View Full Version : Little worried about Mason...

11-25-2008, 09:39 AM
How will he handle the transition with Ginobili? In Harvey's article, he mention a play I immediately notice: Mason forcing a shot when Ginobili was open for a 3. And he considers him just "another guy who make plays."



I Love Me Some Me
11-25-2008, 09:42 AM
For the last couple of years, the Spurs have been dying for that 4th guy who doesn't give a fuck about Tony, Tim, or Manu and just plays his game, shoots when he's open, defends, and does it all while staying in the system.

Roger Mason is that guy.

Buddy Holly
11-25-2008, 09:44 AM
How will he handle the transition with Ginobili? In Harvey's article, he mention a play I immediately notice: Mason forcing a shot when Ginobili was open for a 3. And he considers him just "another guy who make plays."



If that comment (made by Mason) couldn't be taken out of context anymore than it just was... :lol

11-25-2008, 09:47 AM
Honestly, I remember that play Harvey is talking about and it wasn't a big deal. Yes, Manu was open; yes, Mason forced the shot instead of passing. We see things like that all the time, it doesn't mean shit.

I hate when people jump at the chance to create controversy where there is none.

11-25-2008, 09:49 AM
Good point, Love. Too bad he'll leave after a few years because he'll want to be the main man somewhere else.

Buddy Holly
11-25-2008, 09:50 AM
Just to counter, as if Manu's never forced a shot while someone was open at the three. No need to make a discussion out of nothing.

Buddy Holly
11-25-2008, 09:51 AM
Good point, Love. Too bad he'll leave after a few years because he'll want to be the main man somewhere else.

Mason isn't a "main man" type of player. Whether he believes it himself or not (I don't think he does) I doubt he'd get that type of money.

He's a great role player but not a main man.

Buddy Holly
11-25-2008, 09:54 AM
Hopefully It was just a meaningless play.

It was.

I really hope so.
The last thing we want is a second coming Steve Francis or Starburry in a spur uniform.
WeŽll see what happens.

This is what happens when people try to make an issue out of nothing. It scares folks.

11-25-2008, 09:58 AM
if mason has the hot hands? shoot it....fuck the open man

brent barry had many of these occasions where he passed it up instead of shooting

11-25-2008, 09:59 AM
He was 5-5 from downtown

pull the trigger!

11-25-2008, 10:00 AM
Good point, Love. Too bad he'll leave after a few years because he'll want to be the main man somewhere else.

what kind of drama queen are you? :dramaquee

I. Hustle
11-25-2008, 10:01 AM
No big deal. I agree with ILMSM. We need that guy that will go for it and not worry about our big three. We saw what was happening early on when they were trying to force feed Timmy and were afraid of the ball.
Once he starts playing with Manu more and gets those badass passes then things will change. As for now let that shit fly.

Buddy Holly
11-25-2008, 10:03 AM
I say Mason should take every singe shot when wide open,but if your gonna start driving to the basket on traffic and turning the ball over while a 0.400% 3pt shooter is wide open,them you're not smart enough to play for SA.
That's all I'm saying.

:rolleyes :sleep

11-25-2008, 10:18 AM
Good point....That's why I almost hesitant of bringing Parker back early.
I never thought I'd say that.

But this squad right now looks awesome. I know it was Memphis. But I wouldn't work Parker in too quickly...let him take his time.

11-25-2008, 10:21 AM
if mason has the hot hands? shoot it....fuck the open man

brent barry had many of these occasions where he passed it up instead of shooting

Barry's problem wasn't that he forced the issue, it was that he would pass up wide open shot opportunities on occasion. Plus, the play in question was indeed a bonehead move by Mason, nothing criminal, just boneheaded.

The problem here is with people trying to make this out to be a bullshit personal thing, like the OP here.

11-25-2008, 10:38 AM
Much to do about nothing, here.

Mason had the hot hand and has been the second scoring option for this team for a couple weeks now. Who's really surprised that he missed one open pass in the first game Manu came back?

I'm pretty sure he understands his place in the hierarchy of this team.

And frankly, it wouldn't be that bad if he felt like he deserved to be included as part of the Big 4.

I. Hustle
11-25-2008, 10:41 AM
Big 4?!

We got the big 5 now! Tim-Tony-Manu-Mason-Hill the new fab 5!

21-9-20-8-3 sounds like a locker combination.

11-25-2008, 10:42 AM
If anything Mason is going to benefit from Ginobili. Ginobili has good court vision, and with him back defenses are going to focus on him giving Mason even more shots!

11-25-2008, 10:42 AM
It wouldn't be Spurstalk without some poster creating drama over an imagined slight to their favorite player.

11-25-2008, 10:47 AM
I can't imagine what teams are going to do when we've got Tim, Tony, Manu, and Mason on the floor with any other shooter.

Pretty much all four of those guys can command a double team if they are on. Then a guy like Finley or Bonner (yes I said it) could just sit back and gobble up the wide open shots if they are having an on day. Or stick Bruce in for defense and corner threes.


11-25-2008, 10:57 AM
I love his aggressiveness. He's the first new guy the Spurs have brought in for a while that hasn't been too shy about pulling the trigger straight out the gate. I take that back, NVE would shoot no questions asked, but Mason actually hits them.

11-25-2008, 11:17 AM
How will he handle the transition with Ginobili? In Harvey's article, he mention a play I immediately notice: Mason forcing a shot when Ginobili was open for a 3. And he considers him just "another guy who make plays."



When a guy is stroking them the way Mason has been the last couple of games, it's hard to talk about him "forcing a shot". When the basket looks as big as a washtub, you want to shoot.

I heard his comment about Manu, too, and I didn't take it the way the article makes it sound. He wasn't saying that Manu was "just another guy", but that the Spurs now have "yet" another play-maker. It just means that the rumors of the Spurs' demise were premature.

They also asked Mason about being able to get in a better shooting rhythm at the point, because of having the ball in his hands all the time. Mason agreed that it helps his rhythm, but then he said that "there are other ways of getting in rhythm" and whatever they want him to do, he is down for it.

Mason doesn't get to the hole as easily as Manu or Parker, or even George Hill. And that's a good thing, because we have desperately needed someone to spread the floor and keep teams from packing the paint the whole game. As long as Mason keeps getting the green light to shoot, he and Manu will benefit from each other, and they are both smart enough to know that.

Just like it was premature to talk about the Spurs' demise, it's way too early to stir up a controversy because of that one (misconstrued) comment by Mason. There is a reason why the Spurs brought Roger Mason to San Antonio, and it goes beyond his shooting stroke.

The Truth #6
11-25-2008, 11:28 AM
I like Buck but the way he manipulated that quote seemed very forced. Mason wants the team to win. I don't see any problem here.

11-25-2008, 11:49 AM
Mason plays better at the point. Its obvious to see that. Manu plays better as a SG.

They can play together NO DOUBT. They just need time together for that chemistry to work out. They are both HIGH BBIQ players, who have good court vision and can create plays for the whole team. Its going to be beautiful basketball to watch...:tu

11-25-2008, 11:58 AM
Mason plays better at the point. Its obvious to see that. Manu plays better as a SG.

They can play together NO DOUBT. They just need time together for that chemistry to work out. They are both HIGH BBIQ players, who have good court vision and can create plays for the whole team. Its going to be beautiful basketball to watch...:tu

I think Pop will close games with this lineup:


11-25-2008, 12:00 PM
I think Pop will close games with this lineup:


In most cases yea...Not if there are two bigs on the opposing side though.

Whisky Dog
11-25-2008, 12:01 PM
With Pop definitely not wanting to play Manu 40 a night during the regular season, Mason should actually be the guy who helps save Manu's minutes for the playoffs. Mason will probably start with TP and TD with Finley or Bowen at the 3, and that leaves Manu and Hill to work a two man game against the opponents second unit. As the game goes on Pop then has the luxury of matching Manu, TP, Mason, and Hill as he sees fit depending on the matchup. I think this has the potential to be a very explosive overall backcourt. If Spurs defense keeps up and even improves over the season then they will be a very strong team.

11-25-2008, 12:02 PM
This is just a lot of smoke out of nothing.

It's hard to see this kind of problems under Pop's reign.

11-25-2008, 12:06 PM
Church of Manu zealots have found a new villian while Parker looms, I guess.

I agree that Mason meant only that there is still another playmaker in the mix and the abundance of playmakers (to go all Stephen A.) on the roster makes the game easier for everyone. Add in Parker and you've got 4 guards who can play in virtually any combination and still fill the playmaker/shooter roles.

11-25-2008, 12:07 PM
Can we just wait until this becomes a trend with Mason before we position ourselves on the bridge?
This was Manu's first game back. Give Mason time to adjust.

11-25-2008, 12:08 PM
what kind of drama queen are you? :dramaquee

Maybe Mason doesn't consider himself a 4th option. The first few games may prove to himself that he can be main or 2nd option.

Can he check his ego at the door? I think he can now , but after a few years and hopefully championships, will he?

Also, someone can throw an insane amount of money at him.

I am more than happy to proven wrong and be just a "drama queen."

11-25-2008, 12:11 PM
Mason is SJax without the recklessness and attitude.

11-25-2008, 12:15 PM
it will soon be the big 4........i dont think mason is worried about manu coming back.
parker/mason then have hill/manu of the bench will be sick.....and when mason goes point mason/manu.....we should not have a problem with not having a extra scorer on the floor like last season
i am more excited about this season....than last for sure...its awesome to see mahinmi,mason and hill get better....well whenever ian get back

11-25-2008, 12:18 PM
Maybe Mason doesn't consider himself a 4th option. The first few games may prove to himself that he can be main or 2nd option.

Can he check his ego at the door? I think he can now , but after a few years and hopefully championships, will he?

Also, someone can throw an insane amount of money at him.

I am more than happy to proven wrong and be just a "drama queen."

Pop has always said spurs = big3+role player.
I'm sure Mason knows about this.

11-25-2008, 12:23 PM
Pop has always said spurs = big3+role player.
I'm sure Mason knows about this.

Exactly. Mason fearlessness in crunch time makes me think his biggest games are yet to come in an Horry like capacity, as the guy who will kill teams when they are forced to throw everything but the kitchen sink at the Big 3.

11-25-2008, 12:43 PM
it will soon be the big 4........i dont think mason is worried about manu coming back.
parker/mason then have hill/manu of the bench will be sick.....and when mason goes point mason/manu.....we should not have a problem with not having a extra scorer on the floor like last season
i am more excited about this season....than last for sure...its awesome to see mahinmi,mason and hill get better....well whenever ian get back

That's the part I'm worried about. At the PG there are 48 minutes. TP will get at least 30, and that leaves Hill with 18(if Pop uses him as a combo guard I can see him getting 3-5 mor minutes), I don't want Money nosing in on Hill's minutes unless they're just trading positions when they're on the court together, and Hill can still defend the other team's 1 and vice versa.

Maybe Mason can just move into SF a bit, cuz even though he is good with the ball, when TP is back that is too much point guard goodness, and I see the one Spur who needs as much time as possible(Hill cuz he is still green) getting stunted. I truly hope Mason is also great at wide open 3's, which Manu will get him constantly.

I must admit, this is a WAY more enticing dilemma than the one with the bigs.
Here's to the drive for five!!!:flag:

11-25-2008, 12:59 PM
some manu's groupies are yet worried that someone else than TP makes some shadow to manu ???? :lol

not a big deal here.

mason and hill are really a great thing for the spurs. if they keep it up, they will be what all spurs fan said we were missing last years. scorers outside the big three.

but when things will be harder, in the PO, in the big stage, they'll naturally stay where their level allow them to be: as role players.

and TP and manu will be with the ball in their hands, with Tim, when it counts the most.

only good things here for the spurs.

11-25-2008, 01:10 PM
Why did I even click on this thread? Anyway, Mason was misquoted, he never said that Manu was "just another guy", he said that Manu was "another guy". For some reason Harvey misquoted him and added the word "just" which makes the comment seem so much more worrisome. Watch the interview, it was the same old rhetoric that all NBA players say when confronted with the same situation. It means nothing.

11-25-2008, 01:17 PM
Honestly, I remember that play Harvey is talking about and it wasn't a big deal. Yes, Manu was open; yes, Mason forced the shot instead of passing. We see things like that all the time, it doesn't mean shit.

I hate when people jump at the chance to create controversy where there is none.
harvery is stupid
manu just got out HORSED by a rookie in practice
mason was shooting good

manu and all spurs force things from time to time
they are human

11-25-2008, 01:18 PM
Why did I even click on this thread? Anyway, Mason was misquoted, he never said that Manu was "just another guy", he said that Manu was "another guy". For some reason Harvey misquoted him and added the word "just" which makes the comment seem so much more worrisome. Watch the interview, it was the same old rhetoric that all NBA players say when confronted with the same situation. It means nothing.

manu is just another guy like duncan
superstars are human beings just like you

11-25-2008, 01:43 PM
Mason is SJax without the recklessness and attitude.

Actually, he has on the court attitude. When we were playing the Clips, Cat Mobley started mouthing off after a couple of shots went down. Cobra went down to the other end and gave him a couple of jumpers right in his face. Cat pretty much shut up after that.

11-25-2008, 01:44 PM
Harvey is truly a retard

11-25-2008, 01:49 PM
What was the over/under for minutes into Manu's season when the first "Mason doesn't pass to Manu!" comment appears?

11-25-2008, 01:54 PM
im sure hill will take most of the point backup than mason...JV will be on garbage time duty.
we will back in the mix in no time!

11-25-2008, 03:29 PM
It wouldn't be Spurstalk without some poster creating drama over an imagined slight to their favorite player.

Lol, I didn't know if Spurs fans argued this much since you guys all know by now Popovich and RC know best, but I guess I was wrong. That's a lot better than Suns arguments, every year we've got a random scrub the masses love for no reason and the people that watch basketball other than the Suns games know how bad the play is. This year, that player is Matt Barnes.

11-25-2008, 03:43 PM
I hate the rushed shot Mason always takes on the run where he is still drifting in air from the momentum, feet spread way apart.... But he makes them :toast

11-25-2008, 03:47 PM
Church of Manu zealots have found a new villian while Parker looms, I guess.

I agree that Mason meant only that there is still another playmaker in the mix and the abundance of playmakers (to go all Stephen A.) on the roster makes the game easier for everyone. Add in Parker and you've got 4 guards who can play in virtually any combination and still fill the playmaker/shooter roles.

or it could be that just one dude created a stupid thread and everyone is blowing shit out of proportion... could be

11-25-2008, 03:49 PM
some manu's groupies are yet worried that someone else than TP makes some shadow to manu ???? :lol

not a big deal here.

mason and hill are really a great thing for the spurs. if they keep it up, they will be what all spurs fan said we were missing last years. scorers outside the big three.

but when things will be harder, in the PO, in the big stage, they'll naturally stay where their level allow them to be: as role players.

and TP and manu will be with the ball in their hands, with Tim, when it counts the most.

only good things here for the spurs.

do you even read the thread?? its one dude, not some, ONE.

11-25-2008, 03:52 PM
harvery is stupid
manu just got out HORSED by a rookie in practice
mason was shooting good

What does a practice HORSE game have anything to do with this?? Are you losing your ability to reason as well ducks?

manu and all spurs force things from time to time
they are human

Was this not what I was saying?

11-25-2008, 04:43 PM
completely meaningless..

happens all the time..Manu has took plenty of bad shots where he could have made better plays in the past, but it's meaningless, because we all know he can make it..this is even less than that..it was their first game together..Mason doesn't know Manu's style yet..he doesn't know Ginobili's tendencies, his hotter spots..give them time together..

Roger has given NO indication that he has any kind of ego..he seems grateful that he has finally received an opportunity to get serious minutes in the NBA..he IS a role player and he obviously knows it..he's a high-end role player..

11-25-2008, 05:29 PM
heat check

11-25-2008, 06:08 PM
How will he handle the transition with Ginobili? In Harvey's article, he mention a play I immediately notice: Mason forcing a shot when Ginobili was open for a 3. And he considers him just "another guy who make plays."


Like others have stated, that Buck Harvey quote from RMJ was horribly out of context. I'm considering YouTube-ing the interview just to show how much of a douche Harvey was for taking that quote completely out of context to rile up the CoM against RMJ.

And players get passed up all the time when they are open. I don't understand why it's always a global disaster if a player misses Manu when he's open. Plus, with as well as RMJ has been shooting, I don't care at all if he forces a few shots.

11-25-2008, 06:33 PM
Mason's comments about Manu were 100% complimentary and sincere and had ZERO connection to the play in question. A case of "creative journalism" if I saw one.:nope

11-25-2008, 06:55 PM
Having Manu playing will only help open things up for Roger. Roger will be better now with Manu playing. Even less pressure now.

11-25-2008, 07:28 PM
mason will have plenty of playing.

11-25-2008, 07:38 PM
mason>Manu :)

11-25-2008, 07:38 PM
Not worried about chemistry, but I do think it would work best for the flow of the offense if the two were not on the court together. I think the best combinations would be Parker/Mason and Hill/Ginobili.

When both are back I trust Pop to try all combinations and figure out what works best.

11-25-2008, 07:49 PM
Honestly, I remember that play Harvey is talking about and it wasn't a big deal. Yes, Manu was open; yes, Mason forced the shot instead of passing. We see things like that all the time, it doesn't mean shit.

I hate when people jump at the chance to create controversy where there is none.

Exactly. I've seen Manu do the exact same thing when other guys were open. It's just that he's Manu and has the "green light" to do so. No one should care. It's much to do about nothing. We should be thankful that the Spurs finally have the long-awaited, "cold-blooded", 4th scoring option - the likes of which we've not seen since SJax left the building.