View Full Version : LeBron overhyped!

02-18-2005, 12:37 PM
I'm sorry, but I don't believe that people are already comparing LeBron with the likes of Mike or Magic! I mean, ok the kid is very good, and promises to be even better as time passes. But he still hasn't been to any playoff games or accomplished anything really. I say we wait and see if the guy has what it takes to win like Mike or Magic had.

02-18-2005, 12:45 PM
He is not even close MJ right now perhaps in 2-3 years we will see!

02-18-2005, 01:01 PM
yeah whatever.

Barring injury LBJ will surpass MJ...the kid is that good and has the size/athleticism to boot and is still growing...Jordan wasn't even in the pros yet at LBJ's age...

Extra Stout
02-18-2005, 01:15 PM
I'm sorry, but I don't believe that people are already comparing LeBron with the likes of Mike or Magic! I mean, ok the kid is very good, and promises to be even better as time passes. But he still hasn't been to any playoff games or accomplished anything really. I say we wait and see if the guy has what it takes to win like Mike or Magic had.Statistically, he's better than Magic was at 20, but then again, at that age, rookie Magic scored 42 points while filling in for Kareem at center to win Game 7 of the 1980 Finals and collect the Finals MVP award.

Michael dropped in 63 points in a playoff game against one of history's greatest teams in his second year.

LeBron has to do something like that in this postseason if he is to be fairly compared to those guys.

02-18-2005, 01:16 PM
Statistically, he's better than Magic was at 20, but then again, at that age, rookie Magic scored 42 points while filling in for Kareem at center to win Game 7 of the 1980 Finals and collect the Finals MVP award.

Michael dropped in 63 points in a playoff game against one of history's greatest teams in his second year.

LeBron has to do something like that in this postseason if he is to be fairly compared to those guys.

02-18-2005, 01:27 PM
Remember, Magic and Michael had an awesome supporting cast. This kid has jack squat and they're still doing pretty good. What he needs is a good outside shooter. I believe I heard they were trying to go after Michael Redd.

02-18-2005, 01:52 PM
damm I only thought I was the only one on this board that thought so

I can not believe he can not make up his mind about the dunk contest. he is starting to at like mailman
and then he leaves a game to get fluid then comes back
that is koke likeness.

02-18-2005, 02:17 PM
well did you see last night when it looked like he was gonna do a monster dunk on a breakaway, but ended up barely laying it in....

was that a bad takeoff or is he hurt?

02-18-2005, 02:18 PM
he's hurt, that's why he's indicisive about going to the All Star game.

T Park
02-18-2005, 02:30 PM
hurt and hes got the flu.

Ducks, and all you other haters??? STFU.

02-18-2005, 02:44 PM
He's got a bad ankle. What's your hurry to get confirmation from him? It's nothing like Malone.

02-18-2005, 02:54 PM
Ducks just thinks that if something looks too good to be true it probably is.

I feel the same way, but I love to watch the kid play.

I hate to watch the cavaliers defensive rotation though... ughhh.

02-18-2005, 02:58 PM
Remember, Magic and Michael had an awesome supporting cast. This kid has jack squat and they're still doing pretty good.

Well, Magic had a nice supporting cast in his first two seasons, with Kareem (a nice role player, I guess), Norm Nixon, Jamaal Wilkes and others. That was true, though, because LA got the #1 pick by dealing for it (I think that the Lakers got that pick a few years earlier in a deal with Utah for Gail Goodrich) and added Magic to a group that had been the WCF a couple of years earlier. Not unlike adding Tim to the Spurs roster in 1997-98. MJ, on the other hand, had next to nothing around him but a bunch of role players when he went to Chicago. Nothing, nada, zip. Orlando Woolridge, Quentin Daley, Dave Corzine, Steve Johnson, guys like that. MJ pretty much carried the Bulls into the playoffs in the early years. They never made much noise, other than MJ's prolific scoring, until they added guys like Scottie Pippen and Horace Grant to the mix.

I'd say that, in that sense, Lebron is much closer to MJ than to Magic. Ultimately, though, the comparison with either player is unfair. Lebron is a tremendous talent and if he just plays to be the First Lebron, he's going to be amazing by the end of it all.

02-18-2005, 02:59 PM
The NBA always overhypes it's stars. I'm just glad that they're back to hyping a star with a variety of skills, instead of a 7-foot defensive lineman with a couple of post moves and a big mouth.

02-18-2005, 03:03 PM
at his age, he's amazing. for any age, he's amazing.

02-18-2005, 03:12 PM
Lebron deserves the hype this season. Last season I think he was overhyped a bit in terms of how effective he really was as a player. In other words he was just a major talent producing at a young age, but not in an efficient fashion like his hype suggested. This year he is producing a lot, and doing it efficiently. Oh and he is winning games too.

Right now he is like Magic Johnson and MJ mixed. Or you could say he is like Drexler and Grant Hill rolled into one. And soon he will be a MJ/Magic type of player, but in his OWN way.

02-18-2005, 03:29 PM
Labron is bigger than life b/c the media has made him into that. There is a need it seems around the NBA for there to be another MJ. Right now, everytime LJ breathes, the media will make it bigger than what it is. LJ is a good player right now, but to compare him or even say that he's better than MJ is too early.

02-18-2005, 04:20 PM
They were saying the same thing when Kobe busted in the L...it's the new flavour...everyone (media pundits) were saying that Kobe will be the best of all time....all I say is wait until the career is over and then we can make some informed decisions...I still think the big O has to be regarded in any sentences of greatness.

baseline bum
02-18-2005, 06:22 PM
Comparing LeBron to Magic and Michael already is nuts, but I'm 100% convinced he'll be MVP within 3 years.

02-18-2005, 06:27 PM
He's the real deal. Your eyes don't deceive you when you see the young man play. He is that good. If you have trouble discerning the quality of a player's game without consulting a box score or stat sheet then the numbers don't lie there either.

If you are into such things, I'd advise picking up a couple of his rookie cards on ebay.

02-18-2005, 06:28 PM
...I still think the big O has to be regarded in any sentences of greatness.

The Big O should be considered a " great player", but during his time! The game was different back then. The defenses weren't as sophisticated like they are today. Just take a look at some of the classic games on the sports channel. The defensive players weren't switching or helping out like they do in todays games. By today standards the Big O wouldn't be a great ball handler. Would he be " great" in the game today? Good maybe! Not great!

IMOH!! :spin

02-18-2005, 06:29 PM
I think he will win mvp in 3 years also
duncan,kg,kobe will be past prime
it will be between amare and james

02-18-2005, 06:58 PM
I hate MJ, so I hope every forgets MJ with LeBron.

02-18-2005, 07:02 PM
The NBA always overhypes it's stars. I'm just glad that they're back to hyping a star with a variety of skills, instead of a 7-foot defensive lineman with a couple of post moves and a big mouth.

Why didn't you edit the lineman part out.....????

( Sumo Wrestler...)

02-18-2005, 07:07 PM
Look, he passes better as a SF and a 2nd year player to boot, then Tony does after four years in the league as a PG. WTF else can you possibly want out of a player, do you realize how sweet it would be if Bron Bron was playing with Steve Nas or Jason Kidd?

Jesus Im getting hot just thinking about that....that team would never lose.

02-18-2005, 07:20 PM
Look what he's done to Boozer last year and Gooden this year. I've never believed the hype about players but he's the real deal. Lots of guys had some reason to be hyped but he's got more skill, more physical attributes, and 20 times the maturity that any one else has had. That last part is why he will forever be our "gift". He's the reason the interest in the NBA is up.

02-18-2005, 07:29 PM
At this age, MJ wasn't even in the league yet. I hated the hype he got in HS, but he's the real deal. He's bigger and stronger than MJ ever was. His 25/7/7 certainly reminds me of a more seasoned (26), yet not winning MJ. As soon as Cleveland realizes that they don't need a shooter to pair with him, they need someone to initiate the offense at least 50% of the time a la Scotty Pippin, they will explode.

I actually was watching something on TV about how LeBron's handlers want to limit his exposure, and it's chapping the leagues hide, since he has the squeeky clean image that they desperately need now. Think about it, though. He has the shoe deal, and the endorsement with Coca Cola for their Sprite product. That's it. For interviews, he's very selective, and you get 15 minutes to talk with him. His people are afraid of the Grant Hill/Vinsanity/Kobe overexposure syndrome.

I think the kid has done remarkable well for all the hype that was thrown at him.

02-18-2005, 07:30 PM
Look what he's done to Boozer last year and Gooden this year. I've never believed the hype about players but he's the real deal. Lots of guys had some reason to be hyped but he's got more skill, more physical attributes, and 20 times the maturity that any one else has had. That last part is why he will forever be our "gift". He's the reason the interest in the NBA is up.See, this is what I'm talking about!! The kid hasn't won shit yet, and already he is Jesus reincarnated!! give me a break! what if he sucks during playoff time? what if he never wins anything? I'm not saying he's not good, I'm just saying lets wait before we praise someone for something they haven't done YET!

02-18-2005, 10:48 PM
You're all over Manu's jock but you cannot see why this freak of a human speciman is being compared to Jordan? Watch the KID play. And remind yourself that he's a young 20 years old.

02-18-2005, 10:52 PM
Manu > Lebron


02-19-2005, 12:07 AM
He still has a way to go, but honestly, Lebron is the most offensively complete player that I have seen since Larry Bird. And he's basically a Magic Johnson clone, juiced with steroids. He has unreal court vision, BETTER than Jordan. And his athleticism is unbelievable. Has he won anything yet? No. Will he rip it up in the playoffs this spring? Maybe, maybe not. But make no mistake, Lebron is going to own this league in 3 or 4 more years. Bank on it.

02-19-2005, 05:05 AM
People hating on LeBron......................


03-22-2005, 11:31 PM
now he got his coach fired

03-22-2005, 11:46 PM
Ducks, you're a nightmare.

03-22-2005, 11:48 PM
I did not start this thread :spin

03-23-2005, 12:48 AM
Lebron being compared to MJ=not yet, I would decide after he's past his prime.

Lebron is an amazing 1v1 player. He's probably the best 1v1 player in the league or if not, Kobe and T-Mac are right there.

nacho estrada
03-23-2005, 01:06 AM
LeBron James is "King" right now and for good reason. He is having an amazing season statistically especially considering age and experience at 20 years of age. It's truly remarkable how relaxed, focused and controlled Lebron's game is. I agree that only after a career is said and done is actually when you make your comparisons between LBJ and the NBA's all time greats. Anything can happen, and I'll take my chances and get as many rookie cards as I can now. Then again, I also had 40 Bo Jackson cards before he got injured and retired. DAMN!!! :pctoss :pctoss

03-23-2005, 07:37 AM
You're all over Manu's jock but you cannot see why this freak of a human speciman is being compared to Jordan? Watch the KID play. And remind yourself that he's a young 20 years old.
WHAT THE FUCK DOES MANU HAVE TO DO WITH ANYTHING!!!!!??? I never said manu was our "gift", or the greatest player, or anything of the sort. Why would you even bring Manu up, except maybe for tha fact that you're lacking concrete arguments about the LeBron vs. MJ discussion and you want to change the damn subject. You're sad really, very sad.

03-23-2005, 11:58 AM
Lebron is an amazing 1v1 player. He's probably the best 1v1 player in the league or if not, Kobe and T-Mac are right there.

Are you saying he is ONLY a 1v1 player? If you aren't then I am sorry I responded. But if you are, then you are way off. Here is a guy who knows how to play team ball. Not only in his attitude, but also in his game. His court vision is incredible and his passing abilities are top notch. He gets guys the ball not just because he gets doubled but because he knows where everyone is. I am not saying he is as good as MJ or magic. But I do believe that at this rate he will easily catch those guy's level of quality and consistency. He is good. And this comes from a guy who completely doubted him. I didn't think he would be putting up numbers close to this. I thought maybe 20/4/4 if he was lucky. I am a changed man.