View Full Version : Michael Reagan Exposes Repug's Newly Found Bi-Partisanship

11-13-2008, 09:24 AM
"EXPOSE LIBERAL CORRUPTION -- With the Democrats back in power in both Congress and the White House, you KNOW that they'll be falling right back into their habits of taking lobbyists' money under the table, trading votes for campaign contributions, spying on and sabotaging Republican legislative plans, covering up their leaders' sexual "flings," and spending taxpayer money on personal expenses like never before. But this time, YOU AND I will be there every step of the way, making sure that no stone is left unturned, every dark corner is filled with light, and every illegal act is paid for with censure, impeachment, recalls, investigations, and jail time for every criminal we expose in Washington, D.C."



He's not huge star in the Repug/conservative hate-media universe, but the above sure sounds like the inevitable divisive, polarizing, smash-mouth modus operandi for the Repugs, esp since most moderate Repugs have been voted out, leaving mainly the rabid Repug ideological extremists to hold the fort.

Combined with Repug Senate filibusters killing nearly every Dem/Obama initiative.

Then of course the Repugs will blame everything on the Dems.

As we saw with the dubya administration, the Repugs put Repugs, ideologogies, corps, capitialists, and all-politics-all-the-time first, and country second.

11-13-2008, 10:49 PM
...Can't wait for the first $24 million dollar needless investigation....