View Full Version : Never ask Sam Cassell the 'boxers or briefs' question

11-22-2008, 08:57 PM
Sam Cassell is a freewheelin' spirit. From his sound bites to his swagger, there is no other player quite like Sam. In fact, if he wasn't going to become a coach after he retires, I would guess he'd start writing jingles, make a boatload of cash, and turn into the ultimate ladies man. Seriously. Don't let that face fool you, chicks dig the confidence. He's like an extraterrestrial Charlie Sheen.

Which is why this story about Cassell's old practice habits should come as no surprise. On the Dan Dakich Show this past Tuesday, Dakich and Pacers' radio voice Mark Boyle were discussing Kevin Garnett's 24/7 intensity when the talk took an abrupt turn. Indy Cornrows explains the rest:http://f3.yahoofs.com/ymg/ept_sports_nba_experts__16/ept_sports_nba_experts-430934566-1227293546.jpg?ymqdJXADUDNnon6fhttp://sports.yahoo.com/nba/blog/ball_dont_lie/post/Never-ask-Sam-Cassell-the-boxers-or-briefs-que;_ylt=AhHmTW6aaZ7rdXxA_q4u0Om8vLYF?urn=nba,1239 74