View Full Version : This is what a real president looks like

09-24-2008, 11:37 PM


Best line from Obama's speech: "Presidents have to be able to do more than one thing at a time."

McSame is falling apart before our eyes. He knows he's fucked. If he supports the corporate bailout, which is rapidly becoming hugely unpopular by the people, he betrays any sort of semblance of fiscal conservatism. If he opposes it, he risks the country's economic infrastructure collapsing. Also, it is his (and other Republicans) economic policies that put us in this position today. And that's what Obama's been saying for, oh, I don't know - HIS WHOLE CAMPAIGN.

09-24-2008, 11:50 PM
McWorse's "the bailout is bigger than my campaign" is pure showboating bullshit, try to act like a leader, but as dubya could have told, "acting" like a leader is "hard work". McKeating is too old, too sick, too fat, and too tired out to run the country.


"Turmoil in the financial industry and growing pessimism about the economy have altered the shape of the presidential race, giving Democratic nominee Barack Obama (http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/o000167/) the first clear lead of the general-election campaign over Republican John McCain (http://projects.washingtonpost.com/congress/members/m000303/), according to the latest Washington Post (http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/related/topic/The+Washington+Post+Company?tid=informline)-ABC News (http://www.washingtonpost.com/ac2/related/topic/ABC+Inc.?tid=informline) national poll."

" Independents, key swing voters, now break for Obama, 53 percent to 39 percent, reversing a small lead for McCain after the Republican convention. McCain is the choice of 86 percent of Republicans, while about as many Democrats, 88 percent, back Obama.

In the new poll, voters once again gave Obama higher marks than McCain when it comes to dealing with the economy, 53 percent to 39 percent."



McSenile is showboating, acting like the cavalry riding over hill at the last minute to save the day.

09-25-2008, 12:16 AM
I used to respect McCain a great deal but now I can see why he lost in 2000. The man simply does not know how to run a campaign.

I want McCain to lose, but not like this. This is just embarrassing. At least in '00 he went out with his dignity.

09-25-2008, 07:15 AM
Personally, I thought his best line was "Call me if you need me."

09-25-2008, 07:33 AM
yeah, because running a campaign is so much more important than the financial system.

Obama: Let's come up with a joint statement about the financial chaos.

McCain: Let's (congress) work on this until we get it done.

Who is the real leader and who is the real bullshitter.

Aggie Hoopsfan
09-25-2008, 07:35 AM

Obama: My campaign is the most important thing going on.

McCain: Our country's campaign is the most important thing going on.

Once again, Obama is a 'present' voting follower. He's following McCain to D.C. today, and he doesn't want an active hand in crafting the bill so he can say "I wasn't for it" if it doesn't work out down the road.

09-25-2008, 07:45 AM
Wasn't McCain giving an interview last night on CNBC? Didn't he suspend his campaign?
I thought he was dropping everything to go to DC and get this bailout done. I guess he's not in that much of a hurry if he has plenty of time to be attending interviews.
Which also begs the question, if he has time for interviews, why doesn't he have time for the national debate?

09-25-2008, 07:46 AM
"He's following McCain to D.C. today"

They are both responding to invitation of McWorse's toxic-lame-duck-in-chief to meet with the ball-and-chain-in-chief. Nobody's following nobody.

3 men in a room, McEconomicIgnorance, totally ignorant tool dubya, and HUSSEIN. I'm sure the jackasses will gang up on HUSSEIN.

McChickenShit has chickened out of the foreign policy debate because it was obviously going to turn into a bailout/economic debate, where he admits his incompetence and stupidity, and in an competence area where polls put HUSSEIN +14 pts ahead of McShootFromTheLip.

McAllAboutMe is trying to show that his input is crucial to the the bailout crime. He's not President, he's not even big time on Senate financial committees. McBullshit is crucial to nothing, nowhere.

McUnStable is being VERY reckless because nobody can guarantee that the bailout crime will succeed in anything except the US taxpayers but 100s of $Bs of illiquid trash. The economy/housing/jobs/household income will continue to suck, even shrink. He wants to own, EXCLUSIVELY, the bailout crime.

09-25-2008, 08:54 AM
Mcain getting owned left and right.

I agree with Obama, don't politicize this negotiations. and I can do more than 1 thing at a time

Mcain = pussy

09-25-2008, 09:33 AM
Obama should just vote present and get back to the real important work.

09-25-2008, 09:46 AM

Obama: My campaign is the most important thing going on.

McCain: Our country's campaign is the most important thing going on.

Once again, Obama is a 'present' voting follower. He's following McCain to D.C. today, and he doesn't want an active hand in crafting the bill so he can say "I wasn't for it" if it doesn't work out down the road.

What a partisan tool you are.

09-25-2008, 09:47 AM
What a partisan tool you are.

Says Findog. LMAO

09-25-2008, 09:57 AM

Obama: My campaign is the most important thing going on.

McCain: Our country's campaign is the most important thing going on.

Once again, Obama is a 'present' voting follower. He's following McCain to D.C. today, and he doesn't want an active hand in crafting the bill so he can say "I wasn't for it" if it doesn't work out down the road.

Obama should just vote present and get back to the real important work.



09-25-2008, 10:20 AM
Let's get a couple of facts on the table, and then talk.

1) Neither McCain nor Obama are central to the talks about the bailout bill. Neither is the head of their party's delegation in the senate.

2) Both have planes that can fly them to the debate within a few hours, and the debate itself would take about 3 hours out of their time.

Both should be around in respest that they are senators, and do what they are supposed to do, discuss, and vote on any bill.

That's about it. Obama has canceled a few events to allow for extra time for these duties, as he rightly should, and McCain has done the same thing.


Given McCain's lying about facts and flopping positions on a host of issues, one has to think that this request fits into the pattern of pandering.

"Gee look at me, even though I am a bit player in the actual negotiations, and not really part of my party's leadership in the senate, I am making all this time available."

I am sure both campaigns will and are attempting to make their guy look more presidential in this. Certainly both sides have supporters who are making that case.

McCain has, I think come off looking more presidential. Unfortunately for him the president he has come off looking like is Bush.

"The fundatmentals are strong, the fundamentals are strong, the fundamentals are strong, OH MY GOD WE'RE ALL GONNA DIE WE'RE IN IMMINENT DANGER!!!"

The Harvard MBA and the ex-POW demonstrated an almost total inability to grasp the situation.

The Daily Show played a bit where Bush, a few days ago, was trying to outline what happened and what should be done. It was really painful to watch him fumble with the subject. You could tell he was trying to quote what his aides had briefed him on before the conference. Ouch.

This man has been swearing up and down, lying to our faces YET AGAIN, that "everything was fine", right up until even the biggest party hacks could no longer believe him.

McCain, for his part went off and called for the firing of people who can't be fired, and then went on with the EXACT SAME party line about the "fundamentals" being strong, only to have aides quietly try to say "what he really meant was..."

This is a Republican mess.

They will try to foist in on the Democrats and surely there are Democrats who bear some burden in this, God knows there is enough to go around.

But, this mess has been coming for YEARS and for YEARS the party that contolled Congress and White house have been saying "free-markets just need room to work, get government out of the way"

Well, big, bad government stayed out of the way alright. Unfortunately they got out of the way of the bus, only to be standing on the train tracks, and we all get to pay for the greed of the free market few who will walk away from this with 6 and 7 figure bonuses.

09-25-2008, 10:26 AM
the fact is that mccain lied about what he was doing. juvenile for an old guy.

09-25-2008, 10:26 AM
Mcain getting owned left and right.

I agree with Obama, don't politicize this negotiations. and I can do more than 1 thing at a time

That is, I think, a valid point.

There are some murmurs here and there that McCain has been skipping a lot of practice sessions in the run-up to the debate, and just simply isn't prepared. Given his past record of academic achievement, this is a bit more believable.

That would explain his request to delay, and the fact that he has canceled almost everything.

He just might need the time to get ready. Obama has been disciplined and prepping for quite some time, much like you would expect from a guy who graduated Harvard Law school.

This would explain why:

McCain has felt the need to cancel everything and push back the debates, even though he is not central to what is going on, and Obama wants the debates to go on.

Viva Las Espuelas
09-25-2008, 10:35 AM
That is, I think, a valid point.

There are some murmurs here and there that McCain has been skipping a lot of practice sessions in the run-up to the debate, and just simply isn't prepared. Given his past record of academic achievement, this is a bit more believable.

That would explain his request to delay, and the fact that he has canceled almost everything.

He just might need the time to get ready. Obama has been disciplined and prepping for quite some time, much like you would expect from a guy who graduated Harvard Law school.

This would explain why:

McCain has felt the need to cancel everything and push back the debates, even though he is not central to what is going on, and Obama wants the debates to go on.

you could be on to something.

Viva Las Espuelas
09-25-2008, 10:37 AM
This is a Republican mess.


all i can say is i can't wait for what the FBI finds out. i don't think one party is innocent here. i'm not dipped in the paint like a lot of people are here. whoever is guilty should be hung out to dry.

09-25-2008, 10:45 AM
That is, I think, a valid point.

There are some murmurs here and there that McCain has been skipping a lot of practice sessions in the run-up to the debate, and just simply isn't prepared. Given his past record of academic achievement, this is a bit more believable.

What is the goal of presidential campaigns prior to a debate?

Lower Expectations.

That way Bush "Beat" Kerry by it being a draw.

McCain was the solid front-runner in a debate on foreign policy. He isn't anymore.

Just saying.

09-25-2008, 10:52 AM

all i can say is i can't wait for what the FBI finds out. i don't think one party is innocent here. i'm not dipped in the paint like a lot of people are here. whoever is guilty should be hung out to dry.

As I said there is blame to go around in both parties, but this has been coming for years, and one of the root causes has been a lack of oversight in the mortgage industry, pushed for by the administration and the GOP in congress.

If you don't hold the party of deregulation repsonsible for the results of deregulation, then you are simply giving them a free ride.

09-25-2008, 10:52 AM
The way this financial crisis is handled is more important than which one of these ass clowns gets elected.

09-25-2008, 12:56 PM
The way this financial crisis is handled is more important than which one of these ass clowns gets elected.

Which one of these assclowns is elected will play a big role in determining what direction our country goes in next. With McSame, you get more "trickle down economics" except it never did trickle down. With Obama you get a chance to try and pull some of our overspent army and financial resources out of Iraq, which was never a winnable war anyway, and refocus on domestic issues. Also, you get a president who has pledged clear, well-thought out plans to make our economy work more efficiently for working adults - not just CEOs of companies.

Whether you think Obama's plan will work or not is certainly debatable. But you have to admit, what Bush/McSame/Reagan and all the other Republicans have done economically has led us into nothing but this disaster, so let's try something new.

Viva Las Espuelas
09-25-2008, 01:08 PM
Which one of these assclowns is elected will play a big role in determining what direction our country goes in next. With McSame, you get more "trickle down economics" except it never did trickle down. With Obama you get a chance to try and pull some of our overspent army and financial resources out of Iraq, which was never a winnable war anyway, and refocus on domestic issues. Also, you get a president who has pledged clear, well-thought out plans to make our economy work more efficiently for working adults - not just CEOs of companies.

Whether you think Obama's plan will work or not is certainly debatable. But you have to admit, what Bush/McSame/Reagan and all the other Republicans have done economically has led us into nothing but this disaster, so let's try something new.

09-25-2008, 01:11 PM
Best line from Obama's speech: "Presidents have to be able to do more than one thing at a time."
If that's the best line, he sucked.

President's also have to know when to prioritize and put aside less important matters in a crisis.

As Bill Clinton said, he only asked for a delay in the debate not that it be cancelled. Hell, it was McCain that wanted more debates and Obama balked. No one made a big deal about that.

09-25-2008, 01:47 PM
If that's the best line, he sucked.

President's also have to know when to prioritize and put aside less important matters in a crisis.

As Bill Clinton said, he only asked for a delay in the debate not that it be cancelled. Hell, it was McCain that wanted more debates and Obama balked. No one made a big deal about that.

No, he was asking for his debate to be postponed and the VP debate to be postponed indefinitely.

Give me a break. As someone earlier noted, these guys have plenty of resources to jet off for a debate and still have plenty of time to discuss what to do about the crapper our economy has become.

The line I quoted was very subtle - perhaps too subtle for you. It was a subtle jab at McSame's leadership abilities. If he can't handle a failing economy at the same time as discussing his views on foreign policy and other domestic issues, it makes him look pretty feeble and ill-equipped. As opposed to Obama, who looked concerned but confident and not rattled by having to cope with this crisis if/when he is president in 40 days.

It's pretty clear who's actually ready to be president. And it ain't McSame, or Palin, who, BTW, could not even talk about the economy in an intelligent way just earlier that day. She giggled and shrugged some more. Ah the winners the Republicans have picked...

09-25-2008, 01:50 PM
Obama looked more like a deer in the headlights trying to figure out which way to go...

McCain as he said this morning at the Clinton Global Initiative knows when a situation requires "All Hands On Deck."

09-25-2008, 02:28 PM
As opposed to Obama, who looked concerned but confident and not rattled by having to cope with this crisis if/when he is president in 40 days.

Even IF he wins the election, he WON'T be the President in 40 days - he'll just be the President-elect. He won't get to start working on this mess until January. Maybe he thought the election and inauguration were the same day? Maybe he learned that in the same class where he learned there were 57 states! :lmao