View Full Version : What is the deal with Spurs fans?

09-06-2008, 09:16 PM
I understand that basketball fans love their home teams, but I've never really understood Spurs fans. You all are so proud of winning 4 NBA Championships. Spurs fans act is if the Spurs are the only team to ever win an NBA Championship. You act as if the Spurs are above it all. You all cheered as the Spurs re-signed to 35+ yr old players in Kurt Thomas and Michael Finley, two signings that further support my dislike of the Spurs. The both got multi-year contracts, at 35 yrs old +???? And Spurs fans were all for it. Nevermind that Ben Gordon is out there with no team. Nevermind that Gerald Green took what he could in Dallas. Nevermind that Bonzi Wells, who ripped the Spurs last time he faced them in the playoffs, is out there with no team. Oh no, the Spurs would rather signs players like Damon Stoudamire and Roger Mason. I will never forgive the Spurs for signing and over the hill, over weight Dominique Wilkins. I will never forgive the Spurs for letting Derek Anderson walk out the door because he got hurt. I will never forgive the Spurs for trading away Leandro Barbosa on draft day, of all things, to make room to extend 30+ yr old Bruce Bowen.

I hate the Spurs with a passion. When the Spurs win, you support 100%. When they lose, it was the refs fault, or LeBron was a little more physical than the Spurs are accustomed to. You get upset when players lose their cool because Ginobili, Oberto, Duncan, Parker, Bowen, and just about every Spur goes flying in to the crowd on a minor bump to get a call.

Oh, get this. I'm born and raised in San Antonio. I've watched the Spurs since I was a little kid and I'm 23 yrs old now. In 23 yrs, I've approved of very few Spurs moves. Drafting Tony Parker and Ginobili late. Tim Duncan was of course a good move. David Robinson was a good move. I really don't like Sean Elliott, but he even turned out okay. Oh, Steve Kerr and Brent Barry were okay. There were a couple others.

Anyways... my point is I strongly that fans of the San Antonio Spurs are bandwagon jumpers.

Please, let me know your thoughts on it.

09-06-2008, 09:18 PM

Laker fan calling Spurs fan bandwagon.

09-06-2008, 09:19 PM

You can cancel your account now TROLL

09-06-2008, 09:21 PM
Please, let me know your thoughts on it.


09-06-2008, 09:27 PM
I was a sunfan until May.

09-06-2008, 09:36 PM
FYI... I'm a Lakers fan

09-06-2008, 09:37 PM
You all cheered as the Spurs re-signed to 35+ yr old players in Kurt Thomas and Michael Finley, two signings that further support my dislike of the Spurs. The both got multi-year contracts, at 35 yrs old +???? And Spurs fans were all for it.99% of Spurs fans hated the Finley signing. STFU.

Nevermind that Ben Gordon is out there with no team.Nevermind the Spurs don't have that much money to spend.

Nevermind that Gerald Green took what he could in Dallas.Nevermind Gerald Green sucks.

Nevermind that Bonzi Wells, who ripped the Spurs last time he faced them in the playoffs, is out there with no team. Nevermind that the last time Wells faced the Spurs in the playoffs he averaged three points on 35% shooting.

I will never forgive the Spurs for signing and over the hill, over weight Dominique Wilkins.Yes because without him that year the Spurs would have won probably 12 games.

I will never forgive the Spurs for letting Derek Anderson walk out the door because he got hurt.DA ended up being salary dumped and then waived a few years after the Spurs didn't re-sign him.

I will never forgive the Spurs for trading away Leandro Barbosa on draft day, of all things, to make room to extend 30+ yr old Bruce Bowen.That never happened. Although I will forgive your stupidity.

I hate the Spurs with a passion.Thank you.

When the Spurs win, you support 100%. When they lose, it was the refs fault, or LeBron was a little more physical than the Spurs are accustomed to. Yes because the Spurs lost so many games to LeBron when it mattered.

Oh, get this. I'm born and raised in San Antonio.Knowing San Antonio's public school system, that would have been my guess.

I've watched the Spurs since I was a little kid and I'm 23 yrs old now. In 23 yrs, I've approved of very few Spurs moves. David Robinson was a good move. I really don't like Sean Elliott, but he even turned out okay. Glad to know you approved of drafting David Robinson when you were two years old and drafting Sean Elliott when you were four years old. Baby genius, you are.

Anyways... my point is I strongly that fans of the San Antonio Spurs are bandwagon jumpers.You strongly what? San Antonio schools apologize to you.

Please, let me know your thoughts on it.My thoughts are that was the dumbest first post I've ever read. And you were certainly born to be a Laker Fan. Trust me, you are on the right ship.


09-06-2008, 09:40 PM
I understand that basketball fans love their home teams, but I've never really understood Spurs fans. You all are so proud of winning 4 NBA Championships. Spurs fans act is if the Spurs are the only team to ever win an NBA Championship. You act as if the Spurs are above it all. You all cheered as the Spurs re-signed to 35+ yr old players in Kurt Thomas and Michael Finley, two signings that further support my dislike of the Spurs. The both got multi-year contracts, at 35 yrs old +???? And Spurs fans were all for it. Nevermind that Ben Gordon is out there with no team. Nevermind that Gerald Green took what he could in Dallas. Nevermind that Bonzi Wells, who ripped the Spurs last time he faced them in the playoffs, is out there with no team. Oh no, the Spurs would rather signs players like Damon Stoudamire and Roger Mason. I will never forgive the Spurs for signing and over the hill, over weight Dominique Wilkins. I will never forgive the Spurs for letting Derek Anderson walk out the door because he got hurt. I will never forgive the Spurs for trading away Leandro Barbosa on draft day, of all things, to make room to extend 30+ yr old Bruce Bowen.

I hate the Spurs with a passion. When the Spurs win, you support 100%. When they lose, it was the refs fault, or LeBron was a little more physical than the Spurs are accustomed to. You get upset when players lose their cool because Ginobili, Oberto, Duncan, Parker, Bowen, and just about every Spur goes flying in to the crowd on a minor bump to get a call.

Oh, get this. I'm born and raised in San Antonio. I've watched the Spurs since I was a little kid and I'm 23 yrs old now. In 23 yrs, I've approved of very few Spurs moves. Drafting Tony Parker and Ginobili late. Tim Duncan was of course a good move. David Robinson was a good move. I really don't like Sean Elliott, but he even turned out okay. Oh, Steve Kerr and Brent Barry were okay. There were a couple others.

Anyways... my point is I strongly that fans of the San Antonio Spurs are bandwagon jumpers.

Please, let me know your thoughts on it.

wow your a dumbass.its called being a FAN.

Doesnt matter if things are good or bad,you cheer for them

09-06-2008, 09:43 PM
You keep hating and we'll keep winning.

09-06-2008, 09:53 PM

Laker fan calling Spurs fan bandwagon.


09-06-2008, 10:24 PM
The irony...

Why would anyone be bandwagon jumpers for the city of San Antonio... We are just laid back normal people over here.

Unlike the Big City Los Angeles! Where all the movie stars are and the big sports teams!

If anyone has bandwagon jumpers im sure its LA by a land slide....

Where do people come up with this shit..

We Love our Spurs. Since day 1. And we dont sign glamour players, we sign players that want to win championships.

09-06-2008, 10:26 PM
As someone who has followed this team since 74, IMO most of the Spurs fans are pretty loyal....although there is a small percentage of bandwagoners as there are with all teams who win regularly.

09-06-2008, 10:29 PM
I understand that basketball fans love their home teams, but I've never really understood Spurs fans. You all are so proud of winning 4 NBA Championships. Spurs fans act is if the Spurs are the only team to ever win an NBA Championship. You act as if the Spurs are above it all. You all cheered as the Spurs re-signed to 35+ yr old players in Kurt Thomas and Michael Finley, two signings that further support my dislike of the Spurs. The both got multi-year contracts, at 35 yrs old +???? And Spurs fans were all for it. Nevermind that Ben Gordon is out there with no team. Nevermind that Gerald Green took what he could in Dallas. Nevermind that Bonzi Wells, who ripped the Spurs last time he faced them in the playoffs, is out there with no team. Oh no, the Spurs would rather signs players like Damon Stoudamire and Roger Mason. I will never forgive the Spurs for signing and over the hill, over weight Dominique Wilkins. I will never forgive the Spurs for letting Derek Anderson walk out the door because he got hurt. I will never forgive the Spurs for trading away Leandro Barbosa on draft day, of all things, to make room to extend 30+ yr old Bruce Bowen.

I hate the Spurs with a passion. When the Spurs win, you support 100%. When they lose, it was the refs fault, or LeBron was a little more physical than the Spurs are accustomed to. You get upset when players lose their cool because Ginobili, Oberto, Duncan, Parker, Bowen, and just about every Spur goes flying in to the crowd on a minor bump to get a call.

Oh, get this. I'm born and raised in San Antonio. I've watched the Spurs since I was a little kid and I'm 23 yrs old now. In 23 yrs, I've approved of very few Spurs moves. Drafting Tony Parker and Ginobili late. Tim Duncan was of course a good move. David Robinson was a good move. I really don't like Sean Elliott, but he even turned out okay. Oh, Steve Kerr and Brent Barry were okay. There were a couple others.

Anyways... my point is I strongly that fans of the San Antonio Spurs are bandwagon jumpers.

Please, let me know your thoughts on it.
and you are a dumbass faker fan. get the fuck out of here!

I. Hustle
09-06-2008, 10:35 PM
I skimmed it and saw that you are a laker "fan" born and raised in SA. Wow in my book that makes you a bitch.

09-06-2008, 10:45 PM
I'm a Spurs fan, believe me :hat

09-06-2008, 11:24 PM
I skimmed it and saw that you are a laker "fan" born and raised in SA. Wow in my book that makes you a bitch.


09-06-2008, 11:28 PM
i just can't comprehend why the hell fans from other teams come to a Spurs board and then insult the Spurs and their fans, AND then they expect people to actually care what they say :drunk

There is a fine line between friendly jabs/trashtalk and insults and mindless dribble.

There is no doubt that Spurs fan base >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Lakers fanbase. I bet 90% of Laker fans will be gone after Kobe retires or is traded.

09-07-2008, 12:15 AM
You act as if the Spurs are above it all. You all cheered as the Spurs re-signed to 35+ yr old players in Kurt Thomas and Michael Finley, two signings that further support my dislike of the Spurs. The both got multi-year contracts, at 35 yrs old +???? And Spurs fans were all for it.

If by cheering, you mean moaning and groaning and cursing Pop and the FO, yeah, fans here did that a lot.

I hate the Spurs with a passion.

If you hate the Spurs with a passion, you should approve all the 'stupid' FO moves that you mentioned.

And since you're not a Spurs fan, no one here really gives a damn about what you think of its fanbase. And since Pop has done moves that has baffled even the most loyal of Spurs fans, I don't think he gives a shit if you approve of them or not. :lol

09-07-2008, 12:19 AM
i just can't comprehend why the hell fans from other teams come to a Spurs board and then insult the Spurs and their fans, AND then they expect people to actually care what they say :drunk

I get why they're here, ST is better than any board out there no matter what team you root for. But why they think we'll care what they say about the Spurs and us Spurs fans I don't get either. Especially if they don't know what they're talking about or if they come at us nasty. Fans of other teams that bring conversation here are great.

09-07-2008, 12:20 AM
the OP's a dumbass. enough said!

09-07-2008, 12:31 AM
I haven't been on these boards alot, and frankly, I have never read any threads about refs or anything being unfair or biased. As far as being 100% behind your team, do you know where the word "fan" came from??? I believe it derived from the word "fanatic" you twit. I am pretty sure you say the same thing for your Laker team. Now please go back under your bridge where trolls belong.

09-07-2008, 01:07 AM
All he needs to do is read Timvp's post...

I was going to post something like that but I guess I was waiting for the right person to shut him up...

the right person did

09-07-2008, 07:31 AM
I understand that basketball fans love their home teams, but I've never really understood Spurs fans. You all are so proud of winning 4 NBA Championships. Spurs fans act is if the Spurs are the only team to ever win an NBA Championship. You act as if the Spurs are above it all. You all cheered as the Spurs re-signed to 35+ yr old players in Kurt Thomas and Michael Finley, two signings that further support my dislike of the Spurs. The both got multi-year contracts, at 35 yrs old +???? And Spurs fans were all for it. Nevermind that Ben Gordon is out there with no team. Nevermind that Gerald Green took what he could in Dallas. Nevermind that Bonzi Wells, who ripped the Spurs last time he faced them in the playoffs, is out there with no team. Oh no, the Spurs would rather signs players like Damon Stoudamire and Roger Mason. I will never forgive the Spurs for signing and over the hill, over weight Dominique Wilkins. I will never forgive the Spurs for letting Derek Anderson walk out the door because he got hurt. I will never forgive the Spurs for trading away Leandro Barbosa on draft day, of all things, to make room to extend 30+ yr old Bruce Bowen.

I hate the Spurs with a passion. When the Spurs win, you support 100%. When they lose, it was the refs fault, or LeBron was a little more physical than the Spurs are accustomed to. You get upset when players lose their cool because Ginobili, Oberto, Duncan, Parker, Bowen, and just about every Spur goes flying in to the crowd on a minor bump to get a call.

Oh, get this. I'm born and raised in San Antonio. I've watched the Spurs since I was a little kid and I'm 23 yrs old now. In 23 yrs, I've approved of very few Spurs moves. Drafting Tony Parker and Ginobili late. Tim Duncan was of course a good move. David Robinson was a good move. I really don't like Sean Elliott, but he even turned out okay. Oh, Steve Kerr and Brent Barry were okay. There were a couple others.

Anyways... my point is I strongly that fans of the San Antonio Spurs are bandwagon jumpers.

Please, let me know your thoughts on it.

It looks like a village has lost it's idiot.

09-07-2008, 07:44 AM
I haven't been on these boards alot, and frankly, I have never read any threads about refs or anything being unfair or biased. As far as being 100% behind your team, do you know where the word "fan" came from??? I believe it derived from the word "fanatic" you twit. I am pretty sure you say the same thing for your Laker team. Now please go back under your bridge where trolls belong.

If you haven't read anything about refs or anything unfair then you haven't been here long enough.

09-07-2008, 08:19 AM
Your only 23, that doesnt qualify you to speak for any NBA team. BTW Ive got a young 20 yr old. So i know.

09-07-2008, 09:05 AM
I skimmed it and saw that you are a laker "fan" born and raised in SA. Wow in my book that makes you a bitch.


09-07-2008, 09:05 AM
99% of Spurs fans hated the Finley signing. STFU.

Nevermind the Spurs don't have that much money to spend.

Nevermind Gerald Green sucks.

Nevermind that the last time Wells faced the Spurs in the playoffs he averaged three points on 35% shooting.

Yes because without him that year the Spurs would have won probably 12 games.

DA ended up being salary dumped and then waived a few years after the Spurs didn't re-sign him.

That never happened. Although I will forgive your stupidity.

Thank you.

Yes because the Spurs lost so many games to LeBron when it mattered.

Knowing San Antonio's public school system, that would have been my guess.

Glad to know you approved of drafting David Robinson when you were two years old and drafting Sean Elliott when you were four years old. Baby genius, you are.

You strongly what? San Antonio schools apologize to you.

My thoughts are that was the dumbest first post I've ever read. And you were certainly born to be a Laker Fan. Trust me, you are on the right ship.



09-07-2008, 10:27 AM
I will never forgive the Spurs for signing and over the hill, over weight Dominique Wilkins. I will never forgive the Spurs for letting Derek Anderson walk out the door because he got hurt. I will never forgive the Spurs for trading away Leandro Barbosa on draft day, of all things, to make room to extend 30+ yr old Bruce Bowen.

I hate the Spurs with a passion. When the Spurs win, you support 100%. When they lose, it was the refs fault, or LeBron was a little more physical than the Spurs are accustomed to. You get upset when players lose their cool because Ginobili, Oberto, Duncan, Parker, Bowen, and just about every Spur goes flying in to the crowd on a minor bump to get a call.

Oh, get this. I'm born and raised in San Antonio. I've watched the Spurs since I was a little kid and I'm 23 yrs old now. In 23 yrs, I've approved of very few Spurs moves. Drafting Tony Parker and Ginobili late.

Please, let me know your thoughts on it.

The over the hill Wilkins lead the Spurs in scoring that year 18 pts not his worst.
Derek "loyalty" Anderson is a dumbass what happened to him?
Barbosa was a prearranged deal on draft day something you and some other Spurs fans can't seem to get.

Flopping? every team does it. At least you won't have to worry about those Spurs going into the crowd and kicking some ass or going to Colorado and raping some girl.

Lebron wasn't physical enough in 2007:lobt2:

Born and raised in San Antonio you watched the Spurs as a little kid. So at some point you were a Spurs fan and now your probably upset that you jumped ship at the wrong time and the Spurs won 4 championships now

Why do you join a Spurs forum if you hate the team with a passion and talk about moves you like or dislike. You're a Lakers fan now who gives a shit what you think.

baseline bum
09-07-2008, 10:46 AM
LMAO @ people who've never even seen the Shaw claiming Laker fan.

09-07-2008, 12:24 PM
I understand that basketball fans love their home teams, but I've never really understood Spurs fans. You all are so proud of winning 4 NBA Championships. Spurs fans act is if the Spurs are the only team to ever win an NBA Championship. You act as if the Spurs are above it all. You all cheered as the Spurs re-signed to 35+ yr old players in Kurt Thomas and Michael Finley, two signings that further support my dislike of the Spurs. The both got multi-year contracts, at 35 yrs old +???? And Spurs fans were all for it. Nevermind that Ben Gordon is out there with no team. Nevermind that Gerald Green took what he could in Dallas. Nevermind that Bonzi Wells, who ripped the Spurs last time he faced them in the playoffs, is out there with no team. Oh no, the Spurs would rather signs players like Damon Stoudamire and Roger Mason. I will never forgive the Spurs for signing and over the hill, over weight Dominique Wilkins. I will never forgive the Spurs for letting Derek Anderson walk out the door because he got hurt. I will never forgive the Spurs for trading away Leandro Barbosa on draft day, of all things, to make room to extend 30+ yr old Bruce Bowen.

I hate the Spurs with a passion. When the Spurs win, you support 100%. When they lose, it was the refs fault, or LeBron was a little more physical than the Spurs are accustomed to. You get upset when players lose their cool because Ginobili, Oberto, Duncan, Parker, Bowen, and just about every Spur goes flying in to the crowd on a minor bump to get a call.

Oh, get this. I'm born and raised in San Antonio. I've watched the Spurs since I was a little kid and I'm 23 yrs old now. In 23 yrs, I've approved of very few Spurs moves. Drafting Tony Parker and Ginobili late. Tim Duncan was of course a good move. David Robinson was a good move. I really don't like Sean Elliott, but he even turned out okay. Oh, Steve Kerr and Brent Barry were okay. There were a couple others.

Anyways... my point is I strongly that fans of the San Antonio Spurs are bandwagon jumpers.

Please, let me know your thoughts on it.

You are a laker fan from San Antonio, and you call us bandwagoners? You lose all creditability right there. :lol Have you even been to see a laker game in LA?

09-07-2008, 12:29 PM
A Laker fan born and raised in SA is not a Laker fan.

09-07-2008, 12:40 PM
Oh, get this. I'm born and raised in San Antonio..........Tim Duncan was of course a good move. David Robinson was a good move.

San Antonio obviously lost a fucking genius!

09-07-2008, 12:59 PM
I call BS. Huge factual errors intended to draw a reaction. Yawn.

09-07-2008, 02:31 PM
A Laker fan born and raised in SA is not a Laker fan.

see, when another laker fan says your not a laker fan, you lose all credibility

09-07-2008, 03:02 PM
Talk about bandwagon ya dumbfuck. You were born in SA, moved to LA. Everyone laughed at your spurs Rodman jersey, so you jumped ship to stop the heckles.

I bet you have a celtics jersey too.

09-07-2008, 03:15 PM
Here's a question- what's the deal with laker fans?

09-07-2008, 03:35 PM
I might be wrong here but I'm pretty sure I see more Laker jerseys/gear when the Lakers aren't sucking...

But they aren't bandwagon fans...


09-07-2008, 05:56 PM
I do dislike the Spurs and even though I like a lot of you guys I do think collectively you're a pretty whiny and arrogant fanbase. Still, the OP was so incoherent and ridiculous it isn't even funny. I'll take whiny and arrogant Spur fans over know nothing, clueless Laker fan any day of the week.

09-07-2008, 08:33 PM

09-07-2008, 08:34 PM
23 years old....you are nothing more than a snot nosed punk looking to start trouble on this board.

you know little to nothing about the history of the Spurs franchise.

you know little to nothing about the history or loyalty of the Spurs fanbase.

you must go to school in the SAISD or NISD. you are the very definition of a bandwagon fan. I am willing to say that 90% of Spurs fans are from South Texas. They are the team that the fans get to see on TV on a regular basis and so they are easiest to follow. I believe the other 10% are military folk who have been stationed here for a while and moved on, but continued to follow the team and fans from opposing countries who began following the Spurs because of David Robinson and his global impact. We don't claim to be the largest fanbase in the NBA, but we are definitely one of the most loyal and sincere fanbases. So you can take your bandwagon Laker ass to LA and choke on the Smog.

34 years of fanship and counting

I am so glad Wilkins played for the Spurs. He is one of my all-time favorite players. It was cool seeing him in the Silver and Black, even if for just one year.

We traded the rights to Barbosa to save money cause we were pursuing Jason Kidd. Kidd decided to sign with NJ, and so we lost out on the draft pick. It is ok, I think we managed to survive without Kidd and Barbosa and even passing on Josh Howard....how many championships do they have? Between the 3 of them, they have a big fat ZERO.

Robinson was a no brainer. Elliott was a great draft pick. What really hurt us, was the lack of a quality PG (had Dawkins not gotten hurt, he may have been the one we lacked for most of the first half of Robinson's career). Strickland was good, but a complete knucklehead. It is also too bad we had to trade Robertson to get Cummings. I sure wish we could have kept Alvin. Robinson, Cummings, Elliott, Robertson, Strickland and Willie off the bench would have been completely unreal. It also hurt us that Willie couldn't stay healthy (his wheels were garbage).

We love the Spurs win or lose. We support them like mad because they are not just a basketball team, they are awesome members of our community. They give back to our community in so many ways and we appreciate it tremendously. We appreciate the fact that we have players that children can look up to. We have players that don't end up on police blotters. We have players who try to be positive members of society and not a bunch of thuggish scumbags.

Yes, we whine about the refs, but so does every fan of every team when their team loses. However, we also hold our own team very much accountable. We know that we tend to lose games at the FT line cause we shoot so poorly there. We know that sometimes we have stupid turnovers in critical moments that cost us games. We know that sometimes we get perimeter happy and it comes back to bite us. We also know that the other team deserves props for outplaying us in many of our losses. Still, the refs suck across the board and even in wins, I find tons of fault with how they call games.

09-07-2008, 09:06 PM
23 years old....you are nothing more than a snot nosed punk looking to start trouble on this board.

you know little to nothing about the history of the Spurs franchise.

you know little to nothing about the history or loyalty of the Spurs fanbase.

you must go to school in the SAISD or NISD. you are the very definition of a bandwagon fan. I am willing to say that 90% of Spurs fans are from South Texas. They are the team that the fans get to see on TV on a regular basis and so they are easiest to follow. I believe the other 10% are military folk who have been stationed here for a while and moved on, but continued to follow the team and fans from opposing countries who began following the Spurs because of David Robinson and his global impact. We don't claim to be the largest fanbase in the NBA, but we are definitely one of the most loyal and sincere fanbases. So you can take your bandwagon Laker ass to LA and choke on the Smog.

34 years of fanship and counting

I am so glad Wilkins played for the Spurs. He is one of my all-time favorite players. It was cool seeing him in the Silver and Black, even if for just one year.

We traded the rights to Barbosa to save money cause we were pursuing Jason Kidd. Kidd decided to sign with NJ, and so we lost out on the draft pick. It is ok, I think we managed to survive without Kidd and Barbosa and even passing on Josh Howard....how many championships do they have? Between the 3 of them, they have a big fat ZERO.

Robinson was a no brainer. Elliott was a great draft pick. What really hurt us, was the lack of a quality PG (had Dawkins not gotten hurt, he may have been the one we lacked for most of the first half of Robinson's career). Strickland was good, but a complete knucklehead. It is also too bad we had to trade Robertson to get Cummings. I sure wish we could have kept Alvin. Robinson, Cummings, Elliott, Robertson, Strickland and Willie off the bench would have been completely unreal. It also hurt us that Willie couldn't stay healthy (his wheels were garbage).

We love the Spurs win or lose. We support them like mad because they are not just a basketball team, they are awesome members of our community. They give back to our community in so many ways and we appreciate it tremendously. We appreciate the fact that we have players that children can look up to. We have players that don't end up on police blotters. We have players who try to be positive members of society and not a bunch of thuggish scumbags.

Yes, we whine about the refs, but so does every fan of every team when their team loses. However, we also hold our own team very much accountable. We know that we tend to lose games at the FT line cause we shoot so poorly there. We know that sometimes we have stupid turnovers in critical moments that cost us games. We know that sometimes we get perimeter happy and it comes back to bite us. We also know that the other team deserves props for outplaying us in many of our losses. Still, the refs suck across the board and even in wins, I find tons of fault with how they call games.

WTH does going to SAISD have to with anything of it? and he is 23 so I'm pretty he belongs to no ISD.

09-07-2008, 09:36 PM
I do dislike the Spurs and even though I like a lot of you guys I do think collectively you're a pretty whiny and arrogant fanbase. Still, the OP was so incoherent and ridiculous it isn't even funny. I'll take whiny and arrogant Spur fans over know nothing, clueless Laker fan any day of the week.


09-07-2008, 09:41 PM
WTH does going to SAISD have to with anything of it? and he is 23 so I'm pretty he belongs to no ISD.

hahahaha.....just picking on SAISD....sheesh dont take it so personal....I was having fun with that comment. BTW, why no defense of NISD? are u biased for SAISD, but could give a rats about NISD?

I really only care about JISD.......

09-07-2008, 09:42 PM
I do dislike the Spurs and even though I like a lot of you guys I do think collectively you're a pretty whiny and arrogant fanbase. Still, the OP was so incoherent and ridiculous it isn't even funny. I'll take whiny and arrogant Spur fans over know nothing, clueless Laker fan any day of the week.

at least we arent Kleenex Nones or allas Mavs fans

09-07-2008, 09:54 PM
What's the deal... with airline food?
I mean, WHAT is UP with that?

09-07-2008, 10:19 PM
hahahaha.....just picking on SAISD....sheesh dont take it so personal....I was having fun with that comment. BTW, why no defense of NISD? are u biased for SAISD, but could give a rats about NISD?

I really only care about JISD.......

I am biased I am from that district. :)

Anyway its not a big deal. I loved your post, but I couldn't stop thinking of the SAISD thing :lol

09-08-2008, 12:04 AM
at least we arent Kleenex Nones or allas Mavs fans

What the fuck is a Kleenex None or allas Mavs fan?

And, in case you missed it, I was defending Spurs fans. If it bothered you that much, you should hear what I have to say about Jazz fans.

09-08-2008, 12:48 AM
What the fuck is a Kleenex None or allas Mavs fan?

And, in case you missed it, I was defending Spurs fans. If it bothered you that much, you should hear what I have to say about Jazz fans.

i wasnt bashing you.....nor was i calling you out.

a Kleenex Nones fan is a person who roots for that assclown team from the Kleenex, Arizona. An Allas Mavericks fan is someone who roots for the team from Allas, Texas.

you said us Spurs fans whine a lot and that is why I brought up these two teams....saying dealing with us could be worse if we rooted for either of these two teams instead of the Spurs.....

dont get your panties in a wad my good man.......:p:

09-08-2008, 01:05 AM
A Laker fan born and raised in SA is not a Laker fan.

He's probably one of those fake ass ones. that cheer for USC AND UCLA or cheer for the Dodgers and Gaylos

09-08-2008, 05:16 PM
So since you put up a little nurf hoop in your room you're now suppose to know something about basketball or know how spurs fan are? Try to get some knowledge first junior before you start flapping your gums.


09-08-2008, 05:19 PM
dont get your panties in a wad my good man.......:p:

Sorry, I swear a lot and I just really emphatically wanted to know what a kleenex none was. I thought it might be an insult pointed at me, but it clearly wasn't. Sorry if I came across as overly hostile.

I. Hustle
09-08-2008, 05:24 PM
So what is the deal with deals? I mean everywhere you go you see AWESOME DEAL, STEAL OF A DEAL, or people are wheelin' and dealin'! WHEN DOES THE MADNESS END?

09-08-2008, 06:53 PM
i wasnt bashing you.....nor was i calling you out.

a Kleenex Nones fan is a person who roots for that assclown team from the Kleenex, Arizona. An Allas Mavericks fan is someone who roots for the team from Allas, Texas.

you said us Spurs fans whine a lot and that is why I brought up these two teams....saying dealing with us could be worse if we rooted for either of these two teams instead of the Spurs.....

dont get your panties in a wad my good man.......:p:

Kleenex Nones and Allas Mavericks have to be two of the worst nicknames I've heard for a sports franchise. Untold amounts of failure. Just awful.

09-08-2008, 07:27 PM
Kleenex Nones and Allas Mavericks have to be two of the worst nicknames I've heard for a sports franchise. Untold amounts of failure. Just awful.

It actually fits your pathetic team and fanbase. All you guys do is whine and cry about how the league continues to hose you. All you guys do is cry and spew your conspiracy theories. When the Nones lose (Nones = amount of Championships your team has), it is because they were cheated, robbed, or had injuries. The opponent is never given any credit. When you win, it is because you are the most superior thing in the universe.

I have been to several sports forums and the one common trend is Nones and Mavs fans whine more than any other fanbase.

And seeing that you are a Nones fan, of course you arent amused.....but I dont really give a damn, cause I am amused and that is all I care about.


09-08-2008, 07:32 PM
It actually fits your pathetic team and fanbase. All you guys do is whine and cry about how the league continues to hose you. All you guys do is cry and spew your conspiracy theories. When the Nones lose (Nones = amount of Championships your team has), it is because they were cheated, robbed, or had injuries. The opponent is never given any credit. When you win, it is because you are the most superior thing in the universe.

I have been to several sports forums and the one common trend is Nones and Mavs fans whine more than any other fanbase.

And seeing that you are a Nones fan, of course you arent amused.....but I dont really give a damn, cause I am amused and that is all I care about.


What do you mean, you guys??

09-08-2008, 07:44 PM
Yeah, those nicknames are horrible.... it's like listening to my Aggie friends make up nicknames for other schools.

09-08-2008, 07:49 PM
What do you mean, you guys??

I mean YOU GUYS.....damn, is comprehension a tough skill for you to master?

09-08-2008, 07:50 PM
Yeah, those nicknames are horrible.... it's like listening to my Aggie friends make up nicknames for other schools.

no worse that your stupid pissing match with Brutalis in the college football thread. both your teams suck and yet yall are going at it as if you are fans of USC and LSU.

09-08-2008, 08:06 PM
They win the championship just about every other year what do you expect idiot? And when they do goto the finals they don't lose by 40 pts and give up 30 pt leads.
SPurs = team of decade

09-08-2008, 08:24 PM
I mean YOU GUYS.....damn, is comprehension a tough skill for you to master?

I'm just fuckin' with you, man. I honestly don't care what you call my team.

baseline bum
09-08-2008, 08:27 PM
It's Phoenix Sons and allas Mavricks

cool hand
09-08-2008, 08:33 PM
we expect the best. thats all.

09-09-2008, 09:31 AM
no worse that your stupid pissing match with Brutalis in the college football thread. both your teams suck and yet yall are going at it as if you are fans of USC and LSU.

Typical bandwagon Longhorn fan right here...

I'm trying to convince Brutalis that his team is in the same worst shape as mine, but he won't allow it.

09-09-2008, 12:51 PM
hahahaha.....just picking on SAISD....sheesh dont take it so personal....I was having fun with that comment. BTW, why no defense of NISD? are u biased for SAISD, but could give a rats about NISD?

I really only care about JISD.......

No. No. No. If I'd have to guess...he's a dropout. Maybe moved out to ol' La La land to find his fortune, turned a few tricks and found a certain Sasha Vujacic, fell in love and Behold!...Lakers fan.

Ed Helicopter Jones
09-09-2008, 03:53 PM
99% of Spurs fans hated the Finley signing. STFU.

Nevermind the Spurs don't have that much money to spend.

Nevermind Gerald Green sucks.

Nevermind that the last time Wells faced the Spurs in the playoffs he averaged three points on 35% shooting.

Yes because without him that year the Spurs would have won probably 12 games.

DA ended up being salary dumped and then waived a few years after the Spurs didn't re-sign him.

That never happened. Although I will forgive your stupidity.

Thank you.

Yes because the Spurs lost so many games to LeBron when it mattered.

Knowing San Antonio's public school system, that would have been my guess.

Glad to know you approved of drafting David Robinson when you were two years old and drafting Sean Elliott when you were four years old. Baby genius, you are.

You strongly what? San Antonio schools apologize to you.

My thoughts are that was the dumbest first post I've ever read. And you were certainly born to be a Laker Fan. Trust me, you are on the right ship.


I've never seen so many direct hit ownages in a single post......evah.

09-09-2008, 08:07 PM
Typical bandwagon Longhorn fan right here...

I'm trying to convince Brutalis that his team is in the same worst shape as mine, but he won't allow it.

if by bandwagon, you mean a fan since the early 80s...then yes, I am a bandwagon fan. I had to endure my brother giving me crap during the 80s and 90s when the Aggies and the Wrecking Crew religiously beat my Horns.

Eric Metcalf is my all time favorite college player. Other favorites are Mike Adams, Wayne McGarity, Roy Williams, Nathan Vasher, Aaron Ross, Vince Young, Major Applewhite, Brian Robison, Tony Brackens, Derrick Johnson, Cory Redding, Priest Holmes, and the Cash Brothers.

Robert Reed and Chris Samuels graduated from my HS. I remember watching the Cash Brothers and Johnny Walker at Holmes before they went to UT. I remember watching Priest Holmes at Marshall before he went to UT. I went from rooting against those guys, cause they were playing against Judson, to rooting for them, because they were now Longhorns.

I may not have attended UT.....but ever since I can remember, I have bled Burnt Orange and have hated maroon.

I am also a fan of my alma mater.....TAMU-CC....GO ISLANDERS

09-09-2008, 08:25 PM
Fuck them all. Go Trojans!

09-09-2008, 10:06 PM
I understand that basketball fans love their home teams, but I've never really understood Spurs fans. You all are so proud of winning 4 NBA Championships. Spurs fans act is if the Spurs are the only team to ever win an NBA Championship. You act as if the Spurs are above it all. You all cheered as the Spurs re-signed to 35+ yr old players in Kurt Thomas and Michael Finley, two signings that further support my dislike of the Spurs. The both got multi-year contracts, at 35 yrs old +???? And Spurs fans were all for it. Nevermind that Ben Gordon is out there with no team. Nevermind that Gerald Green took what he could in Dallas. Nevermind that Bonzi Wells, who ripped the Spurs last time he faced them in the playoffs, is out there with no team. Oh no, the Spurs would rather signs players like Damon Stoudamire and Roger Mason. I will never forgive the Spurs for signing and over the hill, over weight Dominique Wilkins. I will never forgive the Spurs for letting Derek Anderson walk out the door because he got hurt. I will never forgive the Spurs for trading away Leandro Barbosa on draft day, of all things, to make room to extend 30+ yr old Bruce Bowen.

I hate the Spurs with a passion. When the Spurs win, you support 100%. When they lose, it was the refs fault, or LeBron was a little more physical than the Spurs are accustomed to. You get upset when players lose their cool because Ginobili, Oberto, Duncan, Parker, Bowen, and just about every Spur goes flying in to the crowd on a minor bump to get a call.

Oh, get this. I'm born and raised in San Antonio. I've watched the Spurs since I was a little kid and I'm 23 yrs old now. In 23 yrs, I've approved of very few Spurs moves. Drafting Tony Parker and Ginobili late. Tim Duncan was of course a good move. David Robinson was a good move. I really don't like Sean Elliott, but he even turned out okay. Oh, Steve Kerr and Brent Barry were okay. There were a couple others.

Anyways... my point is I strongly that fans of the San Antonio Spurs are bandwagon jumpers.

Please, let me know your thoughts on it.


09-09-2008, 10:35 PM
hahahaha.....just picking on SAISD....sheesh dont take it so personal....I was having fun with that comment. BTW, why no defense of NISD? are u biased for SAISD, but could give a rats about NISD?

I really only care about JISD.......

I do not have kids and I did not grow up in San Antonio, however the schools they are building by my house look like a Hilton. I think I fall in the NEISD, maybe Comal, not sure. Either way they are huge, really nice schools, wish I had schools like that growing up.

09-09-2008, 10:58 PM
I understand that basketball fans love their home teams, but I've never really understood Spurs fans. You all are so proud of winning 4 NBA Championships. Spurs fans act is if the Spurs are the only team to ever win an NBA Championship. You act as if the Spurs are above it all. You all cheered as the Spurs re-signed to 35+ yr old players in Kurt Thomas and Michael Finley, two signings that further support my dislike of the Spurs. The both got multi-year contracts, at 35 yrs old +???? And Spurs fans were all for it. Nevermind that Ben Gordon is out there with no team. Nevermind that Gerald Green took what he could in Dallas. Nevermind that Bonzi Wells, who ripped the Spurs last time he faced them in the playoffs, is out there with no team. Oh no, the Spurs would rather signs players like Damon Stoudamire and Roger Mason. I will never forgive the Spurs for signing and over the hill, over weight Dominique Wilkins. I will never forgive the Spurs for letting Derek Anderson walk out the door because he got hurt. I will never forgive the Spurs for trading away Leandro Barbosa on draft day, of all things, to make room to extend 30+ yr old Bruce Bowen.

I hate the Spurs with a passion. When the Spurs win, you support 100%. When they lose, it was the refs fault, or LeBron was a little more physical than the Spurs are accustomed to. You get upset when players lose their cool because Ginobili, Oberto, Duncan, Parker, Bowen, and just about every Spur goes flying in to the crowd on a minor bump to get a call.

Oh, get this. I'm born and raised in San Antonio. I've watched the Spurs since I was a little kid and I'm 23 yrs old now. In 23 yrs, I've approved of very few Spurs moves. Drafting Tony Parker and Ginobili late. Tim Duncan was of course a good move. David Robinson was a good move. I really don't like Sean Elliott, but he even turned out okay. Oh, Steve Kerr and Brent Barry were okay. There were a couple others.

Anyways... my point is I strongly that fans of the San Antonio Spurs are bandwagon jumpers.

Please, let me know your thoughts on it.

well, aside from this ridiculously stupid post, i know what you're getting at. the problem is you're an idiot...but you've spotted inconsistencies that many outside fans notice. spurs fans are overly sensitive and limited in personnel and basketball knowledge...mind you there are some exceptions.

my advice to you is stop being stupid. if you're going to rip on spurs fans at least make sense...

09-09-2008, 11:03 PM
fuck you all... I'll kick everyone's ass on this post.... Go Spurs...

09-10-2008, 07:00 AM
what is the deal with 2 post counts and 3 pages of replies?

you succeeded.... troll.