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Buddy Holly
10-10-2008, 07:32 PM
Much better video.


10-10-2008, 07:37 PM
He's doing the right thing. I actually support he's taking the high road on this.

Buddy Holly
10-10-2008, 07:41 PM
He's doing the right thing. I actually support he's taking the high road on this.

I agree.

You can tell it bothers him a bit that he let it get to the point that three weeks from election, like a Huffington Post writer just said on MSNBC, he would be defending his opponents American citizenship.

Hopefully he has the sense to stop it before it gets worse. :wow

10-10-2008, 07:43 PM
It's to his credit that he doesn't really have the stomach for this right-wing paranoid bullshit.

10-10-2008, 07:45 PM
Dude's reaping the whirlwind.

10-10-2008, 08:03 PM
John McCain does have a soul. I can't help but feel sorry for this man. The John McCain of 2000 would have mopped the floor in this election.

As my mother always says though, "You make a deal with the Devil, don't be surprised when God bites you in the ass".

10-10-2008, 08:07 PM
Good for McLoser. He looked about 6" taller there.

Sound like he realizes that unleashing the hound dogs on Cool Hand HUSSEIN wasn't reaching outside of his pissed-off, rabid, foaming-mouth base, which isn't big enough to elect him.

It also sounds like he realizes he needs to try a new direction if only to minimize the looming landslide defeat and try to regain some stature for his post-defeat time left in the Senate.

Will he really transform himself from Candidate McNasty back into civil and respected Senator McCain? If so, his excursion into nasty land will be impossible to shake off. It's already GAMEOVER.

And what does he do with his culture warrior pitbull bitch?

10-10-2008, 08:14 PM
John McCain does have a soul. I can't help but feel sorry for this man. The John McCain of 2000 would have mopped the floor in this election.

As my mother always says though, "You make a deal with the Devil, don't be surprised when God bites you in the ass".

Does he have a soul? If this had worked in McCain's favor and the polls started turning around do you think he and Palin would have quit this shit? I doubt it. It's funny, David Gergen of CNN predicted this. He said John McCain is an impatient campaigner and when he sees a strategy isn't working he'll abandon it quickly.

10-10-2008, 08:25 PM
I'm glad he's stepping back from the precipice. Hopefully the rest of his campaign will follow.

It's funny, David Gergen of CNN predicted this. He said John McCain is an impatient campaigner and when he sees a strategy isn't working he'll abandon it quickly.

Nothing wrong with that; the alternative is to keep flogging a strategy that isn't working.

10-10-2008, 08:52 PM
I think McCain's campaign has been taken in directions by Palin and his campaign managers and I think he'd rather run a different type of campaign to win. However, he's desperate and when you combine that with a his disdain of a man who he doesn't feel he should be in a race against much less losing to and its obvious why he hasn't stepped up yet. This lady went too far and McCain HAD to say something there, but I still think he deserves some props.

10-10-2008, 08:55 PM
They put too much concentration on Ayers himself and not the long list of anti-capitalist, socialist, communist, Chicago-thug, America-hating crowd Obama has coincidentally been around his entire life.

When you have crazy hair lady saying "why He's an A-Rabbb" you know he's hit rock bottom.

Manny, Palin had nothing to do with this failure. McCain is either not listening to his campaign people or he is listening to his foolish campaign goons. Either way, what a horrible campaign.

10-10-2008, 08:55 PM
Does he have a soul? If this had worked in McCain's favor and the polls started turning around do you think he and Palin would have quit this shit? I doubt it. It's funny, David Gergen of CNN predicted this. He said John McCain is an impatient campaigner and when he sees a strategy isn't working he'll abandon it quickly.

Yep, it's all about expediency. If his advisors told him he could win this election by outflanking Obama on the left by proposing an immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq, he'd do that too.

10-10-2008, 08:57 PM
Yep, it's all about expediency. If his advisors told him he could win this election by outflanking Obama on the left by proposing an immediate withdrawal from Afghanistan and Iraq, he'd do that too.

I think anything outside of the military, you'd be right.

10-10-2008, 08:57 PM
I'm glad he's stepping back from the precipice. Hopefully the rest of his campaign will follow.

Nothing wrong with that; the alternative is to keep flogging a strategy that isn't working.

I think what is wrong is that Obama has a specter of assassination hanging over him that no other politician has, since it takes only one kook with a gun to act on those convictions. Whipping up racism is bad for everybody.

Not that these people would've ever voted for Obama, but I bet if you asked them a month ago, they would've said shit like "He's too liberal, too inexperienced, he's gonna raise my taxes, he's gonna pull out of Iraq before we win..." etc.

10-10-2008, 08:59 PM
I've heard a couple conspiracies where Bush/republicans fucked up things while raping the country, and are now letting the dems have 4-8 years. The reps will yell about taxes etc, then just take back over. They knew McCain would be weak and set him up for the fall thinking it'd be Hillary/Obama ticket.

I'd even almost go as far to say that he is throwing the election.

10-10-2008, 09:08 PM
They put too much concentration on Ayers himself and not the long list of anti-capitalist, socialist, communist, Chicago-thug, America-hating crowd Obama has coincidentally been around his entire life.

When you have crazy hair lady saying "why He's an A-Rabbb" you know he's hit rock bottom.

Manny, Palin had nothing to do with this failure. McCain is either not listening to his campaign people or he is listening to his foolish campaign goons. Either way, what a horrible campaign.

Palin was the campaigns choice and she tends to side with them on a lot of issues because she's their type of candidate. I personally think she's a driving force behind this but I have nothing to substantiate this other than her passionate delivery of the strat.

10-10-2008, 09:11 PM
"anti-capitalist, socialist, communist, Chicago-thug, America-hating"

same shit as the Ayers shit, it woundn't have stuck, it won't stick, except for people, ideological extreme right-wing cretins, who already believe that shit.

10-10-2008, 09:14 PM
It's not made to stick. It's made to make people think for a second and keep it in the back of their mind during his presidency to keep a close eye on any funny business.

McCain, he just did a terrible job of it and now it is nothing but a last month desperation job while too many goofs start acting like their stereotypes.

For example, like Obama said "Say it to his face". Hash it all out right there in front of the people without the media muddle. McCain didn't do it, too late now, Mcfail.

10-10-2008, 09:16 PM
I've heard a couple conspiracies where Bush/republicans fucked up things while raping the country, and are now letting the dems have 4-8 years. The reps will yell about taxes etc, then just take back over. They knew McCain would be weak and set him up for the fall thinking it'd be Hillary/Obama ticket.

I'd even almost go as far to say that he is throwing the election.

There was a lot of rumblings when McCain got the nomination that many of the GOP were happy because they didn't care if McCain simply took the fall for Bush's bullshit. I don't think for a second anyone is throwing an election though.

10-10-2008, 09:21 PM
"anti-capitalist, socialist, communist, Chicago-thug, America-hating"

same shit as the Ayers shit, it woundn't have stuck, it won't stick, except for people, ideological extreme right-wing cretins, who already believe that shit.

Also, when you have an UNKNOWN far-left liberal walk in and become president all of a sudden. How can you not look at all the questionable people he has been around since childhood and not stop to wonder. Not this "he's a terrorist", but how has this played into the person he has become and what could he be hiding?

It's a reasonable question to ask.

10-10-2008, 09:24 PM
Also, when you have an UNKNOWN far-left liberal walk in and become president all of a sudden. How can you not look at all the questionable people he has been around since childhood and not stop to wonder. Not this "he's a terrorist", but how has this played into the person he has become and what could he be hiding?

It's a reasonable question to ask.

As long as you ask the same questions about my buddy John's skeletons.

10-10-2008, 09:25 PM

10-10-2008, 09:29 PM
"UNKNOWN far-left liberal walk in and become president all of a sudden."

he's not unknown at all, that' more distracting right-wing paranoid shit.

far-left liberals don't have a chance when 50% of the voters are red-state suckers.

For his "socialism", a huge majority of Americans are tired of getting raped by for-profit health insurance companies, getting raped by over-charging docs and hospitals, and the docs are fed up fighting with insurance companies. If HUSSEIN were able to pull off a Euro-style single-payer national health insurer (he won't be able to), America would be much better off. The docs would be able to spend their time giving health care rather than fighting about what health care the insurance companies will pay for.

10-10-2008, 09:33 PM
Also, when you have an UNKNOWN far-left liberal walk in and become president all of a sudden. How can you not look at all the questionable people he has been around since childhood and not stop to wonder. Not this "he's a terrorist", but how has this played into the person he has become and what could he be hiding?

It's a reasonable question to ask.What do you think he could be hiding?

Let's bottom line this -- what is your worst-case scenario?

And he is not unknown. That's disingenuous.

10-10-2008, 09:38 PM
i liked this john mccain...reminded me of the honorable person that ran the campaign in 2000, that showed true integrity.

The just gained momentous respect from me right there...

10-10-2008, 09:44 PM
My worst-case scenario? He buys into a lot of this stuff and wants to completely change the face of America by promoting anti-capitalist, socialist values, increased government, very liberal supreme court judges, increased entitlements, and so on.

I never bought into the muslim/terrorist/etc ties.

10-10-2008, 09:46 PM
The only thing socialist about anything Obama wants to do is his health care plan, which isn't even really socialist. He's letting you keep your existing plan if you like it.

10-10-2008, 09:50 PM
The only thing socialist about anything Obama wants to do is his health care plan, which isn't even really socialist. He's letting you keep your existing plan if you like it.

Out of that 47 million uninsured they like to quote, why do they include 15 million illegals?

And demanding oil companies send $1k checks to everyone, how is that not a red-flag. Who the fuck does this guy think he is?

Buddy Holly
10-10-2008, 09:50 PM
Better video detailing both of the videos I posted and another segment from his rally.


10-10-2008, 09:51 PM
Out of that 47 million uninsured they like to quote, why do they include 15 million illegals?If they included them, it's because they do indeed exist and we are already paying for their health care.

10-10-2008, 09:52 PM
If they included them, it's because we are already paying for their health care.

Why are we paying for illegals health care?

Buddy Holly
10-10-2008, 09:53 PM
You have to wonder if he's playing the "be respectful" card now after Obama told him to say it to his face.

10-10-2008, 09:53 PM
Why are we paying for illegals health care?Because they get sick and injured.

10-10-2008, 09:55 PM
Because they get sick and injured.

Why do we pay for illegals' health care?

10-10-2008, 10:24 PM
Why do we pay for illegals' health care?Hey, if you want to change the mission of most every public hospital in the country, get to it. We also pay for the uninsured already too. I'd rather be more upfront about it.

Wild Cobra
10-10-2008, 10:35 PM
Maybe we can fix the illegal immigration issue if we require those who employ illegals to pay for their medical expenses! That way, hospitols and tax payers don't have too!

10-10-2008, 10:41 PM
Why do we pay for illegals' health care?

They pay for health care too. Any immigrant, legal or not, that plans to stay in the US pays taxes. There's a reason for that. Do you know what it is?

10-10-2008, 10:45 PM
Maybe we can fix the illegal immigration issue if we require those who employ illegals to pay for their medical expenses! That way, hospitols and tax payers don't have too!So what about their families?

And the uninsured who are not illegals?

Wild Cobra
10-10-2008, 10:50 PM
So what about their families?

And the uninsured who are not illegals?
I have an indirect motive. Making an employer take care of illegal workers will make then stop hiring them, or at least think twice. Then many of them will go back home.

10-10-2008, 10:52 PM
I have an indirect motive. Making an employer take care of illegal workers will make then stop hiring them, or at least think twice. Then many of them will go back home.So they'll just go out of business and put more people out of work and off the insurance rolls.

Good plan. :tu

baseline bum
10-10-2008, 11:28 PM
As long as Washington is run by bribes, many from industries that exploit illegals, there will never be any illegal immigration reform. There's too much money to be made by the people lining the pockets of our representatives in skirting labor laws by using people who cannot complain to anyone.

10-10-2008, 11:38 PM
The uninsured illegals are certainly a burden, but they come nowhere close to the burden of 47M uninsured American citizens who "just go to the emergency room" like asshole dubya says, where care cannot be denied.

If the hospital isn't reimbursed by city/county/state, the hospital asks for federal reimbursement, so we are already paying about $50B/year for the costs of covering uninsured AMERICANS. OR the hospital jacks up its prices for insured care to cover the cost of uninsured. And the insurance companies jack up the premiums.

peewee's lovechild
10-10-2008, 11:53 PM
I have to give McCain credit for stepping up and defending Obama.

I think it took some guts to do that.

However, it only got to this point because his campaign allowed it to happen. I think he sees the writing on the wall and he knows that if he wants to continue having a political future, this bullshit had to be stopped post haste.

Still, it was an honorable thing to do, and he gained some of his respect back.

I hope he doesn't revert to that bullshit, he's better than that.

10-11-2008, 01:52 AM
same here. i mean some of his supporters were getting batshit crazy calling him a terrorist and even some shouts to kill him.

10-11-2008, 02:05 AM
McCain Defends Obama a Result of What He and His Campaign Have Done


Obama supporters always have to spin everything. I give much props to McCain for coming to Obama's defense. And newsflash to Obamatards, a segment of Americans would be scared and thinking Obama was a terrorist/Arab/threat even if McCain would have run a 100% friendly campaign. McCain didn't invent racism and bigotry and xenophobia and rabid partisanship.

McCain is slapping down on McCainiacs, now it'd be nice to see Obama try to elevate the Obamatards from their current muck. The next few days leading up to the next debate shall be interesting.

10-11-2008, 02:23 AM
Eh I think you're going too far. He may not have invented it, but his campaign has embraced it recently. I don't think thats his preferred path but it is HIS campaign in the end and in the end he has to answer for it.

For all we know he just got a batch of focus group or internal poll info that this negative shit is playing really badly. Almost every media outlet I turned on today as condeming him for it today, so that wouldn't surprise me very much.

Sometimes I want to give him the benefit of the doubt but sometimes when I think about the shit he's done and the absolute disdain he's shown towards Obama its hard for me to give him THAT much.

10-11-2008, 02:36 AM
Eh I think you're going too far. He may not have invented it, but his campaign has embraced it recently. I don't think thats his preferred path but it is HIS campaign in the end and in the end he has to answer for it.True but I can't imagine someone went from undecided voter to thinking Obama was a terrorist or a crazy Arab due to McCain's recent posturing. Someone would already have to be leaning that way to be that come to that dumb of a conclusion.

For all we know he just got a batch of focus group or internal poll info that this negative shit is playing really badly. Almost every media outlet I turned on today as condeming him for it today, so that wouldn't surprise me very much.He didn't have to come to his defense though. He could have just moved on to the new strategy. Standing up for Obama went above and beyond what was needed.

There's no way his defense of Obama won any votes for McCain. If anything, he hurt himself.

Sometimes I want to give him the benefit of the doubt but sometimes when I think about the shit he's done and the absolute disdain he's shown towards Obama its hard for me to give him THAT much.I truthfully don't see the extra disdain toward Obama. McCain has always had a ornery streak. He can't hide it well and when it shows up, he ends up looking like he'd like to strangle Obama.

But I don't think there's any extra venom. McCain is just being McCain.

10-11-2008, 06:51 AM

Obama supporters always have to spin everything. I give much props to McCain for coming to Obama's defense. And newsflash to Obamatards, a segment of Americans would be scared and thinking Obama was a terrorist/Arab/threat even if McCain would have run a 100% friendly campaign. McCain didn't invent racism and bigotry and xenophobia and rabid partisanship.

McCain is slapping down on McCainiacs, now it'd be nice to see Obama try to elevate the Obamatards from their current muck. The next few days leading up to the next debate shall be interesting.

I gave props to John for saying Obama is a good man and then telling that stupid woman that Obama was not an Arab.
Good job John.
But Sarah don't play that way.

10-11-2008, 09:16 AM
I see a few possible motivations for McCain's efforts to change the tone of his campaign.

First and probably foremost, it's obvious it wasn't working. That said, I also think McCain really does see himself as a person of character and honor, and this shit really does disgust him, especially since it's the same sort of character attack that was used against him in 2000.

But a third reason may be that he wants to change the way he has come off in the first two debates, since this third debate is basically his last chance to try to undo all the hoopla about his refusal to look directly at Obama and his "that one" remark.

If McCain wants to come across as a dignified and affable candidate during the third debate, it doesn't make sense for him to sit back and smile while the lynch mob calls for Obama's head during his rallies and then act like nothing happened during the debate. That would seem hypocritical, which is one thing voters (of all stripes) really can't stand.

10-11-2008, 09:26 AM
"this shit really does disgust him"


He and his pitbull bitch have repeatedly stoked hatred, polarization with their lies and innuendo.

It's too late, esp for the ignorant, red-state, racist, xenophobic assholes like we have on this board, that he has lit up and attracted, for him to try to put back on his untouchable POW halo.

He has shown himself to have no ethics, no principles other than his egomaniacal MeFirst personal ambition.

Down and stomped by double digits in the polls with a couple weeks to go, he has only himself and his shitty campaign to blame.

He can't change his spots now.

10-11-2008, 09:40 AM
His positive HUSSEIN comments were just a short-lived brain fart:

"But moments later, Mr. McCain, the Republican nominee, renewed his attacks on Mr. Obama for his association with the 1960s radical William Ayers and told the crowd, “Mr. Obama’s political career was launched in Mr. Ayers’ living room.”"

Same old lying, shitty slime, same robotic talking points.

Repeat the lie enough times, it becomes believed, like WMD, like Saddam-WTC, like Saddam-AQ.

Maybe there are enough, just barely enough, decent, civilized, intelligent people who see through the slime, see the slime as slime, who "don't see America as" McNasty sees it, but that's not the people McNasty is trying to win over.

Fuck him, fuck his pitbull bitch, and fuck his Repug accomplices and hateful, rabid supports to hell. They aren't want America is SUPPOSED to be about.

10-11-2008, 11:00 AM
I was very happy to see McCain do that. Breath of fresh air, regardless of his motives, it's the McCain people wanted to see before Rove's people got ahold of him. Now have Palin tone it down, and make it about the issues. I don't know if he can get back in the race that way, but this path led somewhere far too dark for him.

Buddy Holly
10-11-2008, 11:12 AM

Obama supporters always have to spin everything.

What am I spinning exactly? It's a fair question.

I am talking referencing the first clip in the video, where he announces to the crowd he wants to be respectful. That happened before the two questioners asked what they did.

10-11-2008, 12:07 PM
I don't think it has anything to do with respect. I think the republicans have looked at the landscape and decided their best strategy to regain control is to have the dems in control for now so they can take the blame for all the shit that's going to happen no matter who is in the white house.

10-11-2008, 12:16 PM
I don't think it has anything to do with respect. I think the republicans have looked at the landscape and decided their best strategy to regain control is to have the dems in control for now so they can take the blame for all the shit that's going to happen no matter who is in the white house.

They also run the risk of '92 redux: Democratic president inherits a fucked up economy from Bush and after eight years of general peace and prosperity he leaves the WH with a budget surplus.

(Not saying Clinton deserves all the credit, but those Bushes made him look damn competent).

10-11-2008, 12:26 PM
McNasty, lurching again wildly, actually uttered something not nasty, only a temporary lurch, and the McNasty suckers are cherry-picking that to absolve the entire McNasty campaign.

Let's be clear. McNasty's and pitbull bitch's de-"euphemized" message to their Repug racist rabble is: "lynch the nigga"

peewee's lovechild
10-11-2008, 03:50 PM
True but I can't imagine someone went from undecided voter to thinking Obama was a terrorist or a crazy Arab due to McCain's recent posturing. Someone would already have to be leaning that way to be that come to that dumb of a conclusion.

You're right, plenty of people already think those things about Obama. But, having people riled up and angry calling Obama a terrorist and calling for his death only served to propagate these false ideals.

And, allowing people to react the way they had been, could help mobilize those that otherwise would not have voted.

He didn't have to come to his defense though. He could have just moved on to the new strategy. Standing up for Obama went above and beyond what was needed.

There's no way his defense of Obama won any votes for McCain. If anything, he hurt himself.

He HAD to put a stop to this. He had no other choice. He would've been seen as the biggest hypocrite in the nation if he allowed this to get any further.

And, you're right, he might have hurt himself in his defense of Obama, but if he didn't he wouldn't have much of a political future after the election. His opponents would bury him for fear and hate mongering.

You know this. He knows this. He had no other choice.

I truthfully don't see the extra disdain toward Obama. McCain has always had a ornery streak. He can't hide it well and when it shows up, he ends up looking like he'd like to strangle Obama.

But I don't think there's any extra venom. McCain is just being McCain.

I disagree. While I don't think he wants to lynch him, I don't think for a second that he has any warm feelings for him. The debates showed, with out getting into all the details that we can, how much disdain he has for Obama.

But, this is the way he is. He sees this as a must win conflict and anyone in his way is an enemy. It's win or nothing for him.

10-11-2008, 04:04 PM
"McCain is just being McCain"

:lol, yep, why he is being disqualified from being President by the citizenry.

without pitbull bitch rousing his rabble, McNasty would be down 20 poll points.

Wild Cobra
10-11-2008, 06:26 PM
So they'll just go out of business and put more people out of work and off the insurance rolls.

Good plan. :tu
If a company has to pay workers less to stay in business, then they shouldn't be n business. If they cannot attract legal workers, they should either raise what they pay people, or close down rather than being part of the illegal immigration problem.

10-11-2008, 06:29 PM
If a company has to pay workers less to stay in business, then they shouldn't be n business. If they cannot attract legal workers, they should either raise what they pay people, or close down rather than being part of the illegal immigration problem.You want to pay more for pretty much everything you buy now.

Cool :tu

Wild Cobra
10-11-2008, 06:55 PM
You want to pay more for pretty much everything you buy now.

Cool :tu
Unlike selfish liberals, I want what's best for this nation.

You forget the other things I have said in the past. If a business cannot find workers, hen maybe our government should stop subsidizing people not to work!

There are plenty of able bodied workers not working, getting governmet checks. One solution might be to give them a number. When an employer needs a shit job like washing dishes, flipping burgers, whatever, the next person in line takes that job, or loses their government handout.

Now don't get all upity with me on things I've excluded from the past. I'm not going to make every exception or detail like you argue against. It would take pages of typing. Just keep in mind the general idea.

Need workers... We have plenty not working! Find a way to use them!

10-11-2008, 07:04 PM
"If a business cannot find workers, hen maybe our government should stop subsidizing people not to work"

Totally ignoring that the employees that businesses are looking for aren't on the unemployment roles, outside of minimum wagers to do manual labor.

"We have plenty not working! Find a way to use them!"

goddam, that was easy! (in your ivory tower)

10-11-2008, 07:12 PM
Unlike selfish liberals, I want what's best for this nation.:lmao

10-11-2008, 08:40 PM
McNasty, lurching again wildly, actually uttered something not nasty, only a temporary lurch, and the McNasty suckers are cherry-picking that to absolve the entire McNasty campaign.

Let's be clear. McNasty's and pitbull bitch's de-"euphemized" message to their Repug racist rabble is: "lynch the nigga"

When you post, do you use your full-fist dildo attachment and have it all the way IN?

You are, by far, the nastiest, little parisan bitch on this board.

10-11-2008, 08:54 PM
"You are, by far, the nastiest"

"lynch the nigga" hit pretty close to your own hot button, huh?

thank you, thank you, thank you. You love me. You really love me.

Conservatives, neo-c*nts, Repugs deserve their nastiness thrown back at them.

btw, pitbull bitch has, yesterday and today, has continued lying in the most inflammatory terms about HUSSEIN, now about his position on abortion. McNasty's lurch to praise HUSSEIN was a very tiny lurch. The inflammatory lying and distraction from McNasty's shitty, every-changing platform and economy continues.

What are her plans for the economy, the financial crisis, health care, creating jobs, two losing bullshit wars? Nope, she prefers to tell lies about HUSSEIN and inflame the Repug lynch mob.

10-11-2008, 11:08 PM
I get the impression that the Republican ticket is running two different individual campaigns.

McCain wants his political life in the US Senate to be as it was before this election. Palin, on the other hand, is trying to muster the support of the far right for her future support from the Republican base. It does not do much good for McCain to do things while the rest of his campaign is doing quite the opposite, all under the banner of his name.

10-12-2008, 09:38 AM
I get the impression that the Republican ticket is running two different individual campaigns.

McCain wants his political life in the US Senate to be as it was before this election. Palin, on the other hand, is trying to muster the support of the far right for her future support from the Republican base. It does not do much good for McCain to do things while the rest of his campaign is doing quite the opposite, all under the banner of his name.

He should have thought of that before he selected Palin.

The root of all of this is allowing other people to run roughshod over his choice for VP.

Ya Vez
10-12-2008, 09:54 AM
this is as bad as the 911 conspiracy nuts...

11-28-2017, 03:03 AM
Hey, if you want to change the mission of most every public hospital in the country, get to it. We also pay for the uninsured already too. I'd rather be more upfront about it.

:lmao "Change the mission"

ERs mandated by law to treat illegals, bro.

11-28-2017, 03:05 AM
:lmao "Change the mission"

ERs mandated by law to treat illegals, bro.Exaclty.

Damn, you're completely obsessed with me, bro.

11-28-2017, 04:13 AM

Damn, you're completely obsessed with me, bro.

The term "every" implied going to each hospital to solicit changes. So, you were exactly wrong.

11-28-2017, 04:16 AM
The term "every" implied going to each hospital to solicit changes. So, you were exactly wrong.Your inference is faulty -- but if you want to argue a post from 2008....:lol

11-28-2017, 04:26 AM
Your inference is faulty -- but if you want to argue a post from 2008....:lol

Were my inference is "faulty", then your ability to sufficiently communicate would be immensely "faulty." But we all know the inference was quite correct.

11-28-2017, 04:28 AM
Were my inference is "faulty", then your ability to sufficiently communicate would be immensely "faulty." But we all know the inference was quite correct.Nope, you're just wrong.

Really thought you had something searching this thread from 2008, eh?


11-28-2017, 04:40 AM
Nope, you're just wrong.

Really thought you had something searching this thread from 2008, eh?


Yes, you giving advice to go to every hospital to change state and federal laws. :lmao

11-28-2017, 04:42 AM
Yes, you giving advice to go to every hospital to change state and federal laws. :lmao:lol "advice"
:lol "go to"

11-28-2017, 08:32 AM
Looking deep into the archives.

Dusty stuff.
History hunting.

You can use the Fuzzy, it's easy line...
Or look up emails like DMC; the spelunker move.

11-28-2017, 05:23 PM
:lol "advice"
:lol "go to"

:lmao Laughing at random words as a defense.

Why would talking to hospitals about changing their missions accomplish changing state/federal laws? Your shit never made sense because you were wrong on your face.

11-28-2017, 05:44 PM
:lmao Laughing at random words as a defense.

Why would talking to hospitals about changing their missions accomplish changing state/federal laws? Your shit never made sense because you were wrong on your face.:lol "talking to"

11-28-2017, 06:09 PM
:lol "talking to"

Why would going to hospitals and talking to their admin about changing their missions accomplish changing state/federal laws?

11-28-2017, 06:10 PM
Why would going to hospitals and talking to their admin about changing their missions accomplish changing state/federal laws?:lol "talking to"

05-05-2018, 11:48 PM
^^^ Chump taking it on the chin.


05-06-2018, 05:21 AM
ERs mandated by law to treat illegals, bro.

Thank you Reagan...

05-06-2018, 02:01 PM
Thank you Reagan...

Yup. Another phony conservative hero.

05-06-2018, 03:10 PM
Thank you Reagan...


Repugs fucked up and committed humanitarianism, but of course the same Repug session enriched the oligarchy, and enabled corporate "inversions" to cheat on taxes.

05-06-2018, 04:28 PM

Repugs fucked up and committed humanitarianism, but of course the same Repug session enriched the oligarchy, and enabled corporate "inversions" to cheat on taxes.
dabom called. He wants his dumb schtick back.

05-06-2018, 05:28 PM
Yup. Another phony conservative hero.

He's basically the Jesus of conservatards, tbh... you're basically a snowfloake liberal if you don't adulate Saint Ronnie...

05-06-2018, 05:46 PM
Yup. Another phony conservative hero.Who are your real conservative heroes?

05-06-2018, 05:52 PM
He's basically the Jesus of conservatards, tbh... you're basically a snowfloake liberal if you don't adulate Saint Ronnie...

I don't deny that Reagan did some good things. I just don't buy into the mythological version of him.

05-08-2018, 04:24 PM
dabom (http://www.spurstalk.com/forums/member.php?u=47543) called. He wants his dumb schtick back.

Too many big words? :lol

05-09-2018, 12:28 AM
Too many big words? :lol

Repug is a big word? SMDH