View Full Version : Owners want FIBA protection

10-23-2008, 08:38 PM

Around the NBA: Owners want FIBA protection

By Adrian Wojnarowski (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/expertsarchive;_ylt=AtQ4ieyH94X5k2Lq.W7sGYbTjdIF?a uthor=Adrian+Wojnarowski), Yahoo! Sports 15 hours, 35 minutes ago

When the NBA’s Board of Governors meets with commissioner David Stern on Thursday in New York, one of the most pressing items on the agenda for several owners will be the future of NBA participation in FIBA basketball.
There’s been a growing concern with owners and league executives that too many unnecessary risks have been taken with NBA players when they’re playing for national teams. For one thing, FIBA has shown little willingness to make uniform medical standards for NBA players representing countries in international tournaments. There’s a segment of league officials who want the league to redo an open-ended agreement with FIBA and demand stricter guidelines and protections for its players.
Some league executives have been angered over their players being unable to get ice and tape – never mind legitimate NBA-level care – with some national teams. What’s more, several NBA teams believe national federation teams routinely send injured players back into games. This has been suggested in the past few years with several players, including Yao Ming (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/players/3599/;_ylt=AqGqcdaCtSL6QUXHrQ6yMXjTjdIF), Pau Gasol (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/players/3513/;_ylt=Av1SxRR5hygQPhBhU1GQZZDTjdIF), Manu Ginobili (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/players/3380/;_ylt=Ap4ksZVNiHMHALCRMvDNN.vTjdIF) and Tony Parker (http://sports.yahoo.com/nba/players/3527/;_ylt=AsuisAAAHUZ6y5nmYNaDDFrTjdIF).
Stern has sold owners on the importance of NBA player participation for European and Far East teams as a way to market the game internationally and create new revenue streams. Yet, as more NBA players come from poorer countries it will be harder to maintain quality care for players when they’re away from NBA doctors and trainers.