View Full Version : If the Economy's fundamentals aren't sound....

09-17-2008, 12:01 PM
Which fundamentals does Barrack Obama want to change? Should we move away from a capitalist society all-together?

I would like to know what Obama's camp considers the "fundamentals" instead of him bashing McCain for saying that they're strong.

09-17-2008, 04:15 PM
Uhhhhhhhh...he's laid this out pretty clearly on his website. Check it out.

For starters, let's start funneling money back out of Iraq (where we're pouring money down the drain into a war that is un-winnable and has only increased the presence of terrorism) and into our own economy...that $2 bil a month sure would help...


Aggie Hoopsfan
09-17-2008, 05:49 PM
Uhhhhhhhh...he's laid this out pretty clearly on his website. Check it out.

For starters, let's start funneling money back out of Iraq (where we're pouring money down the drain into a war that is un-winnable and has only increased the presence of terrorism) and into our own economy...that $2 bil a month sure would help...


Maybe you should take a look at McCain's web site and his economic plan as well, if you can find a few minutes to take a break from trashing him and Palin.

Just sayin'.

09-17-2008, 06:04 PM
Maybe you should read Gino.

09-17-2008, 08:52 PM
So What ARE the 'Fundamentals'? And Are They Good? (http://blogs.abcnews.com/politicalpunch/2008/09/so-what-are-the.html)

September 16, 2008 9:20 AM

A simple question I put to some nonpartisan economic experts.

Free from politics, when people generally talk about "the fundamentals" of the economy what do they mean?

And are they good?

"One definition," responded one, providing THIS LINK (http://abcnews.go.com/images/Politics/Online_glossary.pdf) and this definition: "A very broad term which includes such economic measures as interest rates, the government’s budget deficit, the country’s balance of trade account (relating to exports and imports), the level of domestic business confidence, the inflation rate, the state of (and confidence in) the banking and wider financial sector and consumer confidence."

"By this definition, things aren't so good," the expert said.

Another said, "To which we might add health of job market, value of home prices and stock prices (which have the greatest impact on household wealth) and ability of wages to keep up with prices -- these fundamentals are also not good."

- jpt

Nothing in there about "The American Worker" being the definition of "The Fundamentals"...but if you were intellectually honest, you already knew that was a bullshit rhetorical rearguard action on the part of the McCain campaign.