View Full Version : The Official "MNF Booth Needs To Go"

09-09-2008, 12:59 PM
Or at least one third of the booth needs to go. How could anyone put this guy on TV with a face made for radio. A fucking combover....seriously a fucking combover :rolleyes.

MNF was a total abortion last night. Two thirds of the booth flat couldn't take it anymore and finally asked Kornholer to STFU about Favre already. I don't mind an occasional mention or comparison or even point but to constantly ramble on is unprofessional.

I can't believe this jackass thinks its ok to dick up a perfectly good game of football to play up a worn out story about Favre and Rodgers for an entire half of football. This isn't some two hour radio show or shock jock TV its a god damn professional football game. Worst booth ever and that was the worst half of broadcasted football I've ever seen. I'm not just saying that because I hate Kornholer. Don't sit there and tell me he has to talk about this shit because its what people want to hear either. Thats fucking garbage anyone who really watches football was dying for the season to start so we could get past this shit...but not shithole he has to go off about every other play. Fucking hate this guy.

Worst line from last night.

It was first and 30 or second and 30.

Korn: You see Jaws this is where Brett Favre would have come into play.


Korn: Don't you think Jaws I mean this is the kind of stuff Brett Favre did for the this team. He would find a way out of 2nd and 30's and 3rd and 28's all the time. Do you think Rodgers can do that Jaws


Korn: Don't you think Jaws


Nignog: Lets talk about something other than Brett Favre.

Mike, Mike and Mike did ok. Last year was pretty rough on them. Then they get another blow out this year. I thought that were leaps and bounds better than their previous broadcast. I could live with them for MNF if I had to.

09-09-2008, 01:18 PM
Kornheiser just sounds out of place. I liked Mike and Mike a lot, Greenburg has a pretty good broadcasting voice.

NBA Junkie
09-09-2008, 01:41 PM
I generally like the three Mikes, but they're more inept than annoying. It's like listening to three of your buddies broadcasting a football game.

Kornheiser just flat out blows. Jaws is solid and Tirico is just average.

09-09-2008, 01:44 PM
Jaws and Tirico would be workable with a solid personality so long as the knowledge is there. I'm perdominately sick of Korn bouncing everything off Jaws.

Right jaws
don't you think jaws
isn't it jaws
is that possible jaws

on and on. Its as if he's so inept he can't think unless its in the form of some question thats designed to lend credence to his mind. Its pointless.

09-09-2008, 02:21 PM
I agree. Kornheiser just doesn't know shit about football. PTI should be his only gig on TV.

09-09-2008, 02:29 PM
Of course I'm going to be biased and say I like Jaws. :lol He knows the game.

Mike & Mike - meh......

Thunder Dan
09-09-2008, 03:08 PM
I didn't watch the game last night on purpose because I didn't want to listen to Kornheiser beat off about Favre for 4 hours while the other 2 guys finger their asses thinking about the great Brett Favre

T Park
09-10-2008, 11:21 AM
I agree. Kornheiser just doesn't know shit about anything. I have no idea why he still has a job.


Whisky Dog
09-10-2008, 11:33 AM
Jaws has the face of a used car salesman. Looking at the guy, I can't believe he ever played in the NFL. Well, it was for the shitty eagles. Those inept fuckers grabbed a drunk bartender off the streets and threw him on special teams for fuck sake.

baseline bum
09-10-2008, 12:57 PM
Kornheiser's show is great, but he should never be allowed any kind of live game broadcast.

09-10-2008, 05:07 PM
ESPN needs to go!

09-10-2008, 07:07 PM
The best monday night crew is the one on the radio.

jack sommerset
09-10-2008, 09:21 PM
Kornhole is the worst Monday night guy PERIOD. Its not even close. Even Miller was better then that boob. He is not funny. He comes off like a fucking jerk that has no clue what he is talking about.

This fucking boob "reads" a story he wrote about the game before the game. He comes off like he is a reading a story. Its so pathetic. He is not a tv persoanilty. This guy has no personailty. He is a good writter but even when he reads his own shit, he sucks. They based a TV sitcom about this guy. It was cancelled after like 5 epidsodes. Amazing.

09-11-2008, 07:47 PM
I think if you replace Ditka on the Mike & Mike crew with Jaws you might have something. I hate the M&M morning show but I found them surprisingly tolerable on MNF. I think Ditka is going a bit senile these days though.

09-16-2008, 07:55 AM
Kornheiser wouldn't shut the hell up last night - crap! :bang

Thank goodness Jaws was there....I couldn't take it. :lol

09-16-2008, 08:33 AM
I passed out shortly after Kornheiser said something like "The Eagles #1 receiver is playing for the other team." Discussing drama between players and teams like that is for shows like PTI, not for in-game commentary.

If they delete Kornheiser from that crew, it's pretty good.

09-16-2008, 10:47 AM
kornhieser is the week link, I cringe every time I hear his voice

09-16-2008, 07:39 PM
ESPN needs to go!


Reggie Miller
09-16-2008, 08:06 PM
If MNF could somehow recruit Keith Jackson to replace both Korny and Tirico, I would die a happy man.

Think about it. Jackson recently retired because he believed that the modern approach to telecasting left him on the "outside." In of itself, that tells you how far football coverage has fallen. A booth of Jaws and Jackson (no third man) would kick ass and take names.

Actual chances of happening = some random negative number.

SPURS vs NBA media
09-16-2008, 08:19 PM
Oh no its the JETS and CHARGERS next week on MNF sorry, FAVRE and the chargers next week

The Reckoning
09-16-2008, 08:44 PM
it was great watching emmitt and steve make fun of t.o. after the game. that was priceless

baseline bum
09-16-2008, 10:53 PM
Kornheiser has to go. He's the worst national announcer I've heard in any sport.

Whisky Dog
09-16-2008, 11:03 PM
Luckily I was able to skip the audio on the broadcast and tune in to Brad Sham and Babe on the 93.3 radio broadcast. I couldn't have stood Kombover and Used Car Salesman covering a Cowboys-Eagles game.

I don't really care if the Cowboys play on MNF or not, but how in the hell does the NFL screw up and only have them on it once? They just fucked ESPN because last night was by far the highest ratings that broadcast is going to get all season.

09-17-2008, 06:58 PM
it was great watching emmitt and steve make fun of t.o. after the game. that was priceless

Emmitt and Steve are about as good as it gets for NFL talk. They really got into it before the Cowboys game and then fist bumped afterward. :lol

Reggie Miller
09-17-2008, 09:15 PM
Kornheiser has to go. He's the worst national announcer I've heard in any sport.

Obviously, you don't watch much baseball.

baseline bum
09-17-2008, 10:37 PM
Obviously, you don't watch much baseball.

Nope. Baseball sucks ass.

09-18-2008, 12:33 AM
They should just dump the Kornheister and have guests every week plugging their new shows or movies... it would be slightly better, I think.

Reggie Miller
09-18-2008, 12:37 AM
Nope. Baseball sucks ass.

To each their own.

Two words: Joe Buck. I think we can both agree to agree that everyone loses when Buck annouces, whether football or baseball. In fact, I would argue that Joe Buck's continued existence is in of itself proof that we are losing the war against terrorism.

Reggie Miller
09-18-2008, 12:39 AM
They should just dump the Kornheister and have guests every week plugging their new shows or movies... it would be slightly better, I think.

It wouldn't be THAT different, and it would have the advantage of being Kornheiser-free.

09-18-2008, 02:23 AM
I love Kornheiser on PIT, and that's one of my favorite shows, but he does seem to be the odd man out on MNF. Although, I HATE Jaws, that guy annoys me and I can't stand him. I agree that Mike Greenberg would be a pretty good fit.

09-18-2008, 10:11 AM
I have no problem with Buck/Aikman. They make a solid booth.

09-18-2008, 10:44 AM

09-18-2008, 11:03 AM
If MNF could somehow recruit Keith Jackson to replace both Korny and Tirico, I would die a happy man.

Think about it. Jackson recently retired because he believed that the modern approach to telecasting left him on the "outside." In of itself, that tells you how far football coverage has fallen. A booth of Jaws and Jackson (no third man) would kick ass and take names.

Actual chances of happening = some random negative number.

That would bring Keith Jackson full circle, he was on MNF during its inaugural season. I would love that also. Tirico I don't mind so much. Jaws isn't bad except when he is doing his Eagles fellatio. Kornheiser is annoying. I like him on PTI but not on MNF.

jack sommerset
09-18-2008, 03:23 PM
That would bring Keith Jackson full circle, he was on MNF during its inaugural season. I would love that also. Tirico I don't mind so much. Jaws isn't bad except when he is doing his Eagles fellatio. Kornheiser is annoying. I like him on PTI but not on MNF.

That guy is 80 years old. He retired for a reason. Just replace Kornhole with someone under 60. ESPN has a ton of folks to choose from. ESPN has to know the guy sucks.

He said durning the Cowboy-Philly game that it as a MUST win game for the Cowboys. 2 game of the season with a open game win behind them. Fucking idiot. Then he comes back a quarter later and said something opposite. You can tell in Jaws voice he thinks Kornhole is stupid as well.

I like PTI. He gets on my nerves from time to time but overall I like it. He just sucks as a football commentator. He might be the worst of all the stations. This fool gets MNF for a second run at it>

san antonio spurs
09-19-2008, 01:01 AM
I heard Kornheiser was the "star" of MNF in ESPN executives' minds. There might be a reason, not necessarly related to football but he might do something to UP the ratings. It's not the diehard fans that they want to attract because they know those will watch no matter what, it's the casual fan, who's not interested in tactics but wants to know who's ROMO dating...