View Full Version : McNasty: right-wing terrrorist, good; left-wing terrorist, bad.

10-16-2008, 10:22 PM
McCain Defends His Own Association With Unrepentant Criminal: It's Ok, He Went To Jail

"McCain - according to an advanced report of the show (http://thecaucus.blogs.nytimes.com/2008/10/16/mccain-to-letterman-i-screwed-up/) - initially said that he "met" Liddy before adding, "He paid his debt, he went to prison, he paid his debt."

And yet, important to note in all of this, is that Liddy has been publicly unrepentant for his actions, much like Ayers. In an interview with the UK Independent (http://www.independent.co.uk/news/people/g-gordon-liddy-voice-of-unreason-534135.html) Liddy said he didn't regret burglarizing the offices of the Democratic National Committee."

"In addition to the burglary - for which he served a four-and-a-half year sentence - Liddy broke into the office of Daniel Ellsberg, the military analyst who leaked the Pentagon Papers. He also admitted to plotting both the murder of journalist Jack Anderson - a harsh Nixon critic - and the firebombing of the Brookings Institute."



Liddy also gave instructions on the air where to shoot federal agents to avoid their body armor.

But, all that terrorism is fine with McTerroristLover.

For McNasty, Ayers big fault was that he didn't do prison time, so he's still a terrorist.

Deliciously vicious and vindictive of Letterman to bring up Liddy to McBottomGun on his show, but will that piece be left in the final cut?

10-16-2008, 10:25 PM
factcheck.org catching McNastyLiar lying about HUSSEIN-Ayers.
