View Full Version : Who slung the mud

09-07-2008, 09:33 PM
Saw a lot of smack talk in here about how "hateful" the Republican speeches were to Obama...well, the numbers are in

In their convention speeches, the Democrats mentioned their opponents 34 times. The Republicans just 7 times.

According to the New York Times (http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2008/09/04/us/politics/20080905_WORDS_GRAPHIC.html?scp=1&sq=the%20words%20they%20used&st=cse), in their convention speeches, Democratic Sens. Barack Obama and Joe Biden used their opponents’s names 34 times.

Republican Sen. John McCain and Republican Gov. Sarah Palin named their opponents only 7 times.

Indeed, the Democrats seemed obsessed with with McCain, Palin and President Bush and Dick Cheney.

In the four main speeches (Obama, Biden and the Clintons) , Cheney, Bush and McCain in 130 of every 25,000 words spoken.

Their counterparts, including Republican Rudy Giuliani and Democratic Sen. Joe Lieberman (the second RNC in a row in which a sitting Democratic senator gave a prime-time speech) used Obama just 23 times per 25,000 words.

9/11, 9/11, 9/11?

Democrats used it 4 times per 25,000 words.

Republicans but 2 times per 25,000 words.

“Hockey moms” was used twice as often.

The top words for Democrats per 25,000 words were change (89), McCain (78), energy (49), Bush (46) and jobs (39).

For Republicans, it went God (43), taxes (42), change (30), business (30) and energy (26).

I find it interesting that Democrats limited their vocabulary to 5 words used 301 times per 25,000 words — while Republicans spoke their top 5 words only 171 times per 25,000 words.

Guess they had more to say than that their opponents stink.

Of course, when they did try to zing Democrats, they zapped the crap out of them, and left them whining (http://wcbstv.com/campaign08/bon.jovi.obama.2.811125.html).

09-07-2008, 11:30 PM
That cannot be true, I remember Palin mentioning "The opponent" several times throughout her speech. In fact, they said "our opponent" in other speeches too. I was wondering why they went out of their way to avoid using names, now that this was released I know why.

09-08-2008, 03:00 AM
"...community organizer..."



09-08-2008, 03:05 AM
My favorite stat, for all the continuous reminders of McCain's imprisonment by the North Vietnamese, the word "torture" was only uttered once.

That's pretty darn good message discipline.

09-08-2008, 03:58 AM
using your opponents' names is no problem

the REPUGS lying and rediciculing and mocking their opponents is the problem, aka the Repug fear-and-smear attack machine.

09-08-2008, 09:29 AM
so pussy eater, until you tote up the lies and slander on each side, your numbers are pure bullshit, and in fact are nothing but sliming the Dems as being on the same level as the Repugs. it's the the quantity of what was said, but the quality.

Tired, old McSame's pity-me-as-tortured-POW bullshit, which is NO qualification for President, didn't mention that he reversed his life-long, central aversion to the US torturing, and caved in like a pile of wet chickenshit to dubya/dickhead's torturing program.

Viva Las Espuelas
09-08-2008, 09:47 AM
so pussy eater, until you tote up the lies and slander on each side, your numbers are pure bullshit, and in fact are nothing but sliming the Dems as being on the same level as the Repugs. it's the the quantity of what was said, but the quality.

Tired, old McSame's pity-me-as-tortured-POW bullshit, which is NO qualification for President, didn't mention that he reversed his life-long, central aversion to the US torturing, and caved in like a pile of wet chickenshit to dubya/dickhead's torturing program.
man, you really are a nutjob. you seriously must know that. if not, read my post again. i'm curious. do you have a lot of friends?

09-08-2008, 10:21 AM
"read my post again" there is no VLE post here. yoni = VLE ?