View Full Version : giving homeless money

09-27-2008, 09:17 PM
do you do it when you see a person asking for money at an intersection?

09-27-2008, 09:20 PM
do you do it when you see a person asking for money at an intersection?

How is one to know if that person is actually homeless? Appearance isn't a sufficient reason, soley that is.

In the past I have given money out, but in recent years I have been more tight with my money in regards to others, especially those I do not know.

Last Comic Standing
09-27-2008, 09:21 PM
Why not just wait a few more hours to see if you may be homeless yourself, that way you can just give your money back to yourself?

09-27-2008, 09:22 PM

scam (video of it on the link) from news station

09-27-2008, 09:22 PM
Why not just wait a few more hours to see if you may be homeless yourself, that way you can just give your money back to yourself?
are you infering to the financial craisis releif efforts in americas?

Last Comic Standing
09-27-2008, 09:25 PM
are you infering to the financial craisis releif efforts in americas?

Let's put it this way! The Mexican border patrol is now checking the trunks of the cars going into Mexico for Americans.

09-27-2008, 09:27 PM
Let's put it this way! The Mexican border patrol is now checking the trunks of the cars going into Mexico for Americans.

09-27-2008, 09:36 PM

scam (video of it on the link) from news station

My thoughts exactly.

09-27-2008, 09:45 PM
We had a "homeless guy" approach us for money (my 50 yr old father and me) at a boat/fishing show at the Alamodome. We were walking back to the car with a 20 ft push pole and went under the bridge side where it was dark as shit and no one around.

This dude asked for money, we declined, kept walking, he started following us and talking gibberish, I thought he was going to do something stupid until he eventually he got in a ford ranger and drove off.


09-27-2008, 10:39 PM
there's a huge difference between a homeless person and a fucking panhandler

09-27-2008, 10:44 PM
I only give them money if they are honest.

09-27-2008, 10:48 PM
I do it whem I'm in Mexico, but people here can earn they're own buck.

09-27-2008, 11:27 PM
We had a "homeless guy" approach us for money (my 50 yr old father and me) at a boat/fishing show at the Alamodome. We were walking back to the car with a 20 ft push pole and went under the bridge side where it was dark as shit and no one around.

This dude asked for money, we declined, kept walking, he started following us and talking gibberish, I thought he was going to do something stupid until he eventually he got in a ford ranger and drove off.



there's a huge difference between a homeless person and a fucking panhandler


one is lazy and drives a piece of shit car and the other just wants a bottle of thunderbird

I only give them money if they are honest.

I do it whem I'm in Mexico, but people here can earn they're own buck.
stay there next time brah:toast

09-27-2008, 11:35 PM
If you want to give your money to charity, then there are about a billion certified and verified charity organizations you can donate to.

As for panhandlers at intersections, they don't get my money anymore. I've heard enough of the stories about these people ending their day and then walking two blocks down to get into their car and drive home. Yes, I know that's probably not every situation and some of them could use the money, but I don't see why I should play roulette with charity.

Plus there's that slightly spoiled side of me that works hard to meet my debt, stay out of trouble, and get up for work everyday, and wonders why these people feel they shouldn't have to do the same thing.

09-27-2008, 11:37 PM
Plus there's that slightly spoiled side of me that works hard to meet my debt, stay out of trouble, and get up for work everyday, and wonders why these people feel they shouldn't have to do the same thing.

:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao :lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao

09-27-2008, 11:40 PM

:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao :lmao:lmao:lmao:lmao


riiiiiiiight. Ya ever heard a little phrase about assumptions?

I don't really pick a party. I think in terms of right or wrong, and to me, continually living off the wages of hard-working people is wrong.

Sure, this brings up the whole unemployment debate, but if that's what you're shootin for, you're better suited for the Political Forum.

09-27-2008, 11:41 PM


I don't pick a party. I think in terms of right or wrong, and to me, continually living off the wages of hard-working people is wrong.

Sure, this brings up the whole unemployment debate, but if that's what you're shootin for, you're better suited for the Political Forum.


09-28-2008, 12:14 AM
I worked downtown in a very large city long enough that I can often tell those who are really in dire condition and I give them money. It is in their eyes. I figure that I have to answer for me and whether I tried to help out someone, and they have to answer for themselves for what they did with it.

Plus there's that slightly spoiled side of me that works hard to meet my debt, stay out of trouble, and get up for work everyday, and wonders why these people feel they shouldn't have to do the same thing.

You realize some are actually incapable- this wonderful mental health care system we have.

09-28-2008, 12:24 AM
The last time I gave a bum money was after he got my truck started when the top radiator hose on my truck exploded in a hot anti-freeze shower which sent me off the freeway into a roadside hobo heaven.

09-28-2008, 12:29 AM

dex, is this the first time you've ever been called out on spurstalk?

09-28-2008, 12:48 AM
it really depends on the sign for me to open wallet...:wakeup

09-28-2008, 12:49 AM
"i dont suffer from insanity. i enjoy every minute of it"

09-28-2008, 12:50 AM
So many people fight for the wrong thing

afraid of change

afraid of a better america

09-28-2008, 12:59 AM
yeah, and?

09-28-2008, 01:03 AM
yeah, and?
something must c h a n g e

09-28-2008, 01:25 AM
there are some ppl who cant get onto welfare, so they go begging

then there are some who dont wanna get onto welfare and go beg, cause of dignity....

09-28-2008, 01:44 AM

dex, is this the first time you've ever been called out on spurstalk?

:downspin: Not the first, and probably won't be the last.

Like I said, it's just a thought that passes through my head, but it's still there. And like I posted before, I know some of those people could rightfully use that money.

But for every one of those cases, it seems like there is someone who would rather just stand on a corner than get a job, or can't get a job because they've made too many mistakes in their life.

I'm not saying I'm heartless and have never given up a dime, but I'm also not real hip on playing 50-50 with money I could be giving to a real charity. I give money to United Way, I donate clothes and food to the Salvation Army. I did work for American Red Cross when Katrina hit. But I know where my contributions are going there. I'd rather give $50 to a real charity than ten $5 bills to random panhandlers.

09-28-2008, 01:46 AM
sons I usually tell them that they can come cut my grass for $30 .... just offer them to actually have to work for the money. that usually scares them off and they will leave you alone.

Ronaldo McDonald
09-28-2008, 01:56 AM
I generously give them counterfeit money. That way they get their own room and food eventually.

09-28-2008, 02:04 AM
than ten $5 bills to random panhandlers.

does this apply to titty bar?

09-28-2008, 02:07 AM

scam (video of it on the link) from news station

That was an interesting video. I posted a reply on youtube though, and this is a serious question:

is it legal for the media (and anyone with a video camera) to record people and use names without consent? When does the news become voyeurism?

My reaction while watching was:

damn, a panhandler?
wtf? they followed her for a month?

09-28-2008, 08:52 AM
If they are homeless, go to one of the shelters in town. The ones that hang at corners near gas stations --well that's where they take your hard earned money to buy beer or wine. Some people would buy a bum a drink but you won't buy a co-worker a drink at happy hour. Nice---Oh yeah -they won't let them drink at the shelters.

09-28-2008, 11:02 AM
If they are homeless, go to one of the shelters in town. The ones that hang at corners near gas stations --well that's where they take your hard earned money to buy beer or wine. Some people would buy a bum a drink but you won't buy a co-worker a drink at happy hour. Nice---Oh yeah -they won't let them drink at the shelters.


09-29-2008, 03:04 AM
I'm not saying I'm heartless and have never given up a dime, but I'm also not real hip on playing 50-50 with money I could be giving to a real charity. I give money to United Way, I donate clothes and food to the Salvation Army. I did work for American Red Cross when Katrina hit. But I know where my contributions are going there. I'd rather give $50 to a real charity than ten $5 bills to random panhandlers.

Actually, I'd say your chances of getting your money to someone who needs it is better if you give to a random panhandler than if you give to a "non-profit" organization. A whole hell of a lot of NPOs are scams. Even the bigger ones like United Way have scammish tendencies.

For example, with United Way IIRC about one-third of all cash donations end up in the hands of executives. So if you donate $100 to United Way, approximately $33 will not be going to help anyone. And really, United Way is one of the more honest NPOs.

Donating to an actual person or a specific cause is a much better way to ensure your money actually reaches someone who needs it. Going through a NPO middlemen only helps their executives get rich.

And back to an original point, I'm confident that the percentage of panhandlers who don't actually need the money is less than the percentage of money skimmed off the top of your average NPO.

09-29-2008, 03:18 AM
Actually, I'd say your chances of getting your money to someone who needs it is better if you give to a random panhandler than if you give to a "non-profit" organization. A whole hell of a lot of NPOs are scams. Even the bigger ones like United Way have scammish tendencies.

For example, with United Way IIRC about one-third of all cash donations end up in the hands of executives. So if you donate $100 to United Way, approximately $33 will not be going to help anyone. And really, United Way is one of the more honest NPOs.

Donating to an actual person or a specific cause is a much better way to ensure your money actually reaches someone who needs it. Going through a NPO middlemen only helps their executives get rich.

And back to an original point, I'm confident that the percentage of panhandlers who don't actually need the money is less than the percentage of money skimmed off the top of your average NPO.

What about donating directly to places like shelters and orphanages, in either cash or goods? Is that a better option?

My personal preference is to avoid giving cash as much as possible, to minimize the potential of misuse.

09-29-2008, 03:28 AM
What about donating directly to places like shelters and orphanages, in either cash or goods? Is that a better option?Yeah, specific causes that you've researched are much safer than a random NPO.

My personal preference is to avoid giving cash as much as possible, to minimize the potential of misuse.That is a good policy. Although the shadier NPOs have even been known to sell donated goods to cover executive costs.

09-29-2008, 09:25 AM
I used to give the money to "those" people but recently I don't.
I've heard too much about panhandlers and "homeless".
Some of them are forced to beg to give profit to a family or profit to someone you live with? You won't get enough money they will beat you up.
And damn when the beg near the church or write god bless on their cartoon I have enough.
And WTF? they are knocking on your door and begging because they have no money to feed children?
Hmm? I even got an e-mail that guy is in hard situation, of course more then 250 words how bad situation he has and to send the money to an account. GMAB.

So I do not belive them at all right now. I work and it's not easy work and I have not much money from that job. I'm happy that I have home and that I have food every day. People are in much worse situation then me ... I could go on but I don't want.

Ps. All in all I'm also greedy and I want more and more and I thnk that is not the case in life to do everything to heve more and more money. But human is bulit that way.
F that - I'm gonna get shower and go to work, eat something before it. And on the way to my job I will definately see those people without a job and home.

Viva Las Espuelas
09-29-2008, 09:37 AM
hell no. if they're hungry i get them food. if they're thirsty i give them water.

09-29-2008, 09:43 AM
hell no. if they're hungry i get them food. if they're thirsty i give them water.
You're an idiot. These people can get jobs at just about any fast food place. Temp labor is in demand too. They're homeless because they choose to be homeless.

If a homeless man came and begged me for a razor and some water for a shower so he could go get a job I'd think differently. That day will never happen.

Fuck the homeless and fuck the ones with pets. They shouldn't be allowed to be responsible for anything other than themselves.

09-29-2008, 09:44 AM
And back to an original point, I'm confident that the percentage of panhandlers who don't actually need the money is less than the percentage of money skimmed off the top of your average NPO.

you're most likely right, but that's like saying you have less of a chance at losing money in the Coke machine than the Pepsi machine.

They are both a waste of money in my book.

I was at Las Palapas (281/1604) and noticed a ford ranger pull up in the vacant lot that used to be Jack in the box. A vagrantly dressed woman jumped out and started doing her thing on the corner while the two guys she pulled up with stayed in the truck and watched her work.

My thinking is that they rotate corners throughout the area and at the first sign of cops (because panhandling on the side of the road is illegal after all) they jump in and take off.

There are just too many better ways to donate your money than to blow it on yahoos that stand on the corner with their signs.

I did see a good sign once over at 410/Ingram that said "I just got a divorce and my wife took my money, my house and my car and left me with nothing but this sign"

09-29-2008, 09:46 AM
You're an idiot. These people can get jobs at just about any fast food place. Temp labor is in demand too. They're homeless because they choose to be homeless.

If a homeless man came and begged me for a razor and some water for a shower so he could go get a job I'd think differently. That day will never happen.

Fuck the homeless and fuck the ones with pets. They shouldn't be allowed to be responsible for anything other than themselves.

give a man a fish and you feed him for a day...

teach a man to fish, and if he still can't learn, beat him over the head with your fish until he goes away

09-29-2008, 09:49 AM
I still give when I can. Who am I to judge?

09-29-2008, 09:54 AM
I still give when I can. Who am I to judge?I really wish we could get past the days of it being a bad thing to pass judgement. Passing judgement should be like passing gas...frequent and noisy with a little stinch.

09-29-2008, 09:54 AM
I still give when I can. Who am I to judge?

I dont judge them. I just dont give to them either because I don't donate to what I think is a lazy bum.

I. Hustle
09-29-2008, 09:57 AM
F that! I don’t give them jack. My dad runs a rehab and I saw these guys go in all the time and brag about how much money they make and how there are places all over town that give out free food and clothes so all they had to spend the money on was booze or drugs. Then they put women up to it and people feel bad for them because they are a chick or are “pregnant” so they give them more money.
Another thing that pisses me off are these idiots that put kids on the corners to raise money for their basketball or baseball or whatever team. I mean WTF?! Why can’t they do carwashes or something like that? These idiot parents are teaching their kids that it’s ok just to beg for the money instead of actually working for it.

09-29-2008, 09:57 AM
I still give when I can. Who am I to judge?

Yea after all you gave it thinking you was doing good thing.
And what is going to happen to those money after it you don't care

Viva Las Espuelas
09-29-2008, 10:00 AM
You're an idiot. These people can get jobs at just about any fast food place. Temp labor is in demand too. They're homeless because they choose to be homeless.

If a homeless man came and begged me for a razor and some water for a shower so he could go get a job I'd think differently. That day will never happen.

Fuck the homeless and fuck the ones with pets. They shouldn't be allowed to be responsible for anything other than themselves.i'm an idiot for showing compassion? silly me.

09-29-2008, 10:00 AM
F that! I don’t give them jack. My dad runs a rehab and I saw these guys go in all the time and brag about how much money they make and how there are places all over town that give out free food and clothes so all they had to spend the money on was booze or drugs. Then they put women up to it and people for bad for them because they are a chick or are “pregnant” so they give them more money.
Another thing that pisses me off are these idiots that put kids on the corners to raise money for their basketball or baseball or whatever team. I mean WTF?! Why can’t they do carwashes or something like that? These idiot parents are teaching their kids that it’s ok just to beg for the money instead of actually working for it.

They are doing a bad PR

09-29-2008, 10:01 AM
oh man, I hate the basketball kids that come up after I'm leaving WalMart asking for money to travel to a tournament in New York.

Hey kid, if you have to beg for money to go to NY to play ball, then you don't need to go. Play at the Y like the rest of us hacks that think we would have been in the NBA if it weren't for that high school coach that never let us shoot from three point range.

09-29-2008, 10:02 AM

09-29-2008, 10:02 AM
i'm an idiot for showing compassion? silly me.Its the equivalent of starting a non profit organization to comfort the guys on death row. If its compassion its misplaced. Thats what makes you an idiot.

I. Hustle
09-29-2008, 10:03 AM
I still give when I can. Who am I to judge?

Who am I to judge? The person who worked for that F'n money that's who.

09-29-2008, 10:06 AM
Another thing that pisses me off are these idiots that put kids on the corners to raise money for their basketball or baseball or whatever team. I mean WTF?! Why can’t they do carwashes or something like that? These idiot parents are teaching their kids that it’s ok just to beg for the money instead of actually working for it.I can't stand that shit either. Begging...seriously begging....so fucking pathetic.

09-29-2008, 10:10 AM
You realize some are actually incapable- this wonderful mental health care system we have.

This is absolutely true. No doubt there are plenty of scammers out there; but the majority of these people require institutionalization. They may be alcoholics or drug addicts because of mental illness or vice versa, either way they were turned out onto the streets by the lack of mental health resources. Yes they choose to be homeless, much in the same way my senile mother in law chose to wear her underwear over her clothes instead of underneath. I'm not making excuses for them, it's just the way it is.

I still give when I can. Who am I to judge?

I always have that spare change in the console of my car. If I'm paying attn, if the traffic is stopped I'll give. 50 cents is not going to make a big difference in my life right now. Now I will often buy a newspaper from those guys whether or not I want it. At least they are doing something.

09-29-2008, 10:16 AM
If you're mentally tarded up beyond being functional the State won't refuse to intitutionalize them.

Lots of tards work too. McDonalds loves to hire the tards. They can work just like any other person. My wifes cousin is a tard. He works at the aquarium and probably gets more pussy than half the board members here. He's learned the fine art of sympathy poon.

09-29-2008, 10:42 AM
Who am I to judge? The person who worked for that F'n money that's who.

That's right...and I worked for it so I can give as I please. But I understand why people feel the way they do and believe me I have those feelings too. I just go with the better feeling.

09-29-2008, 10:44 AM
If you're mentally tarded up beyond being functional the State won't refuse to intitutionalize them.

Lots of tards work too. McDonalds loves to hire the tards. They can work just like any other person. My wifes cousin is a tard. He works at the aquarium and probably gets more pussy than half the board members here. He's learned the fine art of sympathy poon.
Once again, your post makes me laugh and want to kill you all at the same time. Guess I should expect that by now :lol

09-29-2008, 10:50 AM
Once again, your post makes me laugh and want to kill you all at the same time. Guess I should expect that by now :lolThere has always been humor in truth.

09-29-2008, 11:02 AM
Don't give $, but I'll give them something to eat-usually a power bar. Helps keep their energy up for the long, hot days of begging.

09-29-2008, 11:14 AM
There is this homeless dude that I see just about every day near Buena Vista and Smith at the Las Delicious restaurant. If I see him I give him about 50cents. He is in his fiftys, walks with a crutch. At first, I had misgivings about it, than I saw him buying tacos. It makes me feel good, so I still give him money. I gave a taco to this one guy near Fredricksburg and I-10 because he had a sign that he was hungery. The next day I saw him with brand new clothes. I don't give him money or food any more.

Extra Stout
09-29-2008, 11:38 AM
Homeless people typically don't stand on hot street corners in the suburbs. They generally huddle in places with other homeless people where there is shade. They also don't move very much; they sit or recline in one place and conserve their energy.

Occasionally you will run into an aggressive homeless person. This person is more likely to be a drug addict or severely mentally ill. Otherwise, homeless are passive, even shy. Soliciting help is dangerous because while there are some people willing to help, there are also criminals eager to take advantage and deprive them of what little they have. They especially try to stay away from RV salesman. Those guys are the worst.

09-29-2008, 11:40 AM
Homeless people typically don't stand on hot street corners in the suburbs. They generally huddle in places with other homeless people where there is shade. They also don't move very much; they sit or recline in one place and conserve their energy.

Occasionally you will run into an aggressive homeless person. This person is more likely to be a drug addict or severely mentally ill. Otherwise, homeless are passive, even shy. Soliciting help is dangerous because while there are some people willing to help, there are also criminals eager to take advantage and deprive them of what little they have. They especially try to stay away from RV salesman. Those guys are the worst.:lmao

09-29-2008, 11:42 AM
These threads make my day.

The Power Hour.
09-29-2008, 12:46 PM
I still give when I can. Who am I to judge?

Psssssst! some of us read the TRoll forum!

09-29-2008, 12:52 PM
Psssssst! some of us read the TRoll forum!

Psssssst!! I know that. :lol

09-29-2008, 01:00 PM
I was homeless for about a month. I slept in a dumpster and got crushed by a garbage truck one night sleeping in a dumpster behind the Auto zone on culebra rd.

I found a place called Goodnight's on Colorado street it was 5.00 dollars a night and they would have part time jobs if you wanted one. I went to one and i served food for some rich rancher guy off I-10, then I went on another job moving office supplies and office furniture at night. These Jobs pay 8-10 dollars an hour but we only see 4.50 an hour. (back in 1989-1990) era.

I started to pay my weekly stay at the bunkhouse so i got weekends free. I bought me some black pants ,white shirt and a bow tie and got a job as a bus boy on the river walk. I even worked for Smith Security.

I also bought a paint brush and showed up at Blanco and 1604 and got a job painting houses for 8.50 an hour. Got an apartment and the folks at Good Will got me a job at Ft.Sam painting, and i made 275.00 a week after taxes.

I rented a house, bought a PC and started posting on the www and the rest was history. If my lazy ass can do it anyone can. You notice you never see any Asian homeless? Those rice eating bastards come to America with 25 cents in their pockets they work 3 or more jobs.

So as far as homeless people go? First 30 days, you get my help. After that?

"fuck you" and get a job!!

09-29-2008, 01:05 PM
Some of you need to hear this song. Maybe it will make you think. Listen closely.


09-29-2008, 01:51 PM
Some of you need to hear this song. Maybe it will make you think. Listen closely.

Maybe you need to listen?


09-29-2008, 02:50 PM
I figure that I have to answer for me and whether I tried to help out someone, and they have to answer for themselves for what they did with it.

I agree.

I sometimes give money to people on street corners.

I did so often when my sister was a runaway because I hoped that people would help her as she needed it the same way I was trying to help people.

09-29-2008, 02:53 PM
I agree.

I sometimes give money to people on street corners.

I did so often when my sister was a runaway because I hoped that people would help her as she needed it the same way I was trying to help people.

so you hoped your sister was getting help from people by standing on a street corner asking them for help?

The Reckoning
09-29-2008, 03:04 PM
Some of you need to hear this song. Maybe it will make you think. Listen closely.


:lmao what is up with the guy at 1:07? seems he's a little excited...

09-29-2008, 03:05 PM
so you hoped your sister was getting help from people by standing on a street corner asking them for help?

I knew my sister was making bad choices and I hoped she would run into good people, who might inspire her come to her senses.

My sister had no money, due to her bad choices - so yes, her situation was completely her fault.
Still as her sister, I always prayed that kind strangers would intervene to keep her from going hungry.

I Love Me Some Me
09-29-2008, 03:17 PM
I once offered a bum an unopened bottled water and my leftover skilletini from Carino's.

He gave me a funny look then just walked away.

The Reckoning
09-29-2008, 03:23 PM
i gave money to a guy outside of mickey d's to buy a small hamburger (that was his story) and the bastard never came inside. another time i gave a guy 5 bucks while i was pumping gas so that he could "get enough gas to make it over the corpus bridge." as soon as i gave him the money, he turned around and got into an f-250 with a dog in the back and drove off. what pissed me off is that i was driving a damn '85 turbodiesel mercedes and making minimum wage.

I. Hustle
09-29-2008, 03:28 PM
I once gave this chick money. I am not sure if she was homeless but I know she was asking for money to help pay her way through school.

09-29-2008, 03:56 PM
This is absolutely true. No doubt there are plenty of scammers out there; but the majority of these people require institutionalization. They may be alcoholics or drug addicts because of mental illness or vice versa, either way they were turned out onto the streets by the lack of mental health resources. Yes they choose to be homeless, much in the same way my senile mother in law chose to wear her underwear over her clothes instead of underneath. I'm not making excuses for them, it's just the way it is.

There are several places that offer mental health resources and rehab for little or no charge at all. The Center for Healthcare Services is a state funded clinic that offers drug rehab for as little as $2/day that comes with counseling and psychiatric visits.

I don't think it's the lack of resources, I think that the problem is these people don't want to better themselves. They would rather the general public or the government take care of them instead of taking care of themselves.

I work in a methadone clinic where it costs $55/week for treatment, including counseling and psychiatric care. We have about 10 to 15 "homeless" people in our population of 400. We do urine tests on these patients once a month (required by state law) and I would say at least two thirds of the population still abuses drugs. They don't want to get better otherwise they wouldn't waste their money on drugs AND rehab.

09-29-2008, 04:16 PM
Think twice, people. Think about it.

09-29-2008, 04:18 PM

09-29-2008, 04:21 PM
the homeless in austin are like the homeless from southpark...."change? change?" :lol

I. Hustle
09-29-2008, 04:38 PM
the homeless in austin are like the homeless from southpark...."change? change?" :lol

I remember I was passing out fliers one time for some event I was helping promote and I was runing up and down the street passing them out and this bum wanted to fight me saying it was his corner. I told him I wasn't taking money from people just handing out promotional stuff and he was getting all pissed. I started laughing and he was getting even more pissed then the guy selling flowers came by and they started fighting. I left and vowed never to pass out fliers like that again. It was very entertaining though.

09-29-2008, 04:42 PM
I only give them money if they are honest.

And how does one determine if someone is honest? Do you drive around with a polygraph machine? But, that's only momentary honesty, so are they really honest? Explain if you could.

I generously give them counterfeit money. That way they get their own room and food eventually.

Coooooollld Blooooded :lol

I was homeless for about a month. I slept in a dumpster and got crushed by a garbage truck one night sleeping in a dumpster behind the Auto zone on culebra rd.

I found a place called Goodnight's on Colorado street it was 5.00 dollars a night and they would have part time jobs if you wanted one. I went to one and i served food for some rich rancher guy off I-10, then I went on another job moving office supplies and office furniture at night. These Jobs pay 8-10 dollars an hour but we only see 4.50 an hour. (back in 1989-1990) era.

I started to pay my weekly stay at the bunkhouse so i got weekends free. I bought me some black pants ,white shirt and a bow tie and got a job as a bus boy on the river walk. I even worked for Smith Security.

I also bought a paint brush and showed up at Blanco and 1604 and got a job painting houses for 8.50 an hour. Got an apartment and the folks at Good Will got me a job at Ft.Sam painting, and i made 275.00 a week after taxes.

I rented a house, bought a PC and started posting on the www and the rest was history. If my lazy ass can do it anyone can. You notice you never see any Asian homeless? Those rice eating bastards come to America with 25 cents in their pockets they work 3 or more jobs.

So as far as homeless people go? First 30 days, you get my help. After that?

"fuck you" and get a job!!

True story, I hardly see homeless Asians. But, you also have to take into account that they come from a collectivist society in general. They tend to work together. Whereas in America, things are more Individualistic. But, people who can, should work. Programs are available, etc.

But I don't blame them, if you hit the lotto would you keep the money? Well they hit a little bit everyday. :lol

sons I usually tell them that they can come cut my grass for $30 .... just offer them to actually have to work for the money. that usually scares them off and they will leave you alone.

That's what I call a exceptional long term plan :lol

Get it together Grouch, get a job grouch.

09-29-2008, 05:50 PM
I was homeless for about a month. I slept in a dumpster and got crushed by I went to one and i served food for some rich rancher guy off I-10

Was it for Cosmic Cowboy????

09-29-2008, 06:29 PM
f-u-c-k NO. tell them motherfuckers to get a goddamn job like everybody else. you can't help someone who doesn't want to be helped. fuck em. i have no problem laughing as i drive by. in fact my passion is so deep that i even hate when people i'm driving with give money to those motherfuckers.

09-29-2008, 07:03 PM
Was it for Cosmic Cowboy????

I was thinking the same thing when i posted it. The ranch is right before you get to Rudy's Bar B Q on I-10 to the right. The man is sorta famous and is always having fund raisers. I worked as a temp for a server/catering company. They had huge bar B Q pits some with quail meat and they had half a steer on a rotation type Bar B Q.

I used to feel sorry for homeless people but you all are making a terrible mistake. There is a difference in a homeless person who just lost his job and needs a place to stay for a month from a booze drinking bum!

The booze drinking lazy ass American homeless bum does not care if you give
him 50 thousand dollars they are just going to buy more booze and drugs. A real homeless person will buy a home. There is a difference in BUMS and real Homeless.

Go offer a homeless bum under the bridge a job and see how they look at you.

My Ex boss was from Vietnam he was literally hanging off the chopper skid when the Americans pulled out of Saigon he came to America with 75 cents to his name. he got a job as a dish washer and 7 years later he bought the restaurant. Then he went into home buying and rebuilding business and that's where i met him he was contracted through Guy Chip man.

He told me many stories about Vietnam and how people there look at the trash dump like a buffet dinner.

If a homeless person can stand all day under a bridge asking for money then they can put on a security uniform and earn a paycheck I don't feel sorry for none of those assholes unless its a woman and her two kids who just lost thier home or she was abused and even then there are programs to help you.

If you don't believe me look at the kids in NY and LA they are only 18 22 years of age begging for money, WTF is your excuse if your young not to get a job or go to school that's is why they have food stamps and collage grants.

They rather drink and smoke weed all day. Someone find me a homeless Canadian,Russian,Asian,Italian,or even a Mexican homeless. Those people come here with only a gallon of water and maybe a pound of weed to their name and yet they don't sit under a bridge all day begging for cash.

The homeless people in America are homeless by choice.

09-29-2008, 07:16 PM
He who does not work, neither shall he eat.

jack sommerset
09-29-2008, 07:58 PM
I don't make eye contact with people asking for money or holding signs. It pisses me off when I go to the grocery store and these girl scouts or little leaguers are asking for my cash. I say "no" on the way in and "no" on the way out.

I also hate it when my co-workers ask for money for there kids. I worked at a office for 8 years. I had no kids and I swear everyone else had them. About 30-35 people would ask for money year round. YEAR ROUND. After the 1st year I told people they should stop asking. Do it by e-mail atleast. I feel bad saying no to a fellow employee but I am not going to buy a bunch of shit I don't want.

I say NO to the so called homeless.

Heath Ledger
09-29-2008, 11:02 PM
I live in Vegas there are perhaps more homeless here than anywhere I've ever lived. Occasionally i will give them a buck or two. Sometimes ill give it to someone without them even prompting me. I'll never forget this one bum by the stratosphere had a sign reading "I ain't gonna lie i need a beer" and i laughed and gave him a $5 spot.

I once gave a dude $5 and he bitched at me and was like come on bro can you do any more. I snatched the $5spot back and told him to fuck off.

09-30-2008, 08:31 AM
IMHO, giving to the homeless is one's own decision and to say that those that do give are making a mistake is ridiculous.

09-30-2008, 08:48 AM
the homeless in austin are like the homeless from southpark...."change? change?" :lol


Just the other night some guy on a bike was trying to get money off of me I guess. I was kind of drunk and ignored him and this girl we were with put her arm around me and turned me away from him. Guy said "oh im sorry I guess im too black for you to talk to me" hahaha I was like wtf are you serious!! So according to that guy not only dont I like beggars, but black beggars at that. For some one who is begging for money, an attitude doesnt help your cause at all.

09-30-2008, 08:54 AM
IMHO, giving to the homeless is one's own decision and to say that those that do give are making a mistake is ridiculous.

nobody is saying not to give money to the homeless in general...

but when you give to someone on the street corner as you are pulling up to the stop light, then it encourages them to come the next day and it encourages others to come to that same stop light and the next thing you know, we have a bunch of bums at intersections asking for money instead of getting help through the proper channels.

and just FYI, it is illegal to peddle for money at street corners. The only reason the Express News gets away with it is because it falls under some freedom of speech/media rights.

09-30-2008, 09:02 AM
nobody is saying not to give money to the homeless in general...

but when you give to someone on the street corner as you are pulling up to the stop light, then it encourages them to come the next day and it encourages others to come to that same stop light and the next thing you know, we have a bunch of bums at intersections asking for money instead of getting help through the proper channels.

and just FYI, it is illegal to peddle for money at street corners. The only reason the Express News gets away with it is because it falls under some freedom of speech/media rights.

IMHO, you must not have read all the posts in this thread.

09-30-2008, 10:15 AM
IMHO, you must not have read all the posts in this thread.

yes I did, but either way, what does that have to do with what you said? which post(s) exactly are you referring to?

09-30-2008, 10:19 AM
IMHO, giving to the homeless is one's own decision and to say that those that do give are making a mistake is ridiculous.

I am sure some homeless man with a Vietnam veteran jacket on with fake medals that you just gave 5.00 dollars to is smiling at you as he drinks his 6 pack of Bush beer.

09-30-2008, 02:46 PM
Give....and you shall receive.

09-30-2008, 04:02 PM
Give....and you shall receive a nice Bible book mark with my picture on it.


Robert Tilton

T Park.
09-30-2008, 04:39 PM
Give....and you shall receive.

WTF has the homeless gave us?

09-30-2008, 05:34 PM
you're most likely right, but that's like saying you have less of a chance at losing money in the Coke machine than the Pepsi machine.

They are both a waste of money in my book.

I was at Las Palapas (281/1604) and noticed a ford ranger pull up in the vacant lot that used to be Jack in the box. A vagrantly dressed woman jumped out and started doing her thing on the corner while the two guys she pulled up with stayed in the truck and watched her work.

My thinking is that they rotate corners throughout the area and at the first sign of cops (because panhandling on the side of the road is illegal after all) they jump in and take off.

There are just too many better ways to donate your money than to blow it on yahoos that stand on the corner with their signs.

I did see a good sign once over at 410/Ingram that said "I just got a divorce and my wife took my money, my house and my car and left me with nothing but this sign"If you give money to a panhandler, you are likely either giving it to a person who needs it or a crafty entrepreneur. Perhaps I'm a sucker for entrepreneurship but I'd rather see one of them make a buck than a slimeball executive of a supposed NPO.

09-30-2008, 05:36 PM
WTF has the homeless gave us?
TPARK you think you are better than all the other people dont you?

why are you so smug and cocky? just because you have lots of cash does not give you the right to talk down and think down on the rest of the people who are not as wealthy as you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I. Hustle
09-30-2008, 05:37 PM
He's a richer?

baseline bum
09-30-2008, 08:16 PM
I do it whem I'm in Mexico, but people here can earn they're own buck.

The pan-handlers in Mexico are fakes too. One time in Tijuana I saw three kids who were pan-handling give all their money to some dude who pulled up in a Benz. The fucking kids have pimps too.

09-30-2008, 09:25 PM
Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Del Griffith
09-30-2008, 09:43 PM
Forgive them, for they know not what they do.

Sorry Jesus but the panhandlers and homeless know exactly what they are doing.

09-30-2008, 11:09 PM
I was eating at Sea Island tonight and some guy came into the restaurant and asked 3 women for money, saying he was from Galveston and stranded. But there were no shelters off of huebner. And the manager saw a car pick him up.

10-01-2008, 09:27 AM
If you give money to a panhandler, you are likely either giving it to a person who needs it or a crafty entrepreneur. Perhaps I'm a sucker for entrepreneurship but I'd rather see one of them make a buck than a slimeball executive of a supposed NPO.

crafty entrepreneur? the panhandler is not an entreprenuer any more than the slimeball executive is. Neither are giving you any kind of product or service for your buck. They are simply taking and putting in their pockets what you give them.

The only difference is that the panhandler gets 100% of your dollar to (most likely) spend on booze while the slimeball CEO will take as much a huge chunk from your dollar that is supposed to go to people in need so that he can fly around the country in first class seating (which is actually what happened with United Way).

10-01-2008, 10:10 AM
Does anybody listen to Kidd Kraddick in the morning in here? They had a funny story about this kind of thing today.

10-01-2008, 10:23 AM
I don't think anyone knows the true story behind the panhandler.

10-01-2008, 12:36 PM
Does anybody listen to Kidd Kraddick `.

nobody lives up to their name more than that dick

10-01-2008, 12:41 PM
I don't give money to homeless. I was in downtown Portland one afternoon with a buddy and a homeless dude asked us for a couple bucks for something to eat. I told him I had no cash but I'd take him to the McDonalds across the street and buy him something. He turned and walked away. Since then I've offered the same thing to a couple of homeless that ask for money or change when I'm downtown. I've recieved no takers.

10-01-2008, 12:55 PM
nobody lives up to their name more than that dick
What's your beef with Kidd?

10-01-2008, 01:00 PM
What's your beef with Kidd?

He sucks, the female with him has an annoying ass voice, and the black guy is there just to act black. And he's piped in from Dallas which is even worse. It's an insult to my intelligence that they do promos for the Spurs, anything San Antonio and recently silver stars when its so obvious they don't give a fuck.

10-01-2008, 01:30 PM
Some days they're really funny. And I like them because every year they have a big fundraiser to take kids with chronic/terminal illnesses and their families to Disney World. That fundraiser, coincidentally, is tomorrow. Even if they annoy the hell out of you, take comfort in the fact that their hearts are in the right place :lol

10-01-2008, 02:25 PM
I agree that when they talk about San Antonio news and they say things like "our Spurs got the win last night" it makes me cringe knowing that they are sitting in a studio in Dallas saying...

but I still end up listening as they are just barely entertaining enough to keep me dialed in....

and yeah, I heard the bit that JC did in singing the rip off of the song "disturbia" calling it "stop disturbing me"..... :lol