge thick and tough ligament that aids the proper function of tendons. To call this a "sprain" is to rely on semantics, because ultimately this will affect his tendons in a chronically debilitating way. It's very, very serious and not many people fully get their explosiveness and stability back after injuring it so badly.

The funny thing is I tried to explain this same exact thing to some people and they all thought i was bullshitting.

09-07-2008, 03:39 PM
Damn he's stupid..He should get traded he does not want to play for them anymore.....

09-09-2008, 01:49 AM
Warriors mum on Ellis injury (http://www.sfgate.com/cgi-bin/article.cgi?f=/c/a/2008/09/08/SP5512QA14.DTL)
Ron Kroichick

Nearly two weeks after Warriors guard Monta Ellis had surgery on his left ankle, the mystery lingers as to how exactly he got hurt - and whether it will prompt the team to discipline him.

Ellis initially told club officials he sustained the injury while working out in Mississippi - but the injury actually "happened outdoors and not while playing basketball," an unnamed team source told the Contra Costa Times over the weekend. The newspaper reported Ellis has informed Warriors officials how he really hurt his ankle, though its source did not reveal the details.

The Warriors declined comment Monday, leaning again on last week's official statement, which read: "We are not going to comment until we have an opportunity to speak with all the appropriate parties involved."

Jeff Fried, Ellis' agent, did not return phone calls Friday or Monday.

Ellis sustained the injury - a high ankle sprain and torn deltoid ligament - Aug. 21. Soon after his surgery Aug. 27, suspicions swirled that he might have lied in telling the team how he was hurt.

Ellis signed a six-year, $66 million contract with Golden State on July 24. If he sustained the injury while participating in an activity prohibited in his contract, the Warriors could seek to void the deal. Given their commitment to Ellis as the post-Baron Davis face of the franchise, the Warriors more likely would fine or suspend him.

The team's athletic trainer, Tom Abdenour, did stop in Mississippi on his way to an NBA-sponsored visit to South Africa late last month. Abdenour apparently made the visit to help Ellis prepare for his surgery.

Peer beyond the haziness and the central question remains: Will Ellis eventually regain the lightning-quick acceleration that makes him one of the NBA's rising young stars? One sports-medicine expert said the estimated recovery time of 3-4 months, given Ellis' injury, is probably a "little conservative."

Asked if the injury could hamper Ellis long-term, the doctor said, "If it's treated appropriately, it shouldn't limit him at all. Once he gets over the stiffness, he'll be fine."

09-09-2008, 09:05 AM
Stackhouse & George for Monta right now. DO IT!