View Full Version : McDonald: Spurs' Backup Guards Look To Make Their Point

10-08-2008, 11:00 PM
Spurs' backup guards look to make their point (http://www.mysanantonio.com/sports/spurs/Spurs_backup_guards_look_to_make_their_point.html)
Jeff McDonald - Express-News

HOUSTON — Barely a week into his first Spurs training camp, point guard George Hill has already accomplished something no rookie should be able to.

He's made a veteran All-Star jealous.

“Pop is not screaming at him the way he screamed at me,” Tony Parker said, recalling his own hellish start as an 18-year-old point guard prodigy under coach Gregg Popovich. “I always tell George he's so lucky. He doesn't have to go through near what I had to go through.”

Parker has a theory as to his coach's newfound sense of Zen-like patience.

“I think Pop is getting soft,” Parker said with a grin.

This much is certain: If Popovich isn't screaming at his rookie point guard, it's not because the coach isn't paying attention.

Sifting through the crowd of point guards currently behind Parker on the depth chart remains high on Popovich's to-do list as the Spurs open their preseason schedule tonight in Houston.

Besides Parker, there are three other point guards on the Spurs' training camp roster — Jacque Vaughn, Hill and Salim Stoudamire. Newcomer Roger Mason Jr. could also take over the position in a pinch — he played there almost exclusively last season in Washington — as could Manu Ginobili, once he recovers from offseason ankle surgery.

“Pop has a lot of options there,” Parker said.

An 11-year veteran, Vaughn manned the No. 2 spot behind Parker for most of last season and remains the frontrunner to open the season in that role again.

The Spurs like Vaughn for who he is — a savvy court general who doesn't often make mistakes. They accept him for who he is not — owner of a career average of 4.6 points per game, Vaughn will never be a prolific NBA scorer.

In many ways, though, Vaughn is the quintessential Popovich point guard.

“Jacque, if he so decides, will be a hell of a coach,” Popovich said. “He understands the game real well and has a great way about him. He's highly intelligent, unlike most of us in this profession, so he'll have an edge on the rest of us.”

Still, there were nights last season when the Spurs wanted more offense out of Parker's backup than Vaughn could provide. Over the past nine months, they have engaged in an at times quixotic quest to find it.

Since February, the Spurs brought in Damon Stoudamire (since set free), spent their first-round draft choice on Hill, made an unsuccessful free-agent run at Jannero Pargo and, in a nice bit of symmetry, signed Stoudamire's cousin, Salim.

If he didn't know better, Vaughn might think that Silver Stars point guard Becky Hammon — on hand to observe Wednesday's training camp workout — was there to challenge him, too.

So far this preseason, Vaughn has declined media interviews, perhaps a sign of how seriously he takes the competition ahead of him.

Indeed, there is much for the Spurs to sort out in the weeks to come.

Salim Stoudamire, who signed a make-good contract with the Spurs after three seasons in Atlanta, is a quick-strike scorer the Spurs believe could eventually fill an Eddie House-like role off their bench.

Though his minutes fluctuated wildly in Atlanta, where he was often on the outs with coach Mike Woodson, Stoudamire has averaged 17 points per 36 minutes for his career.

That would seem to make him an intriguing scoring option in reserve — assuming, of course, he makes the team. Stoudamire has been limited with a strained groin since the first day of camp and won't even make the trip to Houston.

Then, there is the rookie.

Hill possesses a demonstrated ability to put the ball in the basket, averaging 21.5 points per game as a senior at Indiana University-Purdue University-Indianapolis. But he is still just a rookie, learning the ins and outs of the Spurs' system and trying not to let his head spin too fast.

“It can get overwhelming at times,” Hill said. “It's a profession, it's a business. That's what separates it from college.”

Hill's task — to become a viable NBA point guard before the end of the month — is a tall one. Just ask a player who has been there before him.

“It can be tough,” Parker said. “(Popovich) expects a lot. He expects you to be perfect and to learn fast.”

So far, Hill's imperfections have come quietly, but that is sure to change. Popovich, after all, is paying attention.

10-08-2008, 11:15 PM
“Jacque, if he so decides, will be a hell of a coach,” Popovich said. “He understands the game real well and has a great way about him. He's highly intelligent, unlike most of us in this profession, so he'll have an edge on the rest of us.”

that will be the future coach of the spurs

10-08-2008, 11:21 PM

10-08-2008, 11:22 PM

yes mommy

The Truth #6
10-08-2008, 11:49 PM
I see Jacque as an assistant coach type but never our head coach.

T Park
10-09-2008, 12:16 AM
I see Jacque as getting the Monty Williams "special" assistant, then going elsewhere for a promotion.

10-09-2008, 06:27 AM
I think it will do Hill some good to concentrate on being in attack mode. I know Chip is working on some issues with his shot right now, but poor outside shooting has been the key to our scoring slumps throughout our history in the Duncan era. When Hill is in there he needs to make defenses respect his quickness and athleticism by going to the rim and finishing or finding the open shooter. His outside shot will follow in time.

As for Vaughn, his PT will coincide with Hills development. The faster Hill comes along the closer Vaughn is to becoming the "player coach".

10-09-2008, 07:09 AM
I see Jacque as an assistant coach type but never our head coach.

Obama will change many perceptions like this in a couple of years after he is elected. It will take a couple of years to set iin. This is not a slam. It is a given that mid-level black management struggles to afvance in all areas.
Prejudice, self limitations, call it what you will but it is what it is.

10-09-2008, 07:32 AM
“Jacque, if he so decides, will be a hell of a coach,” Popovich said. “He understands the game real well and has a great way about him. He's highly intelligent, unlike most of us in this profession, so he'll have an edge on the rest of us.”

that will be the future coach of the spurs

Vaughn as a coach are you kidding me? :lmao:lmao. If that happens then the Spurs players will have no offensive game what so ever.

Stoudamire or Hill better get the back up minutes. I cant put up with this any longer. :bang:bang:bang

10-09-2008, 08:11 AM
I think it will do Hill some good to concentrate on being in attack mode. I know Chip is working on some issues with his shot right now, but poor outside shooting has been the key to our scoring slumps throughout our history in the Duncan era. When Hill is in there he needs to make defenses respect his quickness and athleticism by going to the rim and finishing or finding the open shooter. His outside shot will follow in time.

As for Vaughn, his PT will coincide with Hills development. The faster Hill comes along the closer Vaughn is to becoming the "player coach".

...and the better off the Spurs will be offensively.

10-09-2008, 08:23 AM
It is just "Beno-effect". Smart man should never stop learning. Pop is not stupid.

10-09-2008, 08:46 AM
I hope Hill works out for the Spurs. Honestly. I like that Vaughn doesn't turn the ball over too much, but he always seems to get burned because how aggressive he is on defense.

10-09-2008, 11:00 AM
Right now there are a lot of "ifs" concerning this team.

IF - Hill actually develops into a decent backup for TP.
IF- Salim can overvome his injury to make the team and be that "Eddie House" type of bench scorer that we desparately need coming off the bench.
IF- Ian can be a contributor off the bench and give the starters some rest.
IF- Mason's last year stats aren't a fluke.
IF- Manu comes back 100% - I think he will but in sports you never really know until he comes back and then will see.

Going to be an intersesting season. Hopefully these "ifs" will become facts and we can weather the first part of the season, then get Manu back healthy and push for #5.

10-09-2008, 11:58 AM
If Vaughn is still the Spurs backup PG by mid to end season, Spurs are in trouble.....

10-09-2008, 12:02 PM
If Vaughn is still the Spurs backup PG by mid to end season, Spurs are in trouble.....Agreed. Vaughn at most has to be the third point guard option. Hill, Mason, Stoudamire or someone has to emerge. I don't want it to be Manu because we need his energy to go toward scoring and not ballhandling.

10-09-2008, 02:46 PM
cant wait for tonights game.

10-09-2008, 03:05 PM
is there any way to watch tonights game outside SA?

I think Hill might just pan out