View Full Version : Intervention ~ your thoughts!

marini martini
11-03-2008, 11:34 PM
O.K. so I'm watching the show tonight, with the 23 y.o. heroin junkie. Is it just me, or does anyone else think it weird that the foo, has a cell phone to call his dealer???? And yet he's homeless, panhandles at the freeway, to score his dope, and relies on his sister to take him to score??? WTF? And what's up with his haggy old mom, with the nose & chin piercing, along with the tat under her right eye???? She looks like a Hell's Angel's chick, and def. a stoner from the late 60's.!!!:hat Even though I missed the first 10 minutes, this seems bogus to me!!:toast


Salad Tosser
11-04-2008, 12:36 AM
My father was on Heroin since I was 6 years old They don't do it, the Heroin does them. They are under the control of the drug.

Only two things can stop them. Another drug like Methadone, or if they ask Jesus in their lives I have seen it done. If you can get a heroin addict to take methadone they can work a job as long as they don't do random drug testing.Make sure you score some good weed, and have lots of sweets in the house, Nerds,Sweet tarts,and some Klondike bars in the freezer, and pound cake.
Make sure the coffee in the morning has lots of sugar. You will see a difference but you have to make the first move.

So you still have a person addicted to something the only difference one has more teeth.

marini martini
11-04-2008, 12:50 AM
Yeah!!!!? Well I had a BFF in H.S. that was a heroin junkie also. Prolly is still to this day if she ain't dead!!! Last time I saw her she had dentures,............on the top only!! Gave me a gram of crank at the Albertson's, and have been drug free ever since!!!:toast

I just want to know, how do these now a day junkies, have access to cell phones, to call their dealers????:cell

11-04-2008, 01:11 AM
you know whats worsts? ppl who are able to get off it, then only to come back to it, its fukn lame...

marini martini
11-04-2008, 01:28 AM
you know whats worsts? ppl who are able to get off it, then only to come back to it, its fukn lame...

Don't think they can ever get off it, though! Without substituting something else in it's place!!!! ie:alchohol, food, porno, gambling etc!!:toast


11-04-2008, 08:25 AM
Don't think they can ever get off it, though! Without substituting something else in it's place!!!! ie:alchohol, food, porno, gambling etc!!:toast


Which one did you sub it with.........all of the above? :)

11-04-2008, 08:39 AM
This is a TV show?

11-04-2008, 09:20 AM
you know whats worsts? ppl who are able to get off it, then only to come back to it, its fukn lame...

You obviously have no idea how an addiction works.

11-04-2008, 09:34 AM
Yeah!!!!? Well I had a BFF in H.S. that was a heroin junkie also. Prolly is still to this day if she ain't dead!!! Last time I saw her she had dentures,............on the top only!! Gave me a gram of crank at the Albertson's, and have been drug free ever since!!!:toast

I just want to know, how do these now a day junkies, have access to cell phones, to call their dealers????:cell

A lot of dealers will get their customers cell phones. If the junkie doesn't pay the phone bill it's turned off. No big deal. The cell phone is the junkie's means of hooking up so it's likely that he/she will get that bill paid.

Dr. Gonzo
11-04-2008, 09:36 AM
Don't think they can ever get off it, though! Without substituting something else in it's place!!!! ie:alchohol, food, porno, gambling etc!!:toast


People are never "better". They will always be addicts and a lot of them don't replace it with anything else except their 12 step program and a Higher Power. I know some people that have kicked after years of abuse and it is a daily struggle but they get through it.

11-04-2008, 02:05 PM
12 steps with Jesus Christ as my higher power is the only way I know how to kick an addiction.

11-04-2008, 02:10 PM
Coming to terms that there is no God or Jesus and realizing that nothing can save them but themselves is the only way to get off the shit. Trusting faith never works because the junkie ends up thinking its gods plan if he OD's.

That or die. Dead people can't use.

11-04-2008, 03:36 PM
Never doubt the power of faith.

marini martini
11-04-2008, 03:40 PM
A lot of dealers will get their customers cell phones. If the junkie doesn't pay the phone bill it's turned off. No big deal. The cell phone is the junkie's means of hooking up so it's likely that he/she will get that bill paid.

I guess the dealers subscribe to the "friends & family" plan!:toast

11-04-2008, 03:44 PM
I guess the dealers subscribe to the "friends & family" plan!:toast

You never heard of the Heroinhorizon plan?

Dr. Gonzo
11-04-2008, 03:59 PM
Coming to terms that there is no God or Jesus and realizing that nothing can save them but themselves is the only way to get off the shit. Trusting faith never works because the junkie ends up thinking its gods plan if he OD's.

That or die. Dead people can't use.

Actually that can't be farther from the truth. Addicts can't rely on themselves to get off of drugs because they got themselves hooked in the first place. They need to get their power from somewhere else, be it God, Jesus, nature, a tree, the Force, or anything is the only way.

Most addicts learn that it's not drugs that are the problem. Personally, I don't have a drinking problem, I have a living problem. The drinking is only a symptom. I need to learn how to live a good, honest life that is free of resentments, dishonesty or anything else that is going to keep me from feeling guilt, shame, remorse or regret. And the only way to do that is to give my life up to a Higher Power and understand that I can't change anything that happens in my life. Knowing this will keep me from going back to drinking. I don't feel it is God's will for me to drink again. Anyone that uses that as an excuse doesn't really have a grasp on their Higher Power.

11-04-2008, 04:19 PM
Actually that can't be farther from the truth. Addicts can't rely on themselves to get off of drugs because they got themselves hooked in the first place. They need to get their power from somewhere else, be it God, Jesus, nature, a tree, the Force, or anything is the only way.

Most addicts learn that it's not drugs that are the problem. Personally, I don't have a drinking problem, I have a living problem. The drinking is only a symptom. I need to learn how to live a good, honest life that is free of resentments, dishonesty or anything else that is going to keep me from feeling guilt, shame, remorse or regret. And the only way to do that is to give my life up to a Higher Power and understand that I can't change anything that happens in my life. Knowing this will keep me from going back to drinking. I don't feel it is God's will for me to drink again. Anyone that uses that as an excuse doesn't really have a grasp on their Higher Power.So basically you are incapable of realizing the power of your own free will and its up to some illusional force to fix your life for you.

Sounds like you need to grow up and take responsibility for yourself instead of expecting someone or some thing to do it for you.

I hate people who use religion as a crutch for their own shortcomings. Be a man and step up and use your "GOD" given power of being able to decide things on your own two feet.

Believe me if god were real he'd want you to do it for yourself and not rely on him doing it for you.

11-04-2008, 04:29 PM
I have seen Heroin addicts get saved and not want drugs with my own eyes.



Dr. Gonzo
11-04-2008, 04:31 PM
So basically you are incapable of realizing the power of your own free will and its up to some illusional force to fix your life for you.

Sounds like you need to grow up and take responsibility for yourself instead of expecting someone or some thing to do it for you.

I hate people who use religion as a crutch for their own shortcomings. Be a man and step up and use you "GOD" given power of being able to decide things on your own two feet.

I'm not using religion as a crutch. I'm not a religious person. And if you had any idea about this disease you would know that it isn't a matter of free will. An addict will always choose to drink or use because that's what addicts do. We drink and use for any reason. And I have "grown up" as you said and made a decision that I have no power against the next drink and that I have to get my power elsewhere. And getting that power isn't a matter of just sitting back and saying, "I have power now that I believe in a Higher Power". It's about taking ACTION with my own two feet and working the steps and my program of recovery.

In working the program addicts do things that reveal all of our shortcomings. And the goal of pointing all these out is not so we can say that God made us this way and to accept it, it's so we can recognize these shortcomings and work at changing them. Step 7 does involve a prayer that asks God to remove them, but it requires lifelong action to change the behavior associated with these shortcomings. So if you feel that is using religion as a crutch than so be it. I'd rather have a Higher Power as a crutch that helps me live a better, more positive life and usings the drink as a crutch that will end up causing more problems and lead me to live a terrible life.

11-04-2008, 04:32 PM
This is a TV show?

Yep. Monday nights on A&E. I'm hooked on it (no pun intended)!

I noticed they have a new interventionist. I guess she's replacing Jeff VonVanderen who fell off the wagon and is in rehab. Wonder if Candy Finnigan or Ken Seely did his intervention?

11-04-2008, 04:38 PM
Weather there is a God or not is not the point. You guys can have your religious debates until the cows come home, or until Tpark decides to start posting again, which ever comes first..

Hell after a few beers tonight and watching McCain get his ass kicked i may join in on the debate myself.

But the facts are when someone gives their life to Jesus they feel better, they feel a warmth come over them. Try it for yourselves then you can say if its true or not. Maybe it's all in our minds maybe we are all fooling ourselves, does it really matter?

If it helps someone stop doing drugs then I am all for it. I think today's world could use a few more Jesus freaks if you ask me.

Now if i can only get Chris Duel to let Jesus in his life?
I may die a happy man! :tu

Dr. Gonzo
11-04-2008, 04:42 PM
But the facts are when someone gives there life to Jesus they feel better, they feel a warmth come over them. Try it for yourselves then you can say if its true or not. Maybe it's all in our minds maybe we are all fooling ourselves, does it really matter?

That's exactly what the program is all about. That's why it doesn't stress Jesus or any religion. It's about finding a God of your understanding. Be it Jesus, Allah, Buddah, some dude named Hector, George Lucas or anything really. As long as it helps you be a better person is all that it's about.

11-04-2008, 04:44 PM
Faith in Jesus is a wonderful crutch to have on this journey through life...and true believers are not ashamed of this.

Only the prideful vain man that refuses to give credit to Jesus would look at this 'crutch' as a weakness instead of a blessing.

It in fact takes a stronger man, a man of true faith, to let go of the control he perceives to have in the first place and lean on that crutch when the path is dark and the only way is forward through the darkness. It is true though, that Faith without works is dead. Always there is much work to do.

but on topic, all the best musicians were on the dope, so it can't be all bad...:wakeup

11-04-2008, 04:53 PM
psychosomatic bullshit.

You can do it just as easily by setting your mind to do it as you can by asking god to do it. If you can't beat it on your own there is help out there to get you by.....help that isn't imaginary.

Remove the word god or jesus and insert BacktoBasics and I'll walk you through it.

No need to explain the addiction. I'm a heavy alcoholic myself and I know first hand how hard it is to not take a drink and even harder to not want a drink but do it anyway. I get the disease. God is just a word...an amalgam of you imagination. If you beat it with god on your side you could have just as easily beaten it on your own. God giving you the power to beat something about as much as a box of rocks can.

All your doing is fooling yourself into believing something else can save you.

Now if you told me it took a team of doctors to get you off the sauce I'd buy that story.

Dr. Gonzo
11-04-2008, 04:58 PM
psychosomatic bullshit.

You can do it just as easily by setting your mind to do it as you can by asking god to do it. If you can't beat it on your own there is help out there to get you by.....help that isn't imaginary.

Remove the word god or jesus and insert BacktoBasics and I'll walk you through it.

No need to explain the addiction. I'm a heavy alcoholic myself and I know first hand how hard it is to not take a drink and even harder to not want a drink but do it anyway. I get the disease. God is just a word...an amalgam of you imagination. If you beat it with god on your side you could have just as easily beaten it on your own. God giving you the power to beat something about as much as a box of rocks can.

All your doing is fooling yourself into believing something else can save you.

Now if you told me it took a team of doctors to get you off the sauce I'd buy that story.

That's why the phrase Higher Power is emphasized as much as God. If I believed a box or rocks was my Higher Power then a box of rocks can help.

11-04-2008, 05:02 PM
That's why the phrase Higher Power is emphasized as much as God. If I believed a box or rocks was my Higher Power then a box of rocks can help.

crack rock

11-04-2008, 05:06 PM
That's why the phrase Higher Power is emphasized as much as God. If I believed a box or rocks was my Higher Power then a box of rocks can help.
So basically you just proved my point that God is the equivalent to a box of rocks and that its belief based not reality based. Whereas you could just as easily find the power within yourself to seek help rather than something else because its just as viable. Thanks!


Dr. Gonzo
11-04-2008, 05:11 PM
So basically you just proved my point that God is the equivalent to a box of rocks and that its belief based not reality based. Whereas you could just as easily find the power within yourself to seek help rather than something else because its just as viable. Thanks!


No it's not a power within myself, I would be getting my power from the box of rocks. The thing is to find a power greater than yourself. I choose it to be God.

11-04-2008, 05:17 PM
No it's not a power within myself, I would be getting my power from the box of rocks. The thing is to find a power greater than yourself. I choose it to be God.You're getting the power from the rocks because you....again YOU gave it value where no value previously existed so it was created within yourself. Nothing else gave the box of rocks power or value YOU did. Just as easily as you could have handed the power to yourself you chose to invalue something else.

It all starts with you.

11-04-2008, 05:21 PM
My faith is ROCK solid and I don't give a hoot what all the naysayers say. Not today, not tomorrow, not ever. Carry on.
And my last intervention was with one of my friends ex's before I got married.

11-04-2008, 05:21 PM
back to basics, 12 steps and a "Higher Power" has a good track record and I have seen it work in my own life. If you have another solution more power to you. Please start a recovery group based on your knowledge. However, there's no reason for you to try to shit on 12 steps to try to validate your own opinion. If you have another way, fantastic.

11-04-2008, 05:29 PM
I think the main thing is your off the drugs regardless how it happens ...unless your on good drugs

11-04-2008, 05:31 PM
a box of rocks can.



11-04-2008, 05:32 PM


those 2 bigs ones look like my fried mecco

11-04-2008, 05:34 PM
back to basics, 12 steps and a "Higher Power" has a good track record and I have seen it work in my own life. If you have another solution more power to you. Please start a recovery group based on your knowledge. However, there's no reason for you to try to shit on 12 steps to try to validate your own opinion. If you have another way, fantastic.I'm not shitting on its effectiveness I'm pointing out how sad it is that society has evolved into a world where people are totally incapable of being responsible for their own actions...so much so that smoke and mirrors type solutions dominate recovery efforts.

Off the wall point:

Plain and simple they legalized the wrong drug. Weed is a thousand times safer than booze and wouldn't take half the rocovery efforts to get off. If any.

11-04-2008, 05:34 PM
I also want to point out how under appreciated the Stacie troll is.

baseline bum
11-04-2008, 05:35 PM
So basically you are incapable of realizing the power of your own free will and its up to some illusional force to fix your life for you.

Sounds like you need to grow up and take responsibility for yourself instead of expecting someone or some thing to do it for you.

I hate people who use religion as a crutch for their own shortcomings. Be a man and step up and use your "GOD" given power of being able to decide things on your own two feet.

Believe me if god were real he'd want you to do it for yourself and not rely on him doing it for you.




baseline bum
11-04-2008, 05:36 PM
back to basics, 12 steps and a "Higher Power" has a good track record and I have seen it work in my own life. If you have another solution more power to you. Please start a recovery group based on your knowledge. However, there's no reason for you to try to shit on 12 steps to try to validate your own opinion. If you have another way, fantastic.

The videos I posted above peg AA's success rate at about 5%, the same as the success rate for alcoholics who don't use it.

11-04-2008, 05:40 PM
The videos I posted above peg AA's success rate at about 5%, the same as the success rate for alcoholics who don't use it.

Don't tell AA that!

11-04-2008, 05:49 PM
The videos I posted above peg AA's success rate at about 5%, the same as the success rate for alcoholics who don't use it.
Nice work Friendo. :toast

11-04-2008, 05:56 PM
The videos I posted above peg AA's success rate at about 5%, the same as the success rate for alcoholics who don't use it.

i don't get video on my computer, but whatever. I have no agenda in the advice I offered. to each his own.

11-04-2008, 05:58 PM
I was told talking about drugs here at spurstalk was not permitted that is what i was told....

11-04-2008, 05:59 PM
i don't get video on my computer, but whatever. I have no agenda in the advice I offered. to each his own.

Damn right. :tu

11-04-2008, 06:01 PM
I was told talking about drugs here at spurstalk was not permitted that is what i was told....

well then your not the one who is in trouble. Its the guy who started talking about it first

11-04-2008, 06:03 PM
well then your not the one who is in trouble. Its the guy who started talking about it first

I was told school yard smack was not tolerated here at spurstalk that is what i was told....


11-04-2008, 06:20 PM
I was told school yard smack was not tolerated here at spurstalk that is what i was told....


who keeps telling you all this shit milton!

11-04-2008, 06:38 PM
who keeps telling you all this shit milton!

Didn't you get the memo?

11-04-2008, 09:18 PM
Those who believe, believe. Those who don't, don't. Quit trying to convince each other that "your" way is right and "their" way is wrong.

marini martini
11-04-2008, 10:57 PM
Those who believe, believe. Those who don't, don't. Quit trying to convince each other that "your" way is right and "their" way is wrong.

And for God's sake, whatever works for you, works!!!:toast

11-05-2008, 09:32 AM
I'm simply pointing out that this society has relegated itself to a healing process based in myth and legend rather than be responsible for their own actions. This is a pretty fundamentally wrong aspect of being human.

Its like your kids coming home and telling you that its not a big deal that they drink and smoke and generally act like bufoons because at some point they'll turn themselves over to a higher power and be healed of their wild ways.

You'd tell them to STFU....grow up and be responsible and that its up to them to act accordingly.

11-05-2008, 11:06 AM
Works for me.

Dr. Gonzo
11-05-2008, 11:16 AM
And for God's sake, whatever works for you, works!!!:toast

I agree. My beliefs have kept me sober for 59 days. It's worked for me these past few days so I guess I'll try it again tomorrow.

11-05-2008, 11:37 AM
I agree. My beliefs have kept me sober for 59 days. It's worked for me these past few days so I guess I'll try it again tomorrow.Congradulations on 59 days. Aside from the God aspect of things what kind of changes has your body felt by getting away from booze?

11-05-2008, 01:49 PM
I'm not shitting on its effectiveness I'm pointing out how sad it is that society has evolved into a world where people are totally incapable of being responsible for their own actions...so much so that smoke and mirrors type solutions dominate recovery efforts.

Off the wall point:

Plain and simple they legalized the wrong drug. Weed is a thousand times safer than booze and wouldn't take half the rocovery efforts to get off. If any.

rational recovery is supposed to be just as effective. it focuses on the individual as opposed to relying on a group.

Dr. Gonzo
11-05-2008, 05:13 PM
Congradulations on 59 days. Aside from the God aspect of things what kind of changes has your body felt by getting away from booze?

I'm not hungover every morning so that's a big change. I dropped 20lbs the first month and I think more clearly during the day. I've also noticed I've had powerful cravings for sweets in the evening.

11-05-2008, 05:19 PM
I'm not hungover every morning so that's a big change. I dropped 20lbs the first month and I think more clearly during the day. I've also noticed I've had powerful cravings for sweets in the evening.

good. lets go play some basketball now

Dr. Gonzo
11-05-2008, 11:24 PM
good. lets go play some basketball now

I still smoke a shit load so my lung capacity is crap. I'll play as long as I don't have to run or jump or anything like that.