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View Full Version : Republicans... flip flop

09-30-2008, 11:22 AM
I think it's a little ironic that republicans have always had this idea that government needs to stay out of everything and the economy will take care of it's self. That somehow the rich getting richer will magically "trickle down" to the poor and balance things out. And if it doesn't, it's social darwinism. "The poor should stay poor if they can't pick themselves up."

Now that the shoe is on the other foot and the rich are the ones in trouble, they think government should step in and help.

Poor are in trouble and it's "everything we will be fine, just let it be"

Rich are in trouble and it's "the government needs to step in and do something, and I'll pout if you don't"

Funny stuff.

Are you laissez faire or not? Are you for social darwinism or not? If these places are in trouble of going bankrupt, then by your logic, aren't they meant to be bankrupt?

09-30-2008, 11:24 AM
These banks need to pull themselves up by their own bootstraps, roll up their sleeves, and get to work!

Extra Stout
09-30-2008, 11:28 AM
I think it's a little ironic that republicans have always had this idea that government needs to stay out of everything and the economy will take care of it's self. That somehow the rich getting richer will magically "trickle down" to the poor and balance things out. And if it doesn't, it's social darwinism. "The poor should stay poor if they can't pick themselves up."

Now that the shoe is on the other foot and the rich are the ones in trouble, they think government should step in and help.

Poor are in trouble and it's "everything we will be fine, just let it be"

Rich are in trouble and it's "the government needs to step in and do something, and I'll pout if you don't"

Funny stuff.

Are you laissez faire or not? Are you for social darwinism or not? If these places are in trouble of going bankrupt, then by your logic, aren't they meant to be bankrupt?
Um, not to piss on your little rant, but did you pay like zero freaking attention to the vote yesterday? Most Republicans voted against the bailout.

Extra Stout
09-30-2008, 11:29 AM
I hope you get what you want. Hopefully, the schadenfreude of seeing the big banks fail will make up for the fact that you lost your job, all your assets are worthless, and you can't keep your family fed.

09-30-2008, 11:32 AM
I think it's a little ironic that republicans have always had this idea that government needs to stay out of everything and the economy will take care of it's self. That somehow the rich getting richer will magically "trickle down" to the poor and balance things out. And if it doesn't, it's social darwinism. "The poor should stay poor if they can't pick themselves up."

Now that the shoe is on the other foot and the rich are the ones in trouble, they think government should step in and help.

Poor are in trouble and it's "everything we will be fine, just let it be"

Rich are in trouble and it's "the government needs to step in and do something, and I'll pout if you don't"

Funny stuff.

Are you laissez faire or not? Are you for social darwinism or not? If these places are in trouble of going bankrupt, then by your logic, aren't they meant to be bankrupt?


09-30-2008, 11:33 AM
Um, not to piss on your little rant, but did you pay like zero freaking attention to the vote yesterday? Most Republicans voted against the bailout.

You have to look deeper than who voted yes and who voted no. You have to look at the reasons behind the votes. It's not as clear cut as yes and no.

09-30-2008, 11:37 AM


09-30-2008, 11:43 AM
Interesting quote from the press:

"My sense of what happened is this: There were a healthy majority of congressmen who wanted the bill to pass, but many of them (most of them?) also wanted to be on record voting against it, for obvious political reasons. So you got a classic prisoners' dilemma situation: Everyone's best-case scenario was to vote against the bill and have everyone else vote for it. Unfortunately, as anyone who's taken introductory micro knows, that usually leads to the worst-case scenario, where everyone defects and the whole venture collapses."

But let's back up and look who proposed the plan (George W) and who is it's biggest supporter (McCain).

09-30-2008, 11:43 AM
I hope you get what you want. Hopefully, the schadenfreude of seeing the big banks fail will make up for the fact that you lost your job, all your assets are worthless, and you can't keep your family fed.

mmmm tasty schadenfreude, with a side order of spite...

At this point, I say fuck it and really hope the "let them fail and do nothing" camp wins.

Let's see how that works out and who is/was right. I hope, for all of our sakes, they are right and that everything will be peachy in a year if we just stay out of the way.

09-30-2008, 11:48 AM
Government injected itself into the free market.

It's really not that hard of a concept.

09-30-2008, 11:51 AM
mmmm tasty schadenfreude, with a side order of spite...

At this point, I say fuck it and really hope the "let them fail and do nothing" camp wins.

Let's see how that works out and who is/was right. I hope, for all of our sakes, they are right and that everything will be peachy in a year if we just stay out of the way.

Something will get passed, obviously. The "people" just want to make sure they aren't giving 700 bil to someone prohibiting review of any kind towards his future actions, shitty entities like ACORN won't be getting benjamins, and so on.

Funny how they are trying to prevent another depression yet can't keep from adding on bullshit for partisan benefit.

Oh, Gee!!
09-30-2008, 11:53 AM
Government injected itself into the free market.

government makes the laws. everybody (even corporations and wall street) have to abide by them. shocking, I know.

Extra Stout
09-30-2008, 11:53 AM
Interesting quote from the press:

"My sense of what happened is this: There were a healthy majority of congressmen who wanted the bill to pass, but many of them (most of them?) also wanted to be on record voting against it, for obvious political reasons. So you got a classic prisoners' dilemma situation: Everyone's best-case scenario was to vote against the bill and have everyone else vote for it. Unfortunately, as anyone who's taken introductory micro knows, that usually leads to the worst-case scenario, where everyone defects and the whole venture collapses."

But let's back up and look who proposed the plan (George W) and who is it's biggest supporter (McCain).
McCain's not exactly a laissez-faire conservative.

But again, I just hope you're one of those principled limosuine liberals, because if not, I just don't think schadenfreude and ideological purity have the nutritive value you're going to need to survive.

09-30-2008, 11:56 AM
It's the republicans fault shit didn't get passed when they were the majority.

It's the republicans fault shit didn't get passed when they were the minority.

09-30-2008, 12:02 PM
But let's back up and look who proposed the plan (George W) and who is it's biggest supporter (McCain).


There are several politicians who are MUCH more vocal supporters of this bill than McCain; all, except Bush, are Democrats.

Pelosi, Frank, Dodd, etc...

09-30-2008, 12:04 PM
shitty entities like ACORN won't be getting benjamins,

... because non-profit organizations who help extremely poor people afford housing and not become homeless are a bad idea. :rolleyes

You do know that the bit where "OMG ACORN is going to get 20% of the bailout" was debunked, right?

09-30-2008, 12:06 PM
I think it's a little ironic that republicans have always had this idea that government needs to stay out of everything and the economy will take care of it's self. That somehow the rich getting richer will magically "trickle down" to the poor and balance things out. And if it doesn't, it's social darwinism. "The poor should stay poor if they can't pick themselves up."

Now that the shoe is on the other foot and the rich are the ones in trouble, they think government should step in and help.

Poor are in trouble and it's "everything we will be fine, just let it be"

Rich are in trouble and it's "the government needs to step in and do something, and I'll pout if you don't"

Funny stuff.

Are you laissez faire or not? Are you for social darwinism or not? If these places are in trouble of going bankrupt, then by your logic, aren't they meant to be bankrupt?

Yes, socialist Bush is for the bailout. The majority of Republicans are against it. 95 Democrats vote NO as well. Maybe you need to get your facts straight.


The Republicans did fail, NUMEROUS times, to crack down on the GSE's Fanny/Freddie. Funny how that Youtube video showing the dems blasting the OFHEO regulator has been taken down.

Aggie Hoopsfan
09-30-2008, 12:14 PM
I think it's a little ironic that republicans have always had this idea that government needs to stay out of everything and the economy will take care of it's self. That somehow the rich getting richer will magically "trickle down" to the poor and balance things out. And if it doesn't, it's social darwinism. "The poor should stay poor if they can't pick themselves up."

Now that the shoe is on the other foot and the rich are the ones in trouble, they think government should step in and help.

Poor are in trouble and it's "everything we will be fine, just let it be"

Rich are in trouble and it's "the government needs to step in and do something, and I'll pout if you don't"

Funny stuff.

Are you laissez faire or not? Are you for social darwinism or not? If these places are in trouble of going bankrupt, then by your logic, aren't they meant to be bankrupt?

They do? The real Republicans, the ones that actually believe in fiscal conservativism, shot this thing down yesterday.

Paulson was an apolitical pick, and if pressed would admit to being a Democrat.

Bush has proven to be anything but a republican in his policies.

Talk about a red herring thread...

Aggie Hoopsfan
09-30-2008, 12:14 PM
Interesting quote from the press:

"My sense of what happened is this: There were a healthy majority of congressmen who wanted the bill to pass, but many of them (most of them?) also wanted to be on record voting against it, for obvious political reasons. So you got a classic prisoners' dilemma situation: Everyone's best-case scenario was to vote against the bill and have everyone else vote for it. Unfortunately, as anyone who's taken introductory micro knows, that usually leads to the worst-case scenario, where everyone defects and the whole venture collapses."

But let's back up and look who proposed the plan (George W) and who is it's biggest supporter (McCain).

McCain is its biggest supporter? :lol Come on mouse...

09-30-2008, 12:17 PM
McCain is its biggest supporter? :lol Come on mouse...

I don't think it's mouse. You know ratm stands for Rage Against The Machine right? He's also got a picture of Maynard James Keenan (lead singer of tool) as his avatar. I'd say this guy is an anarchist.

09-30-2008, 01:36 PM
I'd say this guy is an anarchist.


09-30-2008, 01:40 PM

No? I just put RATM together with Keenan and thought maybe you didn't like government. My mistake.

09-30-2008, 01:45 PM
They do? The real Republicans, the ones that actually believe in fiscal conservativism, shot this thing down yesterday.

Paulson was an apolitical pick, and if pressed would admit to being a Democrat.

Bush has proven to be anything but a republican in his policies.

Talk about a red herring thread...

The reps are scared to vote yes because they don't want to be associated with this plan if it fails.

It will pass eventually. I don't know if that's good or bad, but time will tell. But I don't see what harm it could do at this point. When you are 10 trillion dollars in the hole already, 700 billion is pocket change.

09-30-2008, 01:51 PM
No? I just put RATM together with Keenan and thought maybe you didn't like government. My mistake.

I try to keep my personal interests and my politics separate. Christians should try it.

09-30-2008, 01:58 PM
I try to keep my personal interests and my politics separate. Christians should try it.

I agree. Personally tool is my favorite band. Keenan seems like a really smart guy. I think the problem is he knows he's that smart so he comes off as pretty arrogant. But I digress. Both parties flip-flop like they invented it. It's not a surprise, especially when there is a crisis.

09-30-2008, 01:59 PM
I try to keep my personal interests and my politics separate.

You mean that PERSONALLY you KNEW that Republicans were the reason the bailout didn't pass, but politically your dumb ass self started a thread blaming them for supporting it?

09-30-2008, 02:12 PM
You mean that PERSONALLY you KNEW that Republicans were the reason the bailout didn't pass, but politically your dumb ass self started a thread blaming them for supporting it?

You should run for office.

09-30-2008, 02:19 PM
Personally tool is my favorite band.

No surprise there.

09-30-2008, 02:25 PM
No surprise there.

Who's your favorite band? Insane Clown Posse? And why is it not a surprise? You wouldn't happen to be trying to call me a tool would you? Because if you are your avatar would like to have a word with you.