View Full Version : Thank you, America...

President Obama
11-05-2008, 01:36 AM
For electing me as your 44th president. Because this is my first post on SpursTalk after being elected president, I will lead into my first online speech with some sports references. Like Doug Williams in 1988, the first black quarterback to win a Super Bowl, and Tony Dungy in 2007, the first black head coach to win a Super Bowl, today is another historic day for African Americans. The people have elected me to lead them as their next president, and I will not let them down. Now we can begin the process of changing this great nation together! I am thrilled to have been elected president, but it's really you, the people, who should be celebrating. You have made your voice heard!

Peace out!

11-05-2008, 01:37 AM
congrats nig....a.

can I get some black punanin nani right about now?

11-05-2008, 01:55 AM
Shouldn't it be President-Elect Obama instead?