View Full Version : The PUMAs' View

09-14-2008, 10:29 AM
So, I heard that Palin gave an interview yesterday and the Tweeties are already shredding it. The NYTimes has an article about how Palin’s pipeline is still vaporware.

Know what? I don’t care.

Like we don’t know that there are forces out there trying as hard as they can to turn us off our food when it comes to Palin. The Teaparty Ten are hitting the talking head circuit shaking their fingers at us lest we abandon women to the Republican forced pregnancy squad. They must think we’re stupid. We’ve looked at the prospective Congresscritters’ web pages and a vast majority of them never mention reproductive rights. So, Barbara, Claire and Gloria, if you don’t go back to your older and wiser men who are in charge and tell them to put their money where their mouths are with respect to abortion, you might as well be picking table setting colors for the next Senate Ladies’ Auxiliary Garden Party.

Here’s the thing, oh mighty powers that be: all primary season long, you have been telling us to get in line, corraling us like the women of some puritanical middle eastern country. You haven’t offered us anything in return. Our votes were seized, our candidate humiliated, our choices eliminated. Some of you have even written letters telling us how tiresome and irritating we are for asking for something for our votes. You’ve given us Barack Obama who has never met a principle he cherishes so much that he wouldn’t give it up in the name of post-partisanship or political expediency.

When it comes to the two nominees we have to choose from right now, both options leave us cold. In the one case, the Democrat turns his back on his party when it is convenient while the other asks us to turn our back on our party to embrace the one that gave us 8 years of Bush. The Democrat has short coattails while with the Republican, we may end up with one party rule.

But there is a potential tie breaker. It’s Sarah Palin. Despite the fact that her view of government is vastly different than ours, her candidacy offers us something. After she is elected to office, women who come after her will have an easier time getting to that top spot. And if that is true, then she may be doing more for women’s issues than any one of the Teaparty Ten who are appealing to the ladies. The next female candidate who runs for president may actually make it. It may take four years before we see a pay off but the long term goal is extremely attractive. Maybe we can get universal healthcare, full day kindergarten, equal pay in our lifetimes.

It’s tasty.

So, all you guys out there furiously spinning the double standard that a first term governor of a state with two international borders is somehow less qualified to learn on the job to be VP than the first term Senator of a landlocked state is to learn on the job to be president, save your breath. When you took Hillary Clinton out, the game became much bigger than your petty interparty politics.

We’ll take it from here.


09-14-2008, 11:10 AM
N.O.T for Democrats 2008


Nice objectivity. Another GOPer posting like a Hillary Democrat

09-14-2008, 11:31 AM

Nice objectivity. Another GOPer posting like a Hillary Democrat

Did you even look at their website? These people are definitely NOT GOPers. For the most part, they're lifelong moderate democrats that supported Hillary.

You're the one with no objectivity. You just can't fathom a democrat who would support the McCain/Palin ticket.

09-14-2008, 11:32 AM
Only a fellow GOper would think that blog is objective....gives em away every time...

09-14-2008, 11:33 AM

Nice objectivity. Another GOPer posting like a Hillary Democrat

Is that your belief dan? That all these thousands of PUMAs posting on various Clinton sites are just posers? Ok. Keep your head buried in the sand if you like, but I think you're mistaken.

After visting a few of these Clinton supporter sites, it's obvious to me that they believe the nomination was her birthright. And they would much rather see Obama lose than support him and kill what might be her last shot at the presidency. They can smell 2012 and that's where their hearts lie, not with Obama winning this election.

If Obama loses, the Clinton campaign starts November 5th 2008.

09-14-2008, 11:36 AM
Yeah, keep believing that...next these guys will be posting about How Hillary secretly supports McCain too...

..Vanquished primary candidates usually go home to rest and ponder the high points and lows of their failed effort. Clinton, in contrast, raised more than $4 million for the Obama campaign and repeatedly urged her supporters to campaign for Obama and contribute to his cause. She hosted a reception in Denver for 250 of her donors and is scheduled to be in Chicago tonight for another fund-raising event. She has another fund-raising event scheduled for Sept. 22 in New York City, with the goal of raising $500,000.

The top women's groups that supported Clinton endorsed Obama and Clinton is urging all the unions that endorsed her in the primary to back Obama.

She is holding rallies in battleground states like Florida, New Hampshire, and Ohio. Staff members from Clinton's presidential campaign are now working to elect Obama and his running mate, Senator Joe Biden of Delaware.

"She has a special role and she is fulfilling it with gusto," said Kathleen Strand, a Clinton spokesperson. It is a special role and it requires as much gusto as possible. ...

Boston Globe (http://www.boston.com/bostonglobe/editorial_opinion/oped/articles/2008/09/14/clinton_fulfilling_new_role_with_gusto)

If you have any remnant of a brain your probably asking yourself, why would Hillary supporters support McCain when Hillary herself has thrown her support, and her campaigns support to Obama?

09-14-2008, 11:43 AM
Is that your belief dan? That all these thousands of PUMAs posting on various Clinton sites are just posers? Ok. Keep your head buried in the sand if you like, but I think you're mistaken.

After visting a few of these Clinton supporter sites, it's obvious to me that they believe the nomination was her birthright. And they would much rather see Obama lose than support him and kill what might be her last shot at the presidency. They can smell 2012 and that's where their hearts lie, not with Obama winning this election.

If Obama loses, the Clinton campaign starts November 5th 2008.

Bingo! You've hit the nail on the head here. Many of these Hillary supporters are just that - HILLARY supporters - not DNC supporters. They are thoroughly disgusted with how their golden girl was treated and they lay the blame right at the steps of Obama's temple! They will hold their nose and vote for McCain so that Hillary has another chance in 2012. And Sarah Palin gives them some justification for voting republican this year - at least they're voting for a woman!

And dan - if you think they created a huge website with numerous contributors (not to mention all the posters on the message boards) just to give the impression that they're Hillary supporters when they're really GOPers - man you're much further gone than I thought! :lmao

09-14-2008, 11:45 AM
And dan - if you think they created a huge website with numerous contributors (not to mention all the posters on the message boards) just to give the impression that they're Hillary supporters when they're really GOPers - man you're much further gone than I thought!

Yeah, that would be way to savory for a GOPer


09-14-2008, 11:48 AM
New Hampshire Democratic Rep and Hillary supporter now endorses McCain:


If you're talking with a lefty...you're talking with a liar..who hates America...remember that.

09-14-2008, 11:50 AM

09-14-2008, 11:58 AM
Yeah, that would be way to savory for a GOPer


to savory? I didn't know we were talking about cooking! I think you meant "too savvy"; but hey, we understand that your extreme anger clouds not only your thought processes, but also your ability to articulate those thoughts correctly! :rolleyes

09-14-2008, 11:58 AM

09-14-2008, 11:59 AM
Nbadan is calm and relaxed...assured of victory.

09-14-2008, 12:06 PM

You're so lost on this one dan. Hillary is out there doing the bare minimum for Obama because she doesn't want the dems to paint her as the next Ralph Nader who cost them the election. Hillary won't go near Palin with a 10 foot pole because she won't risk losing female supporters who would find it hypocritical. Why else do you think Obama went begging Bubba for help recently? Because Hillary told him to fuck off, that's why. :lol

09-14-2008, 12:07 PM

You're so lost on this one dan. Hillary is out there doing the bare minimum for Obama because she doesn't want the dems to paint her as the next Ralph Nader who cost them the election. Hillary won't go near Palin with a 10 foot pole because she won't risk losing female supporters who would find it hypocritical. Why else do you think Obama went begging Bubba for help recently? Because Hillary told him to fuck off, that's why. :lol

Dude, put down the crack pipe...and turn off the wing-nut radio

09-14-2008, 12:11 PM
Hillary and Palin (http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/video/clips/palin-hillary-open/656281/) from SNL

09-14-2008, 12:18 PM
Dude, put down the crack pipe...and turn off the wing-nut radio

Don't listen to the wing-nuts much. But when I do, I listen to my share of Air America radio to get differing viewpoints. Same with Fox,MSNBC et. al. But go ahead and keep assuming that you've got it all figured out.

09-14-2008, 01:05 PM
Bingo! You've hit the nail on the head here. Many of these Hillary supporters are just that - HILLARY supporters - not DNC supporters. They are thoroughly disgusted with how their golden girl was treated and they lay the blame right at the steps of Obama's styrofoam temple! They will hold their nose and vote for McCain so that Hillary has another chance in 2012. And Sarah Palin gives them some justification for voting republican this year - at least they're voting for a woman!

Fixed. :king

09-14-2008, 01:15 PM
Don't listen to the wing-nuts much. But when I do, I listen to my share of Air America radio to get differing viewpoints. Same with Fox,MSNBC et. al. But go ahead and keep assuming that you've got it all figured out.

Whatever...you say you don't listen to FAUX news to make you look objective, but your posts reveal you for who and what you really are...

09-14-2008, 01:18 PM
Whatever...you say you don't listen to FAUX news to make you look objective, but your posts reveal you for who and what you really are...


09-14-2008, 01:24 PM

Trouble is, I was right about Saddam, I was right about no WMD or imminent threat, I was right about no active links between Saddam and Islamic terra...while wing-nuts have been right about -well, nothing....

09-14-2008, 01:28 PM
Sound familiar?


09-14-2008, 01:49 PM
I could vote for Obama to help America shed it's racial tensions...but I actually vote on issues. :lmao

However, I do appreciate the women's movement.

From behind :hat

09-14-2008, 01:54 PM
I could vote for Obama to help America shed it's racial tensions...but I actually vote on issues.

That is funny, considering I've never read a McSame issue position posted by you...

09-14-2008, 01:57 PM
Hillary and Palin (http://www.nbc.com/Saturday_Night_Live/video/clips/palin-hillary-open/656281/) from SNL

Yeah, the few people left watching SNL these days know they are libs so most people see through that garbage.