View Full Version : Rockets offense and defense in disarray

11-10-2008, 09:20 AM
Ok, now I"m a gonna vent.

T-Mac - This dude needs a screen or a double screen to be effective. He doesn't move well without the ball. On defense, he's got long arms but he doesn't move his feet. At least with the set lockdown pattern defenses of JVG, T-Mac was effective. Not that I want JVG back or anything.

Yao - Rick, he's not Brad Miller. Yao cannot pass the ball from the high post. He also doesn't shoot well from the top of the key. If you want to run the motion driven look for the Center to key your offense, look to Luis Scola not Yao. Defensively, the entire team needs to take a remedial course on fundamentals like boxing out and help defenses.

Alston - What can I say here? Alston you just plain suck. Alston needs to get the craptastic I am a legendary three point shooter out of his head. If nothing else, Alston should be coming off the bench for the second unit. Brooks should be starting.

Brooks - Sophmore pt guard. Lightning quick. Still makes some rookie type mistakes and misreads the defenses sometimes but I say trial by fire. Throw the dude in cause nobody in the NBA can keep up with him.

Scola - He's a rock. Knows the game inside and out.

Landry - Athletic PF, more than able to hold his own. Combined with Scola, he'd be excellant either backing him up or playing at the same time at the other Forward position.

Artest - Uhhh lockdown defender? I see great individual defense from him. Team defense..pretty bad. Scoring wise? What happened? This guy needs to have drilled into his head to not force shots and pass the ball back to his teammates or to the cutter. JVG was right about Artest. He's a ballstopper. The coaching staff needs to correct this.

Luther Head - Adleman says he moves the best without the ball. Makes hard cuts. Maybe the reason for this is that Head played in somewhat of the same type of offense at Illinois. This guy still makes bad decisions when he has the ball and has terrible handles. He can jack up a good 3 pointer if he gets a screen though.

Battier - Get him out on the court as fast as possible. We need our glue guy. Batman is still the X-Factor.

Barry - play Barry more minute and by the way, the motion offense is supposed to free him up. From what I"ve seen, Barry moves well but nobody throws him the ball. Throw the ball to Barry the rest of you knuckleheads!! Oh and set some screens for the man!

Chuck Hayes - He's good. Really good as a defender. The Rockets Bruce Bowen if you will. You'll never get any points out of him and against the Lakers, Hayes sucks and always will. He'll get owned by the Lakers bigs. Only play Hayes in lmited minutes out there and if you do play him out there..put him on Kobe. Sheesh. I've never seen a guy pick up three quick fouls as fast as Hayes on Odom.

The rest of em, Wafer, Dorsey, Francis can sit on the bench and be great cheerleaders.

oh an finally

RICK ADLEMAN - Dude when are you going to learn you cannot play Yao out on the high post running the offense. Yao sucks at passing the ball. This team is not real smart when it comes to team concepts of cutting, motion, and passing. In fact, I haven't seen a worse passing team in a long time. Recognize that you have one of the best big men in the business. POST HIM UP!! Take a page out of John Wooden's playbook when he had Lew Alcindor (Kareem). You run a hybrid motion offense. You don't put your big man out at the top of the key!!!

11-10-2008, 09:29 AM
What did I tell you yesterday?
I said they would lose. I said they are not ready.

what did you say? "WTF"

I tell it like it is.
My friend, Mr Reality, wont allow it any other way.

11-10-2008, 10:10 AM
Again..from John Wooden. This is what Adleman needs to do!!

"For example, when Lewis Alcindor (now known as Kareem Abdul-Jabbar) joined our team, I didn’t think that having him start at the high post was in our best interest nor his. Although the high-post offense would bring him to the low post eventually, I didn’t want him handling the ball up there at the high post; we had other players who could fulfill that responsibility better.

With Lewis at the high post when the UCLA cut occurred, his defender would surely sag and stop the cutting guard from scoring if he received the pass from the forward. In addition, I didn’t feel comfortable having him pass to the ducking weak-side forward. I wanted him close to the basket for scoring and rebounding reasons.

Determined to create an offensive system that would take full advantage of Lewis without diminishing the offensive effectiveness of the other players or sacrificing principles such as ball movement and flexibility, I came up with a variation of the high-post offense that we called the high-low offense. Although it did not have the degree of player movement I wanted, it was effective, both against zone and man-to-man defenses. Only two of my teams used that offense: Alcindor’s and Walton’s. The rest used selected plays and versions of the high post."

And this right here!!! This statement is the most probable reason for why the Rockets aren't moving well.

With Lewis at the high post when the UCLA cut occurred, his defender would surely sag and stop the cutting guard from scoring if he received the pass from the forward.


11-10-2008, 10:12 AM
Where are you getting this stuff???
There are a few other places I can think of but...
you've made a noble attempt to be the FURTHEST from the truth with this post.

Ok, now I"m a gonna vent.

T-Mac - This dude needs a screen or a double screen to be effective. He doesn't move well without the ball. On defense, he's got long arms but he doesn't move his feet. At least with the set lockdown pattern defenses of JVG, T-Mac was effective. Not that I want JVG back or anything.

Yao - Rick, he's not Brad Miller. Yao cannot pass the ball from the high post. He also doesn't shoot well from the top of the key. If you want to run the motion driven look for the Center to key your offense, look to Luis Scola not Yao. Defensively, the entire team needs to take a remedial course on fundamentals like boxing out and help defenses.

Alston - What can I say here? Alston you just plain suck. Alston needs to get the craptastic I am a legendary three point shooter out of his head. If nothing else, Alston should be coming off the bench for the second unit. Brooks should be starting.

Brooks - Sophmore pt guard. Lightning quick. Still makes some rookie type mistakes and misreads the defenses sometimes but I say trial by fire. Throw the dude in cause nobody in the NBA can keep up with him.

Scola - He's a rock. Knows the game inside and out.

Landry - Athletic PF, more than able to hold his own. Combined with Scola, he'd be excellant either backing him up or playing at the same time at the other Forward position.

Artest - Uhhh lockdown defender? I see great individual defense from him. Team defense..pretty bad. Scoring wise? What happened? This guy needs to have drilled into his head to not force shots and pass the ball back to his teammates or to the cutter. JVG was right about Artest. He's a ballstopper. The coaching staff needs to correct this.

Luther Head - Adleman says he moves the best without the ball. Makes hard cuts. Maybe the reason for this is that Head played in somewhat of the same type of offense at Illinois. This guy still makes bad decisions when he has the ball and has terrible handles. He can jack up a good 3 pointer if he gets a screen though.

Battier - Get him out on the court as fast as possible. We need our glue guy. Batman is still the X-Factor.

Barry - play Barry more minute and by the way, the motion offense is supposed to free him up. From what I"ve seen, Barry moves well but nobody throws him the ball. Throw the ball to Barry the rest of you knuckleheads!! Oh and set some screens for the man!

Chuck Hayes - He's good. Really good as a defender. The Rockets Bruce Bowen if you will. You'll never get any points out of him and against the Lakers, Hayes sucks and always will. He'll get owned by the Lakers bigs. Only play Hayes in lmited minutes out there and if you do play him out there..put him on Kobe. Sheesh. I've never seen a guy pick up three quick fouls as fast as Hayes on Odom.

The rest of em, Wafer, Dorsey, Francis can sit on the bench and be great cheerleaders.

oh an finally

RICK ADLEMAN - Dude when are you going to learn you cannot play Yao out on the high post running the offense. Yao sucks at passing the ball. This team is not real smart when it comes to team concepts of cutting, motion, and passing. In fact, I haven't seen a worse passing team in a long time. Recognize that you have one of the best big men in the business. POST HIM UP!! Take a page out of John Wooden's playbook when he had Lew Alcindor (Kareem). You run a hybrid motion offense. You don't put your big man out at the top of the key!!!

11-10-2008, 10:14 AM
No I think I am dead on. T-Mac just plain sucks right now. He needs the ball in his hands and working as the playmaker. He just doesn't get this offense. Didn't get it last year and doesn't get it this year.

Oh and if you're going bash, at least have your argument prepared and stated. Otherwise...next!

11-10-2008, 10:47 AM
T-Mac - This dude needs a screen or a double screen to be effective. He doesn't move well without the ball. On defense, he's got long arms but he doesn't move his feet. At least with the set lockdown pattern defenses of JVG, T-Mac was effective. Not that I want JVG back or anything.

You, apparently dont realize that Mac's best days are behind him.
He's no longer the scorer you want him to be...
His injuries are overwhelming him. Had you seen this, you wouldnt be asking him to do what you stated.

Yao - Rick, he's not Brad Miller. Yao cannot pass the ball from the high post. He also doesn't shoot well from the top of the key. If you want to run the motion driven look for the Center to key your offense, look to Luis Scola not Yao.

Yao is the most consistent shooter they have from 15 feet in.
and the only reason he's getting the ball so far out is because he cant muscle his man to get a lower position. its not a set play.
who are you talking about? Yao Ching Doung?!!

Brooks should be starting.

Brooks - Sophmore pt guard. Lightning quick. Still makes some rookie type mistakes and misreads the defenses sometimes but I say trial by fire. Throw the dude in cause nobody in the NBA can keep up with him.

Brooks SHOULD NOT be starting.
"The Original" Wafer Alston is a loser of a player but Wafer would do the team NO GOOD coming off the bench. He has NO scoring ability and he cant guide the starters much less the bench guys.

Scola - He's a rock. Knows the game inside and out.

What? did you NOT see the 5 fouls in 15 mins against the Flippers?
Yeah, thats KNOWING the game alright. KNOWING exactly how to foul.
He still needs work. he's not "a rock".

Landry - Athletic PF, more than able to hold his own. Combined with Scola, he'd be excellant either backing him up or playing at the same time at the other Forward position.

again...WHAT? neither one of those two can defend 3's.
and both are too short and lack the jumping to play the 5.

Artest - Uhhh lockdown defender? I see great individual defense from him. Team defense..pretty bad. Scoring wise? What happened? This guy needs to have drilled into his head to not force shots and pass the ball back to his teammates or to the cutter. JVG was right about Artest. He's a ballstopper. The coaching staff needs to correct this.

No one else on the team WANTS or CAN shoot the ball. Yao's playing hurt, AGAIN. everyone else is waiting for something MAGICALLY to happen....ARTEST is doing what NEEDS to be done. SHOOT.
...and the coaching staff cant even get them to run the motion offense, dont expect them to correct ANYTHING in Artest's game.

Battier - Get him out on the court as fast as possible. We need our glue guy. Batman is still the X-Factor.

LOL! glue guy. HILARIOUS. there IS NO X factor.
they have to get through factors A through W before they can even THINK about the X-factor.

Chuck Hayes - He's good.

Thats all I needed to read from that Hayes "analysis"....LMAO! thats simply comical...

I could go ON and ON...
clearly, there is no need to.

11-10-2008, 11:45 AM
lol you and Obama should hang out in that fairytale land of his with the unicorns.

11-10-2008, 12:36 PM
lol you and Obama should hang out in that fairytale land of his with the unicorns.


11-10-2008, 01:06 PM
The stat line of the night belonged to Tracy McGrady: three points on one-for-11 shooting.

Ron Artest, the Rockets' key off-season acquisition, wasn't much better: eight points on two-for-11 shooting.

"I think it was the worst game we have ever had," said Rockets center Yao Ming, who scored 12 points.

Ron Artest needs to change his game. T-Mac needs to change his game. Yao needs to change his game.


11-10-2008, 01:08 PM
play JVG offense with first unit. iso's and post up slug fest then bring in the second unit and run that free flowing adelman offense. its obvious everyone can run adelmans offense except Tmac he dont want to run without the ball.
Rafer sucks balls drop his ass now.

11-10-2008, 01:14 PM
I think JHo has done some dumb shit, but I have nothing against him.

However, THAT is a dirty ass play and he's starting to make me wonder now.


11-10-2008, 01:14 PM
synic, here we go again. us against the world bro, lol.
how can you slap?

11-10-2008, 01:16 PM
I think JHo has done some dumb shit, but I have nothing against him.

However, THAT is a dirty ass play and he's starting to make me wonder now.


indeed it is!

11-10-2008, 01:20 PM
I think JHo has done some dumb shit, but I have nothing against him.

However, THAT is a dirty ass play and he's starting to make me wonder now.


11-10-2008, 01:21 PM
lol you and Obama should hang out in that fairytale land of his with the unicorns.

you are always welcome. everyone is.

11-10-2008, 01:24 PM
you are always welcome. everyone is.

11-10-2008, 01:30 PM
What is it with Rocket fans and bolding?

11-10-2008, 01:36 PM
Yao is no Brad Miller. He's not a control tower for this offense. He stands up there and telegraphs his passes. He's slow and gets his passes picked off at least 50% of the time. He can't hit the trey. If the entire goal of opposing defenses is to push Yao farther away from the bucket, then what is playing Yao at the high post doing? He doens't have Dirk like ballhandling skills. Fail..back to the low post for Yao.

turiaf for president
11-10-2008, 02:21 PM
yao is going to start to decline i think. his size is too much for his body to handle

11-10-2008, 02:26 PM
yao is going to start to decline i think. his size is too much for his body to handleNOT LOOKING GOOD FOR HIM. MIGHT HAVE A POINT THERE.

11-10-2008, 02:29 PM
What is it with Rocket fans and bolding?

They have nothing of interest to say, nor is it ever intelligent (or semi-intelligent for that matter). Therefore, to get people to pay attention, they either bold and enlarge all of their uninteresting words or color it all in First Round Exit Red.

11-10-2008, 02:33 PM
I love seeing entirely & overly optimistic fanbases crash and burn six games in. Welcome to reality.

11-10-2008, 02:39 PM
[quote=dickface;2887645]They have nothing of interest to say, nor is it ever intelligent (or semi-intelligent for that matter). Therefore, to get people to pay attention, they either bold and enlarge all of their uninteresting words or color it all in First Round Exit Red.[/quoteDUDE, DON'T YOU ROOT FOR THE...TO BE HONEST, HAVE YOUR TEAM BEEN RELEVENT AT ANYTIME IN THE PAST 30 YEARS. DUDE, CATS LIKE YOU GIVE DOGS LIKE ME A MILD CHUCKLE. :lmao

The Franchise
11-10-2008, 02:57 PM
I love seeing entirely & overly optimistic fanbases crash and burn six games in. Welcome to reality.

You've helped to make my point for me. We are only 6 games in so why all the joy from haters? The starters hardly played or practiced together at all in the preseason, and people were expecting perfection? The bench seem to get it because that was all you saw during training camp. It's going to take a little time to gel with the time that was missed, so let's try to be patient. When the Rocketship rights itself, and we figure it out and start tearing through other teams asses, all of this yapping will cease. The way I see it, things will only get better.... much better. It's coming just wait for it. All of these barking dogs will be euthanized come April. I guarantee it.

11-10-2008, 03:24 PM
You've helped to make my point for me. We are only 6 games in so why all the joy from haters? The starters hardly played or practiced together at all in the preseason, and people were expecting perfection? The bench seem to get it because that was all you saw during training camp. It's going to take a little time to gel with the time that was missed, so let's try to be patient. When the Rocketship rights itself, and we figure it out and start tearing through other teams asses, all of this yapping will cease. The way I see it, things will only get better.... much better. It's coming just wait for it. All of these barking dogs will be euthanized come April. I guarantee it.

11-10-2008, 04:09 PM
They have nothing of interest to say, nor is it ever intelligent (or semi-intelligent for that matter). Therefore, to get people to pay attention, they either bold and enlarge all of their uninteresting words or color it all in First Round Exit Red.

We are flattered by the attention you give us Rocket fans.

11-10-2008, 05:20 PM
They have nothing of interest to say, nor is it ever intelligent (or semi-intelligent for that matter). Therefore, to get people to pay attention, they either bold and enlarge all of their uninteresting words or color it all in First Round Exit Red.

Sorry, Idk what you just said. I was drawn in by the bold letters.

11-10-2008, 10:15 PM
What is it with Rocket fans and bolding?

What, that's BS

11-11-2008, 09:39 AM
Screw the motion offense, this team is built for iso's. Wish we had Rudy T back :(

Cry Havoc
11-11-2008, 01:38 PM
If you guys don't want Yao, we'll take him.