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09-25-2008, 03:27 PM
Official OJ is Innocent Thread!

OJ witness says he took plea after 'revelation'

"He said Simpson also joked, "What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas, unless you're O.J. Simpson," and advised him to get out of town.

After Alexander was arrested at the airport, he said prosecutors offered him a deal to testify for reduced charges.

After accepting, he said he tried to back out because he heard that another witness had been given immunity from prosecution and he wanted that, too.

Asked why he finally accepted the plea deal, he said, "I prayed on the matter and I had a revelation that I did something wrong, and the Bible told me I should go tell the truth." Galanter asked whether God had spoken to him, and he said yes. "So you needed divine intervention to take the deal?" asked the lawyer."


Witness: Someone shouted ‘put the gun down’ in O.J. Simpson hotel incident

When Fromong returned to the stand Tuesday morning, Glasso picked up where he left off the day before, zeroing in on some of the contradictions in Fromong’s accounts.

Fromong previously said both of the alleged gunmen, Michael McClinton and Walter Alexander, drew their weapons. As he testified this week, however, he said only one of the two guns was ever used.

The witness also told police that the men who entered the hotel room were black. However, two of the men in the entourage, Charles Ehrlich and Charles Cashmore, are white.

Other contradictions included whether or not he felt afraid during the confrontation –- he has said previously, while under oath, that he was scared during the altercation but on Tuesday told Stewart’s lawyer, Robert Lucherini, that he was not scared at the time –- and the description of the suspects, who he previously said physically resembled “thugs,” but also stated they “looked like businessmen” both in a statement to police and while on the stand Tuesday.

A visibly-annoyed Fromong defended his contradictions, saying he was on edge after the run-in with Simpson and his crew. “I was very nervous and upset,” Fromong said. “Some of my statements that evening were inconsistent.”

The defense alleged Fromong, along with Beardsley and the man who arranged their meeting with Simpson, Thomas Riccio, was money-hungry and looking for ways to cash in on the ordeal.

Glasso questioned Fromong’s ethics and asked him why he called a producer at the entertainment news program, “Inside Edition,” almost immediately after the alleged crime took place, before police or hotel security were even on the scene.

“You were doing that to profit off of this,” Galasso said. “You wanted big money.”

A day earlier, Fromong said it was Beardsley who gleefully mentioned that they would be able to sell their story for a considerable about of money.

At the time, Fromong said he disregarded the comment.

“My reply was I don’t give a shit,” he said on Monday.

But the court heard a Fromong sing a different tune on Tuesday as the defense played an excerpt from an audio recording of the moments following the alleged robbery. On the tape, Fromong assures Beardsley and Riccio, “I’ll have Inside Edition down here before it’s tomorrow, I told them I want big money.”

The defense also asked Fromong why, if he wasn’t looking to profit off of the incident, he listed items on eBay and said in the product description that they were the same items as the ones Simpson allegedly stole from him.



:lobt2: :lobt2: :ihit


09-25-2008, 03:32 PM
Simpson Case Witness Seeks Sponsorship
Riccio Selling Clothing Opportunities, Interview Pitches

POSTED: 8:05 am PDT September 2, 2008
UPDATED: 10:40 pm PDT September 2, 2008


LAS VEGAS -- A witness in the O.J. Simpson case is looking to profit from his role in the trial.

Thomas Riccio is offering himself up for sponsorships during the trial, which starts Monday.

For $5,000, Riccio will mention a product during television interviews his publicist is trying to schedule, according to a press release from his attorney. Another $5,000 will see him eating dinner at the sponsoring restaurant the evening he testifies, and he will appear in a 30-second ad for $1,000, the release said.


09-25-2008, 03:44 PM
Old news:


09-25-2008, 04:03 PM
Old news:




09-25-2008, 04:15 PM


From that article:

Simpson was ostensibly in Sin City to attend a wedding when he supposedly took part in an incident that now imperils his freedom. In this version of events offered up law enforcement authorities, OJ and his posse went to the hotel room on the pretext of brokering a deal with two longtime collectors, Alfred Beardsley and Bruce Fromong. According to police reports, the collectors were compelled at gunpoint to hand over several valuable items, including the suit Simpson was wearing in the courtroom when a jury found him innocent of murdering his ex-wife and Ronald Goldman. An audiotape surfaced on TMZ.com in which an individual the prosecutors claim is Simpson can be heard screaming at the alleged victims, "You think you can steal my shit, motherfuckers?" Then after ordering that nobody be allowed to leave the room, "Simpson" began quoting from Ezekial 25:17:

"The path of the righteous man is beset on all sides by the inequities of the selfish and the tyranny of evil men. Blessed is he who, in the name of charity and good will, shepherds the weak through the valley of the darkness. For he is truly his brother's keeper and the finder of lost children. And I will strike down upon thee with great vengeance and furious anger those who attempt to poison and destroy my brothers. And you will know my name is the Lord when I lay my vengeance upon thee."

After the recitation of the Bible verse, "Simpson" claimed he was hungry and demanded that Beardsley and Froming share with him their dinner, which consisted of takeout from a local In-N-Out fast-food restaurant. "OJ" can at this point be heard expressing satisfaction with the food, claiming "MMM, that IS a tasty burger!"


09-25-2008, 06:05 PM
From that article:






09-26-2008, 02:56 PM

O.J. SIMPSON's robbery and kidnapping trial descended into chaos on Thursday (25Sep08) when an alleged victim dismissed a main piece of evidence, and stated he did not want to press charges against the former American footballer.
Alfred Beardsley is one of two memorabilia collectors Simpson and a group of other men are accused of robbing in a Las Vegas hotel room in 2007.
But when called to give evidence against the 61-year-old on Thursday, Beardsley told the Las Vegas court, "I do not want to be here, I've made that clear for the past year. I have been going round and round the past year trying to get my name off of that complaint."
And when asked to authenticate a tape recording of the alleged heist, Beardsley accused Simpson's former friend Thomas Riccio - who handed the tape to the police - of editing it to remove chunks of dialogue.
Beardsley - currently serving a prison sentence for domestic violence - told the court, "I'm not authenticating it, considering the source. I can't authenticate it."
He did testify that Simpson and five men burst into his room at the Palace Station Hotel, when he was expecting to meet a wealthy buyer. He also confirmed two of the men were armed.
In his defence, Simpson claims he was retrieving stolen memorabilia and did not know the two men had guns.
He is facing twelve robbery and kidnapping charges and faces a life sentence if convicted. The trial continues.

09/26/2008 07:07:16 PM


09-26-2008, 03:28 PM
He did testify that Simpson and five men burst into his room at the Palace Station Hotel, when he was expecting to meet a wealthy buyer. He also confirmed two of the men were armed.
All that to only confirm the basis of the complaint?

In his defence, Simpson claims he was retrieving stolen memorabilia and did not know the two men had guns.
Pursuant to a civil court finding, all of O.J.'s assets belong to Mr. Goldman. They're not his to retrieve.

09-26-2008, 03:36 PM
All that to only confirm the basis of the complaint?

Pursuant to a civil court finding, all of O.J.'s assets belong to Mr. Goldman. They're not his to retrieve.

not all assets are subject to the civil order. No judge has ruled that OJ's stuff was Goldman's.

Also, the civil case is bullshit. OJ was found not guilty by the jury. The civil case put him in jeapardy a second time.

Also, OJ may have been planning to sell the stuff so he could pay Goldman.

09-26-2008, 03:39 PM
not all assets are subject to the civil order. No judge has ruled that OJ's stuff was Goldman's.

Also, the civil case is bullshit. OJ was found not guilty by the jury. The civil case put him in jeapardy a second time.
The civil court judgement stands. It hasn't been reversed. It included all of O.J.'s memorabilia that was in his possession.

Double-jeopardy only applied to criminal prosecution.

Also, OJ may have been planning to sell the stuff so he could pay Goldman.
:lmao Oh, you're serious.

09-26-2008, 03:47 PM
This is political forum material?


WGAF about The Juice. Dude murdered his whore of wife and her lover and got a way it.

The End.

09-26-2008, 03:48 PM
Also, the civil case is bullshit. OJ was found not guilty by the jury. The civil case put him in jeapardy a second time.

You might want to, oh I don't know, take a course in constitutional law or read discussions of jeopardy by those who have. It's absolutely false to say that any jeopardy attaches to a case seeking to establish civil liability. Simpson was placed in jeopardy by the State of California's attempt to prosecute him for capital murder -- and nothing else.

If you were right, a civil case by the Goldmans against Simpson -- one filed immediately before Simpson was indicted -- would have precluded a criminal prosecution.

That's beyond ridiculous.

09-26-2008, 03:49 PM
The civil court judgement stands. It hasn't been reversed. It included all of O.J.'s memorabilia that was in his possession.

Double-jeopardy only applied to criminal prosecution.

:lmao Oh, you're serious.

The Constitution never says that double jeapardy doesn't apply to civil cases. It says you can't twice be out in jeapardy for the came offence, which is what happened to Simpson.

Simpson was found not guilty by the jury, so he couldn't have killed anyone.

Simpson a model citizen with a clean record and has never been convicted of a crime.

09-26-2008, 03:51 PM
The Constitution never says that double jeapardy doesn't apply to civil cases. It says you can't twice be out in jeapardy for the came offence, which is what happened to Simpson.

Simpson was found not guilty by the jury, so he couldn't have killed anyone.

Simpson a model citizen with a clean record and has never been convicted of a crime.

So if the Goldmans had established civil liability against Simpson before the State failed to establish criminal liability, you'd argue that Simpson should be rotting in jail?

You champion some hopeless causes -- and offer some feeble justifications for your positions -- but this one has to take the cake.

09-26-2008, 03:58 PM
So if the Goldmans had established civil liability against Simpson before the State failed to establish criminal liability, you'd argue that Simpson should be rotting in jail?

You champion some hopeless causes -- and offer some feeble justifications for your positions -- but this one has to take the cake.

The civil case had bogus rules of evidence, it made an end run around the U.S. Constitution. Evidence the jury found was planted against OJ, was re-used against OJ in the civil trial. Totally bogus!!

I'd like to see more respect for juries here. Juries decide. Convictions in the media are bogus!!!

09-26-2008, 04:03 PM
"...nor shall any person be subject for the same offense to be twice put in jeopardy of life or limb..."
Civil judgements do not put a person in jeopardy of life or limb. Only a criminal trial can result in such a verdict.

09-26-2008, 04:07 PM
The civil case had bogus rules of evidence, it made an end run around the U.S. Constitution. Evidence the jury found was planted against OJ, was re-used against OJ in the civil trial. Totally bogus!!

I'd like to see more respect for juries here. Juries decide. Convictions in the media are bogus!!!

The jury in the civil trial did decide. It decided, from a preponderance of the evidence (as is true in just about every civil trial) that Mr. Simpson was liable for the wrongful death of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.

By the way, you've explained quite well precisely why civil trials create no jeopardy -- the burden of proof is substantially different and, in many instances, the rules of evidence are different as well. It has always been true that the consequences of criminal punishment have been deemed more harsh (deprivation of liberty or life) than the consequences of civil liability (generally, loss of money for causing injury to another). If jeopardy attached to a civil trial, the procedural safeguards involved in civil trials would be much, much greater. As you've noted, though, that's not the way things work.

09-26-2008, 04:19 PM
Civil judgements do not put a person in jeopardy of life or limb. Only a criminal trial can result in such a verdict.

That's BS, when we're talking about $30 million dollars. Your life savings is your life. Go back and read some James Madison, Joseph Story or James Kent.

09-26-2008, 04:21 PM

OJ gets about $25k per month from protected assets. Dude is not hurting for money.

09-26-2008, 04:25 PM
The jury in the civil trial did decide. It decided, from a preponderance of the evidence (as is true in just about every civil trial) that Mr. Simpson was liable for the wrongful death of Nicole Brown Simpson and Ron Goldman.

By the way, you've explained quite well precisely why civil trials create no jeopardy -- the burden of proof is substantially different and, in many instances, the rules of evidence are different as well. It has always been true that the consequences of criminal punishment have been deemed more harsh (deprivation of liberty or life) than the consequences of civil liability (generally, loss of money for causing injury to another). If jeopardy attached to a civil trial, the procedural safeguards involved in civil trials would be much, much greater. As you've noted, though, that's not the way things work.

The criminal trial bankrupted OJ, so he could not defend himself properly in the civil trial. That alone makes the case illegitimate.

And again, the criminal jury found that most of the "evidence" against OJ was planted, yet the same "evidence" was used against him a second time in the civil trial.

No "evidence" from the criminal trial should have been admissible in the civil trial.

Finally, the current OJ trial is a TOTAL JOKE. I noticed you've tried to change the subject.

09-26-2008, 04:26 PM
Has Galileo started his "Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is innocent!" thread yet?

09-26-2008, 04:27 PM

OJ gets about $25k per month from protected assets. Dude is not hurting for money.

You think $25K is enough to pay for a 6-week criminal trial that has dragged out a whole year already?

09-26-2008, 04:29 PM
You think $25K is enough to pay for a 6-week criminal trial that has dragged out a whole year already?Yes.

09-26-2008, 04:29 PM
You think $25K is enough to pay for a 6-week criminal trial that has dragged out a whole year already?
If the man hadn't killed those people, he wouldn't be in this fix.

09-26-2008, 04:30 PM
Has Galileo started his "Khalid Sheikh Mohammed is innocent!" thread yet?

Has Chumpdumpster started a "Socrates and Joan of Arc are innocent!" thread yet!

09-26-2008, 04:34 PM
The criminal trial bankrupted OJ, so he could not defend himself properly in the civil trial. That alone makes the case illegitimate.

Since when does one get to ignore civil litigation because he's broke? That OJ was "broke" allegedly doesn't mean that he can't be sued and it doesn't mean that he can't be found liable for his wrongdoing. If he's truly "broke" the judgment is irrelevant to him, because he has no assets with which to pay it. The notion that OJ Simpson is broke, however, seems outrageous.

And again, the criminal jury found that most of the "evidence" against OJ was planted, yet the same "evidence" was used against him a second time in the civil trial.

That's not what the criminal jury found -- it wasn't asked to find that. The criminal jury was asked to find whether the State of California had proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, that OJ Simpson caused the deaths of two people. The jury found that he had not (and, frankly, I don't have a quarrel with that outcome). But the jury had before it all of the evidence that you're concerned about -- it wasn't excluded -- and it simply decided that the evidence was insufficient to erase all reasonable doubts about Simpson's innocence. It decided nothing more.

You might think that concerns that the evidence was planted justified the jury's ultimate conclusion, but in the law, your surmise means nothing; the jury's answers to specific questions are all that matters.

The civil jury had the same evidence before it, but had to decide its question -- did OJ Simpson cause the wrongful deaths of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman -- by a preponderance of the evidence only.

If your concern is that the civil and criminal standards are different, you're only about 500 years too late to make that argument. If your concern is something else, you're so absurdly wrong as to make further comment on your ridiculous statements a waste of time.

Finally, the current OJ trial is a TOTAL JOKE. I noticed you've tried to change the subject.

I don't care about the current trial. My only point here is to ridicule you for your completely made up assertions about basic issues of constitutional law.

09-26-2008, 04:44 PM
Since when does one get to ignore civil litigation because he's broke? That OJ was "broke" allegedly doesn't mean that he can't be sued and it doesn't mean that he can't be found liable for his wrongdoing. If he's truly "broke" the judgment is irrelevant to him, because he has no assets with which to pay it. The notion that OJ Simpson is broke, however, seems outrageous.

That's not what the criminal jury found -- it wasn't asked to find that. The criminal jury was asked to find whether the State of California had proven, beyond a reasonable doubt, that OJ Simpson caused the deaths of two people. The jury found that he had not (and, frankly, I don't have a quarrel with that outcome). But the jury had before it all of the evidence that you're concerned about -- it wasn't excluded -- and it simply decided that the evidence was insufficient to erase all reasonable doubts about Simpson's innocence. It decided nothing more.

The civil jury had the same evidence before it, but had to decide its question -- did OJ Simpson cause the wrongful deaths of Nicole Simpson and Ron Goldman -- by a preponderance of the evidence only.

If your concern is that the civil and criminal standards are different, you're only about 500 years too late to make that argument. If your concern is something else, you're so absurdly wrong as to make further comment on your ridiculous statements a waste of time.

I don't care about the current trial. My only point here is to ridicule you for your completely made up assertions about basic issues of constitutional law.

I never said OJ was broke, I said he didn't have enough money to properly defend himself at the civil trial. The trial was also an imposition on his time and cut into his golfing and green fees fund.

You are not understanding what I am saying. The criminal jury found OJ innocent. That means stuff like the DNA must have been planted. If the DNA was legit, OJ would have been guilty.

But then the same DNA "evidence", that the criminal jury determined to be planted, was re-used in the civil trail! THAT'S BULLSHIT!!


Did you hear OJ is getting remarried???

Yep, he decided to take another stab at it!!!

:lmao :lmao :lmao

09-26-2008, 04:47 PM
You are not understanding what I am saying. The criminal jury found OJ innocent. That means stuff like the DNA must have been planted. If the DNA was legit, OJ would have been guilty.

But then the same DNA "evidence", that the criminal jury determined to be planted, was re-used in the civil trail! THAT'S BULLSHIT!!

That's the difference between a civil and a criminal trial.

Good day.

09-26-2008, 04:49 PM
That's the difference between a civil and a criminal trial.

Good day.

So you think planted evidence should be admissable in civil trials but not criminal trials?



09-26-2008, 04:53 PM
So you think planted evidence should be admissable in civil trials but not criminal trials?



I think if someone thought the evidence was planted, they should have moved to have it excluded since it would be inadmissible. Given that the evidence was admitted at both trials, I'm going to presume that nobody was successful in making the argument you offer here.

There could be all kinds of reasons for the jury's verdict in the criminal matter, but nothing in the rules of law allows you to presume that an acquittal necessarily meant that the jury concluded the evidence adduced by the State was planted.

09-26-2008, 04:54 PM
Oh, before I forget to mention, the OJ trial is all white people.

TOTAL RACIST BS! Where is Jesse Jackson and Obama when we need them?

09-26-2008, 05:01 PM
Oh, before I forget to mention, the OJ trial is all white people.

TOTAL RACIST BS! Where is Jesse Jackson and Obama when we need them?
I think they think O.J. is guilty as hell.

09-26-2008, 05:02 PM
Oh, before I forget to mention, the OJ trial is all white people.

TOTAL RACIST BS! Where is Jesse Jackson and Obama when we need them?

There you go -- stick with drivel like this. You're much better at that.

09-26-2008, 05:05 PM
There you go -- stick with drivel like this. Your much better at that.
And, I was just about to ask him where he went to law school.

Mr. Peabody
09-26-2008, 05:05 PM
There you go -- stick with drivel like this. Your much better at that.


09-26-2008, 05:07 PM

Is anybody listening...


Witness: Recording of O.J. Simpson raid 'work of art'
26 September 2008

By Our Partners at the Las Vegas Sun

LAS VEGAS, Nevada -- One of the men who was allegedly robbed by a raiding party led by O.J. Simpson last year claims the audio recording of the alleged robbery is a highly-edited "work of art."

"There's all kind of dialogue missing," charged Alfred Beardsley, who is one of the two memorabilia dealers who Simpson and six others confronted in a Palace Station hotel room a year ago.

Beardsley testified during the ninth day of the colorful criminal trial that is being heard at the Clark County Regional Justice Center.

The recording is a central piece of evidence in the state's case against Simpson and his co-accused, Clarence "C.J." Stewart, for the robbery/kidnapping charges that could send the two to jail for the rest of their lives if they are convicted.

"Unless you have authorities in law enforcement or laboratory that can hand me proof that that tape is authentic, I'm not going to support that tape," Beardsley said.

He was called as the prosecution's 15th witness. The court heard last week from the other victim, Bruce Fromong, who didn't object to the audio account of events.

The middleman who arranged the hotel room meeting, Thomas Riccio, secretly recorded the altercation that ensued as Simpson's entourage surprised Beardsley and Fromong.

Riccio did not tell police about the recording, and instead sold the tape for $150,000 to the gossip Web site, TMZ. Investigators did not become aware of the recording until several day later, when they heard it was available online. Riccio completed giving his testimony on Monday.

FBI audio examiner Kenneth Marr testified earlier in the trial that his analysis of the audio files extracted from Riccio's digital recorder were inconclusive.

"I was not able to determine whether or not the files were altered," Marr said. He said he found areas of over-recording on the device that he said "might" mean the audio files had been manipulated.

Beardsley said Riccio "took a recording of a so-called ... crime and withheld it from the police, took it back to Los Angeles for a period of time, (and) we have nothing but post-production houses in Los Angeles that could assist him in changing, altering or enhancing that tape to his liking."

"He sold it to a tabloid Web site .... and then finally the police got their hands on it," Beardsley said. "There's chain of custody issues I have with it."

The State witness said he told District Attorney David Roger and another official that the audio had been doctored.

"There's a whole section (missing) … and I talked to you directly about that," he said to Roger from his seat on the witness stand.

Beardsley made it clear that he did not want to testify against Simpson, who he said he had admired since childhood. The State served him a subpoena that required him to testify.

The audio wasn't the only thing Beardsley contested. He said Riccio's testimony, that Beardsley contacted him asking to find a buyer for some rare Simpson memorabilia, was all wrong.

He said it was Riccio that contacted him, not the other way around.

The memorabilia dealer also said Riccio did not stay in the hotel room after the confrontation, either.

He said Riccio "chased (Simpson and the others) down the hall, into the parking lot … to retrieve his package (of memorabilia) that was accidentally taken by the men."

He said he thought it was "suspicious," considering Riccio "acted like he was scared" just moments earlier and knew at least one of the men had a gun.

Beardsley said he and Simpson were "set up" by Riccio and that Simpson "had been misinformed (and) lied to completely."

"I believe that he was targeted by this conman in order for this man to make quite a bit of money," Beardsley said. "(Riccio) has done nothing but make money for the last year."

Riccio revealed earlier this week that he was over $210,000 for rights to his audio recording of the infamous raid. That figure does not include any profits from the book he released earlier this year.

Since the incident, Beardsley hasn't exactly seen eye-to-eye with Riccio.

Beardsley has filed a civil suit against Riccio, alleging a range of things, including saying the middleman knowingly put him in danger and later defamed him in the book Riccio wrote about the incident. Beardsley's lawyer, Nack Swickard, said his client is seeking unspecified damages. Riccio has filed a counter suit.

At one point, Riccio had the California court add a specific condition to Beardsley's parole terms that instructed him not to contact Riccio.

Beardsley allegedly violated those terms when he contacted the publishing company that printed Riccio's tell-all book, "Busted!" He is now serving time at the California Institution for Men because of it. He has been incarcerated since April but is appealing the violation.

Beardsley was also arrested for parole violation following the altercation involving Simpson and the others. He was picked up on Sept, 19, 2007, after authorities learned he was involved in the alleged robbery in Nevada six days earlier because previous parole conditions stipulated not to leave the state of California.

Before Beardsley took the stand, Simpson's former manager and friend, Mike Gilbert, was called to testify.

During his brief testimony he revealed the he had a "relationship" with a woman, who he called an "O.J. groupie" right around the time Simpson was being tried in California for the double murder of his ex-wife, Nicole Brown Simpson, and her friend, Ronald Goldman.

Gilbert didn't reveal the extent of the relationship he and Kimberly Meadows shared, but said he met her in 1994 or 1995.

Simpson was acquitted of the murders in 1995 but was found liable for the deaths three years later during a civil trial. That case resulted in a $33.5-million judgment against Simpson, which was to be split between the estates of the two slain victims.

Goldman's estate has been chasing Simpson ever since, and the former NFL star has liquidated many of his belongings. Lawyers allege Simpson has made ongoing efforts to hide his assets to evade collections agents, and multiple turnover orders have been issued.

That's where Gilbert comes in.

Gilbert has said he helped move several of Simpson's valuables from the estate to stop them from being seized. He said he and Simpson's sister fanned the items among Simpson's friends and family, and put other items in storage.

Simpson has said he believes Gilbert stole the memorabilia from him and later sold it -- or attempted to sell it -- for profit.

Several of these items are among those that Simpson and Stewart are accused of stealing from two collectibles dealers last year.

Fromong and Beardsley say Simpson, Stewart and five others robbed them at gunpoint during an orchestrated raid at a Palace Station hotel room last year.

Simpson said the items -- including several NFL game presentation footballs, his 1969 NFL All-Star plaque, and numerous personal and family photos -- had been stolen from him.

Fromong and Beardsley, meanwhile, said they acquired the items from Gilbert.

Metro Police detective Andy Caldwell explained when he testified last week for the prosecution that who stole what from whom might be irrelevant because ownership doesn't matter in terms of robbery.

Simpson's lawyers challenged the state's calling of Gilbert to the stand, arguing that Gilbert had no evidence to bear on their client's current criminal case.

Gilbert's testimony was the latest attempt by the prosecution to remind jurors of Simpson's past legal troubles, they said.

"He's merely being called to prejudice this jury," attorney Yale Galanter said.

Stewart's lawyers, meanwhile, argued that Gilbert had no relevance to their client's case. They suggested, again, that Stewart should be severed from the trial and tried separately from Simpson. The motion was denied.

Judge Jackie Glass ruled Wednesday that David Cook, the lawyer who represents the Goldman estate, would not be allowed to testify because of his limited relevance to the trial.

Gilbert was permitted, however, but Glass limited the scope of his testimony: Lawyers weren't allowed to ask him about Simpson's civil judgment, subsequent turnover orders or anything of that nature.

As a result, his testimony was brief. He was on the stand for 20 minutes, including cross-examination, re-cross and a lengthy pause while attorneys met with Glass.

During his brief time on the stand, He explained how he met Simpson in 1990 and how the two developed a business and personal relationship.

As Simpson's agent, Gilbert said he handled public appearances, licensing, card contracts, marketing, merchandising and other issues for the former All-Star running back.

He said his relationship with Simpson was once so close that his kids came to know him as "uncle O.J." Their union has since fizzled, however, and Galanter said the two haven't spoken in years.

Gilbert identified photos of several memorabilia items for the court that were taken from the hotel room last year, and explained how rare or valuable the various items were.

Galanter then asked him when he met Meadows and if the two shared a relationship. Gilbert confirmed he met Meadows in 1994 or 1995 and had an undisclosed relationship with the woman, then left the stand.

Stewart's lawyers had no questions for the witness.

Like earlier trial witnesses Thomas Riccio and Charles Cashmore, Gilbert also has written a book about his involvement with Simpson.

"How I Helped OJ Get Away With Murder" was released earlier this year. In it, Gilbert claims Simpson confessed late one night while he was high on marijuana and the prescription sleep aid, Ambien, to killing his ex-wife and Goldman.

When Cashmore returned to the stand Thursday, he told the court that he didn't hear anyone mention a gun before he and the others entered Palace Station hotel Room 1203 last year.

Walter Alexander testified yesterday that Simpson first told his him and his friend, Michael McClinton, to bring "heat" to the raid, and then told McClinton to take out his gun just before they entered the hotel room.

Cashmore began his deposition on Wednesday but had to return Thursday morning to finish answering questions.

He said he did not see Simpson waving an arm up and down as if to say put something down. Previous witnesses have said Simpson or another member of the group shouted "put the gun down" during the raid, and that Simpson was motioning with an arm at the time, as if to tell a gunman to put down his weapon.

Simpson has said guns never were part of the plan and denied they played a role.

Cashmore originally faced 11 of the 12 charges Stewart and Simpson now face, but he has agreed to a plea bargain and has had his charges reduced to one charge of accessory to robbery. He faces a probationable sentence with a maximum of five years in prison.

He didn't appear to appreciate Simpson's lawyer, Gabriel Grasso's, suggestion that he had leveraged his role in the incident for free meals, trips to New York, book deals and TV appearances.

"My life's been ruined because of this," Cashmore said. He told the court that his father, who is a Montana-based attorney, refuses to speak to him because of the scandal.

"He's disgraced (because) of the company I kept," Cashmore said.

Cashmore said he was unemployed when he agreed to help his friend, Stewart, move what he believed was Simpson's rightful property. He says he has been unable to find work as a result of his involvement in the altercation, and is now homeless.

Metro Police sergeant Rod Hunt took a seat on the witness stand Thursday afternoon. While he now works with the force's SWAT team, he was working with Metro's robbery division last year when the alleged robbery took place.

He told the court how he and three other officers executed a search warrant for Stewart's North Las Vegas home, and how thy retrieved a notebook, a framed portrait of Stewart, a plaid shirt and a form from the DMV.

Afterward LVPD CSI crime scene analyst, William Speas, testified how he executed a warrant at McClinton's home and found two firearms in what appeared to be a bedroom of the North Las Vegas home.

McClinton is one of two alleged gunmen who says Simpson asked them to bring guns to the confrontation. Both have signed plea agreements to testify against Simpson and Stewart in exchange for significantly reduced sentences.

Alexander told the court on Wednesday that Simpson asked McClinton to bring "heat" to the confrontation. He said McClinton gave him one of his guns to use during the raid, and said his friend kept his weapons locked up.

Investigators found both guns, a .22 Beretta and .45 Ruger, loaded alonside extra rounds of ammunition in unlocked dresser drawers in a bedroom of McClinton's home.

Speas said McClinton's concealed weapons permit was tucked inside the holster of the Ruger, and showed pictures that he took of the scene.

The guns, ammunition and holsters were all admitted as evidence, assembly in anticipation of McClinton's testimony, which the court hopes to hear Friday.

Once Speas stepped down District Attorney David Roger indicated that the prosecution's next witness will be "a rather lengthy one" so Glass dismissed for the day.

The trial will resume – and perhaps will hear from McClinton – tomorrow at 8 a.m. Proceedings began Sept. 15 and are expected to last another two weeks.


We got a lot of snitches in the case!

09-26-2008, 05:28 PM
I think they think O.J. is guilty as hell.

What's your evidence?

You're conspiracy theorist just like the prosecutor. You like to accuse people of conspiracies, don't you?

Do you understand that people are PRSUMED INNOCENT?

09-26-2008, 05:40 PM
Simpson jury hears recording of investigators

LAS VEGAS -- Jurors in O.J. Simpson's robbery-kidnap trial heard recordings Friday of police investigators chuckling over Simpson's troubles, referring to him with foul language and rejoicing at his impending arrest.

"You're just picking on him because you're mad about the verdict," said Lt. Clint Nichols, head of the police robbery division.

"Yup," responded crime scene analyst Michael Perkins.

In another exchange, Nichols said, "He's gonna get arrested."

"Who, who's gonna get arrested?" the analyst replied.

"O.J.," said Nichols.

"Oh, good," said Perkins.

Simpson's defense played the recordings, which were made as investigators gathered evidence at the Palace Station Casino Hotel only hours after a confrontation between Simpson, accompanied by a group of men, and sports memorabilia collectors who allegedly were robbed of items at gunpoint.

Testimony about the recording came as the prosecution was winding down its case. An admitted gunman, Michael McClinton, was expected to be prosecutors' last witness before the start of defense presentations.

The voices were captured on a digital recorder left running in the room by Thomas Riccio, the middleman who arranged the foray to reclaim Simpson memorabilia.

Defense attorney Gabriel Grasso showed jurors transcripts of the comments during testimony by Andy Caldwell, the lead detective on the case against Simpson and co-defendant Clarence "C.J." Stewart.

Caldwell acknowledged that the comments were made by Nichols and the crime scene analyst.

The recordings began with a section quoted earlier in the trial but never played for jurors. The defense offered a slightly different transcription of the words, which are muffled.

"This is great," Perkins said. "... California can't get it (expletive) done. Now we'll get it done."

It was previously transcribed as "California can't get him ... now we'll get him."

The investigators referred to Robert Shapiro and the late Johnnie L. Cochran, who were on the defense team that won Simpson's acquittal on murder charges in the 1994 slayings of his ex-wife and her friend in Los Angeles.

The officers also chuckled over forensic evidence they will produce. Perkins said, "I guess he's gonna have to use Barry Scheck for this one."

Scheck was the lawyer who handled forensic evidence at Simpson's murder trial.

The investigators referred to Simpson as "a dirtbag" and used another expletive in describing him "with his bum knees and all."

They also acknowledged that Simpson had already talked to police and acknowledged that the items taken from the memorabilia dealers were his.

Caldwell acknowledged that Simpson called police almost immediately after the incident and agreed to talk to them.

"Yes, he's already confessed to havin' it," said Nichols. "Agreed to bring it back if need be. ... He told the cop that, which is not the brightest thing in the world to do."

"Yes, no kidding," laughed Perkins.

"You think after all his problems he would learn not to talk to anyone," Nichols laughed.

"No kidding. No kidding," said Perkins.

"So I'd also expect him not to show up for a (expletive) robbery to take some gear back," said Nichols.

The recording also included a reference to a Muhammad Ali glove being among the memorabilia taken.

"They always do it one gloves," Nichols commented.

"Hey, if the glove don't fit you must acquit," Perkins said, laughing.

Grasso pressed Caldwell to say what "they" referred to, implying he meant black people. But Caldwell said he didn't know.

The men in the recording said that other police personnel were already tailing Simpson to a nightclub where he was attending a party.

"Just waitin' for a phone call, we'll snatch him up," said Perkins.

It actually took three days before Simpson was arrested.

Prosecutors called Caldwell to the stand to identify surreptitious phone recordings of Simpson talking to his daughter Arnelle Simpson from the Clark County jail after he was arrested on Sept. 16, 2007.

O.J. Simpson said in the call that he had a "long talk" with memorabilia dealer Alfred Beardsley, and that Beardsley said he didn't want to press criminal charges.

O.J. Simpson told his daughter that Beardsley "told me he didn't want to go any further" with the case.
"If he drops his charges, that's half the battle," O.J. Simpson said, suggesting she contact Beardsley.

Arnelle Simpson promised to look for Beardsley's phone number, and ended the call saying, "Keep your spirit up, dad."

"The phone call added to my concern that Mr. Simpson was trying to contact victims in the case," Caldwell said. "He was trying to affect the outcome of the case."


Yea, right. The "victim" says he's not a victim. You can't "victim tamper" with a non-victim!


09-26-2008, 05:53 PM

Simpson Trial: Alleged Victim Testifies

Updated: Sep 25, 2008 09:29 PM CST

Featured KTNV Video

Simpson Trial: Alleged Victim Testifies

[alleged by who? not alleged by the alleged victim]

Also on KTNV.com

Action News Continuing Coverage: O.J. Simpson Accused

One of the alleged victims in the OJ Simpson robbery case was called to the stand.

Alfred Beardsley told jurors he did not want to be called to testify and has asked his name to be taken off the criminal complaint.

Beardsley claims everyone, including Simpson, was set up by Thomas Riccio who arranged a meeting at Palace Station last year.

He told jurors he also cannot authenticate a key piece of evidence, the audio tape, recorded by Riccio during the alleged incident.

Thursday, the jury also heard from a crime scene analyst who impounded two handguns from a former co - defendants house.

So far, there has been nothing to establish these guns were used during the alleged robbery.

Keep it tuned to Channel 13 Action News.



This case is an effin JOKE! [but it shouldn't be] The prosecutors are INSANE! They are theorizing that a CONSPIRACY and a KIDNAPPING occurred!!

How many other people get railroaded like this? Hmmm....

09-27-2008, 01:49 PM
O.J. Simpson Trial

Not sure why everyone is talking about the "bailout" when by far most important news going on is.... the O.J. Simpson Trial!

Entire Case Archived Here:

O.J. Simpson Trial


This case goes to the very foundations of justice in America. The most important power of government is the power to declare someone a criminal, this is right out of Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged.

Our Founding Fathers demanded public jury trials, and for good reason. The best disinfectant is sunlight.

Ever wonder why the "bailout" is on the front page, while the O.J. Simpson trial is either buried, mentioned in passing, or omitted from the news???

That's right, THEY don't want you to know about the O.J. Simpson trial. THEY don't want you to know the prosecutor is a Conspiracy Theorist. THEY don't want you to know that the prosecution witnesses consist of Larry, Curly, Moe, and Smiley the Cat. They don't want you to know that this trial is a microcosm of "justice" in America.


10-04-2008, 01:17 AM
I guess this should now be the "Official OJ is Guilty (12 times over) Thread!"

10-04-2008, 01:39 AM

10-04-2008, 01:39 AM
Fuck OJ. I'm glad they got his stupid ass on something.

10-04-2008, 09:54 AM
I can't believe someone could be so blinded that they would devote an entire thread to this subject. And most of the posts are him talking to himself - that should give you a clue!

I'm glad they found him guilty this time (and golly gee whiz, they're not even rioting) and I hope they give him the maximum sentence allowed. The fact that he's been running around free all these years just really gripes me.

10-04-2008, 10:26 AM
I can't believe someone could be so blinded that they would devote an entire thread to this subject. And most of the posts are him talking to himself - that should give you a clue!

I'm glad they found him guilty this time (and golly gee whiz, they're not even rioting) and I hope they give him the maximum sentence allowed. The fact that he's been running around free all these years just really gripes me.

Galileo is in a class all by himself...

10-04-2008, 11:16 AM
Let's see:

OJ is black, his co-defendent is black, he had an all-white jury, a white Judge, white prosecutors, and two whilte alleged vicitims.

The facts and evidence do not support that any crime was committed.

Really? A five-minute argument is now kidnapping?

The prosecutors tampered and bribed the witnesses.

What you have is racism.

10-04-2008, 11:20 AM
What do Nevada and Minute Maid have in common???

They both got OJ in the can!

Why doesn't Eliot Spitzer go golfing with OJ?

OJ's a slicer and Spitzer likes hookers!

10-04-2008, 12:12 PM
I'm innocent bitches!!

like always. I didn't kill Nichole. I was found innocent by a jury of my peers. Stick that in your pipes and smoke it.

10-04-2008, 12:16 PM
I'm innocent bitches!!

like always. I didn't kill Nichole. I was found innocent by a jury of my peers. Stick that in your pipes and smoke it.
Oh, now you're the bitch and it's your pipe that's going to be stuck -- every fuckin' night. Enjoy that tossed salad bitch.

10-04-2008, 12:19 PM

10-04-2008, 12:22 PM
did you even see pics of the crime scene? did you know that Ron Goldman knew Karate and there was evidence of a brutal fight with his murderer? And all i got was a knick on my finger. GTFO. How many Iraqis have you and your messiah murdered?

10-04-2008, 12:29 PM
did you even see pics of the crime scene? did you know that Ron Goldman knew Karate and there was evidence of a brutal fight with his murderer? And all i got was a knick on my finger. GTFO.
That's nothing compared to the crime scene that's going to occur in your jail cell, Princess.

10-04-2008, 12:34 PM
The real crime is that Koril lets your plagerizing ass keep posting here

10-04-2008, 12:45 PM
The real crime is that Koril lets your plagerizing ass keep posting here
So now, you're accusing Kori of being a criminal? Nice touch.