View Full Version : A Story about Tim Duncan when he was in college. Quite Suprising!!!

10-10-2008, 11:51 AM

10-10-2008, 11:55 AM

A story from 2005, really? This story is tired, old and completely unconfirmed.

10-10-2008, 11:56 AM

Been posted before, it is bullshit

10-10-2008, 11:58 AM

10-10-2008, 11:59 AM
I just can't see Tim doing something like that... I call BULLSHIT!!!

10-10-2008, 12:17 PM

Duncan having an entire pro career incident free of this type of nonsense makes this almost impossible to believe.

10-10-2008, 12:57 PM
How can anyone believe this? It's supposedly took place in a crowded bar, yet no one else has ever confirmed it happened. The guy that told the tale obviously just wanted his 15 minutes of fame.

The actions described are way out of character for Duncan. His time at Wake is well documented, and he wasn't the guy this story portrays. If he had been I would think that there would be other witnesses to that kind of behavior.

There was also something about the game he says it happened after, the Heels losing at home to the Deacons. I've got to dig it up but IIRC there's something not right factually in this story about that game.

And he says it took place during the '96-'97 season. Duncan graduated in '97, are we going to believe he would have done something that stupid and possibly risked the draft?

The whole thing is bull, but it does keep making the rounds every year.

10-10-2008, 01:00 PM
Duncan does his best to keep it in the headlines so he doesn't seem boring.

10-10-2008, 01:06 PM
The only thing surprising is that anyone would believe it.

10-10-2008, 01:22 PM
Per this website, Wake Forest lost at Chapel Hill.

1996-97 UNC Basketball Schedule (http://cs.unc.edu/~chen/tarheels/96-97/schedule96-97.html)

10-10-2008, 01:57 PM
Per this website, Wake Forest lost at Chapel Hill.

1996-97 UNC Basketball Schedule (http://cs.unc.edu/~chen/tarheels/96-97/schedule96-97.html)

Thank you. You stirred my memory.

If I'm remembering right, this is exactly what's wrong with the story. I think Wake played N.C. 3 times that season, and the only win they had was at home. This quote kills the story instantly.

This particular evening the Heels had lost at home to Tim Duncan and Wake Forest.

Geez, if you're going to tell a tale at least get your facts right.

10-10-2008, 01:59 PM
so what? everyone likes pussy right?


10-10-2008, 02:04 PM
It's believable to an extent. The guy writing the story probably colored it up plenty with what he claims Tim said and how he physical he was with the sorority chick. But, shit like that happens in college bars. And, grinding on a chick in a public bar is far from date rape. They guy was definitely exaggerating.

But who cares anyway? Besides being like 10-12 years old, here's a newsflash: drunk college guys are horny and do stupid shit from time to time. I'm not saying it's true. Not saying it's not true. Like I said, it's believable to an extent if you dumb down the exaggerative way the writer told the story.

As some have mentioned, it's been posted before, it's super old news, and it's unverified by anyone else. Just a dumb college story that isn't very compelling anyway even if it's true.

10-10-2008, 02:14 PM
You don't pull something like this when you are a college kid, then become a pro making millions of bucks with women, throwing themselves at you left and right and go incident free. The story is 100% Bullshit.

10-10-2008, 02:16 PM
So did the bouncer nail that sorority chick or what?

10-10-2008, 02:43 PM
You don't pull something like this when you are a college kid, then become a pro making millions of bucks with women, throwing themselves at you left and right and go incident free. The story is 100% Bullshit.

You also don't overdose on coke after being selected #2 overall in the NBA.

You also don't jeopardize your whole career as a pro athlete by driving a motorcycle or a moped.

Shit does happen. And, even the immortal, holy, divine Tim Duncan isn't perfect.

Like I said, I'm not saying it's true or not true, but it's believable to a certain extent.

10-10-2008, 02:50 PM
Shit does happen. And, even the immortal, holy, divine Tim Duncan isn't perfect.

10-10-2008, 02:50 PM
So did the bouncer nail that sorority chick or what?

:lol It sounds like it.

I ended up going home with the pretty brunette he had been harassing, having played her Knight-in-shining flannel.

10-10-2008, 03:05 PM
This story makes me think of the photoshopped gangsta version of Tim with cornrows and all tatted up someone has in their sig

Strange Botwin
10-10-2008, 03:09 PM
Here it is:http://farm1.static.flickr.com/181/438616712_ad61b4e0bd_m_d.jpg

A pic of Dirk Nowitzki:

10-10-2008, 03:18 PM
somebody posted a pretty fun reply to this...

HERE IS A SIMILAR RUN-IN A GUY NAMED BILLWALTONISGOD HAD WITH TIMMY D. SOUNDS LIKE THIS BEHAVIOR MIGHT BE A TREND. WATCH OUT TO. "I can't say that I'm suprised to hear this. Not after this summer. It had been a beautiful Boone day. I'd spent most of it out on the parkway, hiking. That evening I stopped in Macadoos for a beer or two. My buddy was tending bar, and he would always hook me up with a few drinks when I came by. Well, I get in there and my buddy looks upset. I ask him what's wrong, and he tells me that Tim Duncan's been "drinking with a bunch of frat boys, yelling racial slurs, beating up homosexuals, and raping the heck out of a bunch of women." As I looked around, I watched some girl get up and try to leave, but Timmy ran to the door and gave her a roundhouse kick to the face. Then he grabbed her by the hair, dragging her back to his table. Everyone else was pretending not to watch as he did this. I knew that if I didn't do something quick, nobody would. I'm not a big guy(5'9, 140 lbs.), but I had been raised in a Kung Fu temple, and knew all the secret ninja arts and sh*t. I was like an evil Jedi, with the mind tricks and cat-like reflexes. So I start to make my way over to Timmy's table, when I realize that he's got his boys, David Robinson, Dikembe Mutumbo, and Jimmy Carter watching his back. I knew I could probably take them all at once, but innocent people would be hurt. I've never been one to plan things too much in advance. I get a rough idea of what I want to do, and I go from there. In my experience, plans always go wrong, so it's best to just improvise. My mentor, Bill Walton taught me that. So I walk past Timmy D's table, like I'm going to the bathroom. He sees me and yells, "Nobody uses the bathroom tonight except ME! You go on the floor!" I stop and look him square in the eye. After staring him down for a good thirty seconds, I spit a wad of tobacco juice on his plate. He looks at me in disbelief, and Mutumbo starts to get up, while reaching for me. Before he can even stand up, I punch him in the temple full-force, killing him instantly. Robinson was quicker, getting to his feet and picking up a chair(with this cute girl still in it) and swinging it at me. I grab the girl, pulling her away from this monster, and turn around, letting The Admiral break the chair on my back, sheilding her from the impact. Because of the adrenaline and my Kung Fu training, I didn't even feel the hit. I picked up one of the table legs and did some crazy ninja moves, real quick-like and all. Then I proceeded to break both his arms and legs, beating him to within an inch of his life. Duncan meanwhile is in a rage. He's ready to kill me for what I've done. He starts to pull out his sword, which I didn't even know he'd had. Carter, on the other hand, is just sitting in his chair, mostly covered by black robes and #$%@. I pull out my ninja sword, and Duncan and I fight it out for about ten minutes. He was good, dang good. For awhile it looked like he might win, but then I tapped into the darkside and cut off his hand. He's lying on the floor bleeding, begging for mercy. I tell him to leave, and never come back to Macadoos. He then gets up, and stumbles to Carter's side. That's when things got weird. You'll never believe this, but Jimmy Carter then lifts up his hands and starts shooting lightening at me! I wasn't prepared for that, so I'm all getting electrocuted and stuff. I was rolling on the floor in pain, thinking all was lost, when suddenly I realized that from this angle I could see up all these chick's skirts. I look over at this cute black-haired girl, and she's going commando. I was also hearing Bill Walton's voice in my head, telling me to use the force, but I ignored that and just focused on this hippie chick's hairy beaver. That's when I knew that I had to live. I stood up, looked Jimmy Carter in the eye, and fighting against his magical-lightening stuff, I made my way step by painful step to him. His eyes got big with shock as he watched me overcome his electricity crap. I then shot my hand at his chest, tore through his ribcage, and pulled out his heart. Naturally, this caused him to explode like a potato in a microwave, sending blood and guts everywhere. I looked around at the mess and said, "And to think I voted for you." In the meantime, Duncan was sitting there, looking at me in horror. He knew that I meant to kill him. I stood there looking down at him for a minute or two, and without breaking eye-contact, I pulled out a cigarette and lit it. I was just about to kill him, when I saw a reflection in his eyes. It was Yao Ming, sneaking up behind me. Before Yao could make his move, I spun around and stabbed him in the eye with my cigarette. While he was screaming in pain, I picked him up by the legs and used him as a club to beat Tim Duncan to death. After that was over, my buddy the bartender poured me a glass of Flying Dog and people were patting me on the back, thanking me for saving them from the evil Duncan. I stayed for a few drinks, then decided to call it a night. But I didn't go home alone. The hairy hippie chick came home with me that night. We're getting married in April. So that's why I can't say that I'm too suprised by this blog."

10-10-2008, 03:41 PM
You also don't overdose on coke after being selected #2 overall in the NBA.


10-10-2008, 03:42 PM
oh rly?

10-10-2008, 03:55 PM
You also don't overdose on coke after being selected #2 overall in the NBA.

You also don't jeopardize your whole career as a pro athlete by driving a motorcycle or a moped.

Shit does happen. And, even the immortal, holy, divine Tim Duncan isn't perfect.

Like I said, I'm not saying it's true or not true, but it's believable to a certain extent.

:tu I couldn't agree with you more...

lebron hater

10-10-2008, 09:22 PM
You also don't overdose on coke after being selected #2 overall in the NBA.

You also don't jeopardize your whole career as a pro athlete by driving a motorcycle or a moped.

Shit does happen. And, even the immortal, holy, divine Tim Duncan isn't perfect.

Like I said, I'm not saying it's true or not true, but it's believable to a certain extent.

Those are all one time incidents. Mistakes that those men regret or in one case cost him his life. This is a story claiming Duncan in College went to a bar, had some drinks, groped some girl and got nasty with the bouncer. So in all the years he has been a pro, on the road half the season, every chance in the world to go out, party, hit the clubs, spend tons of cash and get frisky with womem nothing has ever come out against Tim Duncan publically. I don't find it believable to any extent.

10-10-2008, 10:33 PM
damn and i always thought duncan was the sort of angelic good guy type, someone you can count on not to rat on you even during high school days, but this article has changed my perception. I will never look at Duncan the same again, and every time i see him put on that puppy face, i cant help but tell myself he's a faker, and not born a nice guy, but forced himself into one for image sake.

10-10-2008, 10:39 PM

Kobefan brings the righteous anger.

10-10-2008, 11:18 PM
damn and i always thought duncan was the sort of angelic good guy type, someone you can count on not to rat on you even during high school days, but this article has changed my perception. I will never look at Duncan the same again, and every time i see him put on that puppy face, i cant help but tell myself he's a faker, and not born a nice guy, but forced himself into one for image sake.

This is amusing on so many different levels, I don't know where to begin.

10-10-2008, 11:39 PM
Those are all one time incidents. Mistakes that those men regret or in one case cost him his life. This is a story claiming Duncan in College went to a bar, had some drinks, groped some girl and got nasty with the bouncer. So in all the years he has been a pro, on the road half the season, every chance in the world to go out, party, hit the clubs, spend tons of cash and get frisky with womem nothing has ever come out against Tim Duncan publically. I don't find it believable to any extent.

Your logic fails.

As a famous millionaire professional athlete, Duncan likely had plenty of women "willing" to be groped by him. There's less of a chance for an incident like that to happen as a pro because the women he would have met wouldn't have been offended if he made advances.

Back in college, there's a good chance a random girl at a bar wouldn't know he was "Tim Duncan" or that he was guaranteed to be rich and famous. That's when a girl could believably protest his advances.

You don't find it believable because you don't want to believe it's possible for Tim Duncan to have done something like that. Sorry, but it's possible. And, as long as it didn't cross the line of sexual harassment or sexual assault, it's not a big deal in my opinion. Not cool, but just a stupid thing that happens with drunk college guys at a bar from time to time.

10-10-2008, 11:47 PM
Your logic fails.
As a famous millionaire professional athlete, Duncan likely had plenty of women "willing" to be groped by him. There's less of a chance for an incident like that to happen as a pro because the women he would have met wouldn't have been offended if he made advances.

As a millionaire, hypothetically, some of those women that were willing to be groped by Duncan would be lining up to sue his ass off, trying to cash in. Yeah some women will do anything to hop into bed with a pro athlete but others will do anything to get a shot at making them look bad to the press and trying to cash in to make the whole situation go away. Nothing in the story makes sense to me is all. Duncan is about as laid back and un-impressed with himself as it gets. Telling a bouncer to "Fuck off, do you know who i am" just does not sound like Tim Duncan to me. If he was told he wasn't wanted there, he'd likely just say "Fine whatever" and leave.

10-11-2008, 12:04 AM
You simply won't allow your personal sports hero to be allowed to have made an error in judgment in his past. It's more than possible. It's more than believable. It's more than possible Duncan was a slightly different person in college. It's more than believable that as a 20 year old college kid who knew he was about to have the world in his hands that he was a little cocky when it comes to girls. It's more than possible that at that age, when he had a few beers, he got a little bit bold when he talked to girls at a bar. It's more than believable that after he was drafted by the Spurs and surrounded by professional teammates who knew how to conduct themselves that he became more responsible and mature when it comes to his actions outside of the basketball court. It's more than possible that he learned his lesson as a kid and never again got caught up in anything like that with girls at a bar or a club.

And, it's entirely possible the story never happen at all. I haven't been arguing whether it's certain either way whether the story is true or not true. I've been saying that it's possible and believable that it could have happened, but probably not to the degree that it was described as I'm sure the guy who wrote the story exaggerated a great deal if it did in fact happen.

It's beginning to seem it's altogether believable that you think Tim Duncan is a virgin, a saint, and the Son of God, so I'll leave it at this and dispense with any further "yes it is-no it's not" discussion as neither of us is going to acquiesce to the other's point of view.

Fernando TD21
10-11-2008, 02:38 AM
Possible? Yes, it is. Believable? I doubt.

Kori Ellis
10-11-2008, 03:23 AM
In addition to the fact that the Tar Heels hadn't lost to Wake that year, I believe that a couple years back, it came out that the guy made up this whole story and had been emailing it to every publication trying to get people to print it, changing the details every time. It's been around on the internet for quite some time.

10-11-2008, 03:29 AM
Damn I'm confused

So was Duncan playing at Wake Forest or not?


10-11-2008, 07:11 AM
damn and i always thought duncan was the sort of angelic good guy type, someone you can count on not to rat on you even during high school days, but this article has changed my perception. I will never look at Duncan the same again, and every time i see him put on that puppy face, i cant help but tell myself he's a faker, and not born a nice guy, but forced himself into one for image sake.

wow what a drama queen.

I guess if Kobe gets accused of rape and adultery; you can forgive him, but if its Tim Duncan and how can you forgive that? I love the Laker fan logic.

I hate this story. I mean i can not say its not true 100 %, but looking at the known history of TD makes it really hard to believe. I also hate the fact that it gives ammo to other fans, because they won't question it. They will use it to discredit Tim in any way just because they want to.

Cry Havoc
10-11-2008, 09:16 PM
You simply won't allow your personal sports hero to be allowed to have made an error in judgment in his past. It's more than possible. It's more than believable. It's more than possible Duncan was a slightly different person in college. It's more than believable that as a 20 year old college kid who knew he was about to have the world in his hands that he was a little cocky when it comes to girls. It's more than possible that at that age, when he had a few beers, he got a little bit bold when he talked to girls at a bar. It's more than believable that after he was drafted by the Spurs and surrounded by professional teammates who knew how to conduct themselves that he became more responsible and mature when it comes to his actions outside of the basketball court. It's more than possible that he learned his lesson as a kid and never again got caught up in anything like that with girls at a bar or a club.

And, it's entirely possible the story never happen at all. I haven't been arguing whether it's certain either way whether the story is true or not true. I've been saying that it's possible and believable that it could have happened, but probably not to the degree that it was described as I'm sure the guy who wrote the story exaggerated a great deal if it did in fact happen.

It's beginning to seem it's altogether believable that you think Tim Duncan is a virgin, a saint, and the Son of God, so I'll leave it at this and dispense with any further "yes it is-no it's not" discussion as neither of us is going to acquiesce to the other's point of view.

Sure it could have happened. But it's probably only a 50-50 chance that it's true.

My only question is: I know that Duncan is very strong and extremely tall, but would a serious martial artist really get handled by him? The guy describes himself as a very serious fighter. It seems to me like he's trying to up-play the whole situation to make it more credible.

As strong and athletic as NBA athletes are, I absolutely positive a guy like Brock Lesner or Matt Hughes would absolutely dismantle ANY NBA player in a fight. Shaq included. Doesn't matter how big you are, if you get hit by a guy who knows how to utilize his core muscles and is trained in fighting, you're done.

The Franchise
10-12-2008, 09:54 AM
Your logic fails.

As a famous millionaire professional athlete, Duncan likely had plenty of women "willing" to be groped by him. There's less of a chance for an incident like that to happen as a pro because the women he would have met wouldn't have been offended if he made advances.

Back in college, there's a good chance a random girl at a bar wouldn't know he was "Tim Duncan" or that he was guaranteed to be rich and famous. That's when a girl could believably protest his advances.

You don't find it believable because you don't want to believe it's possible for Tim Duncan to have done something like that. Sorry, but it's possible. And, as long as it didn't cross the line of sexual harassment or sexual assault, it's not a big deal in my opinion. Not cool, but just a stupid thing that happens with drunk college guys at a bar from time to time.
It's possible, but it's also possible Timmy could snap, come into the next preseason game with an AK47 and shoot up the arena. The chances of that happening though are just as likely as this story being true. Your argument sounds like you're just trying really hard to hate on Tim. Hater. :p:

10-12-2008, 11:31 AM
Take it how you want to take it. Story is likely fabricated. All I been saying is college boys do some stupid shit when they get drunk. And, a perceived image isn't always accurate. Do you guys remember how Kobe was the all American posterboy for McDonald's and Sprite before the Denver incident. I'm sure Tim Duncan is a good guy. Doesn't mean he is without faults or flaws and that he never made a bad decision, especially when he was younger and more immature.

And, sorry, but this story is quite significantly more likely to have happened than the chances of Tim Duncan shooting up an arena with an AK are of happening.

SMH @ people and their crazy and extreme analogies on these boards lately. No Hitler reference?

10-12-2008, 11:50 AM
Hitler? More like the KKK. And atheists.

10-12-2008, 11:51 AM
SMH @ people and their crazy and extreme analogies on these boards lately. No Hitler reference?

Damn, I was coming into this thread specifically to compare you to Hitler. :lol

10-12-2008, 11:58 AM
That story is so bad on so many levels. Anybody who claims to be skilled in martial arts isn't going to be intimidated by a person's height . What a joke.

The most unbelievable thing about that story is that Tim Duncan said more than 2 sentences to anyone he didn't know.

10-12-2008, 03:29 PM
Take it how you want to take it. Story is likely fabricated. All I been saying is college boys do some stupid shit when they get drunk. And, a perceived image isn't always accurate. Do you guys remember how Kobe was the all American posterboy for McDonald's and Sprite before the Denver incident. I'm sure Tim Duncan is a good guy. Doesn't mean he is without faults or flaws and that he never made a bad decision, especially when he was younger and more immature.

And, sorry, but this story is quite significantly more likely to have happened than the chances of Tim Duncan shooting up an arena with an AK are of happening.

SMH @ people and their crazy and extreme analogies on these boards lately. No Hitler reference?

Well you just seem to think that anything is possible, so no one can argue with that. But the fact that you try and make it seem like the story had some credibility because anyone could do anything, even great guys just makes it seem like you have a personal thing. People use extreme examples because it points out the ludicrous nature of people's arguments. If an argument is strong, or a belief system, it should be able to stand up against any scenario.

10-12-2008, 03:31 PM
Hitler? More like the KKK. And atheists.

You missed my point completely, as evidenced by your lame attempts to reference what I said out of context.

10-12-2008, 03:43 PM
you guys just wait till i post my firsthand account of tim raping a nun..

10-12-2008, 08:46 PM
http://i210.photobucket.com/albums/bb270/systime/SMILEYS%20%20222/thbsflag.gif So many holes in the story you could drive a truck thru it-----

10-12-2008, 09:26 PM
I cant believe it. haven't seen Tim angry...

10-12-2008, 09:46 PM
Well you just seem to think that anything is possible, so no one can argue with that. But the fact that you try and make it seem like the story had some credibility because anyone could do anything, even great guys just makes it seem like you have a personal thing. People use extreme examples because it points out the ludicrous nature of people's arguments. If an argument is strong, or a belief system, it should be able to stand up against any scenario.


I didn't say the story had credibility at all. I said it was possible. And, the story is possible. That's a direct response to several posts that say it was 100% impossible for it to have ever happened.

10-12-2008, 09:54 PM
Jeesh doesnt the bullshiter of the article know Tim Duncan does magic? Oh yeah and Im sure the girl didnt press charges on him

10-12-2008, 10:11 PM

I didn't say the story had credibility at all. I said it was possible. And, the story is possible. That's a direct response to several posts that say it was 100% impossible for it to have ever happened.

Just saying there is a difference between possible and probable. The story has no credibility.

10-12-2008, 10:15 PM
you guys just wait till i post my firsthand account of tim raping a nun..

See now that I could believe. The man's got a Merlin tattoo, so he probably practices witchcraft. And if he's a witch I'm sure he probably hates anything connected to the Christian faith. Well within the realm of possibility.

10-12-2008, 10:25 PM
You missed my point completely, as evidenced by your lame attempts to reference what I said out of context.

Twas a joke. Cálmate, holmes.

10-12-2008, 10:30 PM
Just saying there is a difference between possible and probable. The story has no credibility.

I didn't say the story was probable. There was no reason to make the distinction.

10-12-2008, 10:31 PM

duncan = witch = against christians
manu = atheist = against christians
parker = french = against christians

Beno = gay= against christians
Bonner = ginger = against christians

10-13-2008, 01:35 AM
See now that I could believe. The man's got a Merlin tattoo, so he probably practices witchcraft. And if he's a witch I'm sure he probably hates anything connected to the Christian faith. Well within the realm of possibility.

:lol SFIE never disappoints

Mister Sinister
10-13-2008, 03:57 AM
See now that I could believe. The man's got a Merlin tattoo, so he probably practices witchcraft. And if he's a witch I'm sure he probably hates anything connected to the Christian faith. Well within the realm of possibility.
Timmy's going to turn you into a newt.

10-13-2008, 08:54 AM
Timmy's going to turn you into a newt.

I'll get better.

10-13-2008, 10:58 AM
Beno = gay= against christians
Bonner = ginger = against christians

Salim Stoudamire = digs up dinosaur bones = against christians

10-14-2008, 11:31 AM
Thank you. You stirred my memory.

If I'm remembering right, this is exactly what's wrong with the story. I think Wake played N.C. 3 times that season, and the only win they had was at home. This quote kills the story instantly.

Geez, if you're going to tell a tale at least get your facts right.

that's why it's called fiction, facts don't matter.

10-14-2008, 02:31 PM
would somebody please delete this b.s

no credibility to this story at all and im sick of looking at it every time i log in