View Full Version : MSNBC Objectivity

09-14-2008, 04:24 PM
When he's not dancing with Karl Rove, David Gregory, who is supposedly a news moderate next to Keith Olberman, doesn't believe it's the medias job to expose lies...

"David Gregory, said recently on "Hardball," "There's a lot of critics ... who think that, if we did not debate the president ... if we did not stand up and say, this is bogus, and you're a liar, and why are you doing this, that we didn't do our job. And I respectfully disagree. It's not our role."

Newsday (http://www.newsday.com/news/opinion/ny-opher5842451sep14,0,4441458.story)

A journalist is someone who investigates, discovers and reports on the truth.

David Gregory does not investigate, discover and report on the truth. He interviews people. He is the TV equivalent of a scribe of the Middle Ages. He merely broadcasts (writes down) what people say. Much of what he broadcasts is opinion, not news. There is a huge difference.

David Gregory needs to at least be honest about what he does. Only on rare occasions does he report the news as experienced by those who live it; he simply interviews people and lets them say whatever they want. He does not investigate whether what they are saying is true. At most, he gets people with different opinions on his program to talk about their different opinionns.

Only when he presents live, eye-witness reports, such as reports on the hurricane, is he presenting news, and even then, his reporting often is not complete enough to really qualify as "news." He is just presenting a little snippet of a story -- an entertaining little snippet.

Someone should ask Gregory, "David. . .Should journalists repeat statements he knows to be lies without qualifying them?"

09-14-2008, 05:01 PM
MSobamaNBC Bias---No Way!


09-14-2008, 05:37 PM
MSobamaNBC Bias---No Way!

If you're going to do the assess-party-bias-in-a-network's-name thing, have some creativity.

Communist News Network

Those are creative (somewhat). Yours is just sad.

09-14-2008, 05:46 PM
If you're going to do the assess-party-bias-in-a-network's-name thing, have some creativity.

Communist News Network

Those are creative (somewhat). Yours is just sad.

So -are you the creative police?

09-14-2008, 06:44 PM
I guess somewhere along the way, a big split was made in the news media between reporters and investigative journalists...In the 24 hour news cycle where speed is everything reporting is the "in" thing, regardless of the substance or truthfullness in many instances.

09-14-2008, 07:05 PM
So -are you the creative police?

I'd say he's more the lack of creative police...

09-14-2008, 08:21 PM
I guess somewhere along the way, a big split was made in the news media between reporters and investigative journalists...In the 24 hour news cycle where speed is everything reporting is the "in" thing, regardless of the substance or truthfullness in many instances.

Apparently someone forgot to tell the networks who routinely put investigative journalists and strategists in the reporters chair....and vice versa.