View Full Version : "I'm not doing this for naught."

10-29-2008, 05:14 PM
Gov. Sarah Palin suggested that if the Republican ticket is defeated on Tuesday she expects to be a player in the next election four years from now, saying "I'm not doing this for naught."


10-29-2008, 05:16 PM
I'd like to get naughty with her.

cool hand
10-29-2008, 05:20 PM
you know Ron Paul is a real republican I don't understand why the party doesn't run to the barry goldwater right, that would bring people back by the millions.

10-29-2008, 05:20 PM
Be afraid libs, be very afraid.


10-29-2008, 05:21 PM
Be afraid libs, be very afraid.


Afraid of what?

10-29-2008, 05:30 PM
I'm pretty sure Democrats wish every Republican candidate was Sarah Palin right now.

10-29-2008, 05:38 PM
I'm pretty sure Democrats wish every Republican candidate was Sarah Palin right now.

I wish more Republicans were like Dr. Paul and more Democrats were like Slick Will.

10-29-2008, 06:01 PM
I would vote for Ron Paul if he were the Republican nominee. Unfortunately he has no chance of winning, I'd be wasting my vote on him and allowing the possibility for McCain to win.

Wild Cobra
10-29-2008, 06:48 PM
you know Ron Paul is a real republican I don't understand why the party doesn't run to the barry goldwater right, that would bring people back by the millions.

He's a real libertarian. He lacks certain aspects that are part of the republican platform, like supporting our troops. I like him the best of all the primary candidates except his stance ib the Iraqi war. That was a killer for me.

10-30-2008, 02:11 AM
Be afraid libs, be very afraid.


Please make her the face of your Party. PLEASE! :hungry:

10-30-2008, 02:31 AM
Please make her the face of your Party. PLEASE! :hungry:


cool hand
10-30-2008, 07:57 AM

He's a real libertarian. He lacks certain aspects that are part of the republican platform, like supporting our troops. I like him the best of all the primary candidates except his stance ib the Iraqi war. That was a killer for me.

thats because you are blinded by neocon war bullshit.

10-30-2008, 08:12 AM
Good Girl Sarah...send the message to McCain that he needs to lead or get the fuck out of the way.

This is the A#1 reason I like her and why the selection reflected positively on McCain himself...because you don't pick someone like her as your running mate unless you intend to make waves...because she's going to go after you if she doesn't like the way you do things and if you aren't moving fast enough.

This chick is awesome...best politician in America.

She's so much of a better candidate than the other 3 guys in this election that it isn't even funny.

You trash her...you need to just shut the fuck on up about the corruption and ineptness of Washington Politicians from here on out...becuase you had a chance to put legitimate real person in there...and went with the Harvard Lawyer and career poliiticos instead. You deserve what you get from that enormous bit of stupidity...

Ploto...you need to put it in yoru sig that you love typical Washington Politicians...because it's the truth. You love Washtington corruption...you love it with all your heart. Therefore you are not a valid critic of the government...Democrat or Republican.

10-30-2008, 08:23 AM



10-30-2008, 08:28 AM
Palin's Love Boats

By Richard Cohen
Tuesday, October 28, 2008; A17

Until two cruise ships steamed up to Alaska two summers ago, the record for the silliest statement by a journalist had been held by Lincoln Steffens, in his time a famous American radical. Sent in 1919 to see how Russia was doing under the communists, Steffens supposedly reported, "I have seen the future, and it works." In 2007, several conservative journalists got off their cruise ships and met Sarah Palin. They saw the present, and she was a babe.

The cruises were sponsored by the National Review and the Weekly Standard, journals of significant influence in conservative circles. The ships disgorged some top conservative editors and writers, who on two occasions were invited at the governor's mansion. Almost to a man, they were thunderstruck.

What followed, once everyone returned to the lower 48, was a gusher of mush -- praise, love notes, sweet nothings and, altogether, the sort of mooning one does not usually hear from the likes of William Kristol, Fred Barnes, Rich Lowry, Dick Morris and my Post colleague Michael Gerson. In short order, important writers set themselves the task, in print and on television, of promoting Palin and, in the process, making perfect asses of themselves. They succeeded at both.

The account of that summer of love comes from yet a third magazine, the New Yorker. In it, Jane Mayer detailed the efforts of the highly ambitious Palin to become well known in the Washington political-journalistic milieu she pretends, in proper demagogic fashion, to detest. After an apparently bravura saying of grace, she wowed her guests with some excellent halibut cheeks and the Category 4 force of her personality. Some of them sank into a kind of delirium known to high schoolers and praised her as "my heartthrob" (Kristol), "a mix between Annie Oakley and Joan of Arc" (Gerson) and, so far not evident, "smart" (Barnes).


cool hand
10-30-2008, 08:28 AM



10-30-2008, 08:34 AM

Shouldn't you guys be worried about unfucking your state before you start worrying about National shit?


10-30-2008, 08:41 AM
Good Girl Sarah...send the message to McCain that he needs to lead or get the fuck out of the way.

This is the A#1 reason I like her and why the selection reflected positively on McCain himself...because you don't pick someone like her as your running mate unless you intend to make waves...because she's going to go after you if she doesn't like the way you do things and if you aren't moving fast enough.

This chick is awesome...best politician in America.

She's so much of a better candidate than the other 3 guys in this election that it isn't even funny.

You trash her...you need to just shut the fuck on up about the corruption and ineptness of Washington Politicians from here on out...becuase you had a chance to put legitimate real person in there...and went with the Harvard Lawyer and career poliiticos instead. You deserve what you get from that enormous bit of stupidity...

Ploto...you need to put it in yoru sig that you love typical Washington Politicians...because it's the truth. You love Washtington corruption...you love it with all your heart. Therefore you are not a valid critic of the government...Democrat or Republican.

You are proof that "looks can be deceiving" is a true statement when it comes to Palin.

10-30-2008, 08:48 AM
"I'm not doing this for whottt."

10-30-2008, 08:50 AM
"I'm not doing this for whottt."

But whottt wouldn't mind doing it to her.

10-30-2008, 10:06 AM
Shouldn't you guys be worried about unfucking your state before you start worrying about National shit?


Who is you guys and tell me again why I should have no interest in the POTUS election?

Michigan is fucked. There is no recovery. It will never, ever be what it was. There is nothing that can be done about it, either.

You have a manufacturing-heavy workforce with no manufacturing work. Nor does the rest of the country, we outsource that shit.

Its going to take generations to overcome that, there is no magic bullet. Thats why I think its funny to see the Governor or some politician talk about Michigan becoming a tech/pharma/etc state. Its a joke. You cant just re-train the majority of your workforce and send them to college to qualify for these positions. This is a "shop rat" state, always has been and probably always will be (sadly).

So no, un-fucking my state is impossible. We dont have cheap, illegal labor crossing our borders. We have socialists who make way more $$ per position.

True story.

We installed some equipment in an Ontario, CA plant. Well, it needed to be serviced after X amount of time (very normal) by a pipefitter. Canada has a Gestapo-type position in every company, in as much as I understand it, they make sure the workforce is properly represented and compensated according to law.

Anyway, we sent our pipefitter to service the equipment. Obviously, he needs a work visa. In order to get a visa, you need to answer some simple questions. One was....

Canadian: "What is his title and job description?"
Us: "Pipefitter. Assesses, fabricates and installs all pipe...hydraulic, pneumatic or otherwise"
C: "Ok, he will make $27 CAD an hour."
U: "What?! He doesnt make that much money."
C: "Well, that job does here in Canada, so thats what anyone makes under all circumstances."
U: "Youre telling us what we will pay him while he works in your country?"
C: "Bingo. No exceptions."

So yeah, we dont have a super-cheap workforce to ply our trade to. Michigan's economy is in the tank for good. Until the generations after mine start graduating college at a much higher percentage in fields of study that arent service related, it will stay in the gutter.

People come to Michigan to get an education, not to stay here once youre done. There are no jobs, no new companies moving in, no construction, no housing market, nothing. You either have a good job right now, or you dont. No in between.

Taxes are going to go through the roof much sooner than later, our weakening dollar may (or not) attract some more work our way (other countries will look to outsource their work), but I doubt that as well.

Its funny....I think I overheard recently someone say "This will be the first time our kids have it worse than us." Sadly, its true.

10-30-2008, 10:22 AM
Shouldn't you guys be worried about unfucking your state before you start worrying about National shit?


Being an American means caring about more than just your own state.

10-30-2008, 10:28 AM
DR, if you just agree with whottt, he'll call you the future savior of your state.

10-30-2008, 11:02 AM

Holy shit...I never realized Ron Paul was an alcoholic....I knew he wasn't flawless, but it was hard identifying his flaws outside of some of his overly simplistic and extremist solutions.

Viva Las Espuelas
10-30-2008, 11:07 AM



i do agree with that this time around, but i think in 4 years it could be a different story. we'll see.

10-30-2008, 11:22 AM
I think Sarah has a shot at POTUS but not yet......not yet.

10-30-2008, 11:54 AM
pitbull bitch was a gimmick for the religious right (anti-woman, anti-choice, anti-science, anti-nature, pro-creationism, fringe "religion").

She's a main, perhaps primary, cause of McNasty failed campaign, although McNasty's competes well with her for that honor.

If the Repug moderates and oxymoronic "true conservatives" can re-capture the party after being massacred next Tue, then bizarro, unqualified mediocrity pitbull bitch is roadkill. Call Animal Control to pickup the carcass.

in '12 and '16, she'll be older, less attractive to White Males who vote with their dicks rather than their narrow-minded heads.

10-30-2008, 12:15 PM
Please, no, I just can not take another stupid president.

10-30-2008, 12:18 PM
If Sarah Palin decides to run in 2012 I will personally donate to her campaign. If she is the nominee that is a guaranteed loss for the GOP and furthermore likely pushes them further into oblivion for the next decade.

10-30-2008, 12:32 PM
If Sarah Palin decides to run in 2012 I will personally donate to her campaign. If she is the nominee that is a guaranteed loss for the GOP and furthermore likely pushes them further into oblivion for the next decade.

I wonder who is going to play the role of her parental guardian when she does interviews if she's the prez candidate...

10-30-2008, 12:37 PM
I don't see why she couldn't run in 4 years. By then she could even have an education.

10-30-2008, 12:41 PM
I don't see why she couldn't run in 4 years. By then she could even have an education.


baseline bum
10-30-2008, 01:31 PM
Palin will never get the 2012 nomination. She makes Bush look like Stephen Hawking.

cool hand
10-30-2008, 05:50 PM
Holy shit...I never realized Ron Paul was an alcoholic....I knew he wasn't flawless, but it was hard identifying his flaws outside of some of his overly simplistic and extremist solutions.

his shit isnt extreme its common sense.

you have been manipulated like a pretzel by the media.:downspin: