View Full Version : Time: Obama hits new high, women abandoning McCain

10-01-2008, 03:32 PM
http://news.yahoo.com/s/time/20081001/us_time/pollobamahitsanewhighmakingbiggainsamongwomen;_ylt =AmKL1CcN.DO7fjwsJ8Fasmas0NUE

Poll: Obama Hits a New High, Making Big Gains Among Women

By MASSIMO CALABRESI 2 hours, 15 minutes ago

Propelled by concerns over the financial crisis and a return of support from female voters, Barack Obama has opened a formidable 7-point lead over John McCain, reaching the 50% threshold among likely voters for the first time in the general campaign for President, according to a new TIME poll.

Obama now leads McCain 50%-43% overall, up from 46%-41% before the parties' conventions a month ago. Obama's support is not just broader but sturdier; 23% of McCain supporters said they might change their mind, while only 15% of Obama's said they could be persuaded to switch.

Among the poll's most dramatic findings: McCain is losing female voters faster than Sarah Palin attracted them after the Republican National Convention. Obama leads McCain by 17 points with women, 55%-38%. Before the conventions, women preferred Obama by a margin of 10 points, 49%-39%. After McCain picked Palin as his running mate, the gap narrowed to a virtual tie, with Obama holding a 1-point margin, 48%-47%.

In a stark indication of just how much the political landscape has changed over the past four years, white women now favor Obama by three points, 48%-45%; in 2004, George W. Bush won the same demographic by 11 points against John Kerry. Where Bush carried married women by 15 points in that election, 57%-42%, Obama now leads by 6 points, 50%-44%, a 21-point shift.

Non-college-educated white women split virtually evenly, 46%-45% for McCain. By contrast, Obama remains weak among white men. That group supports McCain 57%-36% overall, and non-college-educated white men back the Republican ticket by an even greater margin, 63%-27%.

Bush himself fares terribly in the poll. His approval rating is 23%, the lowest number ever found by Abt/SRBI, the company that conducted the poll for TIME; 73% of respondents disapprove of his performance as President. Only 26% approve of his handling of the current financial crisis.

The economy was a key driver behind all the new numbers. Sixty-five percent of respondents said their economic situation has worsened in the past year - and of those, 59% support Obama. Overall, voters give Obama a 45%-37% edge over McCain as the candidate who is better equipped to handle the economic crisis.

The TIME poll shows that Obama gained some support after his performance at the presidential debate last Friday. Twenty-three percent of those who watched it said it made them more likely to vote for Obama, while 16% said they were more likely to vote for McCain. Of the 73% of likely voters who watched the debate, 41% thought Obama won, while 27% thought McCain did.

For McCain, the most troubling sign may come not from the details of the poll, which are grim for Republicans, but from the historical context. No Democrat has crossed the 50% threshold in the general election since before Ronald Reagan was elected, let alone do so a month before the election.

The fact that Obama's numbers are at this level after a bruising year of attacks from McCain and Hillary Clinton appears to validate his strategy of nurturing and protecting his "character" points. The poll found that Obama maintains a 60% favorable rating among all voters, and 61% think his election would restore a sense of hope and inspiration to the U.S.

Obama still shows vulnerability on the question of what kind of President he would be. Fifty percent of those polled said Obama gives a great speech but doesn't have other qualifications; 46% disagreed with that statement. Asked if it was accurate to say that the real Barack Obama holds extreme positions that won't be revealed until after he's elected, surveyed voters split 46%-46%.

The poll, which surveyed 1,133 likely voters nationwide between Sept. 26-29, has a margin of error of +/- 3 percentage points.

10-01-2008, 03:40 PM
palin is an insult to intelligent women. i think everybody cringes when they hear her speak, including republicans.

10-01-2008, 04:59 PM
Among the poll's most dramatic findings: McCain is losing female voters faster than Sarah Palin attracted them after the Republican National Convention.
Told you so. :D

10-01-2008, 05:26 PM
Women are too smart to get fooled by Palin in the end... glad they are truly seeing the truth of things and her complete ineptitude.

10-01-2008, 05:28 PM
I have always assumed that dumping her is fatal because he'll lose his base. And it's not as if McCain was popular with rank and file republicans to begin with. Would switching to Romney at this point be better for him or not?

10-01-2008, 05:30 PM
Women are too smart to get fooled by Palin in the end... glad they are truly seeing the truth of things and her complete ineptitude.

IF they seeing she's inept then they aren't that smart...they are seeing what the media wants them to see.

PS: Top Donors to Obama's campaign:

Goldman Sachs $691,930
University of California $611,207
Citigroup Inc $448,599
JPMorgan Chase & Co $442,919
Harvard University $435,769
Google Inc $420,174
UBS AG $404,750
National Amusements Inc $389,140
Microsoft Corp $377,235
Lehman Brothers $370,524
Sidley Austin LLP $350,302
Moveon.org $347,463
Skadden, Arps et al $340,264
Time Warner $338,527<<<<< That's Time Magazine.
Wilmerhale Llp $335,398
Morgan Stanley $318,070
Latham & Watkins $297,400
Jones Day $289,476
University of Chicago $278,885
Stanford University $276,038

10-01-2008, 05:31 PM
IF they seeing she's inept then they aren't that smart...they are seeing what the media wants them to see.

PS: Top Donors to Obama's campaign:

Goldman Sachs $691,930
University of California $611,207
Citigroup Inc $448,599
JPMorgan Chase & Co $442,919
Harvard University $435,769
Google Inc $420,174
UBS AG $404,750
National Amusements Inc $389,140
Microsoft Corp $377,235
Lehman Brothers $370,524
Sidley Austin LLP $350,302
Moveon.org $347,463
Skadden, Arps et al $340,264
Time Warner $338,527<<<<< That's Time Magazine.
Wilmerhale Llp $335,398
Morgan Stanley $318,070
Latham & Watkins $297,400
Jones Day $289,476
University of Chicago $278,885
Stanford University $276,038

John McCain's top donors:

Merrill Lynch $298,413
Citigroup Inc $269,251
Morgan Stanley $233,272
Goldman Sachs $208,395
JPMorgan Chase & Co $179,975
AT&T Inc $174,487
Blank Rome LLP $150,426
Credit Suisse Group $150,025
Greenberg Traurig LLP $146,787
UBS AG $140,165
PricewaterhouseCoopers $140,120
US Government $137,617
Bank of America $129,475
Wachovia Corp $122,846
Lehman Brothers $117,500
FedEx Corp $113,453
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher $104,250
US Army $103,613
Bear Stearns $99,300
Pinnacle West Capital $97,700

10-01-2008, 08:26 PM
John McCain's top donors:

Merrill Lynch $298,413
Citigroup Inc $269,251
Morgan Stanley $233,272
Goldman Sachs $208,395
JPMorgan Chase & Co $179,975
AT&T Inc $174,487
Blank Rome LLP $150,426
Credit Suisse Group $150,025
Greenberg Traurig LLP $146,787
UBS AG $140,165
PricewaterhouseCoopers $140,120
US Government $137,617
Bank of America $129,475
Wachovia Corp $122,846
Lehman Brothers $117,500
FedEx Corp $113,453
Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher $104,250
US Army $103,613
Bear Stearns $99,300
Pinnacle West Capital $97,700

hmm...those names seem familiar...like I'd just read about them recently...

10-01-2008, 08:33 PM
IF they seeing she's inept then they aren't that smart...they are seeing what the media wants them to see.

PS: Top Donors to Obama's campaign:

Goldman Sachs $691,930
University of California $611,207
Citigroup Inc $448,599
JPMorgan Chase & Co $442,919
Harvard University $435,769
Google Inc $420,174
UBS AG $404,750
National Amusements Inc $389,140
Microsoft Corp $377,235
Lehman Brothers $370,524
Sidley Austin LLP $350,302
Moveon.org $347,463
Skadden, Arps et al $340,264
Time Warner $338,527<<<<< That's Time Magazine.
Wilmerhale Llp $335,398
Morgan Stanley $318,070
Latham & Watkins $297,400
Jones Day $289,476
University of Chicago $278,885
Stanford University $276,038

If you don't see it then you are cleary seeing what you want to see. Conservative pundits are even saying she is doing great harm to her ticket.

10-01-2008, 09:22 PM
If you don't see it then you are cleary seeing what you want to see. Conservative pundits are even saying she is doing great harm to her ticket.

Middle America doesn't like conservative pundits anymore than they do liberal ones.

All that means is that the special interests don't embrace them. Which is good...

10-01-2008, 09:25 PM
Battleground Polls Show Stunning Shift To Obama (http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2008/10/01/battleground-polls-show-s_n_131039.html)

"It is difficult to find a modern competitive presidential race that has swung so dramatically, so quickly and so sharply this late in the campaign," says Peter Brown of the Quinnipiac University Polling Institute. "In the last 20 days, Sen. Barack Obama has gone from seven points down to eight points up in Florida, while widening his leads to eight points in Ohio and 15 points in Pennsylvania."
The latest Quinnipiac polls (http://www.quinnipiac.edu/x2882.xml?ReleaseID=1218) show Obama crossing the 50 percent threshold in all three of those states:

Florida: 51 - 43
Ohio: 50 - 42
Pennsylvania: 54 - 39
A set of five CNN/Time battleground polls (http://www.cnn.com/2008/POLITICS/10/01/battleground.polls/index.html) also show Obama breaking away in some key states:

Florida: Obama 51%, McCain 47%
Minnesota: Obama 54%, McCain 43%
Missouri: Obama 49%, McCain 48%
Nevada: Obama 51%, McCain 47%
Virginia: Obama 53%, McCain 44%
Said pollster Keating Holland: "Obama has gained ground among moderates in all five states.


10-01-2008, 09:29 PM
"McCain started this week with 256 electoral votes (EV), or 47.6% of the total Electoral College. He lost four votes the next day (New Hampshire) to Obama. But the big loss for him was the three states that used to be his, but are now tied -- Ohio, North Carolina, and Florida. These are all fairly big states, meaning the "tie" category now has a total of 62 EV. This puts McCain currently at 190 EV, for a total of only 35.3% -- his lowest point since June. This is an astonishingly fast dropoff for McCain, as less than two weeks ago he was at 274 -- a winning number. He could make back some of this ground by grabbing back any of the tied states, but all three of them seem to be trending Obama's way, which is bad news for McCain."

New Summary:
McCain Best Case - McCain 298, Obama 240
Obama Best Case - Obama 375, McCain 163
If everybody gets their leans - 348 Obama, 190 McCain


10-01-2008, 10:17 PM
Some of these credit companies are hedging their bets by giving to both sides. Goldman Sachs, Lehman Brothers lol, Citigroup, Morgan Stanley behind Obama

Merrill Lynch, Citigroup Inc, Morgan Stanley, Goldman Sachs, JPMorgan, Chase & Co, Credit Suisse Group, Bank of America, Wachovia Corp, Lehman Brothers,
Bear Stearns behind Mccain.

The weight of all those bank groups behind McCain is enough to turn me to vote for Obama. McCain is pandering to those groups. He is their puppet and they are pulling his strings. Meanwhile, Obama is primarily backed by tech companies, Moveon.org, and college universities. Hmmm gives more weight to the populist theory behind Obama.

10-01-2008, 10:26 PM
Google has sided with The One.

We are doomed. :depressed