View Full Version : Manu responds to the forum (translation needed)

Kori Ellis
10-12-2008, 04:24 AM
From carina ...

It's pretty long, and there are more personal stuff than those related to the Spurs. But if any of our Spanish-speaking friends, have time, I sure would appreciate a translation.

Apparently, he was just joking the last time he said the fuschia is his favorite color.:lol He has some other funny answers.

publicación: 11-10-2008


¿Cómo sentís que está tu relación con los Spurs, tanto con los directivos como con el técnico, luego de tu participación en los Juegos? Ya que por momentos parecía un tema de Estado.
Por ahora está muy bien. Estuve hablando con Pop bastante y está todo acordado. No hay ningún problema. Veremos más adelante como se va modificando o no la situación.

¿Cómo te preparás mentalmente para sufrir desde afuera estos primeros meses? ¿Te gusta mirar los juegos o sos de sufrir mucho?
No se si estoy preparado todavía! Cuando arranque veremos. No me gusta mirar los partidos de afuera, PARA NADA! Sufro mucho y siento que no puedo hacer nada para cambiar las cosas.

¿Con que chances ves a los Spurs para este año?
Con todas, como siempre.

¿Qué opinás de los refuerzos de este año de los Spurs?
Todavía no los vi lo suficiente. Salvo Roger Mason que es un jugador conocido y que ya demostró, los demás son nuevos entonces es difícil saber, encima estoy siempre en la pileta o el gimnasio, por lo que los veo muy poco por ahora.

Si se cumplía el rumor de Houston de llevar a Prigioni. ¿Qué actuación pensás que hubiera tenido en la NBA?
Imposible saberlo. Pero Pablo es un gran jugador, de mucha experiencia, solo hubiera necesitado como todos, un tiempo de adaptación, pero en esa posición cuesta todavía más.

¿Tenés pensado realizar alguna clínica de basquet en Argentina en algún momento o visitar el interior?
¿En algún momento de mi vida? Sí, alguna vez lo haré. No se cuándo ni dónde lamentablemente.

¿Cómo va esa rehabilitación?
Todo muy bien, mejorando en todo aspecto, de a poco, pero mejorando.

¿Un poco aburrida no? ¿Qué es lo más entretenido que hiciste hasta el momento?
Sí, aburrido sin dudas. Muy aburrida. No creo que nada de lo que me hacen hacer en estos días me parezca entretenido.

Do you remember that in Nanjing a chinese girl with a No.20 jersey gave you a hand-written book with a blue and white color which is made by your Chinese Fans Club? If you still keep it,can you tell us what you think of it? We really want to know
Yes, I do remember and I do kept it. I really appreciated it. Thanks a lot for your support!

Do you still keep close touch with Pepe? When you feel down or he feels down, will you two call each other to confide your frustration?
Not that close this last year. We usually spend time together during the boreal summer since we leave really close from each other and we are friends. But because of the Olympics we barely saw each other this time.

Many people criticize you for your presence in Olympics. Have Tim said anything like “I will always on your side” to you? And after your surgery, does Tim show a great concern or does he come to visit you frequently?
It wasn’t needed. He’s a great guy and he understands me. He did came to visit me, too.

Last time you said you like “Fucsia”. It means pink, purple, or violet red?
Is easier to ask Manu than go to Wikipedia, right? Or any other dictionary? Anyways, it was a joke that Fucsia was my favorite color.

¿Ganaste un concurso de volcadas en Italia en el 2001? Te pregunto, porque en algunas páginas se menciona y es algo que no deja dormir a muchos videólogos. ¿Tal vez algún otro torneo de volcadas?
No, no gané ningún concurso de volcadas. Cuando yo estaba no se hacía y ese año entregaron un premio a la mejor volcada del partido de las estrellas. Se puede apreciar en varios de los videos que hicieron los chicos de mis jugadas en Italia, la única que estoy con camiseta azul.

¿Me gustaría saber que hubieras estudiado si el basquet no rendía sus frutos y tu vieja te obligaba a ir a la facu? Leí por ahí que decías que tu vieja quería que fueras contador o algo así, pero vos… ¿qué hubieras elegido?
Mi vieja quería que me recibiera, pero no me hubiera obligado a estudiar. Siempre quiso tener un hijo profesional, pero no le dimos ese gusto ninguno de los tres. Creo que hubiera estudiado contador, pero no estoy 100% seguro.

¿Qué hiciste con la primera "platita" que ganaste?
Depende a cual te referís, pero la primera primera que me iba ganando en Bahiense dirigiendo a los más chiquitos iba toda al “chanchito” porque quería comprarme una compu. Tardé un par de años, pero llegó!
Con la de basquetbolista, nada en especial… una remera un par de pavaditas mas y al banco, sabía que no iba a ser fácil cobrar todos lo meses. (Estuve en lo cierto).

Si tuvieras la oportunidad de revivir algún partido… ¿Cuál sería y por qué?
Tengo 3.
Semifinal mundial sub 22 en Melbourne ’97.
Final Euroliga ’02.
Final Mundial ’02.
Fueron tres partidos trascendentales para mi y los tres perdidos INCREIBLEMENTE. Muy dolorosos todos.

I am a chinese fan , it's a pity that i can't go to the stadium to see your games , you'd said that you had a good experience in China , so if possible do you intend to come to China again ? If so ,which places do you want to visit more?
I loved my experience in China during the Olympics, but I’m not planning on going again soon. I’d like to visit Shanghai one day.

¿Seguís en contacto con el resto del equipo o solamente cuando se encuentran en la cancha?
¿Resto del equipo? ¿Te referís a los chicos de la Selección? Sí, nos escribimos bastante seguido aunque lamentablemente hay muchos MUY haraganes.

¿Qué me podés decir de cumplir sueños? (Doy por descontado la típica frase de que tenés que arriesgar todo o esforzarte mucho).
Que está muy bueno. Eso seguro que no te lo dijo nadie!

Al momento de prestar tu imagen para algún comercial, a parte del dinero que te ofrecen… ¿Tomás en cuenta si te gusta ese producto? ¿Si lo consumís? ¿Si la marca va con tu personalidad? ¿O no tomás en cuenta nada de esto?
Sí, tomo en cuenta muchas cosas. Que empresa es, que producto vende, como quiere usar mi imagen, que trayectoria tiene, etc.

Juego de memoria:
¿Hace cuento que no... …cortas el pasto?
Uffff!! Lo cortaba en la casa de mis viejos, pero calculo que no lo hago hace 13 o 14 años. 11 o más, seguro.
…tomás un helado en cucurucho?
Lo hago bastante seguido. Compro unos cucuruchos acá en el super que me encantan. Con dulce de leche adentro y todo.
…llevás el auto al taller?
Mucho también! Creo que el primer año acá lo hice y después nunca más! En Bahía mi viejo se encarga de todo eso.
…hacés un gol jugado al futbol?
No me acuerdo ni siquiera cuando fue la última vez que jugué al fútbol! Con eso te digo todo. Ah si! En Italia a veces con la Virtus jugábamos y algún que otro gol he hecho. Estamos hablando del 2002!
…mirás un ratito de "El Chavo"?
Este año no tuve tiempo de mirarlo cuando volví a Argentina, pero el año anterior (2007) estoy seguro que un rato lo miré. Un grande Ron Damón!

¿Cuál es tu Marca de TV y de cuántas pulgadas? Si no es nuevo y hoy tuvieras que comprar… ¿Cuál sería?
Tengo varios y de distintas marcas. Acá Samsung y LG. En Argentina Sony y LG. No estoy muy informado al respecto. Cuando necesite supongo que investigaré mas detalladamente.

¿Grabás programas de la TV? ¿Con que sistema?
Tengo DVR que provee mi cable. Sí, grabo algunos, pero no soy un fana de la tele. En Argentina no grabo.

¿Bluray a full o seguís con DVD?
DVD y lo que esté dando el cable en ese momento. Hay muchísimos canales de películas y siempre encuentro algo (ahora están dando Seven, que la vi como 50 veces).

Completando la encuesta tecnológica de Germán… ¿Todavía usás la notebook con el manchón en la pantalla?
No, quedó a un lado la pobrecita! El manchón terminó ocupando el 40% de la pantalla, lo que la hace inusable salvo con un monitor externo. Una lástima. Me afecciono a mis computadoras.

Todos tenemos una canción favorita; ese tema que ponés para que se repita una y otra vez... ¿Cuál es el tuyo?
Me gustan mucho varios temas, pero depende el estado anímico. Desconexion Sideral de la Bersuit me gusta mucho. Bicho de Ciudad de Los Piojos. Prohibido y Una nueva noche fría de Callejeros. Balada del Diablo y la Muerte de La Renga. El Fantasma de Arbol Internacional, Mr.Jones es uno de mis temas preferidos de siempre. Shook me all night Long y Back in Black de ACDC también. Que se yo! Son las que me salieron ahora, pero como ya saben, Bersuit y Callejeros me gusta mucho y escucho bastante. El último CD de Los Piojos me gusta todo. Fito un grande, Calamaro me gusta…

¿Pudiste leer la nota de John Hollinger de ESPN? En resumen, en su predicción para la temporada, dice que quedaran 5tos en el oeste, (record de 47-35), en gran parte debido a tu lesión en la primera parte de la temporada, ya que no podrán reemplazarte bien, y además a que el plantel esta un poco "pasado de años"...
¿Cuál es tu opinión al respecto? Si querés responderle por esta vía...
Estamos pasados de edad hace rato y seguimos ganando bastantes partidos y campeonatos. Cada año es una nueva historia, veremos. Yo espero no perderme tantos partidos como para que influya en el resultado final del equipo, aunque es difícil saberlo hoy.

¿Qué piensas con respecto a el problema que se le presentaron a Arthur, Beasley y de Mario Chalmers? (con respecto a las drogas). ¿Y del problema de Monta Ellis (lesión por practicar otro deporte cuando las reglas te lo impiden) y Josh Howard (persona que admitió drogarse con marihuana y su falta de respeto a su nacionalidad).
Todos temas muy delicados. Lo de los primeros tres fue un papelón por las circunstancias. Novatos participando del programa de adaptación que pide la NBA, el resto no los conozco con profundidad, pero es una lástima. Ambos son buenas personas pero que cometieron errores un poco irresponsables.

¿Sabés en qué se basa el juego de Greg Oden?
No lo conozco mucho. Tengo ganas de verlo. Se que es muy grande y muy atlético, pero no lo vi en acción.

¿Estás viendo partidos de la pre-temporada? ¿Quién te sorprendió de los jugadores?.
No, no los veo.

¿Cuál fue el primer auto que tuviste? Cúanto lo pagaste?
En el ’97 le compré a mi papá el Fiat Regatta modelo 92 que tenía. No recuerdo como fue la transacción! Je je. Pero si no me equivoco lo que hicimos fue darle un precio al auto cuando me lo “adueñé” y después cuando me fui a Italia y lo vendió pagarle la diferencia. Si terminó siendo así o no, hay discrepancias! Je je. Pero esa era la idea. Creo que valía unos 6000 pesos, pero… ¿quién puede estar seguro?

¿Qué auto tenés en la actualidad? ¿Cuánto te costo?
Este tema prefiero evitarlo.

¿Jugás a la Play? ¿A qué juegos? ¿Jugás con vos mismo al NBA Live?
No, no juego a la Play. Tengo una Wii que me regalaron, pero que por ahora la uso muy poco. Nunca jugué un NBA Live desde que estoy en la NBA.

¿Recordás cuál fue tu peor borrachera? ¿Cuándo y en dónde? ¿Y cómo terminaste!? Jaja
Jeje! Que tema delicado. Creo que fue festejando un campeonato en Italia, pero casualmente no lo recuerdo bien! ;-)

¿Cómo te ves esta temporada?
Muy “sexy”, fuerte y con mas cabello que nunca! ;-)

¿Hay algún rookie que te haya llamado la atención o que te guste?
No vi a ninguno todavía.

Honestamente… ¿cuándo crees tu que volverás a jugar? Leí en una nota de mysanantonio.com que estarás listo para diciembre, pero tu… ¿para cuándo crees que estarás 100% listo?
No lo sé, pero espero que sea a fin de Noviembre.

¿Pop no te ha dicho que quisiera tenerte en descanso el resto de la temporada y que regreses para los playoffs?
Sería realmente muy cómico si me dice eso! Que hago los casi 6 meses que faltan? Ahí sí que me tiene que agarrar un Monumental lleno de psicólogos! No no, no lo digas dos veces a ver si te escucha y le gusta la idea!

¿Te gusta CQC?
No soy un fanático, pero si estoy en casa y no tengo ningún asadito con familia o amigos lo miro.

¿Jugás a los videojuegos? ¿Y tus compañeros de los Spurs?
No, los videojuegos no son lo mío.

¿Qué te parece el Baby Etchecopar?
Un personaje. No lo escucho en la radio, pero lo vi un par de veces en tele y se que es muy cómico. Tengo familiares que lo escuchan y les encanta, pero cuando estoy en Argentina escucho muy poca radio también.

¿Hace cuanto no vas al Monumental?
No estoy seguro de haber ido alguna vez a ver un partido al Monumental! Con eso te digo todo! Creo que nunca.

¿Pudiste ver la pelicula mexicana "La ley de Herodes"? ¿Te gustó?
No, no la pude ver, pero busqué críticas y dicen que es muy buena. La voy a ver cuando empiece a viajar más seguido. Tengo muchas acumuladas.

Most important question: how are you? How is your recovery going? Any updates on when you can be back on the court to practice?
I’m doing very good. Getting better every day. Little bit at time. No idea when I’ll be able to practice with the guys, but I still have a couple weeks to go for that at least.

Are you going to make HEB commercials with the Spurs again? Who will replace Brent?
I’ll be in the HEB commercials and there’s no substitute for Brent. Tim, Bruce and me. We’ll miss him. “Mango trees don’t do that, Manu”! ;-)

Did Brent also send you a text message with a picture of him and Luis, saying that he has finally found an Argentine teammate that he likes?
How did you know? Yes, it’s true. He did it because he misses me!

The Express News reported that the Spurs had a yoga session after practice last week. Did you see your teammates doing it? Have you ever tried yoga before?
We did it twice. We ALL did it. I’ve done it once before, but I’m not big fan of it.

Respondeme porfa!!! ¿Qué significa Dios en tu vida?
No soy creyente.

Solamente eso queria saber!
Mirá que fácil!! Así sí que pudiera responder 200.000 preguntas.

¿Cuál te parece que es el nivel de la liga NCAA en los Estados Unidos comparado con el de las ligas europeas (ACB, etc...)?
No tengo idea! Miro solo algunos partidos del campeonato y se juega muy distinto que en la NBA y muy distinto que en Europa. Jugadores de muy poca experiencia, bastante inocentes, pero de enorme capacidad atlética e intensidad. Lo que ganan en un área lo pierden en otra. Imagino que es un poco menos que la ACB, pero no estoy seguro de lo que digo.

Antes de llegar a jugar en la Liga… ¿qué era lo que mas trabajabas, el tiro, salto, dribbling, musculatura?
Físicamente y el tiro. La primera no dio resultados, la segunda un poco sí.

¿Tenés raqueta? ¿Cuál?
Uhh! Tengo 2 raquetas, una que compré y otra que me regaló Coria hace como mil años. Si no me equivoco la que compré es Prince, pero ni presté atención. Fue Sepo y agarró las primeras 2 que vió.

¿Golpe favorito y golpe que más te cuesta?
Drive es el que más fácil me sale y el revés sin slice me complica mucho. Pero soy un burro total. No jugué más de 10 partidos en mi vida, eh! Me gusta, pero no lo puedo jugar lamentablemente.

¿Estilo de juego? ¿Sos de jugar de fondo o de ir a la red a cerrar? Si no sos de ir a cerrar a la red te lo recomiendo, con el metro noventa y ocho que medís, no te debería pasar nadie!! ¿Sos de comprarte ropa de tenis para jugarlo o te ponés cualquier pantalón y remera?
No tengo estilo aún! Je je. No lo pude identificar! Y no! Definitivamente no me compro ropa de tenis, las veces que lo hice, fue con look basquetbolista, pero con zapatillas bajas.

Varias veces dijiste que no te interesan demasiado los videojuegos, pero de todas formas me pregunto si te genera algo ver que te hacen particularmente detallado y que sos figura en los juegos. Creo que es un indicador de lo que representás en la liga. En el NBA Live anterior el comentarista era Steve Kerr y en una parte decía "Manu used to school me in practice" jajaja.
Creo que a Steve Kerr hasta Pop “schooled him” in practice! Je je. No era precisamente el mejor defensor de la liga! (Un chiste, Steve es un GRANDE). Sí, es un indicador de respeto y prefiero que “me hagan bueno” a malo, solo eso.

¿Tony salió en tapa del juego en Europa, se pone insufrible o no le da importancia?
Salió en la tapa de USA este año! Europa creo que fue el año pasado. No, no se pone insufrible, no dice nada. Ya estamos todos acostumbrados a verlo en todos lados!

Pop parece complicadísimo como coach, pero a la vez parece un gran tipo. ¿Tenés onda con él fuera de la organización o todo esta circunscripto a los Spurs?
Sí, tengo muy buena relación con él y su familia. Es un GRAN tipo (sí, con mayúsculas).

¿Por qué los jugadores lesionados NBA viajan con sus equipos en las giras y partidos de visitante, es por algo anímico del jugador o por la recuperación de la lesión aprovechando al cuerpo médico que viaja? ¿Tal vez por otra cosa?
Depende la lesión, pero si no es grave se viaja para hacer rehabilitación con los trainers. Muchas veces no se juega, pero se entrena, entonces tenés que estar con el equipo.

¿Por qué creés que la CABB no sacó un DVD oficial como sí hicieron la UAR (Union Argentina de Rugby) y la AFA (Asociación de Futbol Argentina) aprovechando los mayores logros de sus selecciones?
No tengo la más mínima idea. Ni sabía que la UAR y la AFA habían sacado los suyos. Anda a CABB.com.ar y preguntales…

Fabri le dijo a una revista que la relación que tiene con vos es de novios. ¿En qué etapa de ese noviazgo pensás que están?
En la crisis de los 7 años… La luna de miel ya pasó.

Hope you are healing just fine and getting ready to mentally play what you do best. Like I've mentioned before I've been a Rocket fan most of my life and most recently I became a Manu Ginobili fan (dummy me I waited too long) and honestly I hope you can forgive me for not being a Spur fan.
Okay, here is my question....Is there any chance on earth I could possibly get a picture of you & Scola at a Spurs & Rockets game? I know I might be asking for too much, but well, you never know. If your answer is yes, I will wear a shirt with both Rockets and Spurs on it. You won't miss me. Please,please say "yes".

I’ll do my best to make it happen and remember. But is not that easy since the locker rooms are on opposite ends of the courts

Como no se bien qué preguntar, me interesaría probar tu memoria en un momento puntual de tu carrera que, curiosamente, varios marcan como de quiebre en un contexto de despegue. Tu padre, tu hermano Leandro y hasta Pepe hablan mucho de un partido de sub 22 en la cancha de 9 de julio que la rompiste. Recalcan una volcada. ¿Qué te acordás (si es que te acordás)? Sí, me acuerdo! Tengo un amigo muy íntimo que me lo recuerda seguido, ya que él jugaba en 9 de Julio y casualmente me defendió por gran parte del partido, así que siempre dice que llegué a donde llegué gracias a él! Los aros de 9 de Julio eran famosos en su momento porque eran los más bajos de Bahía, eso hay que decirlo también, eh!

Una sola pregunta y para que no digas después que no hay lugar en la Agenda ¿Se puede hacer una Reunión de los Miembros de la Página después de que termine la temporada, con fines deportivos, solidarios, etílicos o de lo que sea, en algún lugar, preferentemente Bahiense del Norte?
¿Los 4993 que hay registrados hasta el momento? Por qué no esperás que terminemos el estadio y lo hacemos ahí? Je je.

Este fin de semana fui al Pepsi Music a ver a Los Decadentes (pronto voy a poner las fotos q saqué ), Fito Paez y Calamaro y me quedó otra duda con respecto a tus gustos musicales… ¿sos de escuchar la música de Andres Calamaro, te gustan sus canciones, tenés algún disco de él?
Sí, como dije arriba me gusta mucho Calamaro. El último que tengo es El Regreso y me lo escucho seguido. Alta Suciedad es genial también, me acuerdo que lo escuchaba todo el día en Reggio Calabria!

Como ya se acerca mi cumple ( 20/10) me adelante y me hice un auto regalo. Me compré dos remeras de tu marca de ropa ( una azul que tiene tu contorno y alrededor de la misma tiene palabras en inglés y la naranja que dice you can play. ¿Las remeras las diseñaste vos? ¿Fue gente de Nike las que la diseñaron?
Tuve charlas con ellos y les conté sobre mis gustos, los colores que quería, lo que yo usaba y esas cosas. Ellos iban trayéndome ideas y yo descartaba, aprobaba o pedía alguna modificación. TeamWork como le dicen. Mis favoritas son las remeras de las siluetas y el buzo con capucha que me parece genial, pero me gustan todas en serio.

Tantas cosas que decir, pero seria poco operativo ¿no? Tratar de entretenerte con demasiadas cosas. Me llamo al silencio y procedo a la pregunta por nuestro bien jaja. Si tuvieras que decirle algo a un jugador como para lograr incentivarlo tanto en el juego como en la vida ¿Que le dirías? ¿Encontrarías una frase (no necesariamente una sola) que lo lleve a sacar lo mejor de sí en la cancha y fuera de ella? Tengo miles de preguntas, como ya dije tengo mucho para decirte, pero por ser la primera vez que tengo la oportunidad de preguntar va solo una. Un gran defecto mío es que tiendo a escribir demasiado y de seguro aburro... Así que hasta ahí, no más.
Mirá relámpago, la verdad que las preguntas son muy buenas, pero complejas y necesitan desarrollo, cosa que después de responder unas 50, no te puedo ofrecer! Creo que prefiero en este momento la del color fucsia del inicio! Divertite con el básquet que es solo un deporte, un gran deporte y viví la vida que es corta, a pleno y siempre respetando al de al lado.
En este preciso momento es lo que me sale decirte.

Como siempre un abrazo grande a todos y hasta la próxima oportunidad.

» manuginobili.com

Kori Ellis
10-12-2008, 04:25 AM
This thread is for translating the article and talking about Manu and the Spurs.

The arguing about religion can go in the Political forum.


10-12-2008, 04:26 AM
¿Golpe favorito y golpe que más te cuesta?
Drive es el que más fácil me sale y el revés sin slice me complica mucho. Pero soy un burro total. No jugué más de 10 partidos en mi vida, eh! Me gusta, pero no lo puedo jugar lamentablemente.

Did Manu just say that 9/11 was a government conspiracy?



10-12-2008, 04:27 AM

10-12-2008, 04:28 AM
Did Manu just say that 9/11 was a government conspiracy?



:lol I believe he was talking about his tennis skills (if they exist...)

10-12-2008, 04:30 AM
You know, living so close to the border of Mexico as I do, you'd think I'd know a little bit more Spanish than I do. I'm still not sure what possessed me to take French in high school.

baseline bum
10-12-2008, 04:35 AM
You know, living so close to the border of Mexico as I do, you'd think I'd know a little bit more Spanish than I do. I'm still not sure what possessed me to take French in high school.

Did they teach French kissing? That's the only good reason to take the class that I can think of.

10-12-2008, 04:42 AM
Ya please translate

10-12-2008, 05:03 AM
I will not post in this thread.

10-12-2008, 06:58 AM
if its still not done by the night i'll get around to it. I'm working in a trade show so theres no chance right now!

there's some good stuff in there, but nothing really groundbreaking, aside from the whole god thing :lol.

10-12-2008, 07:40 AM
I will not post in this thread.


10-12-2008, 07:54 AM
I will not post in this thread.

That other thread was the craziest example of verbally opening Pandora's Box I've ever seen. :lol

On the topic itself:

Many people criticize you for your presence in Olympics.

Nice to see that ST is making its presence felt over in Ginobili's site. :p:

10-12-2008, 08:23 AM
This is so unfair. I just saw the other thread.

10-12-2008, 08:30 AM

10-12-2008, 08:41 AM
I’ll be in the HEB commercials and there’s no substitute for Brent. Tim, Bruce and me. We’ll miss him. “Mango trees don’t do that, Manu”! ;-)
this is the only important issue that needed answering. all the rest can go to the trash bin.

10-12-2008, 08:41 AM
:lol You missed a great show, Shoog.

10-12-2008, 08:46 AM
Fuchsia isn't his favorite color? What the hell kind of Latino is he?

10-12-2008, 09:04 AM
i'll try to work on this tomorrow (later tonight on CST time zone)

10-12-2008, 01:01 PM
I will not post in this thread.

Even I can laugh at that! This is what I think of when I think about you in the other thread:


10-12-2008, 02:34 PM
if its still not done by the night i'll get around to it. I'm working in a trade show so theres no chance right now!

there's some good stuff in there, but nothing really groundbreaking, aside from the whole god thing :lol.

Not groundbreaking but funny. The seven year itch thing and that the honeymoon is over with Fabri.

10-12-2008, 03:15 PM
What was the God thing?

It is thought that Manu said he does not believe in God. We have not had a good translation as of yet, so no one knows the context. Then there was a lot of arguing about it (mainly by me) and a lot of confusion (by everyone).

10-12-2008, 03:25 PM
i highly doubt Manu is an atheist.....most likely a catholic

10-12-2008, 03:25 PM
It is thought that Manu said he does not believe in God. We have not had a good translation as of yet, so no one knows the context. Then there was a lot of arguing about it (mainly by me) and a lot of confusion (by everyone).

Answer me plzzzz!!1!! What does god mean in your life?
I’m not a believer

I just wanted to know that!
Look how easy!! I wish I could answer 200.000 questions like that.

I would translate the whole thing but its a waste of my time.

10-12-2008, 03:35 PM
Answer me plzzzz!!1!! What does god mean in your life?
I’m not a believer

I just wanted to know that!
Look how easy!! I wish I could answer 200.000 questions like that.

I would translate the whole thing but its a waste of my time.

So manu responded "im not a believer"?

10-12-2008, 03:38 PM
So manu responded "im not a believer"?

Apparently, he did. Then all hell broke loose because I said I would be shocked if he just flat out answered a question like that on an internet forum. I made no judgment on his beliefs, just thought it seemed odd to speak so freely about that subject.

10-12-2008, 03:42 PM
manu will one day be seated at the right hand of belezbul

10-12-2008, 03:43 PM
Oh, good. It seems I will get an opportunity to add my two cents to the original discussion after all.

10-12-2008, 03:44 PM
Currently Viewing This Thread:
Kori Ellis

Uh, oh.

10-12-2008, 03:47 PM
Oh, good. It seems I will get an opportunity to add my two cents to the original discussion after all.

Uh, oh.

Not so fast! Lol

10-12-2008, 03:50 PM
The Manu Doesn't Believe in God Thread (http://spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106920)

The original thread has been moved to the political forum and is now re-opened for discussion. Please leave this thread to talk about the other 49 questions Manu answered.



10-12-2008, 03:52 PM
The Manu Doesn't Believe in God Thread (http://spurstalk.com/forums/showthread.php?t=106920)

The original thread has been moved to the political forum and is now re-opened for discussion. Please leave this thread to talk about the other 49 questions Manu answered.



You are a funny man!

10-12-2008, 03:57 PM
I'm working on the translation, here is the first part:


How do you feel is your relationship with the Spurs, both front office and coach, after your participation in the Games? It seemed like a national affair at times.
Presently is very good. I've been talking a lot with Pop and it's all decided. There is no problem. We will see how the situation changes or not in the future.

How do you prepare mentally for the suffering of sitting this first months?
I don't know if I am prepared yet! We'll see when we get started. I don't like to watch the games from outside, NOT ONE BIT! I suffer a lot and I feel I can't do anything to change things.

What are the chances you see for the Spurs this year?
The best, as always.

What do you think about this year's reinforcements?
I haven't seen enough yet. Except for Roger Mason who is a known player and has proven himself, the rest are new so is difficult to know. Besides I'm always at the pool or the gym, so I only get to see them a little at the moment.

If the rumor of Prigioni going to Houston had become reality, how do you think he would have made in the NBA?
That's impossible to know. But Pablo is a great player, with lots of experience. He would have needed, as we all did, an adaptation period, but in his position is even harder to know for sure.

Are you planning on doing a basketball clinic in Argentina sometime?
Some time in my life? Yes. I'll do it eventually. I don't know when or where I'm sorry to say.

How is the recovery going?
Everything's fine, getting better in every aspect, little by little, but improving.

Boring isn't it? What is the most entertaining thing you did so far?
Yes, boring, no doubt. Very boring. I don't think there's anything they have me doing these days that I find entertaining.

Do you remember that in Nanjing a chinese girl with a No.20 jersey gave you a hand-written book with a blue and white color which is made by your Chinese Fans Club? If you still keep it,can you tell us what you think of it? We really want to know
Yes, I do remember and I do kept it. I really appreciated it. Thanks a lot for your support!

Do you still keep close touch with Pepe? When you feel down or he feels down, will you two call each other to confide your frustration?
Not that close this last year. We usually spend time together during the boreal summer since we leave really close from each other and we are friends. But because of the Olympics we barely saw each other this time.

Many people criticize you for your presence in Olympics. Have Tim said anything like “I will always on your side” to you? And after your surgery, does Tim show a great concern or does he come to visit you frequently?
It wasn't needed. He's a great guy and he understands me. He did came to visit me, too.

Last time you said you like “Fucsia”. It means pink, purple, or violet red?
Is easier to ask Manu than go to Wikipedia, right? Or any other dictionary? Anyways, it was a joke that Fucsia was my favorite color.

Did you win a slam dunk contest in Italy in 2001? I'm asking you this because that's mentioned in some websites and is something we videologists are losing hours of sleep to. Was it maybe another slam dunk contest?
No, I did not win any slam dunk contest. When I was there they didn't do them and in that year the gave a trophy to the best slam dunk in the all star game. You can see it in the videos the guys made of my plays in Italy, the only one in which I'm with the blue jersey.

I would like to know what would you have studied if basketball didn't work out and your mother forced you to go to the university. I've read somewhere that your mother wanted you to be an accountant or something like that, what would you have chosen?
My mother wanted me to get a degree, but she wouldn't have forced me to study. She always wanted one of her sons to became a professional, but none of us gave her that pleasure. I think I would have studied to become an accountant, but I'm not 100% sure.

What did you do with the first money you earned?
It depends on which one you are referring to, but the first money I was earning coaching little kids in Bahiense, went all to the piggy bank because a wanted to buy a computer. It took a couple of years, but I made it!
As a basketball player, nothing special... a T-shirt, a couple of little things and the rest to the bank, I knew it wasn't going to be easy to get paid every month (I ended up being right).

If you had the chance to relive a game, which one would that be and why?
I have 3.
U22 World Cup Semifinal in Melbourne '97.
Euroleague Final '02.
World Cup Final '02.
They were three extremely important games for me and the three were INCREDIBLY lost. Very painful all of them.

I am a chinese fan , it's a pity that i can't go to the stadium to see your games , you'd said that you had a good experience in China , so if possible do you intend to come to China again ? If so ,which places do you want to visit more?
I loved my experience in China during the Olympics, but I’m not planning on going again soon. I’d like to visit Shanghai one day.

Do you keep in touch with the rest of the team or only when you see each other on the court?
Rest of the team? Do you mean the national team guys? Yes, we write each other fairly often although sadly many of the them are VERY lazy.

When you give your image for some ad, apart from the money they offer, do you take into account if you like the product? If you use it? If that brand goes with your personality? or you don't give much thought to that?
Yes, I take into account many things. Which company is it, which product it sells, how they intend to use my image, what is their track record, etc.

Memory game: How long is it since you last...
... mowed your lawn?
Ufff! I used to do it in my parents' house, but I guess It's been 13 or 14 years. 11 or more I'm sure.
... eaten ice cream in a cone?
I do that often. I buy some cones that I like a lot here at the supermarket. With dulce de leche inside and everything.
... taken your car to the mechanic workshop?
A lot also! I think I did it in my first year here and then never again! In Bahia my old man handles these things.
... scored a goal playing soccer?
I don't even remember the last time I played soccer! Enough said. Ah yes! In Italy, with Virtus sometimes we played and I must have scored some goals. We are talking about 2002!
... watched some El Chavo?
This year I didn't have the time to watch it when I went back to Argentina, but last year (2007) I watched some. Don Ramón rocks!

What brand of TV do you have and how big is it? If it's not new and you had to buy one now... which would it be?
I have many and of different brands. Here Samsung and LG. In Argentina Sony and LG. I'm not well informed about it. When I need it I'll look into it in detail I guess.

Do you record TV? Which system do you use?
I have the DVR my cable company provides. Yes, I record some, but I'm not a big fan of TV. In Argentina I don't record.

Blueray all the way or you stick to the DVD?
DVD and whatever they are showing in cable at that moment. There are lots of movie channels and I always find something (right now they are showing Seven, I watched like 50 times).

Do you still use the notebook with the big stain on the screen?
No, she's not being used, the poor thing! The stain spread to 40% of the screen, which makes it unusable unless you use an external monitor. It's a shame. I get attached to my computers.
Part II in progress...


10-12-2008, 04:01 PM
I have the DVR my cable company providesdam manu is commercial, he even has time warner dijjatal phone

10-12-2008, 04:06 PM
I'm working on the translation, here is the first part:

Part II in progress...


Can't wait!

Thanks :tu

10-12-2008, 04:17 PM
thank you for the translation

10-12-2008, 04:22 PM
If you had the chance to relive a game, which one would that be and why?
I have 3.
U22 World Cup Semifinal in Melbourne '97.
Euroleague Final '02.
World Cup Final '02.
They were three extremely important games for me and the three were INCREDIBLY lost. Very painful all of them.

What about .4 or The Dirk Foul?

:stirpo..... ah, forget it. Don't want to start it up again.

God bless and get well soon, Manu :tu

10-12-2008, 04:23 PM
What about .4 or The Dirk Foul?

He still got paid for those. :stirpot:

10-12-2008, 04:24 PM
Great job on the translation. Thanks

10-12-2008, 04:46 PM
I will not post in this thread.

you just did

10-12-2008, 05:02 PM
I speak spanish so I can translate the whole god thing again if someone still have doubts (although i dont know why), but I don't wanna get banned.

Mister Sinister
10-12-2008, 05:04 PM
Manu's not a believer? Did...did he not see her face?

10-12-2008, 05:27 PM
Here's part two:

We all have a favorite song, that tune that you repeat over and over again... Which is yours?
I like lots of songs but it depends on my mood. I like a lot Desconexión Sideral from Bersuit. Bichos de Ciudad from Los Piojos, Prohibido and Una nueva noche fría from Callejeros. Balada del Diablo y la Muerte from La Renga, El Fantasma from Arbol. International: Mr.Jones is one of my all time favorite songs. Shook me all night long and Back in Black from ACDC as well. I don't know! These are the ones that popped in my head now, but you know Bersuit and Callejero I like very much and I listen a lot. I like Los Piojos' last CD from top to bottom. Fito is great, I like Calamaro...

Did you have the chance to read John Hollinger article on ESPN? In short, he says in his season predictions that you'll end up 5th in the West (47-35 record) due in big part to your injury in the first part of the season, given that they won't be able to replace you effectively and that the team is little too much loaded with years. What is your opinion about it? If you want to answer him here...
We've been loaded with years for a long time and we continue to win games and championships. Every year is a new story, we'll see. I'm not expecting to miss so much games as to affect the final outcome of the team, although is hard to know that now.

What do you think of the problem Arthur, Beasley and Mario Chalmers had? (In regards to drugs) And Monta Ellis' problem (injured while practicing sports that are against the rules) and Josh Howard (who admitted to use marihuana and the lack of respect to his country).
All of them are very delicate matters. The first three, that was an ebarrasement, given the circumstances. Rookies participating of the adaptation program mandated by the NBA. The rest I don't know in detail, but it's a shame. The are both good persons but their mistakes were a little irresponsible.

Do you know what is Greg Oden's game based on?
I don know him much. I'm eager to see him. I know that he is very big and athletic, but I didn't see him in action.

Are watching pre-season games?
No, I'm not watching them.

Which was the first car you owned? How much did you pay for it?
In '97 I bought from my dad the Fiat Regatta '92 he had. I don't remember the transaction! Je je. But if I'm not mistaken what we arranged was to put a price on the car when I "took over it" and then when I were to leave to Italy he would sell it and I would pay him the difference. If that ended up being the case is still a matter of debate! Ja ja But that was the idea. I think it was 6.000 pesos, but who can be certain?

What car do you own these days? How much did it cost?
I'd rather not talk about it.

Do you play with the Playstation? Which games? Do you play as yourself in NBA Live?
No, I don't play with the Playstation. I have a Wii i was given as a gift, but I don't use much. I've never played NBA live since I joined the NBA.

Do you remember your worst drunkenness? When and where? How do you ended up?
Jeje What a delicate matter. I think it was celebrating a championship in Italy but, coincidentally enough, I don't remember very well! ;-)

How do you see yourself for this season?
Very "sexy", strong and with more hair than ever! ;-)

Has there been a rookie that has caught your attention or that you like?
I didn't see anyone yet.

Honestly... When do you think you'll be back playing? I read in an article in mysanantonio.com that you are going to ready come December, but you... when de you think you'll be 100% ready?
I don't know, but I expect it to be by the end of November.

Didn't Pop told you that he would rather have you resting for the rest of the season and coming back for the playoffs?
That would be very funny, if he told me that! What am I suppossed to do during the other six months? Now in that case I would need a whole lot of psychologists! No no, don't even say it twice lest he hears it and likes the idea!

Dou you like CQC? (an Arg. TV show)
I´m not a fan, but if I'm at home and I don't have asado with family or friends i watch it.

Do you play video games? What about your Spurs teammates?
NO, video games aren't my thing.

What do you think about Baby Etchecopar? (A useless, moronic, lying piece of shit, right wing nut, pseudo TV and radio host turned stand up comedian)
That's a character. I don't listen to him on the radio, but I've seen him on TV a couple of times and I know he is very funny. I have relatives that listen to him and they love it, but when I'm in Argentina I don't listen much radio.

How long it's been since you last went to the Monumental (one of the soccer stadiums in Buenos Aires)
I'm not sure I've ever been there to watch a game. Enough said! Never, I think.

Did you watch the Mexican movie "La ley de Herodes"? Did you like it?
No, I didn't see it but I looked for reviews and they say it's very good. I'm going to watch it when I start traveling more often. I have many movies waiting.

Most important question: how are you? How is your recovery going? Any updates on when you can be back on the court to practice?
I'm doing very good. Getting better every day. Little bit at time. No idea when I'll be able to practice with the guys, but I still have a couple weeks to go for that at least.

Are you going to make HEB commercials with the Spurs again? Who will replace Brent?
I'll be in the HEB commercials and there's no substitute for Brent. Tim, Bruce and me. We'll miss him. “Mango trees don't do that, Manu”! ;-)

Did Brent also send you a text message with a picture of him and Luis, saying that he has finally found an Argentine teammate that he likes?
How did you know? Yes, it's true. He did it because he misses me!

The Express News reported that the Spurs had a yoga session after practice last week. Did you see your teammates doing it? Have you ever tried yoga before?
We did it twice. We ALL did it. I've done it once before, but I'm not big fan of it.
Part three (and hopefuly final) coming...


10-12-2008, 05:35 PM
Thanks for the translation

10-12-2008, 05:56 PM
Your comment is going to get moved

10-12-2008, 06:07 PM
Do you remember your worst drunkenness? When and where? How do you ended up?
Jeje What a delicate matter. I think it was celebrating a championship in Italy but, coincidentally enough, I don't remember very well! ;-)

:lmao Best Cuestion!!!!

10-12-2008, 06:11 PM
thanks i have just woke up and i am glad someone stepped up and did it! i almost PM'd diego since he is awesome with his translations too... Thanks Marhq! :tu

10-12-2008, 06:12 PM
Manu's not a believer? Did...did he not see her face?

:lmao :lmao :lmao

best post in this thread.

10-12-2008, 07:02 PM
Thanks for the translation Marhq. It's a big job and we appreciate it.

10-12-2008, 07:05 PM
Thanks a lot for the translation, Marhq. :)

10-12-2008, 07:10 PM
:lmao :lmao :lmao

best post in this thread.

I didn't get it until this post, which made me think about it again. :lol

10-12-2008, 07:10 PM
Part three:

Answer me please! What does God mean in your life?
I'm not a believer.

That's all I wanted to know!
That was easy! In that way I could answer 200.000 questions.

What do you think is the level of the NCAA league in the United States compared with that of the European leagues (ACB, etc...)?
I have no idea! I watch only a few games and the play is very different from that of the NBA and very different with that of Europe. They are players with very little experience, pretty naive, but with enormous athleticism and intensity. What they gain in one area they lose in another. I would think is a little lower than the ACB, but I'm not sure of what I'm saying.

Prior to getting to the league, what aspect did you work the most on, shooting, jumping, body building?
Training and shooting. The first one didn't give results, the second one did, a little.

Do you have a tennis racket? Which one?
Uhh! I have two rackets, one that I bought and another one that Coria gave me like 1.000 years ago. If I'm not mistaken the one I bought is a Prince, but I didn't even pay attention. Sepo went and picked the first two he could find.

Your favorite stroke and the one that's the hardest for you to do?
The drive is the easiest for me and the backhand without slice is the hardest. But I totally suck. I haven't played more than 10 games in my life. I like it, but sadly I can't play it.

Playing style? Do you play on the baseline or do you go to the net to attack? If you don't use to go to the net I would recommend that yo do it, with your 6-6 no one would be able to get past you! Do you buy tennis clothing to play or do you use any T-shirts and shorts?
I don't have a style yet! Je je. I wasn't able to identify it! And no! I definetly don't buy tennis clothing for playing. The times I did it, it was with a basketball player look, but with sneakers.

Many times you said you weren't interested in video games, but anyway I wonder if you feel something seeing that they make you particularly detailed and you are a star in the games. I think that shows what you mean to the league. In the previous NBA Live Steve Kerr did the color commentary and at some point he would say "Manu used to school me in practice" jaja.
I think that even Pop schooled him in practice! Jeje. He wasn't precisely the best defender in the league! (Just kidding, Steve is GREAT). Yes, I think that shows respect and prefer to "be made good" than bad, that's it.

Tony appeared on the game cover in Europe, did that make him cocky or he doesn't give it much importance?
He made the US cover this year! Europe was last year I think. No, he doesn't get too cocky, he doesn't say anything. We are all used to see him everywhere!

Pop seems to be difficult as a coach, but a great person at the same time. Do you get along with him outside of the Spurs organization?
Yes, I have a very good relationship with him and his family. He is a GREAT guy (yes, with capital letters).

Why do injured players travel with the team during tours or road games? Is it for mental(?) reasons or to work on the recovery given that the trainers travel with the team? Maybe some other reason?
It depends on the injury, but if it's not serious you travel to continue working with the trainers. Many times you don't have games but you have practices so you have to be with the team.

Why do you think the CABB (Arg. basketball association) didn't put out an official DVD like the UAR (Arg. rugby union) and AFA (Arg. soccer association) did, taking advantage of the achievements of their national teams?
I don't have the slightest idea. I didn't know that UAR nor AFA had put out theirs. Go to CABB.com.ar and ask them...

Fabri said in an interview that the relationship he has with you is like that of boyfriends(?). In which stage do you think that relationship is?
The 7 year itch... The honeymoon is over.

Hope you are healing just fine and getting ready to mentally play what you do best. Like I've mentioned before I've been a Rocket fan most of my life and most recently I became a Manu Ginobili fan (dummy me I waited too long) and honestly I hope you can forgive me for not being a Spur fan.
Okay, here is my question....Is there any chance on earth I could possibly get a picture of you & Scola at a Spurs & Rockets game? I know I might be asking for too much, but well, you never know. If your answer is yes, I will wear a shirt with both Rockets and Spurs on it. You won't miss me. Please,please say "yes".
I'll do my best to make it happen and remember. But is not that easy since the locker rooms are on opposite ends of the courts

I'm not sure how to ask this, I would like to test your memory about a certain point of your career that many single out as a turning point. Your father, your brother Leandro and even Pepe talk a lot about an U22 game at the court of 9 de Julio in which you were fenomenal. They point out a dunk. What do you remember (if you do)?
Yes, I remember! I have a close friend that reminds me of it often, because he played for 9 de Julio and defended me in that game, so he is always telling me that I got where I did because of him! The hoops at 9 de Julio were famous because they were the lowest in all of Bahía, that also has to said, eh!

As my birthday approaches (10/20) I went ahead and gave me an auto-gift. I bought two T-shirts from your clothing line. Did you design them? Or was it people at Nike that did it?
I have talks with them and I told them about my tastes, the colors I wanted, what I wear and that kind of things. The were bringing me ideas and I discarded or approved or asked for some change to be made. Teamwork they call it. My favorites are the T-shirts with the silhouettes and the hoodie which I think is great, but I like them all, seriously.


10-12-2008, 07:23 PM
How do you see yourself for this season?
Very "sexy", strong and with more hair than ever! ;-)


10-12-2008, 07:23 PM
Fabri said in an interview that the relationship he has with you is like that of boyfriends(?). In which stage do you think that relationship is?
The 7 year itch... The honeymoon is over

:lmao Best part.

10-12-2008, 07:26 PM
He still got paid for those. :stirpot:

he got paid for the euroleague final in 02 as well.

i think it has more to do with those being single elimination tournaments, whereas in a 7 game series one game is a smaller part of elimination.

it's pretty funny how casual manu is about these questions. i dont know of any other athlete that run their website like he does, and for all the hate he gets from other fans (like that stupid slam ranking thats on the front page right now) its a miracle he hasnt had hacking/troll problems. He's so lowkey its as if they dont even notice

10-12-2008, 07:28 PM
oh, thanks and nice job on the translation... i'm too tired to check it all but what i read is on point.

10-12-2008, 07:32 PM
:lmao :lmao :lmao

best post in this thread.



10-12-2008, 07:35 PM
So Manu doesn't give a shit about the heart breaking playoff losses with the Spurs? I find it odd he lists some junior stuff and other mediocre games. Especially considering 2 of them were his fault.

It sounds like he got the bald spot fixed with the more hair than ever comment.

10-12-2008, 07:40 PM
Fabri said in an interview that the relationship he has with you is like that of boyfriends(?). In which stage do you think that relationship is?
The 7 year itch... The honeymoon is over.


10-12-2008, 07:42 PM
The more hair comment was a joke...

10-12-2008, 10:17 PM
Brutalis, the chick in your sig...I don't like her hair or face, but the rest of her is smokin.

10-12-2008, 11:48 PM
How do you feel is your relationship with the Spurs, both front office and coach, after your participation in the Games? It seemed like a national affair at times.
Presently is very good. I've been talking a lot with Pop and it's all decided. There is no problem. We will see how the situation changes or not in the future.
hmm it's a little interesting that Manu said that for now things are good but might change.

10-13-2008, 01:53 AM
Thank you for the translation!

10-13-2008, 02:02 AM
hmm it's a little interesting that Manu said that for now things are good but might change.
which is precisely correct.

10-13-2008, 02:19 AM
What question was he responding too?

10-13-2008, 02:33 AM
He doesn't believe in God? Really? was he serious? ... thought i saw him doing the sign of the cross when he put up 46 against the cavs... it wasn't that obvious but he kind of did it while going to the bench.. or was that that..

10-13-2008, 04:48 AM
I'm very happy to hear that Manu is an agnostic/athiest - makes me love him even more, especially coming from a heavily Catholicism-indoctrinated country.

However, I'm not trying to enter a discussion about this (as per Kori's instruction), just making a comment.

10-13-2008, 01:00 PM
He does not beleive in God??

that fucker hates Maradona!

10-13-2008, 01:28 PM
wow, looks like team "Satan's Children" is gonna get one hell of a wing player!

Kori Ellis
10-13-2008, 01:30 PM
I'm very happy to hear that Manu is an agnostic/athiest - makes me love him even more, especially coming from a heavily Catholicism-indoctrinated country.

It's funny, but I knew that comment was coming. :lol

Anyway, the God part of the conversation is going on in the Political forum if anyone wants to chime in there.

10-13-2008, 02:22 PM
Do you still use the notebook with the big stain on the screen?
No, she's not being used, the poor thing! The stain spread to 40% of the screen, which makes it unusable unless you use an external monitor. It's a shame. I get attached to my computers.

:lol I wonder if MG names his computers like some people name thier cars?

10-13-2008, 02:29 PM
How do you see yourself for this season?
Very "sexy", strong and with more hair than ever! ;-)

:lol hehehe

Didn't Pop told you that he would rather have you resting for the rest of the season and coming back for the playoffs?
That would be very funny, if he told me that! What am I suppossed to do during the other six months? Now in that case I would need a whole lot of psychologists! No no, don't even say it twice lest he hears it and likes the idea!

There you go, Bo. Maybe you and Timmy Duncan can split the counseling sessions with MG. :lol

Are you going to make HEB commercials with the Spurs again? Who will replace Brent?
I'll be in the HEB commercials and there's no substitute for Brent. Tim, Bruce and me. We'll miss him. “Mango trees don't do that, Manu”! ;-)

Aww. Cute. Good question, Carina.
I bet Manu would approve my signature. :)

Doctor J
10-14-2008, 08:39 AM
So Manu doesn't give a shit about the heart breaking playoff losses with the Spurs? I find it odd he lists some junior stuff and other mediocre games. Especially considering 2 of them were his fault.

.04 was NOT his fault.

O6 fouling Nowitzki was though....:depressed

10-14-2008, 10:42 AM
O6 fouling Nowitzki was though....:depressed

He put is in a position to win that game to begin with... I mean, I didn't hear the bitching when he had the balls to take that 3 pointer that got us the lead at the end of the game. To me, 2006 had a lot to do with Timmy having planar fasciitis and Avery knowing our playbook from A to Z.
He did screw up fouling Nowitzki, and he couldn't score the last bucket in regulation, but you're going to blame him for the entire 7 games series?

10-14-2008, 11:26 AM
Fabri said in an interview that the relationship he has with you is like that of boyfriends(?). In which stage do you think that relationship is?
The 7 year itch... The honeymoon is over.

:lmao That's awesome.

10-14-2008, 12:35 PM
.04 was NOT his fault.

O6 fouling Nowitzki was though....:depressed

It's 0.4.

Doctor J
10-14-2008, 10:42 PM
He did screw up fouling Nowitzki, and he couldn't score the last bucket in regulation, but you're going to blame him for the entire 7 games series?

When or where did I blame Manu for the "entire 7 games series"?:rolleyes

It was his great games, especially his games 6 performance, that made it a "series" coming back from 3-1 down, come on. Nobody should blame him for the entire series. Without him, Mavs could have won the series 4-1 or 4-2.

I just think the Spurs could have handled Miami much better than Mavs did.

It was just his silly foul that might have come from his over-enthusiasm that had costed the Spurs' "three-peat" chance.

As Manu's fan, it was much tougher to swallow.