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02-23-2005, 09:22 AM
ANYTEAM over the salry cap instead of gettign fined (yankees got fined 25 million for being over the cap)
that year they can not play in the playoffs. :cooldevil

N.Y. Johnny
02-23-2005, 06:00 PM
Cure Baseball?

get a salary cap, and Yes I am A Yankees fan and I'd love to see a salary cap!! as weird as that sounds. I hate the fact the Yankees go out and over pay cheating neanderthals like Jason Giambi who isn't worth a lick!

also get rid of the fucking DH as that kills the game and takes away any strategy in the games.

also, Contract the Boston Red Sox :lol

02-23-2005, 06:17 PM
I am in favor of getting rid of the DH as well. It was a solution to a problem that no longer exists.

02-23-2005, 07:14 PM
I got a feeling that it's going to get really ugly with MLB over the next ten years or so.The DH has got to go, but that is an in-game rules change. A cap on the other hand is one of those things that makes sense all around, with every other US major sport having one, but players are opposed and some owners too. We're going to start seeing contraction, $50 million a year players with entire rosters of other teams making less, steroid asterisks, and teams playing home dates in other markets.

02-24-2005, 02:57 PM
"The suggestion, often made, that the pitcher be denied a chance to bat, and a substitute player sent up for him every time, has been brought to life again... This time Connie Mack is credited with having made the suggestion. He argrues that a pitcher is such a poor hitter that his time at bat is a farce, and the game would be helped by eliminating him in favor of a better hitter" -The Philadelphia North American, February 3, 1906

I'd agree with getting rid of the DH.... if pitchers pitched for 7 to 8 innings and threw every third or fourth day.... They suck. They can't hit MY weight (158)....

02-24-2005, 06:49 PM
These are the changes I would make:

1. On the 4th foul ball, the batter is out!

2. Any ball thrown at the batter with the intention to "send a message", will result in the batter going to first.

3. After the catcher returns the ball to the pitcher, there are 15 seconds to get the next pitch off.

4. Eliminate the T.O.'s by the batter. Too many times the batter will call T.O. just to reset his stance and fix his gloves?? TOO BAD!!

5. If having a DH means more hitting and more runs, then keep the rule!

I know I have some more ideas, but can't think of them right now. Baseball is a "very slow" game as it is. They need to speed up the game, and add more excitment by eliminating stoppages.