View Full Version : I Will Show Americans What Greek League Is Like

10-18-2008, 07:00 AM
Americans and NBA fans is never end with their lies and bull shit about Greek League. Well you can see and learn for yourself what Greek League basketball is like and how everything you say is lies.

You keep make up nonsense about how fans do not care about basketball in Greek League and do not show up to games and do not support clubs and how no clubs can make money there. And that Greeks do not care about basketball or their league. Watch these videos and learn how ignorant and stupid your lies are and shut up already about it.

Aris Thessaloniki fans of Greek League




This is what happen when you fuck with Aris fans


10-18-2008, 07:01 AM
PAOK Thessaloniki fans of Greek League




This is what happen when you fuck with PAOK fans



10-18-2008, 07:03 AM

10-18-2008, 07:04 AM
Olympiacos Piraeus fans of Greek League





Olympiacos fans gets pissed at cops


10-18-2008, 07:36 AM
In Greece, how do you seperate the men from the boys?

(With a crowbar).


10-18-2008, 08:13 AM
Panathinaikos fans of Greek League






Panathinaikos fans teach bus full of Olympiacos players lesson


what is left of Olympiacos team bus after PAO fans finish with it


10-18-2008, 08:51 AM
you shouldnt have posted all that crap, coz now even i hate the Greek bball fans

10-18-2008, 09:15 AM
Great fans, crappy players...

10-18-2008, 09:43 AM
Thanks for showing us how uncivilized Greeks are.

10-18-2008, 09:57 AM
They are playing basketball?--looks like a soccer match.

10-18-2008, 10:22 AM
pff... any south american barrio football match can pull off those stunts.
no wonder the turks hate your guts so much.

10-18-2008, 11:17 AM
If their stadiums were as well guarded as NBA stadiums non of that crap would be happening. You have to do a bag check before going in, walk through a metal detector, and there are cops all over the place. Might have a fist fight like at the Palace with someone throwing a drink but that's the extent of it.

10-18-2008, 11:20 AM
Still don't think Josh Childress and Brandon Jennings won't get banana's thrown at them or called monkeys?

The Franchise
10-18-2008, 01:39 PM
God this is getting tired.

10-18-2008, 01:43 PM
Wow, Greece is a violent and uncivilized nation.

Thank you for opening our eyes to this dangerous and savage people.

10-18-2008, 01:52 PM
If their stadiums were as well guarded as NBA stadiums non of that crap would be happening. You have to do a bag check before going in, walk through a metal detector, and there are cops all over the place. Might have a fist fight like at the Palace with someone throwing a drink but that's the extent of it.

Same thing in Greece. If go to PAO-Olympiacos game at OAKA which is PAO home arena you must go through the police pat down, have bags check, and also you must go through metal detector. But our hooligans are use to this for very long time. We have been deal with crap of cops much longer then Americans. So in Greece the hooligans understand the tricks much better to get past these "security".

10-18-2008, 01:53 PM
Wow, Greece is a violent and uncivilized nation.

Thank you for opening our eyes to this dangerous and savage people.


Like i say before if Pacers players would have try that crap in Greece arena they would never get out alive and people here did not believe me. Beside this is nothing savage this is just Greek spirit. It seem Americans do not understand attitude of people in Greece.

About such things as basketball hooligans and soccer hooligans some Aris players that was American was take tour of Thessaloniki and they turn into PAOK area of city. They have car knock over was drag out of car beat with bats and then car was blow up.

10-18-2008, 01:55 PM
Greek security sucks.

Greek fans suck.

10-18-2008, 01:58 PM
Greek security sucks.

Greek fans suck.

No. Last season PAO fans got "punish" because some of the hooligans kill some cops and some Olympiacos fans outside arena. Riot cops came with tear gas and rubber bullets and all same crap they try in US. Difference is in Greece people do not care. Cannot control Greek riot.

Then Olympiacos fans got mad and they burn down couple neighborhoods where PAO fans mostly live. is no security can stop this. Again Americans with brainwash attitude. You have let government tame you.

10-18-2008, 02:04 PM
Greek league looks like a cross between the 80s and every soccer riot ever.

10-18-2008, 02:09 PM
No. Last season PAO fans got "punish" because some of the hooligans kill some cops and some Olympiacos fans outside arena. Riot cops came with tear gas and rubber bullets and all same crap they try in US. Difference is in Greece people do not care. Cannot control Greek riot.

Then Olympiacos fans got mad and they burn down couple neighborhoods where PAO fans mostly live. is no security can stop this. Again Americans with brainwash attitude. You have let government tame you.:lol You just used Greek basketball fans' killing cops and other fans as evidence against Greek fans being violent and sucking?


10-18-2008, 02:13 PM
Still don't think Josh Childress and Brandon Jennings won't get banana's thrown at them or called monkeys?

This is not usual behavior for most Greek fans but Olympiacos fans is racist they like jump up and down and make monkey noises to black players of other team which is funny because Sofo is Greek and black. Olympiacos fans is racist but main problem is with their fans. Like with PAO fans or Aris fans maybe only one section of arena will act this way but sometimes Olympiacos fans like 1/3 arena can do this. Most of time Greek fans hit players with beer bottles and they hit them with coins or ice from the soda drinks. Sometimes they throw the food at them also. If player or ref or coach make home team fans mad then sometimes chairs get throw or rockets launch at court.

Last season in Greek final PAO fans launch rocket at Olympiacos players and then they set a fire behind the Olympiacos bench but was no racist act then it was because Olympiacos coach was jump up and down and make monkey noise and scratches at black player in PAO and then he call Diamantidis faggot and Spanoulis idiot so PAO fans was justify to do what was done and launch rocket at team and then set fire behind the bench.

But the racist things is more happen in Spain and Italy. Greeks are not so bad on this. But Olympiacos fans can be very deviant. There is the famous water bottle thing. In Euroleague championship game the fans sneak into the back of arena where the water bottles and gatorade cooler was at and before it got take to bench of opponent they were poison.

All except 4 players of other team (ones that had not drink yet) went to hospital and must have stomach pump. They have to play game with just 4 players. Players was screaming and puking and everything right there on court. When report come to cops they just say something like they get what they deserve be so stupid enough drink something from Olympiacos arena.

Since this there has never been player from other team drink anything unless they bring it themselves. So Olympiacos fans have gone more far then any other. Was even worse then when PAO fans kill some cops and Olympiacos fans. Still was good one when PAO fans attack the Olympiacos players bus and beat them up and then burn the bus.


10-18-2008, 02:13 PM
:lol You just used Greek basketball fans' killing cops and other fans as evidence against Greek fans being violent and sucking?


Is not "violent". Greek culture is different then American one.

10-18-2008, 02:19 PM
Is not "violent".Right. It's violent without the quotation marks.

The Franchise
10-18-2008, 02:22 PM
Greek culture is different then American one.

Now that I agree with. :toast

10-18-2008, 02:22 PM
2 Shish Kebobs with a side of tabouli please!

10-18-2008, 02:31 PM
Right. It's violent without the quotation marks.

I think violent ones is PAOK fans. Everyone know never to fuck with them. Like I say was last year some American players from Aris was take tour driving around Thessaloniki. They make turn into PAOK area of city. They get lost and ask for some driving directions. Some fans recognize them as Aris players and they have car knock over was drag from car beat with baseball bats and then car was set on fire and blow up.

Is true PAO fans have cause many riots and there has been some deaths normally every year in riots and attacks cause by PAO fans even was the last time PAO fans break into Olympiacos soccer stadium and try burn it down but PAOK fans is much crazier then all others. If you walk into PAOK area of Greece with shirt or hat of some other club you are ask for it.

10-18-2008, 03:00 PM
Sounds like a bunch of violent idiots to me

10-18-2008, 03:17 PM
Greek women are hot though

10-18-2008, 03:22 PM
So let me get this straight..Kill Bill is proud of the fact that Greeks act like fucktards and make Islamic militants look peaceful? You think it's cool to kill people over a damn basketball game? Maybe spurstalk should build a big Roman Colosseum and fans from each team fight to the death..shit kill Bill gets dumber and dumber. What's your point with this thread?

10-18-2008, 03:23 PM
Greek women are hot though

I did have a Greek piece of ass (hottttttt) a while back, but I had to break up with her. She insisted on cooking for me all the time and Greek food sucks.

And as far as spirit, we have TEN TIMES more attendance and rowdy enthusiasm at college football games moron. Stick to your small country and small scale thinking loser.

10-18-2008, 03:30 PM
Looks positively charming. Enjoy your little toilet.

BTW, if it's so fucking great, how come you spend so much of your time on the message board for fans of an overlooked NBA franchise in a small market?

10-18-2008, 03:44 PM
Pana, I love Greece, but by all means stop saying that Greek basketball is >>>> U.S

10-18-2008, 04:23 PM
Sounds like Oakland Raiders fans

The highest point of the stadium has been dubbed Mount Davis, where fans on the east side of the stadium sit (or stand) in rows from sections 335 to 355, yelling down from on high. The south end zone is known as The Black Hole. The fans dress only in black and have been known to distract the opposing team by any means necessary.
''Batteries, chicken bones, coins, you name it,'' Jets center Kevin Mawae said of the items he has dodged. ''I've had it all. You just hope you don't get backed up, and when you do, you keep your helmet on.''

http://query.nytimes.com/gst/fullpage.html?res=9907E6D81631F932A25752C0A9659C8B 63

10-18-2008, 08:45 PM
am i the only one that gets the feeling that killbill is indazone? w.e its a just a gut feeling

10-19-2008, 01:20 AM
Is not "violent". Greek culture is different then American one.
I am wondering if this a typo and he meant "violet" instead.

10-19-2008, 01:52 AM
Kill Bill Pana= a basketball genius. He inspired me to respect Greek ball so much more. :toast

10-19-2008, 04:57 AM
am i the only one that gets the feeling that killbill is indazone? w.e its a just a gut feeling

Believe what you want.

Who gives a rats ass.

10-19-2008, 05:33 AM

10-19-2008, 07:16 AM
Pana, I love Greece, but by all means stop saying that Greek basketball is >>>> U.S

I never said this.

10-20-2008, 01:58 AM
hey isnt leonidas and his 300 men from greece?

if so

greeks>fat,spoiled and loudmouth americans

10-20-2008, 01:59 AM
im assuming greek women>fat, gold digging american women too

10-20-2008, 05:39 AM
wow, does it never stop?
next KBP will show us some Greek fans peeing from the stands and barf on their own seats and he will tell us that this shows how physical they are.
I can't help to more and more get the realization that none in this world hates Greek and Greek people as much as Kill Bill Pana does, considering how hard he tries to make them look bad.
whoever KBP is and for whatever reason he does all of this, no man, no country, no team deserves such treatment.

10-20-2008, 08:19 AM
wow, does it never stop?
next KBP will show us some Greek fans peeing from the stands and barf on their own seats and he will tell us that this shows how physical they are.
I can't help to more and more get the realization that none in this world hates Greek and Greek people as much as Kill Bill Pana does, considering how hard he tries to make them look bad.
whoever KBP is and for whatever reason he does all of this, no man, no country, no team deserves such treatment.


10-20-2008, 08:43 AM
Even if he's a fool, I often feel pity for KBP, but this thread contains some of the worst arguments I have ever seen.

Seriously, how does killing cops legitimize Greek basketball? And that's not violent how?

10-21-2008, 04:20 AM
riots, fight, and fire
Now the league is respectable

10-21-2008, 09:08 AM
riots, fight, and fire
Now the league is respectable

Don't know about the league, but I'm sure it gives a whole new meaning to "home court advantage".

I personally dislike violence, that's one of the reasons I don't go to soccer stadiums too much any more. But on the other hand I recognize I like the noisy environments in the games much more. It's just a shame there are always some over-excited jerks throwing coins or cell phone batteries.

10-21-2008, 09:54 AM
While you are at it, will you show Americans what speaking legible english is like, too?

10-21-2008, 11:38 AM
hey isnt leonidas and his 300 men from greece?

if so

greeks>fat,spoiled and loudmouth americans

Is this a joke? If it's not...read some history first before watching a movie and believing all of it. :rolleyes

10-21-2008, 12:29 PM
those videos make me glad we don't have euro-white-trash up in our NBA games.