View Full Version : Don't women also have favorite clothes they can't get rid of?

09-10-2008, 11:06 AM
I have some old shorts and t-shirts that I love to lounge around in and the wife always threatens to cut them up and use them as rags. Is this just a man thing? Comfort is a big thing for me.
Don't you women wear any clothing well past their expiration date?

09-10-2008, 11:08 AM
:lol Yes, I'll admit I do. I have some sweat pants (velvet) that I won't throw away....they are so comfy especially in the winter. Sentimental value is my excuse not to throw them away. :p:

And why should I go buy another pair if they aren't torn or anything? Maybe faded a little bit. :lmao

09-10-2008, 11:19 AM
I don't get emotionally attached to my clothes. If I haven't used it in a few months, it's outta there. I have my wedding gown stored for who knows what, but I haven't looked at since the last time I used it! :)

I. Hustle
09-10-2008, 11:21 AM
I feel the same. There is a condom I found comfy. I just wash it out and re-"wear" it.

09-10-2008, 11:58 AM
I feel the same. There is a condom I found comfy. I just wash it out and re-"wear" it.

:huh :lol

09-10-2008, 12:02 PM
I have t-shirts from high school I wear to sleep in and sweatpants from college. But most "real clothes," like jeans and shirts that I wear to work get put out to greener pasturer after about a year and a half.

09-10-2008, 01:25 PM
I have a flannel shirt I've kept for 16 years.

The difference is, men like to hang on to things from high school that don't fit anymore. Women try not to wear shirts with sleeves two inches too short and pants with holes in the ass. When women wear something for years, it's something that still fits properly.

09-10-2008, 01:36 PM
Absolutely. I have a whole wardrobe of "wear around the house" clothes.
I have these pants I love but they are badly made and after one summer they look like crap. Too crappy to wear to work but great for home.
Some clothes will literally have to fall apart before I discard them.

09-10-2008, 08:35 PM
My wife has a closet full and two dressers full of clothes, and only wears about 10% to 15% of them. She has so much that I have to put all my clothes in the spare bedroom. The usual conversation goes like this...

Mrs. Strike: "I have nothing to wear!"
Strike: Are you joking? You have enough shit to wear for over a month without doing laundry!
Mrs. Strike: "But I don't like most of my clothes anymore."
Strike: "Then get rid of what you don't want."
Mrs. Strike: "I don't want to. You don't understand."
Strike: :bang

The difference is, men like to hang on to things from high school that don't fit anymore. Women try not to wear shirts with sleeves two inches too short and pants with holes in the ass. When women wear something for years, it's something that still fits properly.

Maybe I'm the exception to the rule, then. I don't have anything from high school that no longer fits me. The only clothes I have from that long ago or longer that no longer fit me are old Cubs and Spurs jerseys. If something no longer fits me or is too haggard to wear out in public, it gets shit canned.

09-10-2008, 08:37 PM

09-10-2008, 11:05 PM
With the exception of a few soft and comfy sweaters that I've had since high school, the only clothes I really hold on to are vintage.

Oh, and suits.

And shoes.

REALLY nice, well made suits and REALLY nice shoes last forever as long as you don't wear them every day and take care of them.