View Full Version : Repug govt is bad govt. Govt employees confirm

11-06-2008, 11:17 PM
Widespread Complaints About a Rudderless Government

"When President Obama takes over in January as manager-in-chief of nearly 2 million federal employees, he will need a plan to reinvigorate a frustrated and demoralized workforce, career employees warn.

In numerous agencies, federal civil servants complain that they have been thwarted for months or even years from doing the government jobs they were hired to do. Federal workers have told presidential transition leaders they feel rudderless, their morale impacted by the Bush administration's opposition to industry regulation, steep budget cuts or the departures many months ago of Bush political appointees."

"We've been saying that for a year: the administration checked out early," Kamensky said. "I am hearing people [civil servants] are demoralized and waiting for some leadership."
http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/06/AR2008110602572_pf.html (http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/06/AR2008110602572_pf.html)


Repug/conservative philosophy: ALL govt is bad.

The Repugs have intentionally mismanaged millions of govt employees, disrespecting them and wasting $Bs of their salaries. The intention is to make as many American hate govt like the Repugs and conservatives hate govt.