View Full Version : 10,000th Post

09-12-2008, 01:15 AM


I had a hard time deciding if I was going to start a thread for this or if I was just going to let it slide. I was leaning toward letting it go but I kept thinking about how big this number is. And what it means to me.

I remember when I found ST, and I wasn’t brave enough to even join. I lurked a year, then finally registered. It took me months to get the courage to “talk”, my early posts were only Duncan related articles, like his diary being updated. I wasn’t brave enough to offer an opinion on anything.

I was intimidated by the brilliance of some of the regulars here, who all had high post counts and who taught me more about the NBA game than I knew there was to know.

To be here now, and hit a 5-digit post count is pretty amazing to me. ST is my first and my only message board. (Okay, 2 posts at SR, also Duncan diary updates).

I don’t have any brilliant, witty remarks for this milestone. I only have my usual awe and respect and love for this site and the people who make it what it is. The group hug thing.

I’m not going to name names, there are so many of you and I’d be miserable if I left anyone out. I do want to single out Kori and LJ though. They set the tone here; they’ve created an incredible, unique site. There’s nothing like it out there, as evidenced by the wide variety of people we have posting here. And they’ve both always been nothing but incredibly kind to me.

It amazes me that I somehow managed to find my own niche here with Duncan. I joined after the site was well established, how the Duncan Specialist slot wasn’t taken I’ll never know. But I’m so glad it wasn’t. And I’m thankful that you all let me find my way here and humor me the way you do with my “fascination” of him. It’s appreciated more than you’ll ever know.

ST has educated me in more than the game I love. When I started here I was pretty computer illiterate. Wanting to contribute to this board motivated me to learn some skills. I’m far from any kind of computer whiz, but I’ve come a long way. I must be doing something right, I think I usually get pretty good responses here. And I find things I post on all kinds of sites, from SR to Chinaspurs. Sometimes it’s easy to know if it’s one of mine, the article will have Elliott’s name spelled right when the original link didn’t. :lol My pics are everywhere; I can tell because people don’t bother to save them, they just use my photobucket link. I confess, on my cattiest days I’ve moved my pics and broken their links. Hey, even I’m not always nice. :)

I expect to get some of the “get a life, it’s just a message board” responses. And maybe to some of you that’s all ST is. And that’s cool. But it’s not “just” anything to me. I live here; I’m here all the time. There are reasons for that beyond Duncan and the Spurs; I won’t bore you with the details. But once I found ST, and once I got comfortable here, I found a place that has become really important to me. I don’t need to debate whether it’s crazy to feel a connection here and to consider some people here my “family”. I know what I feel. And I feel like this is my home. I love it here. I belong here.

So, those of you that want to call a 10,000th post thread lame, go ahead. Those that want to tell me to get a life, go ahead. There’s nothing that anyone can throw at me that will change what I found here and how I feel about this place.

Thanks SpursTalk. You guys make me laugh and cry. You make me think, you educate me in sports and in life. I love it here. And I don’t think I’m alone. The regulars here know what I’m saying. And that’s enough for me.


09-12-2008, 01:20 AM
I was intimidated by the brilliance of some of the regulars here, who all had high post counts and who taught me more about the NBA game than I knew there was to know.

I have found my giant intellect to be rather threatening from time to time.

09-12-2008, 01:21 AM
congratz dude

850post to go.....

when season starts expect more post padding

Viva Las Espuelas
09-12-2008, 01:23 AM
i just downloaded a soundboard steely dan set from 4/30/74 with jeff porcaro on drums!!!!!!

........and congrats.

09-12-2008, 01:25 AM
It's not a complete Spurstalk without Duncan228.

09-12-2008, 01:29 AM

Pistons < Spurs
09-12-2008, 01:31 AM
http://www.freeimagehosting.net/uploads/25119688ec.jpg (http://www.freeimagehosting.net/)

Way to go MAN! Keep posting DUDE!

ST is definitely a better place with you here!

09-12-2008, 01:32 AM

You are as you probably know one of if not my favorite person here. You've helped me in a lot of ways in my own life and struggles I have been through. Your advice, knowledge and experience shines through every word you say.

I used to be such a hard ass about things. I used to get so pissed off at other fans being here and running a muck through the forums. Yeah, a lot of it had to do with venting over my personal life and issues whether it be my ex, or struggle with past decisions I made that forever changed the future I had built for myself. You were the person that saw through me and made me realize life breaks down into experiences and either you learn from them and go forward or you just let them beat you. I since calmed down, and got through them through your friendship.

Sure there will be haters and lamers, but the foundation in which Kori and LJ built ST finally was made clear to me. Whether they realized it or not they built something greater than just sports talk or sit around and post bullshit because you're bored. They created a community for the people by the people sort of thing.

You are SpursTalk. You are what makes this place what it is everyday 228. Congrats girl, and here's to the next 10K. :toast

Solid D
09-12-2008, 01:34 AM
Congratulations, duncan228. You are one of the true shining lights in here and you continue to make it a better place.

09-12-2008, 01:36 AM
Congrats, it will take me forever to get there, I just hit 5K...

I only make 3.6 posts per day, while you make 9.50...

09-12-2008, 01:37 AM
Wait a second...You're a Duncan fan?

Stop the presses. :downspin:

Congrats, duncan228. The incredible post count doesn't matter nearly as much as your sparkling personality and your daily contributions, whether it be a general quip or our near-daily Game Previews or the name of Tim Duncan's sixth grade Biology teacher's hamster.

I don't think anyone will argue the fact that you are easily one of the nicest people in this community, and for all of its thousands of members, old and new, it wouldn't quite be the same without you.

09-12-2008, 01:49 AM



09-12-2008, 01:52 AM
Way to go MAN! Keep posting DUDE!


ST is definitely a better place with you here!

Thanks for the kind words.

Your photoshop skills amaze me. Thank you, it's wonderful. But...9784 might be an under-estimate. :)

09-12-2008, 01:54 AM
Thanks Brutalis. :)

I guess I really do have that Duncan niche going on, you guys know what I like.

09-12-2008, 01:55 AM
I have found my giant intellect to be rather threatening from time to time.

You have. Has anyone else? :lol

09-12-2008, 02:03 AM
Hey sweetie, why are they still calling you dude?? :lol Congrats on this amazing milestone! I always enjoy your contributions, about Duncan, the Spurs, and the other things we have in common. Love chatting with you, and I'm still waiting for your visit; maybe this season? Keep up the good work, and don't forget to "skate a little lower now" ;)

09-12-2008, 02:04 AM
i just downloaded a soundboard steely dan set from 4/30/74 with jeff porcaro on drums!!!!!!

........and congrats.

Nice find on Steely. And thanks. :)

It's not a complete Spurstalk without Duncan228.

Thanks. Trying to bring something to the board that you guys will like is my main focus.

Congratulations, duncan228. You are one of the true shining lights in here and you continue to make it a better place.

You know I adore you Solid. You were one of those that drew me here when I found it. Thanks for always making me feel comfortable.

Congrats, it will take me forever to get there, I just hit 5K...

I only make 3.6 posts per day, while you make 9.50...

I live here, the posts just seem to add up. As I understand the ST philosophy, you're not considered off balance until you hit 30 posts a day. :lol

Wait a second...You're a Duncan fan?

Stop the presses. :downspin:

Congrats, duncan228. The incredible post count doesn't matter nearly as much as your sparkling personality and your daily contributions, whether it be a general quip or our near-daily Game Previews or the name of Tim Duncan's sixth grade Biology teacher's hamster.

I don't think anyone will argue the fact that you are easily one of the nicest people in this community, and for all of its thousands of members, old and new, it wouldn't quite be the same without you.

Thanks Dex. I think it's important to know the hamster's name. Those early experiences helped form the man he is today.

I appreciate the kind words, and you put the quote in my sig. Something I still don't know how to do. :lol

09-12-2008, 02:07 AM
Thanks Brutalis. :)

I guess I really do have that Duncan niche going on, you guys know what I like.

not only that but we know how you like it as well....congrats homegirl

09-12-2008, 02:12 AM
Hey sweetie, why are they still calling you dude?? :lol Congrats on this amazing milestone! I always enjoy your contributions, about Duncan, the Spurs, and the other things we have in common. Love chatting with you, and I'm still waiting for your visit; maybe this season? Keep up the good work, and don't forget to "skate a little lower now" ;)

Dude is now my middle name. :lol

I would love nothing more than to get to SA and meet my ST family and get to see Duncan play in person for the first time. Maybe the financial Gods will see fit to let it happen this season.

And I always "skate a little lower now", is there any other way? :)

Viva Las Espuelas
09-12-2008, 02:31 AM
"skate a little lower now"

09-12-2008, 02:34 AM
Congrats on 10,000 posts, man! You're definitely one of the coolest dudes on this forum. If you make it out to a game this season then we should have a GTG and all get hammered drunk and talk about cars, rock 'n' roll and debate which kind of women's underwear is the most sexy. Or make a trip out to San Marcos and I can hook you up with some hot sorority babes. Just don't bring your wife or girlfriend cuz what happens in San Marcos stays in San Marcos. (Not that we do questionable things in SM, we just usually get too fucked up to remember them).

09-12-2008, 02:49 AM
Congrats on 10,000 posts, man! You're definitely one of the coolest dudes on this forum. If you make it out to a game this season then we should have a GTG and all get hammered drunk and talk about cars, rock 'n' roll and debate which kind of women's underwear is the most sexy. Or make a trip out to San Marcos and I can hook you up with some hot sorority babes. Just don't bring your wife or girlfriend cuz what happens in San Marcos stays in San Marcos. (Not that we do questionable things in SM, we just usually get too fucked up to remember them).


Sounds like my kind of GTG. And I might have a handle on supplying the underwear samples. :lol

My closest friend, who I met on ST, lives in San Marcos. You never know where I could end up to live out a dream of seeing Duncan play. And, now that I think about it...she's a woman. Maybe she's got some underwear to contribute to the party. :)

09-12-2008, 03:09 AM
My closest friend, who I met on ST, lives in San Marcos. You never know where I could end up to live out a dream of seeing Duncan play. And, now that I think about it...she's a woman. Maybe she's got some underwear to contribute to the party. :)

I really don't know why we haven't had a "Get duncan228's ass to a Spurs home game" fundraiser on here yet. Seems like a lot of people on here would like to see that dream come true for you.

09-12-2008, 04:17 AM
I really don't know why we haven't had a "Get duncan228's ass to a Spurs home game" fundraiser on here yet. Seems like a lot of people on here would like to see that dream come true for you.

I'm touched by the thought.

Times are tough, all over and for everyone. There are way more important priorites than me seeing Duncan live. It's been my biggest personal wish for a long time, it will happen someday. I've got time before he retires.

09-12-2008, 04:48 AM
I'm toched by the thought.

Times are tough, all over and for everyone. There are way more important priorites than me seeing Duncan live. It's been my biggest personal wish for a long time, it will happen someday. I've got time before he retires.

That's exactly what I said about Robinson and you know the end to that story.


09-12-2008, 06:56 AM
:tu to you duncan228

09-12-2008, 07:17 AM
duncan228 not give up on pale face pop
tonto proud

09-12-2008, 08:08 AM

What are you doing for a living?

09-12-2008, 08:11 AM

What are you doing for a living?

Says someone with nearly 9000 posts :lmao

Congrats duncan228! Keep those great posts coming!

09-12-2008, 08:44 AM
Congrats duncan228! :)

09-12-2008, 08:48 AM
Says someone with nearly 9000 posts :lmao

Sarcasm escapes you . . .

09-12-2008, 09:05 AM

I'll someday see the Pistons live at the Palace, one day you'll see Duncan in SA.

09-12-2008, 09:08 AM
Sarcasm escapes you . . .

Naturally, it wasn't in blue

09-12-2008, 09:33 AM
props duncan228!

09-12-2008, 10:14 AM
Duncan228 congrats and looking forward to what you find for me per our previous conversation :). For the record I thought you were a dude at first as well when I joined up here hahahaha.

09-12-2008, 12:50 PM
duncan228 not give up on pale face pop
tonto proud

Making you proud is at the top of my list everyday. :spin
And you know I never give up on my team.

I'll someday see the Pistons live at the Palace, one day you'll see Duncan in SA.

Here's to both of us getting to live out our dreams. :toast

For the record I thought you were a dude at first as well when I joined up here hahahaha.

Maybe there should be a poll. I bet more people thought I was a guy when they first got here than we even know. I bet there are plenty that still think I'm a guy. That does make the Duncan love a little creepy though. :lol

Thanks for the kind words everyone. I did this to let you all know how important you are to me. I hope you all know it. :)

09-12-2008, 12:56 PM
Congrats on your 10,000 post.

You are really nice and I am glad you post here. :toast


09-12-2008, 01:12 PM
228, Haven't you ever seen the Spurs play against the Lakers or Clippers? Staples Center isn't that far from you. Although, with traffic, it could take 3 hours to get there :spin

09-12-2008, 01:30 PM
228, Haven't you ever seen the Spurs play against the Lakers or Clippers? Staples Center isn't that far from you. Although, with traffic, it could take 3 hours to get there :spin

I've never seen him...I mean...them.

The 3 hours isn't a problem. (Gotta love LA traffic. :lol) Lakers tickets are ridiculously priced, the best I could do is nosebleed, if those were even available. The Spurs/Lakers games usually sell out as the season is released.

I desperately want to see Duncan live, but I have a better view in my living room than I would with nosebleeds. I don't think I'll be happy not being able to see him if I'm in the arena. So close and yet so far.

I tried for the Clippers last year and only nosebleeds were available. I'm hoping to be able to grab something better this year, but good seats come with a price and I just don't know if I'll be able to. My basketball budget goes to League Pass first, there isn't much left after that.

09-12-2008, 02:40 PM
You are really nice and I am glad you post here. :toast


Wow. "Nice" coming from you Angel is quite a compliment. Thanks. :)

09-12-2008, 03:01 PM

09-12-2008, 03:04 PM

Yup, now that I've finally got the hang of this place I imagine they will be.

Thanks timvp. It means a lot. :)

09-12-2008, 03:16 PM
Congrats 228!

My Dad settled a lawsuit a few years back, and out of it he received the right to go to pretty much any game at AT&T center and watch the game in a box. We have flown down there a couple times over the past 2 years but its hard to get down there very often.

I will talk with him closer to the season and see if there is anything we could hook you up :)

09-12-2008, 03:23 PM
I tried for the Clippers last year and only nosebleeds were available. I'm hoping to be able to grab something better this year, but good seats come with a price and I just don't know if I'll be able to. My basketball budget goes to League Pass first, there isn't much left after that.

I agree, League Pass and a comfy couch FTW. And maybe it's just my sociopathic tendencies showing, but unless one's incredibly close to courtside or the game is just insanely competitive, the live NBA experience tends to be a bit over-rated IMO. Still, I feel bad for TD that his biggest fan on the face of the earth hasn't seen him live. I'm sure if he knew about you, he'd personally hook you up.

And... congrats on your 10K.

09-12-2008, 03:27 PM

09-12-2008, 03:56 PM
...I will talk with him closer to the season and see if there is anything we could hook you up :)

Is there a cartwheel smilie? I can't even imagine seeing Duncan from a box on his home court. That would be worth selling everything I own for the airfare. Thanks for the thought rAm.

09-12-2008, 04:09 PM
I agree, League Pass and a comfy couch FTW. And maybe it's just my sociopathic tendencies showing, but unless one's incredibly close to courtside or the game is just insanely competitive, the live NBA experience tends to be a bit over-rated IMO.

I've been to lots of games, mostly the Sonics when I lived in Washington. I agree, some games aren't worth the effort to go to. But this is different for me. I don't care who they're playing, if the game's competitive, or even if they win or lose. I just want to see Duncan live. And in good, no, great, seats. I want to be able to hear the court, and be close enough to watch Duncan's footwork, to watch his game in a way even the camera doesn't let me.

League Pass is a must for me. I have the best seat in the house and I don't miss a Spurs game.

Still, I feel bad for TD that his biggest fan on the face of the earth hasn't seen him live. I'm sure if he knew about you, he'd personally hook you up.

I'm probably up there on the biggest Duncan fan list. :)

There's been some joking that if Duncan scans ST he knows about me. And that he's probably had his security team check me out to make sure I'm not a stalking threat. If there's any truth in the joke I assume I passed. No guys in suits have shown up on my doorstep. :lol

And... congrats on your 10K.

Thanks. :)

09-12-2008, 04:13 PM
congrats. The E-penis must feel good after getting to this.

09-12-2008, 04:13 PM
Congrats 228!

My Dad settled a lawsuit a few years back, and out of it he received the right to go to pretty much any game at AT&T center and watch the game in a box. We have flown down there a couple times over the past 2 years but its hard to get down there very often.

I will talk with him closer to the season and see if there is anything we could hook you up :)

My money says hi and would like to offer itself for that service as well. :lol

228 I got your same issue in Memphis. I'm only 2.5 hours out the way I drive but and their prices are pretty good but the availability isn't. And I'm stubborn, I want to see them up close.

Spurs Brazil
09-12-2008, 04:30 PM
Congrats duncan228

And thanks for posting some articles and pics of TD that I never seen before

09-12-2008, 04:41 PM
Well done!

This forum needs more men like you.


09-12-2008, 05:01 PM
You've never been to a Spurs game? :wow That's a shame. I understand the situation, but for such a Duncan aficionado, you deserve to have seen the big man in action.

I've seen Tim play quite a few times, plus I got to sit through The DaVinci Code with him and Amy a few rows ahead of me. We kind of ran into each other in the bathroom/lobby and I did the awkward fan meeting thing and we was, of course, really nice about it...especially since it was right after they had been ousted by the Mavs.

With all the people on Spurstalk, you'd think we'd be able to pull some strings and get this dude to a game. Hell, start a paypal donation box or something and see what happens. :p:

09-12-2008, 05:04 PM

09-12-2008, 08:09 PM
Jokes about duncan228 being a man are really lame.

09-12-2008, 08:34 PM
Jokes about duncan228 being a man are really lame.


Is it getting old Shoogar?

09-12-2008, 08:39 PM

Is it getting old Shoogar?

Now you're just serving up straight lines to every Tom, Dick, and Johnny Blaze.

09-12-2008, 08:40 PM
You've never been to a Spurs game? :wow That's a shame. I understand the situation, but for such a Duncan aficionado, you deserve to have seen the big man in action.

I hope to someday. :)

I've seen Tim play quite a few times, plus I got to sit through The DaVinci Code with him and Amy a few rows ahead of me. We kind of ran into each other in the bathroom/lobby and I did the awkward fan meeting thing and we was, of course, really nice about it...especially since it was right after they had been ousted by the Mavs.

The thought of seeing him play live is one thing, meeting him is more than I can wrap my mind around. I'm sure your "awkward fan" thing was nothing next to what would probably happen to me. :lol

It's always great to hear how nice he usually is when people approach him off the court. Thanks for sharing the story.

09-12-2008, 08:46 PM
I hope to someday. :)

The thought of seeing him play live is one thing, meeting him is more than I can wrap my mind around. I'm sure your "awkward fan" thing was nothing next to what would probably happen to me. :lol

It's always great to hear how nice he usually is when people approach him off the court. Thanks for sharing the story.

Lol, if I ever got to meet Kobe i'd probably shit myself. I almost lost my mind when I ran into Devean George at the South Bay Galleria:lmao

marini martini
09-12-2008, 08:49 PM
Congratulations Duncan228. I thought it was awesome when you "came out" as a chick! I think someone around here should be able to help get you to see Duncan play, in S.A. I don't think there would be a problem in taking up a collection, in here, for your airfare. What a GTG, we'd have for you!!:toast

09-12-2008, 08:49 PM
Now you're just serving up straight lines to every Tom, Dick, and Johnny Blaze.


I don't even remember how it started anymore. It seems like it's been part of my identity here forever. I still don't get how people think I'm a guy with the extreme Duncan thing. I would think that would be a fairly obvious clue. :lol

It's become kind of fun now, it's a ST inside joke. One of those little things that makes me feel at home here.

And I'm sure the next new poster that calls me dude will have you instantly rolling on the floor. :)

09-12-2008, 08:51 PM
What a GTG, we'd have for you!!:toast

Meeting you guys would be as great as getting to see Duncan. I always wish I was there when you do GTG's.

09-12-2008, 08:51 PM
Maybe you should start putting little hearts over your i's.

09-12-2008, 08:53 PM

09-12-2008, 09:01 PM
Maybe you should start putting little hearts over your i's.

And use some color.

Nah, they'll probably still call me dude and then it would be really weird.

09-12-2008, 09:05 PM
So I hear that duncan guy came out of the closet?

Condemned 2 HelLA
09-12-2008, 11:01 PM
Nicely done, guy!
Good to know that there are a few true die hard Spurs fans that exist out here in this ocean of purple and YELLOW stupidity.
Here's to 10K more!

Fernando TD21
09-13-2008, 01:34 AM
:toast Spurstalk is a better place with all the info you bring to us, specially regarding Duncan.

09-13-2008, 03:43 AM

When I will start my 10000 post thread

I will get one congrats answer
3 answers with GTFO
and 5 with :flipoff

Someone maybe will post - how you doin' girl?


09-13-2008, 03:54 AM
Kudos 228, you are a credit to yourself, this forum, Spurs fans, and human beings in general.


09-13-2008, 06:48 AM
Jokes about duncan228 being a man are really lame.
are they always 'jokes'? Some members here seem to be a little mentally deficient.

09-13-2008, 11:24 AM
228...you're a girl? :wow


Congrats and well done! :toast

09-13-2008, 03:08 PM
Nice post. A little defensive maybe, but still a nice post.

09-13-2008, 04:06 PM
Congrats duncan228. You are one of the nicest posters on this board and I enjoy reading your 10,000+ posts :)