View Full Version : ____Time to eat Crow____

Smackie Chan
02-11-2005, 06:14 PM
Where are all the "Malone would be great!!" Spur fans?

I noticed your not posting, I don't blame you guys . you should all be ashamed of yourselves, You actually thought True Spur fans would allow that sorry excuse for a man wear a Spurs jersey?

For those of you who where against Karl Malone? I rack you all. You guys will go done in History as true fans, Unlike these so called wannabe fans that would sell there soul to the Devil for a ring,

I thank God that I do not have to witness Karl Elbow Malone in a Spurs jersey, And I hope you Malone Lovers come in here and eat your crow like a real fan should.

Don't make me go to page 3 and quote you all. Just say your sorry and you can move on, I pray someday God and David Robinson Can forgive you all..............

Man up ! and eat your Crow !!


Forgive them father..


N.Y. Johnny
02-11-2005, 06:18 PM
:lol ^^^That looks like Mark Messier

02-11-2005, 06:20 PM
Don't try to take credit for something you had no part in. Karl Malone's retirement wasn't your decision or anybody else's on this board; it was Karl's.

If he had said yes, all those "true fans" would be the ones denouncing their own team over a grudge that yes, even David Robinson has already forgiven.

T Park
02-11-2005, 06:30 PM
I was for Malone. Im still here, what are you babbling about mouse.

Smackie Chan
02-11-2005, 06:31 PM
Credit for what? All my posts said Karl will never be a spur, You want me to dig your posts up? You flip flop just like the Bozos on the ticket radio..

Figures Spur fans are to good to say they was wrong.

I forget it takes aMAN to eat crow..

02-11-2005, 06:49 PM
Flip flop? When did I flip flop? I was always for Malone signing and I still am. I stood firm on the fact that it was the smart thing to do (basketball logic, imagine such a thing), that the Spurs organization knew how to handle things, and that people needed to quit getting their panties in a wad. Go ahead, dig up my posts if you really have nothing better to do with you time.

Did I ever say Malone WOULD sign? No. Did I say the Spurs NEEDED Malone? No. Therefore, it is virtual impossibility for me to be wrong. All I said was that I thought it would help the team, and now I suppose we'll never know. I'm allowed to have that opinion, just like you're allowed to like the damned Mavericks.

So don't try pointing fingers. I'm not eating a crow that I didn't put on my plate.

The only reason I commented is because I don't think you reserve the right to denounce me or anyone else here as true fans just because you can hold a grudge for 10 years. Get over yourself.

02-11-2005, 07:31 PM
You guys will go done in History as true fans.

-Wow, go bak too skool!

02-11-2005, 07:45 PM
Pale face Mouse speaks truth.spur fans flip flop to much.
Tonto not proud

02-12-2005, 01:42 AM
i don't have to because i never wanted karl anyways.
like i said the thought of seeing him in a spurs uni made me sick