View Full Version : Expect war with Russia if McCain gets elected and other random tidbits

09-09-2008, 07:21 PM
Seriously. That's the way to do it. "We're all Georgians," and don't forget how Russia should be kicked out of the G8. Piss off a country that has just as many weapons as we do, CAUSE WE'RE 'MERICANS.

Proof of proposal? McCain's military fixation combined with utter love of military combat.

I sure do want a former vet (but he was tortured! Make him a president because of it!) in charge of managing foreign relations when he can't even figure the difference of a Sunni and Shiite. But, god bless America, tortured, ancient former vets definitely support candidacy on that fact alone. He's a hero, but John Kerry was a COWARD.

Keating Five? Who cares?

I mean, it sure is great that he also decided to pick a female VP choice, especially one that doesn't agree with rights of females, and shares extremist evangelical beliefs, and is known to be involved with numerous scandals.

Pick a woman because you want the idiotic-minded female voters to get with your program. Plus, your perfect excuse to start drilling in Alaska is here!

If the soldiers in Iraq are on a "mission from God," then Barkley's quote of "conservatives are fake Christians" is by far the most valid statement to use, it's like the goddam Middle Age with that talk.

... I'd feel much, much better with another Bush/Cheney term.

Grab your flags, wave it around to the old-fashioned beliefs of prohibiting gays any rights and the rights of women haltered. BUT GEE, DON'T FORGET THAT REPUBLICANS HATE LARGE GOVERNMENT, despite the fact they are the ones intruding most into our lives. Tax breaks for the rich? Hell yeah.

Why were people onto Kerry for "flip-flopping," yet McCain's utter and drastic change is generally ignored.

Oh, and McCain is all of a sudden bashing the Republican party? Umm, yeah, okay. That makes sense with how Bush is supporting you and how you're constantly seen as on his side, not to mention speaking at RNCs.

Universal health care? Who needs it? Only communists do. Nevermind Europe and Canada having a system of healthcare that doesn't end up delaying people to go to doctors or physicians just because "it's too expensive."

You don't have to like Obama, but to suggest McCain/Palin is the best ticket for the times being how they are NOW, with how important foreign policy is, then you are gravely mistaken. Biden was picked for a reason (not just to gather women votes or drilling excuses), and he is extremely qualified for foreign relations at this very crucial time for America.

If Americans fall for this tripe and fear tactics only the GOP can do, then I wouldn't doubt we get knocked off the face of this Earth before long.

Next up, Iran... excited? Either we become world heroes again or further dwindle down the spiral.

09-09-2008, 07:33 PM
I am actually still surprised noone has attacked him on the Keating Five thing yet.

And McCain won't go to war with Russia. He'll just alienate them, and piss away more of our global hegemony and influence by thinking this is the 90's and we can fight the war against Islam and contain Russia at the same time.

09-09-2008, 07:36 PM
I am actually still surprised noone has attacked him on the Keating Five thing yet.

And McCain won't go to war with Russia. He'll just alienate them, and piss away more of our global hegemony and influence by thinking this is the 90's and we can fight the war against Islam and contain Russia at the same time.

I agree, Keating Five needs to be known more, especially to the elders who are seen as more likely to vote McCain.

I am sure that McCain would not intentionally fight Russia, knowing how equipped they are, but I wouldn't be shocked, and it hurts to say this a lot, that an attack would be made on us, given our reputation going down and our increasingly isolationist attitude.

09-09-2008, 09:15 PM
And McCain won't go to war with Russia. He'll just alienate them, and piss away more of our global hegemony and influence by thinking this is the 90's and we can fight the war against Islam and contain Russia at the same time

I could see Russia going to war with Israel...I mean given that there are Israeli commandos training Georgians and likely Israeli weapons getting into the hands of the Georgian army...

09-09-2008, 10:19 PM
Damn. Are we already at that point in the election season where dems start trying to convince everyone that a vote for repubs is a sure vote for WW3? Isn't that card usually played about early October?

Maybe they're saving October for the big guns when they start hinting that anyone not voting for Obama must be a closet racist.

09-09-2008, 10:25 PM
Didn't John McCain say there would be more wars? Didn't he recently waffle on the military draft question? Isn't his bump-buddy and chicken-hawk Lieberman up for a cabinet position as say, oh I don't know...defense chief.....if McCain wins?

baseline bum
09-09-2008, 10:25 PM
Universal health care? Who needs it? Only communists do. Nevermind Europe and Canada having a system of healthcare that doesn't end up delaying people to go to doctors or physicians just because "it's too expensive."

Gotta love George Carlin's take: conservatives believe in the sanctity of life until the kid's born... then fuck 'em until they turn 18 and you can send them off to war.

Viva Las Espuelas
09-09-2008, 10:49 PM
I am actually still surprised noone has attacked him on the Keating Five thing yet.

he assumed responsibilityfor taking part in it, along with everything else he's let him or others down, even though he was pardoned by the court. it's there. it was pretty well known. if they wanted to use it they would have by now.

Viva Las Espuelas
09-09-2008, 10:50 PM
Maybe they're saving October for the big guns when they start hinting that anyone not voting for Obama must be a closet racist.oh. that is coming.

09-09-2008, 10:51 PM
he assumed responsibilityfor taking part in it, along with everything else he's let him or others down, even though he was pardoned by the court. it's there. it was pretty well known. if they wanted to use it they would have by now.
Kind of takes the sting out when people accept responsibility for their actions. Voters forgive the contrite...Obama knows this.

Heath Ledger
09-09-2008, 10:51 PM
as long as we both have nukes there will be no war. period. its a no win everybody loses situation. end of thread

Mr. Body
09-09-2008, 10:55 PM
as long as we both have nukes there will be no war. period. its a no win everybody loses situation. end of thread

Think again. Look for Scott Ritter's testimony on this.

The US is developing low-grade nukes they'll roll out in the future. Of course, they're still nukes. Will irradiate lands and make them useless. Kill civilians. And if they are used - and probably by the wrong administration, a Bush-type administration - then there will be retaliation.

09-09-2008, 11:37 PM
as long as we both have nukes there will be no war. period. its a no win everybody loses situation. end of thread

That would not be reason enough to prevent the republican warpigs from starting a conflict with Russia. Especially McCain who seems so enamored of war that he said we should occupy Iraq for 100 years if required. If McCain becomes president you can count on numerous major military conflicts during his tenure. And if he's really war crazy, which I believe he is, then you can expect the first one to be with Russia. God help us all if that should happen.

Heath Ledger
09-11-2008, 02:29 PM
That 100 years in Iraq comment was taken out of context and really blown up by the media. Im not a McCain supporter although i respect his patriotism. If you think the U.S. or our leaders are anxious to go to war with Russia may I suggest you just put a gun to your temple and pull the trigger. May god help you.

jack sommerset
09-11-2008, 03:30 PM
War with Russia. The Democratics say the Republicans scare voters to vote for them and the Republicans say the Democratics scare voters to vote for them. This shit gets OLD. Both partys do it.

Same with attack ads. They both say they don't do attack ads.

09-11-2008, 03:35 PM
Damn. Are we already at that point in the election season where dems start trying to convince everyone that a vote for repubs is a sure vote for WW3? Isn't that card usually played about early October?

Maybe they're saving October for the big guns when they start hinting that anyone not voting for Obama must be a closet racist.

They already did that in the primaries

09-11-2008, 03:38 PM
This thread is a very real threat.

I think that McCain and Palin line up all the "red buttons" and play "wack a mole".