View Full Version : Breaking down the differences between the Candidates

Thunder Dan
09-19-2008, 09:08 AM
* If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you're "exotic, different."
* Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers, a quintessential American story.

* If your name is Barack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.
* Name your kids Willow, Trig and Track, you're a maverick.

* Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable.
* Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you're well grounded.

* If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, you don't have any real leadership experience.
* If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only
650,000 people, then you're qualified to become the country's second highest ranking executive.

* If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're not a real Christian.

* If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a Christian.

* If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.

* If, while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no other option in sex education in your state's school system while your unwed teen daughter ends up pregnant ,
you're very responsible.

* If your wife is a Harvard graduate laywer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family's values don't represent America's.

* If you're husband is nicknamed "First Dude", with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn't register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.

09-19-2008, 09:10 AM
* If you grow up in Hawaii, raised by your grandparents, you're "exotic, different."
* Grow up in Alaska eating mooseburgers, a quintessential American story.

* If your name is Barack you're a radical, unpatriotic Muslim.
* Name your kids Willow, Trig and Track, you're a maverick.

* Graduate from Harvard law School and you are unstable.
* Attend 5 different small colleges before graduating, you're well grounded.

* If you spend 3 years as a brilliant community organizer, become the first black President of the Harvard Law Review, create a voter registration drive that registers 150,000 new voters, spend 12 years as a Constitutional Law professor, spend 8 years as a State Senator representing a district with over 750,000 people, become chairman of the state Senate's Health and Human Services committee, spend 4 years in the United States Senate representing a state of 13 million people while sponsoring 131 bills and serving on the Foreign Affairs, Environment and Public Works and Veteran's Affairs committees, you don't have any real leadership experience.
* If your total resume is: local weather girl, 4 years on the city council and 6 years as the mayor of a town with less than 7,000 people, 20 months as the governor of a state with only
650,000 people, then you're qualified to become the country's second highest ranking executive.

* If you have been married to the same woman for 19 years while raising 2 beautiful daughters, all within Protestant churches, you're not a real Christian.

* If you cheated on your first wife with a rich heiress, and left your disfigured wife and married the heiress the next month, you're a Christian.

* If you teach responsible, age appropriate sex education, including the proper use of birth control, you are eroding the fiber of society.

* If, while governor, you staunchly advocate abstinence only, with no other option in sex education in your state's school system while your unwed teen daughter ends up pregnant ,
you're very responsible.

* If your wife is a Harvard graduate laywer who gave up a position in a prestigious law firm to work for the betterment of her inner city community, then gave that up to raise a family, your family's values don't represent America's.

* If you're husband is nicknamed "First Dude", with at least one DWI conviction and no college education, who didn't register to vote until age 25 and once was a member of a group that advocated the secession of Alaska from the USA, your family is extremely admirable.

Very good comparison.

Thanks for reminding me that Barrack, Michelle AND Biden are lawyers.

Neither McCain nor Palin are.

I was gonna change my vote based on your very reasoned analysis until I realized that.

Oh, Gee!!
09-19-2008, 09:16 AM
you tell 'em, 101. vote for the "general studies" major instead.

Oh, Gee!!
09-19-2008, 09:16 AM
wait, didn't shaq get the same degree? lolz.

Thunder Dan
09-19-2008, 09:17 AM
wait, didn't shaq get the same degree? lolz.

from a better university as well

09-19-2008, 09:17 AM
you tell 'em, 101. vote for the general studies major instead.

Do they have a "General Studies" degree at the Naval Academy?

Oh, Gee!!
09-19-2008, 09:21 AM
Do they have a "General Studies" degree at the Naval Academy?

oops, I assumed you were like the other conservatives who think that it's palin who is running for prez. my bad, you're one of the tiny few who remembers that it's McCain who's actually running for the top spot.

09-19-2008, 10:08 AM
Do they have a "General Studies" degree at the Naval Academy?

Oh, nice comeback. After all, we all know what a great student John McCain was at the Naval Academy.

Viva Las Espuelas
09-19-2008, 10:28 AM
Oh, nice comeback. After all, we all know what a great student John McCain was at the Naval Academy.
obamessiah's columbia transcripts, please.

09-19-2008, 10:30 AM
When was the last time the Democrats nominated a person who WASN'T a lawyer?

09-19-2008, 10:32 AM
obamessiah's columbia transcripts, please.

You really dont want those. Im no fan of Mr Change, but his education would smoke everyone in the field (from a purely semantic standpoint).

Does an Ivy League education automatically make you a better candidate? Absolutely not. No frickin way. Not by a mile.

09-19-2008, 10:38 AM
When was the last time the Democrats nominated a person who WASN'T a lawyer?

I don't think Gore graduated from Vandy's law school, but I might be mistaken.

09-19-2008, 10:42 AM
I don't think Gore graduated from Vandy's law school, but I might be mistaken.

Good catch; attended Law School, but quit before he got his degree.

09-19-2008, 10:45 AM
oops, I assumed you were like the other conservatives who think that it's palin who is running for prez. my bad, you're one of the tiny few who remembers that it's McCain who's actually running for the top spot.

Really? Should I search the internets for threads started by libs that focus on nothing other then Palin? I'd say the libs are the one's that have forgotten whose running.

Hell, just look at the last four pages of threads started on this site alone.

Viva Las Espuelas
09-19-2008, 10:51 AM
You really dont want those. Im no fan of Mr Change, but his education would smoke everyone in the field (from a purely semantic standpoint).
that remains to be seen, in these transcripts, because this along with alot of other things from obamessiah's past is on strict lockdown. litigation teams in the wings. woodrow wilson reincarnate.

09-19-2008, 11:00 AM
You forgot:

*Dropped off a selective service card at the post office; you are a patriotic american fighting for change.

*23 bombing missions in Vietnam, 5 years as a POW with broken arms and legs, extensive rehab after being released so that you could continue to serve your country; you are dishonorable.

Oh, Gee!!
09-19-2008, 11:01 AM
I'd say the libs are the one's that have forgotten whose running.

start here:


Oh, Gee!!
09-19-2008, 11:04 AM
http://www.politico.com/blogs/jonathanmartin/0908/For_second_time_this_week_crowds_leave_after_Palin _speaks.html

Thunder Dan
09-19-2008, 12:22 PM
You forgot:

*Dropped off a selective service card at the post office; you are a patriotic american fighting for change.

*23 bombing missions in Vietnam, 5 years as a POW with broken arms and legs, extensive rehab after being released so that you could continue to serve your country; you are dishonorable.

is that supposed to be John Kerry vs McCain? because I remember in 2004 nobody wanted to hear anything about Kerry's time in the service- all they wanted to hear was how great Bush was