View Full Version : Utah Has Big Financial Decisions To Make

Spurs Brazil
09-16-2008, 06:04 PM
Utah Has Big Financial Decisions To Make

Sep 16, 2008 5:51 PM EST
The Jazz have big financial decisions to make in the not-so-distant future, according to Deseret News.

"We're going to have to make some very, very tough decisions next year," owner Larry Miller said. "I do not intend us to be a luxury-tax payer, but only because we have to have an economically stable franchise regardless of anything else."

They will be dangerously close to the expected luxury tax threshold entering the 2009-10 season.

Via Deseret News

09-16-2008, 06:15 PM
I would gladly take a 10% pay cut to not live in Salt Lake City.
Life's just too short for that kind of sacrifice.

The Franchise
09-16-2008, 06:18 PM
I would gladly take a 10% pay cut to not live in Salt Lake City.
Life's just too short for that kind of sacrifice.

:lol I didn't think anyone could be so right yet, so wrong at the same time but you pulled it off.

09-16-2008, 06:22 PM
What Larry Miller is trying to say is bye bye Boozer. Don't let the door hit ya in your lazy ass on your way out. Move AK to the 4 or start Millsap. Either way Boozer is gone.

09-16-2008, 07:11 PM
What Larry Miller is trying to say is bye bye Boozer. Don't let the door hit ya in your lazy ass on your way out. Move AK to the 4 or start Millsap. Either way Boozer is gone.

Well thats one way to become irrevelant in the Western Conference.

09-16-2008, 08:23 PM
What Larry Miller is trying to say is bye bye Boozer. Don't let the door hit ya in your lazy ass on your way out. Move AK to the 4 or start Millsap. Either way Boozer is gone.

Before i say anything else, you are like an exception of Utah fans, you're actually pretty cool but the majority of you guys are obnoxious and disrespectful:ihit

Btw, my teacher said Utah has some of the best landscapes on earth.

Reggie Miller
09-16-2008, 09:01 PM
What Larry Miller is trying to say is bye bye Boozer. Don't let the door hit ya in your lazy ass on your way out. Move AK to the 4 or start Millsap. Either way Boozer is gone.

AK and Okur are the main problems with your franchise. Surely you understand that?

Andrei Kirilenko was the 23rd highest paid player in the NBA last season at $13,725,000. Mehmet Okur made $8,500,000 last season, which is neither here nor there. Carlos Boozer was the 40th highest piad player at $11,593,816.

Kirilenko is a hemorhage on the cap, period. Okur isn't overpaid, but he doesn't mesh well with the future of the franchise, Williams and Milsap, in a conventional set. (I think we all agree Sloan likes him some conventional set.) A center who doesn't post up requires an active forward combination, and I don't see how you can afford to keep Okur without an above-average power forward.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not exactly high on Boozer, but AK is the real drain on Utah's resources.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that no one would ever take AK and his contract in a trade without getting a real player as well, which makes my post sort of academic.

Reggie Miller
09-16-2008, 09:06 PM
What Larry Miller is trying to say is bye bye Boozer. Don't let the door hit ya in your lazy ass on your way out. Move AK to the 4 or start Millsap. Either way Boozer is gone.

Ignoring the fact that no one would do a trade like this and the players aren't available, Utah's real solution would be to dump Kirilenko and Boozer and get a true power forward and a little depth across the board.

Rasheed Wallace in Salt Lake City? I say GO FOR IT!!!! :p:

09-17-2008, 12:10 AM
AK and Okur are the main problems with your franchise. Surely you understand that?

Andrei Kirilenko was the 23rd highest paid player in the NBA last season at $13,725,000. Mehmet Okur made $8,500,000 last season, which is neither here nor there. Carlos Boozer was the 40th highest piad player at $11,593,816.

Kirilenko is a hemorhage on the cap, period. Okur isn't overpaid, but he doesn't mesh well with the future of the franchise, Williams and Milsap, in a conventional set. (I think we all agree Sloan likes him some conventional set.) A center who doesn't post up requires an active forward combination, and I don't see how you can afford to keep Okur without an above-average power forward.

Don't get me wrong. I'm not exactly high on Boozer, but AK is the real drain on Utah's resources.

EDIT: I forgot to mention that no one would ever take AK and his contract in a trade without getting a real player as well, which makes my post sort of academic.

There's a reason why Larry Miller said no to the AK for Marion trade. AK isn't the problem. Okur isn't the problem. Boozer is the problem and he needs to go. We have no chance of winning a title with Boozer as our starting PF. For all that he gives us on offense, he's worse on the defensive end. Starting Millsap, who's a MUCH better defensive player, or moving AK to the 4 and starting either Korver or CJ at the 3 would be the way to go. We have enough offense to cover for Boozer being gone and our defense would be a lot better. AK is a better defensive player when he's closer to the basket. When he's guarding 2's and 3's outside it limits what he does best on defense, which is alter and block shots. Millsap has improved on the offensive end and could turn into a very good low post player. His 15 footer still needs work but so did Boozer's before he came to Utah.

Lets face it...the NBA now really doesn't have a lot of strong 4's. AK can play most 4's straight up, plus it puts him around the basket on both ends of the floor where he's much more effective. AK playing the 4 would put him back at his all-star level. Getting rid of Boozer's contract allows us to pay Millsap, Korver, Okur and still be a player in the free agent market. Plus we have to think about 2010 when we get New York's first round pick...a pick that could be top 5.

The simple solution is to get rid of Boozer.

09-17-2008, 03:13 AM
i also think boozer is the problem. his game relies too much on luck (pushing off, playing against poor defenders etc.)

09-17-2008, 04:17 AM
AK47 does have a big contract, but if he played at the 4 Utah would be better.