View Full Version : Palin allies sue to halt trooper probe

09-16-2008, 06:19 PM
This is getting ridiculous. Until she was McCain's running mate, she was cooperating. Why is the McCain campaign involved at all in an Alaska state process?

Allies of Alaska Gov. Sarah Palin asked a judge Tuesday to halt the state Legislature's investigation into the firing of her public service commissioner, calling the probe a "McCarthyistic" inquisition.

Palin originally pledged to cooperate with the investigation that the Alaska Legislative Council commissioned in July. But since becoming Sen. John McCain's running mate, campaign spokesmen have lashed out at the probe as "tainted" and "partisan," and fought to get the state Personnel Board to launch its own probe.

"I think it's fair to say that the governor is not going to cooperate with that investigation so long as it remained tainted and run by partisan individuals who have a predetermined conclusion," McCain-Palin campaign spokesman Ed O'Callaghan said Monday.


George Gervin's Afro
09-16-2008, 08:26 PM
I hate partisan witch hunts.

Ken Starr

09-16-2008, 08:56 PM
Maybe you should get some facts about this before you pass judgement! Following are excerpts from articles detailing what is really going on here. Also, the reason she's not cooperating is that the people running this witch hunt are ardent Obama supporters and already have a foregone conclusion.

Emails released by Palin’s lawyer in the evolving “Troopergate” investigation show Palin fired Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan because he routinely undermined her on budget issues, not because of his refusal to fire Palin’s ex brother-in-law Trooper Mike Wooten.

The citizen suit raised doubts about Branchflower’s neutrality, citing public statements from the investigator’s “Project Director” Democratic Sen. Hollis French.

French, who is actively supporting Barack Obama’s presidential candidacy, handpicked Branchflower to conduct an investigation to determine whether Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin violated ethics rules in firing Public Safety Commissioner Walt Monegan. French has publicly said he expects Branchflower’s inquiry to culminate in an “October surprise” that would hurt Palin’s chances of becoming vice president in November.

The Republicans argued Commissioner Monegan gave Palin “ample cause” for firing by defying her, in concert with Senator French, on budget issues.

“Working with Sen. French, and contrary to directions from Governor Palin, Monegan had attempted to include items in the Alaska state budget appropriating funds for various items within the Department of Public Safety that Governor Palin had previously vetoed,” their suit said. “Afterwards, contrary to the instructions of the Governor and contrary to the Governor’s budgetary plan, Monegan attempted to travel to Washington D.C. at state Executive Branch expense, in order to request federal funding through ‘earmarks’ for line items from Alaska’s congressional delegation.”

09-16-2008, 09:48 PM
Obama. The agent of Change.

So what if he TMZ blitzkriegs Alaska. That's change you can believe in my chitren..

Fucking Amazing. Obama has friends who are terrorists and they are trying to scour podunk Alaska. WTF country is this.

Obama could not even pass security clearance to gain access to high levels in the country, yet he will be running it in a couple months :lmao

09-16-2008, 09:55 PM
You would think if someone had nothing to hide and had proof that they were innocent of a charge they would be all for getting it out in the open and ending this thing. Palin could have made this a non-issue but now once again the whiniest campaign in the history of presidental races poured more gasoline on the fire by saying a bi-partisan probe with 3 Republicans and 2 Democrats is somehow "tainted" :lol These dullards have an excuse for everything.

09-16-2008, 10:09 PM

09-17-2008, 08:32 AM
This is the kind of change Washington needs! Stall investigations! Refuse to cooperate!

George Gervin's Afro
09-17-2008, 09:57 AM
This is the kind of change Washington needs! Stall investigations! Refuse to cooperate!

Geogre Bush 44!!!