View Full Version : Monroe: Retirement suits Horry just fine — at least for now

10-01-2008, 02:56 AM
Retirement suits Horry just fine — at least for now
Mike Monroe

At 11:30 Tuesday morning, the Spurs were finishing up the first day of training camp, shouting and sweating their way through a zone defense drill that stressed vocal intimidation as a viable tactic.

About the same time, some 140 miles to the East, Robert Horry was on his way to a health club in Katy, where he intended to get in a good cardio workout and a few pick-up games with lunchtime basketballers.

“Sometimes,” confided ‘Big Shot Rob', “I let the guys on the other team win, just so they can go home and tell their friends they kicked my butt.”

This is the first time in 16 years that NBA training camps opened without Horry, the league's all-time leader in postseason games played and owner of seven championship rings. After they were eliminated by the Lakers in the Western Conference finals, the Spurs concluded they had to head into the future without Horry, who helped them win two titles in his five seasons in silver and black.

A few days into July, Horry got a call from Gregg Popovich. The head coach's message was short, and to the point:

“He told me there were some other guys they wanted to bring in,” Horry said. “He said that was the direction they wanted to go, but he'd let me know if that didn't work out.

“I thanked him for the honesty. I said, ‘You're a man, and I'm a man. No use pushing it.'”

It was not an easy conversation for Popovich.

“Robert was somebody who helped us win championships,” he said. “He exhibited great work ethic. He was a wonderful teammate and a wonderful player to coach. He always had a smile ready for everybody. He was part of the fabric of our family.

“Telling him that we weren't going to bring him back was very difficult, but he appreciated the honesty. At some point, it happens to everybody.”

Popovich will be heartened to know that Horry seems perfectly content being out of the game, at least for now.

“Not being in camp doesn't feel strange at all,” Horry said. “I thought it would, but, honestly, it doesn't.”

What it feels like is liberation.

“I've been playing 16 years,” he said, “and counting four years of playoff games, my body has told me I need more than three months of rest between seasons. I haven't felt this good for a long time, physically and mentally, too.”

Teams with the most experience win championships, and that explains why Popovich annually delights in reminding the world that the Spurs are “older than dirt.” Even now, with a 22-year-old rookie and a replacement for Horry who is 11 years younger, the Spurs will be among the league's oldest teams.

But Horry is right: As players get on the far side of 35, three months isn't enough time to refresh bodies battered by a season that is too long and playoff runs that extend to mid-June.

No wonder, then, that Michael Finley, who will turn 36 before season's end, showed up for Spurs camp having dropped significant weight since that Game 5 loss to the Lakers in the Western Conference finals ended the Spurs' hopes of defending their 2007 NBA title. Pushing through two-a-days is a lot easier for a 35-year-old who has gone from 235 to 220, even one who never has been thought of as even a few pounds overweight.

Finley can't wrap his mind around the notion of not being in a training camp as October arrives, but he understands Horry's sense of renewal.

“My body just knows when it's time for training camp,” he said. “Physically and mentally, it's still there. I couldn't see not being a part of one.”

What Horry can still see is a call, perhaps in February or March, from a title contender in need of a savvy veteran for the stretch run. The Celtics signed 38-year-old P.J. Brown out of retirement last season on Feb. 28. He helped them win the 2008 title.

Horry's playoff savvy and proven ability to make a big shot should make him every bit as valuable an addition next February as Brown was then. He promises to stay in good enough shape to come out of retirement if the call comes.

“I won't be filing official retirement papers any time soon, that's for sure,” Horry said. “You'll probably see me on somebody's roster before the season is over.”

Who knows? It might even be the Spurs.

http://www.mysanantonio.com/sports/spurs/Retirement_suits_Horry_just_fine__at_least_for_now .html

10-01-2008, 03:02 AM
“He told me there were some other guys they wanted to bring in,” Horry said. “He said that was the direction they wanted to go, but he'd let me know if that didn't work out.Interesting article.

I wonder if Pop would consider calling on Horry if Bonner and Tolliver bomb. With Duncan saying yesterday that "Bonner has to step up and play better", it appears as if the Spurs will be looking at Bonner to replace Horry.

That's a scary proposition but the Spurs might as well play Bonner early in the season to see if he's finally raised his basketball IQ to an acceptable level. If not, and Tolliver also cannot fill that void, it wouldn't shock me if Pop turns to Horry and the Spurs salary dump Bonner at their earliest convenience.

10-01-2008, 03:08 AM
I wouldn't be surprised at that either. Even though Horry was one who criticized the move to bring Brown aboard for the Celtics stretch drive last season. At the time, he proclaimed he could never see himself doing that. Funny how life changes.

10-01-2008, 03:11 AM
I think Bonner is more prepared to step into that role than most people think, but the bottom line is that he has to go out there and prove it. I think the fact that the Spurs have so few proven big men in camp speaks to the fact that they're going to give Bonner a chance. For his sake, I hope he's extremely focused; the next 4 months are going to be the most important of his Spurs career.

As for Horry, I wish him nothing but the best. I think the chance that he ends up on a roster by April is about 65%.

10-01-2008, 04:59 AM
Three months ago :

http://www.mysanantonio.com/sports/MYSA_062008_1D_BKN_mike_monroe_en_3d58225_html3794 1.html

What Horry says he won't do, though, is what Brown did: wait until late next season to come out of retirement to help a team with championship potential.

“I wouldn't feel right doing that,” Horry said. “You've got to go through training camp with the rest of the guys. Don't just sit back and wait and get all the glory.”

Funny how he has changed his mind...

Only case, I would like that Spurs bring him back is if Boner is traded or is horrible. Even if Bonner is so-so, I rather see Spurs sticking with him than bringing back Horry.

10-01-2008, 05:32 AM
i for one am hoping this is the year matt bonner steps up. i felt like last year he should have been the Horry replacement, but instead he fought for the 12th spot with mighty mouse in the PO.

10-01-2008, 05:49 AM
Interesting article.

I wonder if Pop would consider calling on Horry if Bonner and Tolliver bomb. With Duncan saying yesterday that "Bonner has to step up and play better", it appears as if the Spurs will be looking at Bonner to replace Horry.

That's a scary proposition but the Spurs might as well play Bonner early in the season to see if he's finally raised his basketball IQ to an acceptable level. If not, and Tolliver also cannot fill that void, it wouldn't shock me if Pop turns to Horry and the Spurs salary dump Bonner at their earliest convenience.

I saw it happening already...........

10-01-2008, 06:36 AM
If Matt Bonner step's in to fill in the void that Horry left then he will do a decent job. It's simple a player needs consistent minutes in order to contribute to his full potential. Basketball is a confidence sport and if Bonner get's minutes, hit's his open shots which he can do he will be fine.

I'm pretty sure that most of us have played basketball in some form and we all know in order to contribute we need consistent playing time, get a few touches, and take some shot's in order for our confidence to grow so we can excell.

10-01-2008, 08:30 AM
I'm glad the Spurs didn't bring him back. I might change my mind several months from now though.

10-01-2008, 08:51 AM
Bonner will likely underachieve in an expanded role and Tolliver will likely be inconsistent, as an occasional contributor. Thus setting up a scenario in which Pop pulls the trigger on Horry late in the season.

10-01-2008, 08:57 AM
Horry will be back after allstar break. 35 year old Horry >>> Bonner

Ed Helicopter Jones
10-01-2008, 10:54 AM
Horry will be back after allstar break. 35 year old Horry >>> Bonner

I agree.

But what about 38 year old Horry?

10-01-2008, 11:05 AM
Horry looked done after summer layoff and missed training camp. IQ-wise, he's fine. However, there's no way a 38 year-old Horry will be able to provide consistent playoff contributions on a game-to-game basis. We saw that last year.

Of course, that wont stop Pop from giving him a call. We all know how he value over-the-hill veterans.

10-01-2008, 11:16 AM
Horry's a no-good flip-flopper. We need men of character 'round here!!!

10-01-2008, 11:17 AM
The only people who think that Bonner could come even close to replacing Rob are the people who think Rob was only about hitting 3's. That was nowhere near the top of his contributions.

I see him on the Hornets.

10-01-2008, 11:33 AM
Its funny how people could even pick Bonner over Horry.

Horry is BY FAR the better teammate,player, and competitor than Bonner.
No way can you replace what Horry does for a team. His IQ is off the chart and he makes key plays for teams to win crucial games. Bonner in no way posses that.

with that said, i see Spurs making a run at Horry by the beginning of next year.

Book It!

10-01-2008, 11:40 AM
there's no way a 38 year-old Horry will be able to provide consistent playoff contributions on a game-to-game basis. We saw that last year.

Neither can Bonner contribute to any solid playoff minutes. Actually Horry contributed some solid minutes last year vs. NO when NO was kicking our ass. Bonner can never do that.

oh and yeah a 38 or even 40 year old HOrry >>>>>> Bonner.

10-01-2008, 11:43 AM
The only people who think that Bonner could come even close to replacing Rob are the people who think Rob was only about hitting 3's. That was nowhere near the top of his contributions.

I see him on the Hornets.

I agree with the analysis. Horry's basketball intellect and his ability to get things done defensively were always more vital than his ability to hit 3's. That he hit some clutch 3's along the way was spectacular, but not his best contribution.

The Hornets would make some sense, but I wouldn't be surprised at all if he ended up signing with the Rockets.

10-01-2008, 11:45 AM
No one said Bonner > than Horry. Horry can conjure up a scintilating performance for a game or two, but not on a consistent basis. Bonner can't even do it occasionally.

10-01-2008, 12:20 PM
Injuries on other teams during the season will open a roster spot up for Horry.

10-01-2008, 12:22 PM
Injuries on other teams during the season will open a roster spot up for Horry.

All the more reason to think Houston is a probable landing spot.

baseline bum
10-01-2008, 12:53 PM
Horry looked done after summer layoff and missed training camp. IQ-wise, he's fine. However, there's no way a 38 year-old Horry will be able to provide consistent playoff contributions on a game-to-game basis. We saw that last year.

Of course, that wont stop Pop from giving him a call. We all know how he value over-the-hill veterans.

Yet Horry delivered big time in game 7 in New Orleans. I refuse to write Robert Horry off.

10-01-2008, 01:07 PM
Bonner fucking sucks!

I don't understand why he always get a pass from Spursfans. IMO he should be as criticized as Beno used to. Just because he is a sexy ass red head does not mean he gets a pass.

When is the last time he has done anything useful on the court??? He should not even be mentioned as replacement for Horry. That is an insult to Mr. Big Shot and the silver + black.

10-01-2008, 01:11 PM
Bonner fucking sucks!

I don't understand why he always get a pass from Spursfans. IMO he should be as criticized as Beno used to. Just because he is a sexy ass red head does not mean he gets a pass.

When is the last time he has done anything useful on the court??? He should not even be mentioned as replacement for Horry. That is an insult to Mr. Big Shot and the silver + black.


10-01-2008, 01:19 PM
It's true. Bonner hasn't done squat. His ass should've been shipped outta here. His lackluster inconsistency and dumb on-court mistakes doesn't warrant him a roster spot either. Fact is, Bonner had another year on his contract. Horry did not.

That said, Bonner's ineffectiveness still didn't warrant keeping Horry around because he simply can't do it anymore. We've already seen how this played out. Not only can Horry not cut it on B2B games during the regular season, his playoff performances became too far in between, as he was limited to a mere couple of games per series. When Horry gets a DNP during a playoff game, that tells me everything I need to know.

The Spurs need contributions from their core rotation players on a game-to-game basis - not every 4-8 games. My best case solution would've been Eduardo Najera. I realize they tried, but I really wish the Spurs could've signed him.

10-01-2008, 01:22 PM
2 words....

James Gist!!!!!


10-01-2008, 01:46 PM
People forget how horrible Horry was last year. He was one of the worst player in the NBA. Pop stick with him during the whole season with the hope that he will help the team during the playoff.

Result : 1.5ppg, 2.1 rpg and a .194 FG% during the playoffs.

Maybe you should start to wonder why Pop, who was in deep love for Horry, has decided no to re-sign him while he asked only a min contract.
Maybe you should start to wonder why Houston, Lakers or Hornets haven't tried to sign him.

While Horry >>>>>>>>>>> Bonner as a player.
Bonner >>>>>>>>>>>>> the 2008 version of Horry.

10-01-2008, 02:26 PM
When the hell did Katy become only 140 miles from SA? Google Maps are your friend, Monroe...

Spurs Brazil
10-01-2008, 02:54 PM
I think Bonner deserves a chance in the beggining of the season.

And I also think Horry won't be the answer. I love Horry but last season he played one decent game, (game 7 against Hornets).

Give Bonner a chance and see what he can do

10-01-2008, 03:03 PM
I love Horry but last season he played one decent game, (game 7 against Hornets).

That one game happened to be one of the biggest games in franchise history!
and he came up big for us. thats exactly why a player of Horrys magnitude is a big plus for a championship team. We have the star players, we have the great coach, we have the good bench. Now we just need a big time clutch player to come up big in big games. Horrys our guy.

10-01-2008, 04:11 PM
All the best to Robert Horry. :)

He became a favorite of mine when he played for us.

I would love to see him as an assistant coach or something for the Spurs.

The Truth #6
10-01-2008, 05:05 PM
If Bonner fails, then going back to Horry is a failure of a different sort. This isn't against Horry because he gave all he could. However, the FO needs to look to the future instead of hoping for some sort of time travelling scenario where Horry reverts back to his younger self.

10-01-2008, 06:28 PM
If Bonner fails, then going back to Horry is a failure of a different sort. This isn't against Horry because he gave all he could. However, the FO needs to look to the future instead of hoping for some sort of time travelling scenario where Horry reverts back to his younger self.

Thank you very much.

People keep referencing one game out of 18 games during the playoffs. Many of which Horry either was simply ineffective or simply did not see court time at all. His contribution in Game 7 of the Hornets series notwithstanding, and while very significant, simply was not enough. Anyone who watched him labor in his defensive rotations, slow in getting to lose balls, or a simply a step slow switching back to him man will admit the truth. Robert's time has passed.

I understand the sentiment and this is no offense to him. There's absolutely no shame in getting old and in one's skills declining. It happens to every player, at some point. If Pop finally was able to recognize it, why can't everyone else?

Let's move past these casual strolls down Nostalgia Blvd.

The Truth will INDEED set you free. Selective amnesia will only hold you back.

T Park
10-01-2008, 07:11 PM

Selective amnesia in missing how clutch and fatanstic Horry was in that game 7?

10-02-2008, 12:46 AM
The only people who think that Bonner could come even close to replacing Rob are the people who think Rob was only about hitting 3's. That was nowhere near the top of his contributions.

I see him on the Hornets.

so, what about James Posey? I can't see that happening.

Taking it to the Hole
10-02-2008, 02:13 AM
What I worry about is someone else picking up Horry before we get a chance to. Wouldn't surprise me if Phil Jackson calls him up and he signs with the Lakers. As I see it, there are plenty of teams that would want his services soon. We may not even have a chance to sign him up again. IMO, I don't think we should have let him go. I know he is old, but the guy has a way of helping us in close games somehow. I really am fearing having to rely on a gunshy Bonner and an unproven Tolliver. I say Pop pulls the trigger fast on bringing Horry back.

10-02-2008, 02:11 PM
Senorspur has selective amnesia when it comes to Bonner playing well. He was more than decent when Tim was out. In fact, he went nuts against Golden State. Where are the stat fanatics who can show Bonners stats when Tim was gone?

10-05-2008, 10:44 PM
Spurs Pistons Game 5 on NBA TV right now :)

10-05-2008, 11:02 PM
i get a feeling that pop and horry are in on horry skipping training camp and most of the beginning of the season and then signing him later on.

10-05-2008, 11:34 PM
When the hell did Katy become only 140 miles from SA? Google Maps are your friend, Monroe...

Driving directions to Katy, TX167 mi – about 2 hours 40 mins

San Antonio, TX 78233

27 miles off..

give the man a break..

10-06-2008, 01:57 AM
Senorspur has selective amnesia when it comes to Bonner playing well. He was more than decent when Tim was out. In fact, he went nuts against Golden State. Where are the stat fanatics who can show Bonners stats when Tim was gone?

And you're going base your shortsighted point on one freaking game? Perhaps you're not aware that Bonner's stats were down last season from the previous year (4.8 ppg) - including his minutes.

There was a reason he fell completely out of the rotation - and it wasn't because he had one great game out of 82.

If you backup your point, do your own research.

10-06-2008, 03:26 AM
You never want to see Horry on the opposite team in a close Playoff game.

At the same time, if you can develop a young player, it's better in the long run for the Spurs.

I like Big Shot Rob and wouldn't mind seeing him end up in LA to finish his career.

10-06-2008, 05:57 AM
Robert's body was worn out from the tiny, unproductive minutes he played last season?

I love Robert as much as anybody, but with last season as proof, Robert's career, his ability to contribute, is finished.

Thanks for the Big Shots, the classiness, and above all '05 Trophy, Robert.

10-06-2008, 10:06 AM
The only people who think that Bonner could come even close to replacing Rob are the people who think Rob was only about hitting 3's. That was nowhere near the top of his contributions.

I see him on the Hornets.

that would be great news. i can see horry hurting west during practice

10-06-2008, 10:09 AM
Its funny how people could even pick Bonner over Horry.

Horry is BY FAR the better teammate,player, and competitor than Bonner.
No way can you replace what Horry does for a team. His IQ is off the chart and he makes key plays for teams to win crucial games. Bonner in no way posses that.

with that said, i see Spurs making a run at Horry by the beginning of next year.

Book It!

your comparing to sorry players one young and one old:lol not sure you have a clue.:lol I know maybe until bonner goes out and tries to hurt the player we cant defend then maybe bonner is better the big brick bob:lol

10-06-2008, 01:41 PM
Horry will be back after allstar break. 35 year old Horry >>> Bonner

I agree although the thought makes me sick. Bonner's not gonna amount to anything. I like Horry a lot but he should stay retired. The Spurs are fucked this year...