View Full Version : Is Duncan's defense a factor in poor start ?

11-08-2008, 04:34 AM
Sure, injuries to Manu and others have played their role in the bad start, and have gotten most of the attention, along with some of the role players being old and done (Finley most of all), and Bowen's age and defense has drawn some attention.

But something not discussed much at all is Duncan's defensive game, which to me so far this early season might be the worst of his career. Is that a factor at all in why they've lost the close games this season and if so, a slump that will end or a continuing reason to worry about the previously dependable "Spurs Defense"?

Duncan in the past has been an overlooked DPoY candidate and has been the foundation of their defense. But this year he sure hasn't played worthy of a DPoY candidate as far as I could tell. He seem's like he's been scored on more one-on-one, and for the team isn't the defensive anchor the Spurs have taken for granted all these years.

Now I'm not saying he's Michael Finley bad out there, not at all. He just hasn't played to my eyes the Duncan-esque defense we're all used to that the Spurs count on.

Through 5 games this year, he's totaled 2 blocks, an average of 0.4 bpg in 39 mpg. Not only that but it feels like the close contests and altered shots are fewer as well, though that may be a misperception on my part.

I looked at the game logs of every year he's played, and this 5 game stretch is the worst 5 game stretch of blocks in his career. Only once has he had a stretch of 3 blocks in 5 games, in the 02 season.

And it's not like he's typically been an extremely slow starter with his blocks to start every year. The previous 5 seasons he's averaged in the first 5 games : 1.8, 1.2, 3.6, 3.0, 3.6, the other years he ranged from 1.4 to 3.6.

In the past the Spurs have been able to get away with poor defenders like Finley on the perimeter, or non-shotblockers up front like Oberto/Elson, because Duncan was there to carry them. At least so far, it's not happening.

Just a bad slump in an unlucky streak of games and no big deal?

Is it that he is having to put more energy into offense because of the absence of Manu, thus causing him to be unable to muster the defensive showings of the past? I don't doubt that on the whole for the season he'll average at least 1.5 bpg. Last season was the first in his career that he averaged less than 2.0 blocks per game though (1.9), so him not breaking 2.0 wouldn't be too surprising this year.

Or is Bowen not the only one who has raised the possibility of slowdown with his play? Duncan is 32 and has played not just 11 full seasons prior to this one, but he has also played 155 playoff games, nearly 2 full extra seasons worth of games. And the last 2 years he's had to man the rim defense all by himself because Oberto/Elson/Thomas couldn't even carry Rasho/Nazr's load, so that's even more defensive strain on him.

Is it a given that he'll return to DPoY quality defense?

Because if he doesn't play like the stellar first-team all defense player he's been, would a healthy Parker and Manu even be enough to win a title without the Spurs defense of old?

Just food for thought.

11-08-2008, 04:54 AM
Some good observations in there. :tu

It's hard for me to ever fully get behind a Duncan for DPOY campaign because he always has been inconsistent in terms of energy on defense. When the Spurs suddenly become a better defensive team each season, it corresponds to exactly when Duncan starts dialing up his intensity.

While Duncan's defense has been sub par this season, it's not as bad as it was to start the 2006-07 season. That year, Duncan was basically aloof on defense for the first few months. He looked horrible on defense and it took Brian Cook schooling him and then the Dwight Howard alleyoop for Duncan to wake up. But once he dialed it up, the Spurs became a lockdown defensive team and Duncan gradually upped his defense to where he became a monster defender in the playoffs.

Last season, he came out of the gates playing really good defense. He helped the Spurs get to 17-3 but then he went through a midseason slump defensively before playing good but not great defense in the playoffs.

This season, Duncan is off to a slow defensive start but I fully expect him to turn it around at some point. For him, it's not a matter of losing a step. Right now he's simply not contesting shots he always contests when he's locked in and giving his all defensively. I don't know if it's trying to avoid fouls, trying to conserve energy or what but he's often right in position ... he's just not finishing the plays off with maximum effort. But I've seen this plenty of times before from Duncan and he always eventually relents to Pop's nagging and steps it up.

Now with Parker and Ginobili out, it'll be interesting to see what Duncan does. Will he go all out and try to be a hero to get the Spurs some wins? Will he give good but not great effort and try to win but not kill himself to win? I'd probably prefer the latter but you may see the return of Duncan's defense earlier than expected seeing as the Spurs will face desperate times.

11-08-2008, 05:07 AM
i believe it is, but hes doing so much on offense and using so much energy we cant expect duncan to be his usual self on defense.

11-08-2008, 06:02 AM
his help defense has been useless so far coz there isn't anyone to help.

11-08-2008, 06:22 AM
Very good points. Look at last nights game and you will see the same Timmy as we did in PO's. His face alone will tell ya he's tired of the players the FO keeps bringing next to him. This isnt Timmys doing. This is the FOs doing. Dont act surprised now, Timmy has been getting beat since last season. Ive said it before they keep leaving Timmy out to hang by himself. Manu gets help, TP gets help, but they make Timmys job more difficult every single year. Now what has happened is there is no team D at all. Ive said it before, once someone gets beat, its on you. Im not guarding him so its not my fault. And it all starts in the paint. Thats been the trend around here for to long.

11-08-2008, 01:14 PM
Very good points. Look at last nights game and you will see the same Timmy as we did in PO's. His face alone will tell ya he's tired of the players the FO keeps bringing next to him. This isnt Timmys doing. This is the FOs doing. Dont act surprised now, Timmy has been getting beat since last season. Ive said it before they keep leaving Timmy out to hang by himself. Manu gets help, TP gets help, but they make Timmys job more difficult every single year. Now what has happened is there is no team D at all. Ive said it before, once someone gets beat, its on you. Im not guarding him so its not my fault. And it all starts in the paint. Thats been the trend around here for to long.

This is so true.

11-08-2008, 01:17 PM
Look man, he has to be on the court to give this team any shot. Whether it's him and Tony, or just him. He can't give us a shot to win in foul trouble, lets get real here. He's our number one option, if he's not able to score, it's a wrap. Try to keep that in mind when we make these "Observations".

11-08-2008, 01:39 PM
The Minny game was a good example. The Wolves continually went to Al Jefferson one-on-one and he tourched Duncan. Tim is not giving the effort required to push a guy like Jefferson out of his sweet spots. Same goes for the whole team. Even though the Spurs are staying in front of their guys, no one is forcing people into uncomfortable situations.

11-08-2008, 02:05 PM
I really believe the problem is two-fold. Bowen's diminished ability to stay in front of whomever he's guarding is only trumped by Tim's lackadaisical effort in defending the paint. All the more reason that Tim needs (and has needed) a better frontline running mate, than what the Spurs have been pairing him up with. I've been harping on this for some time. While Oberto is smart and fundamentally sound, but doesn't rebound, block shots, or defend well enough to be the Spurs starting center. KT's best days are long gone and his playing time should be restricted.

The uninspired effort from Tim on the defensive end is especially glaring whenever he's the only big on the floor in a small-ball lineup. The Spurs are already a very poor rebounding team. This small-ball lineup only accentuates that deficiency. I would've loved to have seen Watkins kept around as a backup big for just to help shore up these areas. In the meantime, I can't wait until we see Duncan paired with Ian on the frontline.

11-08-2008, 02:07 PM
tiago :bang splitter