View Full Version : Defending Jumpshots

02-12-2005, 03:07 PM
I wonder how many of you have actually ever stepped onto a court and played some basketball.

The way you analyze the carter/bowen video, you'd think no one ever has.

You don't defend a jumpshooter and intentionaly do all of the things people are saying. "carter hooked him" "Bruce stuck his foot under him"

Feet get tangled up because of momentum. Sure, the leg kick as been done intentionally by certain players, but it's not the way that play happend last night.

There was contact on the play, and Carter DID try to trip Bruce. But in way shape or form was there any action that deserved a reaction that the greatest pussy on earth had.

02-12-2005, 03:18 PM
... "deserved" only if you're balla Vince Carter carrying a "disrepsectful" Bruce Bowen inside your head, instead of playing basketabll.

Did TMac attack go after Duncan in HOU? No, he made his 3 and then made his FT. His team wins. Had Carter kept his cool, he "could" have been at the line for 3 FTs, and in the game to try to finish his single-handed destruction of the Spurs.

The whole public face of the NBA has turned into a fucking Whiny Ballas Soap Opera.

02-12-2005, 03:24 PM
Agreed! But hey, once a labia, always a labia!!

02-12-2005, 03:33 PM
I have watched the replays of that video and to me it seems Vinnie initiated the contact late causing his so-called reaction of "outrage" hoping to get a call from the ref. Anyone who was watching that can see that. This guy was literally having his way with the Spurs last night and blows any chance of the Nets winning by getting himself kicked out of the game when his team needed him most. Again to me he was frustrated that the Spurs were making thier run and they were slowly losing control of the win, just shows a lack of character and discipline to lead by one of the best quitters in the game.

02-12-2005, 03:46 PM

First off, I am a Vince Carter fan. I didn't like what he did to the Raptors but Sam Mitchell doesn't exactly sound like a players coach. He doesn't deserve to be in the all-star game but I think the AS game will be better with him in it.

With that said, Vince overreacted. He has to keep his head. I don't think Bruce is dirty. Vince was falling back and falling down anyway. How is Bruce suppose to get out of the way?

Artest is way more of a dirty defender than Bruce and I have never heard Artest called dirty, just physical.

And the way Tim gets beat up every night, I have no sympathy for our opponents.

02-12-2005, 04:04 PM
You all are fucking blind. Carter took 2 steps fading away to shoot over bowen and he clearly backed into him and kept his momentum until carter lost his footing and landed on his side.

If that was Manu or Parker, France and Argentina would be pulling out the atomic bombs on the US.

It was a foul and a cheap defensive tactic.

Did Carter overreact? Hell yeah. Should he have been tossed? I don't think so. Should the refs let the game continue... hell yeah. Would the Spurs still drop 42 in the fourth, I believe so. Carter is not the defensive king at all.

The next time you are playing ball and you go to shoot a fadeaway and somehow your defender is underneath you on your way down and you turn an ankle and land on your side, lets see you get up and fucking laugh. Bowen is lucky Carter didn't kick his ass.

Solid D
02-12-2005, 04:10 PM
Bruce does get his legs up into Vince on the shot. Bruce does that all the time. Bowen usually turns when he does it, in an effort to contest but also to turn and box out. The problem with that is that he gets his foot under the jump shooter and it can be a hazzard in the landing area. That is how Dirk Nowitzki injured Manu in the World Championships in Indy (Germany vs. Argentina). Bruce has gotten several players on that including Finley, Vince, Ray and even Kobe earlier this year took exception to it.

Bruce has to be careful with that, if he truly doesn't want to injure other players. There's nothing wrong with getting your legs into other guys for leverage (Malik is successful with that positioning and box-out technique). If he keeps stepping under guys rather than getting into their legs higher up, that's where he crosses the line. Bruce needs to be careful and not reckless. Mo Lucas, Oakley, Laimbeer, Karl, Mutombo, Fortson, and Howard have all gotten reps for reckless play. Bowen may be joining this list if he's not careful.

02-12-2005, 04:12 PM
Exactly.... This wasn't an isolated incident. Just like Mutombo is known for his elbows, Bowen is known for stepping into the shooter.

Its a good tactic which is very hard to call a foul on because the shot is gone, but it clearly is a cheap shot. I've never seen Bowen actually stand up to anyone but just turn away and say "I didn't do anything"

02-12-2005, 04:14 PM
Manny, what do you know about defense?

Kori Ellis
02-12-2005, 04:31 PM
Bruce does get his legs up into Vince on the shot. Bruce does that all the time. Bowen usually turns when he does it, in an effort to contest but also to turn and box out. The problem with that is that he gets his foot under the jump shooter and it can be a hazzard in the landing area. That is how Dirk Nowitzki injured Manu in the World Championships in Indy (Germany vs. Argentina). Bruce has gotten several players on that including Finley, Vince, Ray and even Kobe earlier this year took exception to it.

Bruce has to be careful with that, if he truly doesn't want to injure other players. There's nothing wrong with getting your legs into other guys for leverage (Malik is successful with that positioning and box-out technique). If he keeps stepping under guys rather than getting into their legs higher up, that's where he crosses the line. Bruce needs to be careful and not reckless. Mo Lucas, Oakley, Laimbeer, Karl, Mutombo, Fortson, and Howard have all gotten reps for reckless play. Bowen may be joining this list if he's not careful.

Bruce has always done what you describe. He does it all the time. He does it to contest, but he does it so that the shooter is distracted by thinking about where they are going to land. This is an example of why I say Bruce "guards with all his limbs". It's not "undercutting" as everyone terms it, but it's definitely a crafty (maybe dirty to some) move. He's done it for years and I'd imagine that he'll continue to do so.

02-12-2005, 04:52 PM
If I were the shooter, I'll be pissed at Bruce too. The only thing that is keeping me from ripping Bruce is that he's a Spur.

02-12-2005, 05:53 PM
"Bowen is lucky Carter didn't kick his ass."

I would take Bowen over Carter anyday. Bowen will not back down and Carter would go soft again.

02-12-2005, 06:02 PM
Carter did go after him and Bowen ran screaming "I didn't do anything" over and over again.

02-12-2005, 06:04 PM
Carter did go after him and Bowen ran screaming "I didn't do anything" over and over again.

Bruce + championship ring > Carter super crying ability

02-12-2005, 06:05 PM
Yeah, because Bruce was smart enough to realize how to stay in a game.

Quit making Carter out to be a damn angel. He was talking shit the entire game. Sure, the dude has been lighting up the scoreboard since the trade, but he's still a fucking loser.

But fuck it, let him have his scoring and cry baby ways. I can't wait for the first time someone gets tired of his stupid celebratations and stuffs him through the rim. Thats the dunk I want to see.

02-12-2005, 06:41 PM
Bowen usually turns when he does it, in an effort to contest but also to turn and box out."

I used to play a little college ball and some AAU ball after I graduated. I would always try to go up to defend the shot and turn while in the air to face the basket for a rebound. This usually meant that there was some incidental contact between my back and the shooter's chest if he was coming forward with the shot--or if my momentum carried me a little too far into him. I rarely got called for a foul because the contact was slight and the ball was away so the ref's eyes were following the ball.

Bowen had just got a push-off from Carter's left arm, stumbled back a few steps and was rushing forward to recover and contest the shot. Carter's fade-away put his legs out in front to block any coverage from Bowen. Some contact was inevitable.

02-12-2005, 07:59 PM
Bowen usually turns when he does it, in an effort to contest but also to turn and box out."

I used to play a little college ball and some AAU ball after I graduated. I would always try to go up to defend the shot and turn while in the air to face the basket for a rebound. This usually meant that there was some incidental contact between my back and the shooter's chest if he was coming forward with the shot--or if my momentum carried me a little too far into him. I rarely got called for a foul because the contact was slight and the ball was away so the ref's eyes were following the ball.

Bowen had just got a push-off from Carter's left arm, stumbled back a few steps and was rushing forward to recover and contest the shot. Carter's fade-away put his legs out in front to block any coverage from Bowen. Some contact was inevitable.

The man gets it. Why? Because he's actually set foot on a court.

Solid D
02-12-2005, 08:39 PM
The man gets it. Why? Because he's actually set foot on a court.

:lol He's not the only one...but you know Manny, even two players or two refs or two coaches who get paid to play can't even agree on what happened. 'bout to crack me up. :lol

02-12-2005, 08:45 PM
I know what your saying Solid, and you're right.

It just amazes me what some of the some people have been saying.

02-12-2005, 11:43 PM
go hard or go home :)

vince left his leg out and bowen went up n landed earlier (bowen is no air jordan or known for his hangtime) vc was still hangin in the air and he landed late with the leg on bowens leg, what was bowen goin todo??? vc reacted first cause he thought it could end up like last seasons action, its just the instinct of reaction from memories and he tries to remove his leg but it got tangled, bowen didnt even do anything.

all of you know that when your about to land improperly and about to strained ur ankle you guys would do sumthing in a quick reaction and try to change the landing, ive gotten use to it that ive havnt sprained my ankle for about a year now. in this case its the same as vince, he knows that and tries to change but he couldnt.

so how many players are on bowens list who cant make love to pressure?? :) :)

Man In Black
02-13-2005, 04:26 AM
If Vince would've kept his leg straight, he would've come off clean with no incident. Min's video shows that Carter hooked his bent leg around Bruce's knee, rolls and tries to get him a 2nd time around the ankle. If he would've kept his leg straight...there would be no incident. In short, Vince couldn't keep his emotions in check.