View Full Version : Something Funny at SpursReport

10-31-2008, 10:18 PM
Saw this posted at SR tonight. I copied it before they deleted it.

To all members of SpursReport,

Hello from the great beyond! Okay that was a little dramatic but drama has been all too present here recently. You may have noticed that many significant contributors to this forum have disappeared over the past few months. If you’re new here the rough estimate is that people who had around 40% of the ALL-TIME posts have left/been banned. Why is this? SpursReport has always been a family friendly site, offering better moderation than other Spurs forums. But when SpursReport decided to over-moderate it began to alienate some of its members. The member you know as MomBear appears to be at the heart of the over moderation. It seems MomBear (aka Mary Davila) likes to have power over others. She would delete posts and threads just because a comment or opinion didn’t agree with hers. When the previous moderators (now gone from the site) became aware of this they voted to remove her moderation powers. We were told she took a break from SpursReport. The forum was rejuvenated after that. We were allowed to post differing opinions on “controversial” topics (eg: How much Luis Scola sucks). It wasn't destined to last long though as MomBear was appointed to be a "News Editor" by an unnamed administrator. It is obvious to us that she was given some administrative/moderator powers back, which the owner of the site denies. She somehow had the power to reinstate a banned member (GSiff_Spurs). She continues to over moderate the forums to this very day. One may think that she is a nice individual. But once you disagree with her or she takes one of your jokes the wrong way you’ll be banned. So watch out.

Then there is good ole Spurssheriff. Who is Spurssheriff exactly? Half the time Spurssheriff doesn’t even know who Spurssheriff is. The truth is that several moderators and admins have access to this account. You never can truly tell who you are talking to. This has been confirmed by someone posing as Spurssheriff him/herself. The fact that the moderators and admins have to hide behind a fake persona should speak to the type of character these individuals have. They don’t even respect the members of SpursReport enough to post by one name, instead deceiving member after member behind a fake persona. PMs have been sent to Spurssheriff in the morning to report a violation only to have Spurssheriff reply later in the day that he/she was not aware of the PMs that occurred in the morning. That would leave room for a particular individual to “screen” the PMs and only report what he/she thought was appropriate. Which brings us to Private Messages. You might want to ask yourself if they are in the last bit “private”. In fact they are not. With the events that have occurred in early August as well as the turnover that occurred, sources have come forward to explain that PMs can be screened by an administrator(s) and read if necessary. Shouldn’t they be called “Semi-Private Messages” then? A fun exercise that someone told us about is to put extravagant phrases in the titles to your PMs. An example would be, “Urgent! Life or Death Situation Regarding SR!!!” Have some fun.

Another fun exercise is to check out the member list on SR. Why would that be fun? Because there are hundreds of members with a default birthday of 1969 and no posts. Could the current regime have created all these new members in order to strike an advertising deal? The only other explanation is someone not affiliated with the site decided he/she wanted to bolster the member numbers for no reason. There is also someone who claims that the former Tech Guy for SR went to another forum and asked how he could create dummy accounts using the system software. We report, you decide.

Those reading this will probably have noticed the member SR News Editor. Did you know it is an automated poster? Such poster(s) only post news stories and never reply. If you have found instances where SR News Editor has replied that's because MomBear has control over the account (notice her title). Those replies are very rare though. The first iteration of a bot was “SR News Bot”. It received a backlash from members because it would flood the forums with threads that had either already been posted or threads that simply no one cared about. The administrators decided they needed to keep traffic up (even by artificial means) so they created more bots but didn’t tell people so there would be little or no backlash. People enjoy posting on a certain forum because of the topics and people, not because an automated poster force-feeds unwanted stories. Look at many of the threads started by SR News Editor. A great deal of the threads it starts have little responses and rarely make it past one page of responses. Before the admins changed the "join date", SR News Editor averaged an astonishing 869 posts per day. This was brought to the admins attention and was quickly updated to correct their error. That number is obviously manipulated by the moderators and admins of the site to look like the site is doing well.

A nifty hack the tech team has learned is the “Miserable User” hack. This basically means they do not want you around. It is a code/hack written into the software where they can apply it to a certain poster and disable that member’s ability to access the site. That member only has a 5% of getting logged into SR, but are not banned. The management of the site doesn’t even have the audacity to tell you that. They just put a code on your account and hope the problem will take care of itself. Nor do they put “Banned” under a miserable user’s name. Therefore it appears that a certain poster is still here and no one will ask questions about why a certain poster was “banned” because technically they were not. Realistically they are no longer welcome at SpursReport anymore. Recently a poster that was labeled a "Miserable User" was asked to come back by the owner of the site. That poster wasn’t sure how he could come back when he was designated a "Miserbale User". It is just more evidence that admins of the site are quite incompetent. One could also surmise that SR is in such trouble that a once labeled Miserable User was asked to come back.

Many of these problems have occurred over the past year, but most recently you may have noticed that many of the previous moderators and large volume posters no longer post. At least two moderators resigned because of the owner’s loyalty to a person (MomBear) he thought was saving his forum. She ended up getting rid of members that made up more than 40% of the total posts on the site. She was able to do so because she works at a company that is in business with the website. We don't know who struck first, us or them (it was them). But we do know they scorched the site. At the time, they were dependent on posting power. It was believed they would be unable to survive without an energy source as abundant as a large core of members. It looks as if we were right. Recently the castaways created a new forum. It was quickly shut down because the owner of SpursReport threatened legal action against them for using e-mails obtained through SR to invite people to the new forum. Make sense? Yeah we didn’t think so either. The owner had no ground to stand on but rather than tempt fate (and the stupidity of the owner) the person who was in charge of the new forum shut it down. This isn’t something new for the owner of SpursReport unfortunately. He tried it with Kori Ellis when she split off from SR and started Spurs Talk.com (no space it is bleeped out here). She didn’t back down though and now Spurs Talk has more traffic than SR (karma).

These are just a few among many of examples of what SpursReport has become over the past year or so. So if you want to remain a loyal poster to a site where the management deceives you, provides false insider information (Spurssheriff told us Scola was being signed by the Spurs in the summer of ’07), just stick to making posts about how Scola is the greatest human being in the history of Earth (MomBear has a crush on him). Oh you can also bash Robert Horry (MomBear hates Horry even though he helped bring us 2 rings). You will have no problems.


10-31-2008, 10:22 PM
That's why I don't even bother with that site.

10-31-2008, 10:34 PM
Fuck SpursReport.

Lisa Jobs
10-31-2008, 10:37 PM
what forum was it in?

10-31-2008, 10:38 PM
what forum was it in?

I saw it in the Cantina but I've been told it was in all of them.

Lisa Jobs
10-31-2008, 10:40 PM
SR also has moles!


Lisa Jobs
10-31-2008, 10:46 PM
I saw it in the Cantina but I've been told it was in all of them.

You know which topic I want to do a screen capture.

10-31-2008, 10:47 PM
You know which topic I want to do a screen capture.

Oh it's long gone. I was reading a thread about $2 Gas and saw it. But it was deleted.

10-31-2008, 10:56 PM
I just posted over there and it kicked me out and sent me back to the home page. And it is slow as hell.

10-31-2008, 10:59 PM
I just posted over there and it kicked me out and sent me back to the home page. And it is slow as hell.

It's a barren wasteland. I laugh every time I go over there and see empty threads. Looks like they're gonna have to make it a pay site or shut it down :lmao

10-31-2008, 11:15 PM
75% of the blame has to go to DizzG. Although him and I are semi friends (his choice not mine) DizzG was an Administrator. He could have easily told Dusty he didn't like the way the site was being run. DizzG also let people like Almente and ladySpur and others use there own personal views as means to moderate. Even LS would tell you if you say anything bad about her eagles your post will get deleted.

I told Mombear in a PM right before my 3rd banning that having her and two other female moderators was one of the worst thing SR has ever done. It was a bad idea since all the (Guy type) topics where disappearing. For a few months the cantina turned into the View.

I am sure if you go to the way back time machine and dig up some of my posts from 1997-2004 you will find me saying over and over the www is made up of a core of people who have jobs from cashiers to dentist to teachers etc...and they want to be treated like a person not just another screen name.

That is why ESPN, the ticket, and many sports websites are slow they just don't seem to get it. You can go to CBS and check out how slow and fucked up their boards are with posters asking why? how can it be ST is doing better than CBS?

well it's almost 2009 maybe now the light bulb will finally turn on.

10-31-2008, 11:20 PM
75% of the blame has to go to DizzG. Although him and I are semi friends (his choice not mine) DizzG was an Administrator. He could have easily told Dusty he didn't like the way the site was being run. DizzG also let people like Almente and ladySpur and others use there own personal views as means to moderate. Even LS would tell you if you say anything bad about her eagles your post will get deleted.

I told Mombear in a PM right before my 3rd banning that having her and two other female moderators was one of the worst thing SR has ever done. It was a bad idea since all the (Guy type) topics where disappearing. For a few months the cantina turned into the View.

I am sure if you go to the way back time machine and dig up some of my posts from 1997-2004 you will find me saying over and over the www is made up of a core of people who have jobs from cashiers to dentist to teachers etc...and they want to be treated like a person not just another screen name.

That is why ESPN, the ticket, and many sports websites are slow they just don't seem to get it. You can go to CBS and check out how slow and fucked up their boards are with posters asking why? how can it be ST is doing better than CBS?

well it's almost 2009 maybe now the light bulb will finally turn on.

I'd put money on the electricity being turned off. SR is on it's last leg.

10-31-2008, 11:37 PM
I'd put money on the electricity being turned off. SR is on it's last leg.

I don't see them going anywhere anytime soon. Dusty Is close friends with Fanny Mae.

10-31-2008, 11:38 PM
I don't see them going anywhere anytime soon. Dusty Is close friends with Fanny Mae.


They're threatening to make it a pay site. I guess having so few member who post is causing a funding crunch with the advertisers.

11-01-2008, 12:53 AM
I saw that site before I seen ST and I sign up but never posted. I didn't like the feel/look of the site, once I found ST I never look back. My only ties to that board are the emails asking me back which now go into my spam box.

11-01-2008, 01:03 AM

They're threatening to make it a pay site. I guess having so few member who post is causing a funding crunch with the advertisers.

Well, Kori and LJ are funding ST out of their own pocket, and to my knowledge they don't make a dime off it. I guess if SR wants to remain online they're going to have to make a similar sacrifice.

Smackie Chan
11-01-2008, 02:07 AM

They're threatening to make it a pay site. I guess having so few member who post is causing a funding crunch with the advertisers.

It's not really about money it's about greed. At one time SR would always get offers to sell, but they always said no, and wanted way more money than they was worth. The other problem is Ego! You have to have one hell of an ego to tell LJ and Kori to go get fucked! we don't need you! Kiss my ass! and expect to survive by using **** ****when someone says Kori Eilis or ******** when someone says Spurstalk.

People don't like censorship, if we did? we would all move to China, they have free medical.

And when you Delete a topic? Your doing what the Nazi's did during the war when they burned all the books and art work the Jews had. At least locking a topic can show others who started the shit and who ruined the topic and thus the site get better as others leans from others mistakes.

but SR has always been CIA very hush..hush..never admit why they do what they do, Who's Jay Howard? Chris Duel who?

Kinda like when Jay Howard was let go WOAI radio acted like he never existed. And all this could have been avoided if mHarmon and Dusty didn't just merge WOAI without notice with SR like a pit bull with a two year old child in a 7 x 9 room that really fucked things up and created the so called rivalries and ruined a good thing. the shit was going good why fix it?

11-01-2008, 02:36 AM
spursreport has a bad track record that is well known. You won't see me racing to post there any time soon.

11-01-2008, 02:52 AM
This Shastafarian dude should get a spur under his name for being smart enough and fast enough to copy this shit before the deletion!

T Park.
11-01-2008, 02:55 AM
I would give an hours pay! (about 100 dollars) to see the persons face who deleted the topic and found out it had already been copied! :lol

11-01-2008, 02:58 AM
I see this kind of stuff happen on a daily basis.

petrified poster
11-01-2008, 03:12 AM
And I thought my shit was old!

11-01-2008, 03:34 AM
It's one of the things you have to really like about Kori and TimVP:

They don't take any of this shit too seriously, they don't go on power trips or anything like that, this site really is about us, not them, and that's the way a well run forum should be...

11-01-2008, 03:47 AM
I don't know much about SR per se, but from what I can gather, the situation is reflective of my title phrase: petty tyranny sucks

If people would stop being fucking asshole tyrants over petty issues and personal power trips, this world would be a much more enjoyable place.

It sucks SR was ruined from within, because I've been through a board collapse myself and as an innocent member I was pissed. Condolences.

marini martini
11-01-2008, 03:49 AM
It's not really about money it's about greed. At one time SR would always get offers to sell, but they always said no, and wanted way more money than they was worth. The other problem is Ego! You have to have one hell of an ego to tell LJ and Kori to go get fucked! we don't need you! Kiss my ass! and expect to survive by using **** ****when someone says Kori Eilis or ******** when someone says Spurstalk.

People don't like censorship, if we did? we would all move to China, they have free medical.

And when you Delete a topic? Your doing what the Nazi's did during the war when they burned all the books and art work the Jews had. At least locking a topic can show others who started the shit and who ruined the topic and thus the site get better as others leans from others mistakes.

but SR has always been CIA very hush..hush..never admit why they do what they do, Who's Jay Howard? Chris Duel who?

Kinda like when Jay Howard was let go WOAI radio acted like he never existed. And all this could have been avoided if mHarmon and Dusty didn't just merge WOAI without notice with SR like a pit bull with a two year old child in a 7 x 9 room that really fucked things up and created the so called rivalries and ruined a good thing. the shit was going good why fix it?

That's why I don't even bother with that site.

Fuck SpursReport.

It's a barren wasteland. I laugh every time I go over there and see empty threads. Looks like they're gonna have to make it a pay site or shut it down :lmao

I'd put money on the electricity being turned off. SR is on it's last leg.

I see this kind of stuff happen on a daily basis.

And I thought my shit was old!

It's one of the things you have to really like about Kori and TimVP:

They don't take any of this shit too seriously, they don't go on power trips or anything like that, this site really is about us, not them, and that's the way a well run forum should be...

Fuckin' A:tu

11-01-2008, 03:56 AM
I've never even been to SR in all honesty, SpursTalk is like good pussy, once you have it you don't really need another.....

(Not really).....

11-01-2008, 08:08 AM
Well, Kori and LJ are funding ST out of their own pocket, and to my knowledge they don't make a dime off it. I guess if SR wants to remain online they're going to have to make a similar sacrifice.

Ah Dusty is already to cheap. He only lets his dates eat off the dollar menu as it is.

11-01-2008, 08:45 AM
It's one of the things you have to really like about Kori and TimVP:

They don't take any of this shit too seriously, they don't go on power trips or anything like that, this site really is about us, not them, and that's the way a well run forum should be...

And on top of that, I've never heard either of them bad mouth SR, or anyone for that matter. It takes a lot for Kori or LJ to ban someone so you know when someone DOES get banned here, they did something really really bad.

11-01-2008, 09:24 AM
This Shastafarian dude should get a spur under his name for being smart enough and fast enough to copy this shit before the deletion!

There's actually a reply to it in another thread over there. So I wasn't the only quick one.

"Wow. That's one angry ex-moderator. Sp seems to have a very rich history filled with political angst. I feel so very uninformed :("

It's in the "Join Us In the Chatroom" thread where the Beast first said "Come join us in the chatroom to watch our Spurs take on the Odomless Blazers!!!" Then someone corrected her and she STILL got it wrong after she changed it. "Odonless". What a moron.

Big P
11-01-2008, 10:45 AM
I was waiting for.."yo holmes...off to Bel Aire"

11-01-2008, 05:59 PM

11-01-2008, 06:11 PM
Mouse, how many aliases do you have?

T Park.
11-01-2008, 06:13 PM
They deleted your topic at spurs corral, who knew they would turn into another SR. :lol

11-01-2008, 06:19 PM
They deleted your topic at spurs corral, who knew they would turn into another SR. :lol

It's not at that level....yet

11-01-2008, 06:30 PM
Mouse, how many aliases do you have?

:lol I doubt even mouse knows anymore.

11-01-2008, 06:36 PM
They deleted your topic at spurs corral, who knew they would turn into another SR. :lol

We didn't delete the topic, we just moved it. Absolutely no reason to start up a forum on the basis that we are going to bash anybody. Isn't this supposed about Spurs basketball?

The culture of our site versus that of SR is vastly different. Someone who is a member probably could have said that, seeing as they are actually a member. Not just looking at it from the outside.

Worry often gives a small thing a big shadow. Thats just not us.

I'm sure Kori and LJ would agree they'd like nothing better than to get back into the season and not have to worry about that other site.

Lisa Jobs
11-01-2008, 06:41 PM
We didn't delete the topic, we just moved it.


11-01-2008, 06:43 PM


jack sommerset
11-01-2008, 08:54 PM
Spurs Report freaken sucks ass.I worked for a company 5-6 years ago that had 100's of IP addresses. We had several locations fron SA to Seguin. We set up some accounts in homes as well. Overall we set up atleast 50 accounts 1 year. Some accounts we posted 100 great things about Spurs until we dropped a line negative about Sputrs.We wanted to prove beyound reasonable doubt that if you said something negative about the Spurs you would be banned.

We had a Spur homer working with us and he loved Spurs Report. Every account was banned. Not one time did we use profanity,call anyone names or start a fight. Asterick got you banned,Trade Duncan got u banned,defending someone who was banned got u banned,Spurs won't make playoffs got u banned,this is a free country got u banned,etc,etc,etc........Our Spur Homer finally got it,found this site and stop posting or reading that garbage site.

It was fun. Without question because we liked given people shit at work we discovered that piece of shit and the LOSERS that run it. That site is a support group for LOSER HOMER SPUR FANS.

11-01-2008, 09:25 PM
Spurs Report freaken sucks ass.I worked for a company 5-6 years ago that had 100's of IP addresses. We had several locations fron SA to Seguin. We set up some accounts in homes as well. Overall we set up atleast 50 accounts 1 year. Some accounts we posted 100 great things about Spurs until we dropped a line negative about Sputrs.We wanted to prove beyound reasonable doubt that if you said something negative about the Spurs you would be banned.

We had a Spur homer working with us and he loved Spurs Report. Every account was banned. Not one time did we use profanity,call anyone names or start a fight. Asterick got you banned,Trade Duncan got u banned,defending someone who was banned got u banned,Spurs won't make playoffs got u banned,this is a free country got u banned,etc,etc,etc........Our Spur Homer finally got it,found this site and stop posting or reading that garbage site.

It was fun. Without question because we liked given people shit at work we discovered that piece of shit and the LOSERS that run it. That site is a support group for LOSER HOMER SPUR FANS.

Wait. I don't get it. Are you saying there was a company that set up IP addresses so they could see what it took to get banned at SR?

jack sommerset
11-01-2008, 09:33 PM
Wait. I don't get it. Are you saying there was a company that set up IP addresses so they could see what it took to get banned at SR?

No.... Sorry if I confused anyone. SpursReport bans IP addresses. The company I worked for had many different IP addresses so we made up alot of accounts. It was all done in fun. Again a buddy of ours is a DIE HARD Spur fan and it was one way to get under his skin. We said he was brainwashed by Spurs Report. And he was.

11-01-2008, 10:01 PM
No.... Sorry if I confused anyone. SpursReport bans IP addresses. The company I worked for had many different IP addresses so we made up alot of accounts. It was all done in fun. Again a buddy of ours is a DIE HARD Spur fan and it was one way to get under his skin. We said he was brainwashed by Spurs Report. And he was.

Ah gotcha. I've been able to set up a few accounts because I've been in several different places. All banned.

11-02-2008, 11:21 PM
This surprises me like not at all... They say Emperor Nero laughed and played the fiddle as Rome burned..

so shall it be with SR... I heard someone tell me that they said this was their best summer ever... and supposedly there was no one even posting...

the day that site shuts done, they will still be in denial...

11-03-2008, 03:01 AM
i used to be a loyal poster there but i came here cause the traffic there was weak. they have some good posters though, spursheriff, the real one.. i think? amente, and a few others.

11-03-2008, 07:42 AM
i used to be a loyal poster there but i came here cause the traffic there was weak. they have some good posters though, spursheriff, the real one.. i think? amente, and a few others.

That's the same guy who started a thread proclaiming Scola was on the way in the summer of 2007. Right before he got traded. They all suck. Amente seems to know a lot about the Spurs but he's not an insider anymore.

11-03-2008, 04:57 PM
It was ok a few years back, but I found Spurstalk during one of SR many "downtimes" and have never looked back. I actually pposted over there for the schedule a couple of days ago because Eddy from Austin makes a bad ass TV schedule every year for people in Austin. Besides that its pretty slow and gay.

11-03-2008, 10:35 PM
This surprises me like not at all... They say Emperor Nero laughed and played the fiddle as Rome burned..

so shall it be with SR... I heard someone tell me that they said this was their best summer ever... and supposedly there was no one even posting...

the day that site shuts done, they will still be in denial...

Did you just compare a spurs forum to Rome?