View Full Version : Prominent Hillary supporter to endorse McCain

09-16-2008, 10:17 PM

September 16, 2008
Prominent Clinton backer and DNC member to endorse McCain
Posted: 10:07 PM ET

From CNN Political Editor Mark Preston

WASHINGTON (CNN) — Lynn Forester de Rothschild, a prominent Hillary Clinton supporter and member of the Democratic National Committee’s Platform Committee, will endorse John McCain for president on Wednesday, her spokesman tells CNN.

The announcement will take place at a news conference on Capitol Hill, just blocks away from the DNC headquarters. Forester will “campaign and help him through the election,” the spokesman said of her plans to help the Republican presidential nominee.

Forester was a major donor for Clinton earning her the title as a Hillraiser for helping to raise at least $100,000 for the New York Democratic senator’s failed presidential bid.

In an interview with CNN this summer, Forester did not hide her distaste for eventual Democratic presidential nominee Barack Obama.

“This is a hard decision for me personally because frankly I don't like him,” she said of Obama in an interview with CNN’s Joe Johns. “I feel like he is an elitist. I feel like he has not given me reason to trust him.”

Forester is the CEO of EL Rothschild, a holding company with businesses around the world. She is married to international banker Sir Evelyn de Rothschild. Forester is a member of the DNC’s Democrats Abroad chapter and splits her time living in London and New York.

Lets hear it again Dems. Explain to us again how all these Hillary Clinton supporters that are flocking to McCain/Palin in droves is all just a myth, and that they're really just GOPers in disguise. :lol

09-16-2008, 10:25 PM
She's married to a CEO and splits her time between London and New York and she thinks Obama is an elitist? LOL.

Also, since when did she become a "prominent Democrat"? I've never heard of her. Lieberman still calls himself a "Democrat" too. And how come it's not news when all the hundreds of Republicans cross party lines to support Obama? Oh, because they're not "prominent". Whatever.

09-16-2008, 10:28 PM
“I feel like he is an elitist.;..

A Rothchild calling a guy who grew up on food stamps an elitists....


09-16-2008, 11:14 PM
She's married to a CEO and splits her time between London and New York and she thinks Obama is an elitist? LOL.

Are you arguing that she is an elitist, because no one's arguing that she's not, and her being an elitist would have no bearing on whether or not Barack is one.

You get a failing grade all the way around on that one.

Also, since when did she become a "prominent Democrat"?
How many democrats raised $100,000 for their candidate and are members of the Democratic National Committee’s Platform Committee?
Additionally, the fact that the name Lynn Rothschild doesn't ring a bell with you, speaks of your ignorance, not her lack of prominence.

I've never heard of her.
"Attention citizens of the World, if supergirl has not heard of you, you are not prominent"! :lol

09-16-2008, 11:31 PM
I've never heard of her.
"Attention citizens of the World, if supergirl has not heard of you, you are not prominent"! :lol

Does that mean 2centsworth is prominent?

09-16-2008, 11:34 PM
Does that mean 2centsworth is prominent?

Since she's "heard of you", that's definitely a possiblity. Perhaps supergirl would care to weigh in on this? :lol

09-16-2008, 11:37 PM

I'm somebody!!!!!

09-16-2008, 11:38 PM
Are you arguing that she is an elitist, because no one's arguing that she's not, and her being an elitist would have no bearing on whether or not Barack is one.

Depends on why you think Obama is elitists? what is your criteria? Is McCain an elitists?

09-16-2008, 11:49 PM
Depends on why you think Obama is elitists? what is your criteria? Is McCain an elitists?

looking down on people and having a lack of respect for other Americans would be my definition.

McCain seems like a guy I could have over for dinner and he would be genuinely interested in me and my family. Obama seems like a guy who would think he's above us.

that's my sense, admittedly based on incomplete info.

09-16-2008, 11:51 PM
OK, but I'm not sure that 'having a beer or dinner' with a guy necessarily makes him qualified to be Presidnet..I mean we've been down that road before with Bush...besides, wouldn't our founding fathers have been considered 'elites' by most people in the 1700's?

09-16-2008, 11:53 PM
OK, but I'm not sure that 'having a beer or dinner' with a guy necessarily makes him qualified to be Presidnet..I mean we've been down that road before with Bush...besides, wouldn't our founding fathers have been considered 'elites' by most people in the 1700's?

there's no doubt McCain is qualified to be president. Now whether he's the best choice is up to the public. I'm just giving you my definition of elitist.

09-17-2008, 09:20 PM
She's on with Greta right now and she's articulating very well her reasons for supporting John McCain. But bottom line is that she thinks the Democrat Party has gone way too far to the left and she doesn't want the gang of Pelosi, Obama, and a democrat congress running Washington!

09-17-2008, 09:24 PM
Can't argue with that!

09-17-2008, 10:12 PM
She's from New Jersey :smokin

09-17-2008, 10:13 PM
Big surprise, ole Lynn has probably made a lot of money off of Republican deregulation in just about every industry, so why should anyone be surprised that she supports the candidate who would likely continue her gravytrain?.......and thus we have come to a very important point.....Republican hate-mongers like Rush and Insannity love it when we all fight like partisan bitches....especially when poor Republicans take up the cause against 'liberal policies and politicians' that likely won't even affect them...I mean common, even Obama's plan won't hit you unless you make more than $200K per year, which is probably nobody on this board....meanwhile, we all continue to pay a larger chunk of our meager paychecks in state and local taxes and 'user fees' (hidden taxes) while the rich, like Rothchild, skate with one of the lowest tax rates in the civilized world....

09-17-2008, 10:15 PM
...it's not Dems versus Republicans pep....it's the rich against the poor...

09-17-2008, 10:17 PM
She's a lifelong Democrat.

Sorry but her and Leiberman and Greta's husband and all these other prominent Democrats jumping over to McCain is a disaster...even if you doubt their credibility, these guys are tremendous campaign assets and sources of influence for McCain. Everyone one of them has friends and influence...no way their jumping ship is a positive for Obama.

And the fact that they are all close friends as well as supporters of Hillary Clinton is extremely telling.

Mr. Peabody
09-17-2008, 10:23 PM
She's a lifelong Democrat.

Sorry but her and Leiberman and Greta's husband and all these other prominent Democrats jumping over to McCain is a disaster...if you doubt their credibility, these guys are tremendous campaign assets and sources of influence for McCain. Everyone one of them has friends and influence...no way them jumping ship is a positive for Obama.

Lady Lynn Forester de Rothschild is a former Hillraiser who threatened to withhold donations from the DNC unless Hillary got the nomination. She's supporting McCain out of spite and pettiness. She has money and some influence, but if she's willing to sell out her beliefs for spite, fuck her.

09-17-2008, 10:25 PM
Lieberman is a joke....he didn't even win the Democratic primary...that's why he ran and won as a independent....besides, there are very prominent Republicans supporting Obama too, but nobody considers it thread-worthy...

09-17-2008, 10:28 PM
She has money and some influence, but if she's willing to sell out her beliefs for spite, fuck her.

Or maybe she's not willing to sell out her beliefs.

09-17-2008, 10:30 PM
there are very prominent Republicans supporting Obama too, but nobody considers it thread-worthy...

Political expediency, separating themselves from the Bush admin....not the same motivation.

09-17-2008, 10:35 PM
...I mean common, even Obama's plan won't hit you unless you make more than $200K per year, which is probably nobody on this board....meanwhile, we all continue to pay a larger chunk of our meager paychecks in state and local taxes and 'user fees' (hidden taxes) while the rich, like Rothchild, skate with one of the lowest tax rates in the civilized world....

I would benefit from Obama's plan but I'm more worried about the effects that his plan will have on the economy as a whole...increasing corporate and capital gains taxes reduces jobs(or at the very least does not create new ones) and reduces investments which help spur business growth.

09-17-2008, 10:41 PM
I'll benefit from Obama's plan too...in theory. But his tax plan is complete fucking fantasy.

If he actually get it I'll get a huge ass tax credit and I'll also probably get help on my post grad education I just started.

That said...I flat out know he is going to eviscerate the stock market with his Cap Gains tax...among other things.

09-17-2008, 10:44 PM
Or maybe she's not willing to sell out her beliefs.

What beliefs are those? Stick it to the poor?

09-17-2008, 10:46 PM
What beliefs are those? Stick it to the poor?

Why not...they're the ones that screwed everyone else over by buying houses they couldn't afford.

09-17-2008, 10:48 PM
I would benefit from Obama's plan but I'm more worried about the effects that his plan will have on the economy as a whole...increasing corporate and capital gains taxes reduces jobs(or at the very least does not create new ones) and reduces investments which help spur business growth.

Maybe it will, but I think that reducing spending and concurrently raising taxes on the very rich will demonstrate to Wall Street and foreign investors buying long-term government obligations that we are serious about controlling our out-of-control debt problem....this in turn could lead them to invest in U.S. industries, creating more jobs and thus more tax revenue....worked for Clinton....

09-17-2008, 10:49 PM
Why not...they're the ones that screwed everyone else over by buying houses they couldn't afford.


09-17-2008, 10:53 PM
Why not...they're the ones that screwed everyone else over by buying houses they couldn't afford.

Please, everyone down the pike was telling them that the real estate market was gonna keep going up...up..up....everyone was at fault....the borrower who believed the bull, the real estate agent who assured them it was a safe bet and in many cases, misrepresented the terms of their loans with low introductory ARMs that were heavily leveraged and the lenders who made money by making these loans and then selling them off as 'safe' investments to pension plans at firms now being bailed on the taxpayer dime....it's a fucken crime...

09-17-2008, 10:55 PM
Sorry Dan...but lying about your finance and taking on variable rate mortgages is the fault of the buyer. If the people have no integrity you damn sure can't expect anyone else to have it.

Accountability here....the buyers share reponsbility. Stop expecting the GOVT to wipe your ass...that's not it's job.

09-17-2008, 10:56 PM
Who had to lie? Lenders were making loans without any proof of income or even a job...

09-17-2008, 10:57 PM
Accountability here....the buyers share reponsbility. Stop expecting the GOVT to wipe your ass...that's not it's job.

So why is the gov' ment bailing Wall Street? Ah, yes, free market capitalism is great, until the shit hits the fan....then fuck that free market shit....right?

09-17-2008, 10:59 PM
Please, everyone down the pike was telling them that the real estate market was gonna keep going up...up..up....everyone was at fault....the borrower who believed the bull, the real estate agent who assured them it was a safe bet and in many cases, misrepresented the terms of their loans with low introductory ARMs that were heavily leveraged and the lenders who made money by making these loans and then selling them off as 'safe' investments to pension plans at firms now being bailed on the taxpayer dime....it's a fucken crime...

It all starts with the borrower though...if they aren't there nothing else happens.

09-17-2008, 11:03 PM
I'm not saying that the borrowers don't share some responsibility, but you have to admit that there was a lot of hype in the media and other places over continuously rising prices and what a safe bet these investment where, so a lot of people bought houses thinking that if they couldn't make the payment in some future date, they could always dump the house at a huge profit...and it worked for many years, but then mother reality came in and stump these investors and weak borrowers in the throat...

09-17-2008, 11:05 PM
Who had to lie? Lenders were making loans without any proof of income or even a job...

Some of them were...but a lot of people lie. I know...I was in the Real Estate business for 2006. The agents try to help them lie too...

09-17-2008, 11:12 PM
It's easy to lie when the market became so unregulated and lenders were making easy-loans to anyone who applied...

09-17-2008, 11:12 PM
I'm not saying that the borrowers don't share some responsibility, but you have to admit that there was a lot of hype in the media and other places over continuously rising prices and what a safe bet these investment where, so a lot of people bought houses thinking that if they couldn't make the payment in some future date, they could always dump the house at a huge profit...and it worked for many years, but then mother reality came in and stump these investors and weak borrowers in the throat...

I agree that there were more at fault than just the borrower...but it does start with them. I just bought a new house 2 yrs ago and thought that the amount that they preapproved me for was ridiculous. I ended up buying a house that was half of what i was approved for (and that was just for a 30 yr fixed, I can only imagine how much they would have approved me for if i had asked for an adjustable rate interest only).

Bottom line is the buyers need to know how much they can afford.

09-17-2008, 11:12 PM
I'm not saying that the borrowers don't share some responsibility, but you have to admit that there was a lot of hype in the media and other places over continuously rising prices and what a safe bet these investment where, so a lot of people bought houses thinking that if they couldn't make the payment in some future date, they could always dump the house at a huge profit...and it worked for many years, but then mother reality came in and stump these investors and weak borrowers in the throat...

Oh I absolutely agree with that. Austin was considered the hottest market in the country when I got into it, that was all anybody was talking about and I didn't make a fucking sale for the entire year....plus I ended up 9 grand in the hole. I was like :wtf is wrong with this picture...something aint right here.

The agents and builders were extremely agressive at recruiting home buyers as well....I mean a level of agression that you would not believe to get prospects. Tons of money was being put into just that.

Some of these agents were signing up for strongarm prospecting programs that cost 9-10 thousand dollars. But still...people were looking to get houses beyond their means, and they were willing to lie to do it. With a variable interest rate...

My point is that it's not all on the government or the lenders...it's on everyone, including the people. And I feel that is an important point to make...because you aren't going to see it made in the media or by the politicians.

09-17-2008, 11:16 PM
....it was a racket..and tons of people were making money off these suckers...the real estate agent, the brokers, the lenders, the stock-brokers...and who gets stuck with the huge bill? .......the taxpayers...but it's all a function of a weak government, that why we have government, so that situations like this don't manifest into huge costly cluster-fucks..

09-17-2008, 11:18 PM
My point is that it's not all on the government or the lenders...it's on everyone, including the people. And I feel that is an important point to make...because you aren't going to see it made in the media or by the politicians.


09-17-2008, 11:25 PM
This whole crises is the Democrat Congress' master plan.

09-17-2008, 11:27 PM
Talking out of your ass gets you no where, but it sure exposes you...

09-18-2008, 11:03 AM

LOL...the Democrats do a much better job of destroying the Democratic talking points than the Republicans do...it's like a hotknife through butter.

09-18-2008, 11:30 AM
A rich lady named Rothschild says Obama is an "elitist"? What does that even mean? Is that some sort of ironic elitism? Because he got an Ivy League education? Since when is an IL education a bad thing?

09-18-2008, 11:35 AM
A rich lady named Rothschild says Obama is an "elitist"? What does that even mean? Is that some sort of ironic elitism? Because he got an Ivy League education? Since when is an IL education a bad thing?

Idiot...she didn't call him an elitist because of his Ivy League Education...she's got a law degree from Columbia herself.

09-18-2008, 11:43 AM
I'm not saying that the borrowers don't share some responsibility, but you have to admit that there was a lot of hype in the media and other places over continuously rising prices and what a safe bet these investment where, so a lot of people bought houses thinking that if they couldn't make the payment in some future date, they could always dump the house at a huge profit...and it worked for many years, but then mother reality came in and stump these investors and weak borrowers in the throat...

I'm wondering how many of the defaults aren't sub-prime to families, but sub-prime to flippers?

Fuck THEM.

09-18-2008, 11:44 AM
Idiot...she didn't call him an elitist because of his Ivy League Education...she's got a law degree from Columbia herself.

Then what makes him an "elitist?" Because in her mind, his supporters don't like NASCAR or go to church every Sunday? She wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with your typical blue-collar social conservative Republican.

I've always thought that the perfect punishment for Ann Coulter would be permanent exile to Mississippi, where she'd be forced to interact with her fellow Bush supporters, and she could no longer torment the "liberal elites" whose social values she shares exactly.

09-18-2008, 11:48 AM
Then what makes him an "elitist?" Because in her mind, his supporters don't like NASCAR or go to church every Sunday? She wouldn't be caught dead hanging out with your typical blue-collar social conservative Republican.

You really are a bigot aren't you?

I've always thought that the perfect punishment for Ann Coulter would be permanent exile to Mississippi, where she'd be forced to interact with her fellow Bush supporters, and she could no longer torment the "liberal elites" whose social values she shares exactly.

Spend a lot of time thinking about Ann Coulter do you?

09-18-2008, 11:49 AM

LOL...the Democrats do a much better job of destroying the Democratic talking points than the Republicans do...it's like a hotknife through butter.

"Haven't spoken to Hillary".

Me thinks she doth protesteth too much...

09-18-2008, 11:49 AM
I've always thought that the perfect punishment for Ann Coulter would be permanent exile to Mississippi, where she'd be forced to interact with her fellow Bush supporters, and she could no longer torment the "liberal elites" whose social values she shares exactly.

LOL. Make it so.

George Gervin's Afro
09-18-2008, 11:50 AM
Sorry Dan...but lying about your finance and taking on variable rate mortgages is the fault of the buyer. If the people have no integrity you damn sure can't expect anyone else to have it.

Accountability here....the buyers share reponsbility. Stop expecting the GOVT to wipe your ass...that's not it's job.

Didn't Bush and his sychophants use the schtick that home ownership was an at all time high therefore his economic policy rocked. Haven't heard that much about it anymore.

09-18-2008, 11:52 AM
Didn't Bush and his sychophants use the schtick that home ownership was an at all time high therefore his economic policy rocked. Haven't heard that much about it anymore.

Most likely...that wasn't why Bush got re-elected though. He got re-elected because the Democrats offered up a traitorous pandering asskisser...that's the only reason he got re-elected.

09-18-2008, 11:53 AM
You really are a bigot aren't you?

What an upside down world we live in, when it's the Republicans that can't manage the economy and their supporters cry bigotry when somebody disagrees with them. I thought that was the purview of the Democrats.

I just want to know what makes Obama an "elitist." If he came from humble origins instead of wealth and privilege, how does that make him an "elitist?" It can't be inherited wealth, it can't be his education, so that only leaves perceived condescension towards rural, working-class whites, regardless of the lack of the evidence for such a charge. Who is this woman of all people to call Obama an "elitist?" What values does she have that gives her insight into the common man that Obama does not have? Can you answer that question for me?

Spend a lot of time thinking about Ann Coulter do you?

I just find it ironic when extremely rich people express solidarity with people that they have nothing but contempt for.

09-18-2008, 12:03 PM
What an upside down world we live in, when it's the Republicans that can't manage the economy and their supporters cry bigotry when somebody disagrees with them. I thought that was the purview of the Democrats.

Spoken like someone who:

A. Doesn't realize we have a Democrat controlled congress and
B. Doesn't understand what the powers of the President and Congress are.

This doesn't make you unique among Democrats BTW.

I just want to know what makes Obama an "elitist." If he came from humble origins instead of wealth and privilege, how does that make him an "elitist?"

Spoken like someone with a limited definition of elitist.

It can't be inherited wealth, it can't be his education, so that only leaves perceived condescension towards rural, working-class whites, regardless of the lack of the evidence for such a charge. Who is this woman of all people to call Obama an "elitist?" What values does she have that gives her insight into the common man that Obama does not have?

Because she is common? There is nothing common about Obama.

Can you answer that question for me?

I could...but it wouldn't change your mind, so why act like it would?

I just find it ironic when extremely rich people express solidarity with people that they have nothing but contempt for.

You mean like the Democrats do with women?

And BTW....a simple "yes" would have been sufficient.

09-18-2008, 12:17 PM
who is this dumb bitch and why should i care?

09-18-2008, 12:22 PM
who is this dumb bitch and why should i care?

You shouldnt.

09-18-2008, 12:24 PM
Spoken like someone who:

A. Doesn't realize we have a Democrat controlled congress and

I'm sorry, but was it the Democrats who simultaneously decided to lower taxes and increase spending during wartime? Was it the Democrats who have squeezed the middle class? I must have missed that.

B. Doesn't understand what the powers of the President and Congress are.

Coming from you, I'll take that as a compliment.

Spoken like someone with a limited definition of elitist.

I just wish somebody could explain to me how rich people arrive at the definition of "elitist."

Because she is common?

Yes, she's quite the salt of the earth, isn't she?

I could...but it wouldn't change your mind, so why act like it would?

I really do want to know the rationale behind it, so it wasn't a rhetorical question. If the goal here is to change minds, then why do we keep replying to each other? Clearly that's not the case here, as this is an argument you don't have enough rhetorical ammunition for.

09-18-2008, 12:24 PM
Most likely...that wasn't why Bush got re-elected though. He got re-elected because the Democrats offered up a traitorous pandering asskisser...that's the only reason he got re-elected.


09-18-2008, 04:03 PM
That said...I flat out know he is going to eviscerate the stock market with his Cap Gains tax...among other things.

Yeah I mean how dare Obama vote for the bill that broke down the wall that separated the investment banks from commercial banks. The Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act was one of the main causes of the mess we're in now and Barak Motherfucking Oba.....wait....Whoops! That was McCain who voted for that bill. Oh and that name "Gramm" that is attached to said Act just happens to be Phil Gramm. The same Phil Gramm who "used" to be John McCain's senior economic advisor. Get a clue.


Mr. Peabody
09-18-2008, 07:39 PM
She's doing a bang up job as a surrogate -


Criticizing Obama for belittling "rednecks"? And Obama's the elitist....?