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12-13-2008, 05:12 PM
Jeff McDonald: Feeling Minnesota (http://blogs.mysanantonio.com/weblogs/courtside/2008/12/jeff-mcdonald-f-3.html)
By Jeff McDonald

MINNEAPOLIS (yes, still) -- A couple of Spurs thoughts, while wondering how an airline flight can be oversold (I mean, seriously ... you know how many seats there are on an airplane. When you get to that number, just stop selling tickets. Apparently, these people can't help themselves, or can't count):

* We don't know what was up with Tony Parker's three quarters of non-shooting against the Timberwolves, but he swears it was all on purpose. It's admirable that Parker wanted to get other players involved, but it was a little strange to see him without a field goal heading into the fourth. If nothing else, Parker reminded everyone of how quickly he can fill up a stat sheet -- his 16 points in the fourth quarter were more than he scored in any single quarter of his 55-point masterpiece in November.

* Matt Bonner keeps shooting, and the ball keeps going in the hole. In six games as a starter, Bonner is 28 of 45 from the field, including 10 of 19 from the 3-point line. Don't look now, but statistically speaking, Bonner is now the most accurate 3-point shooter in the NBA: At 51.9 percent, he leads the league.

* For some reason, Tim Duncan's retirement plans came up after last night's game. He doesn't have any, yet. "I care to do it as long as I can," he says. "That's all I can say about that." Duncan is under contract through the 2011-2012 season. It might be his last one. By the time that deal expires, Duncan will be 36.

* A blurb on ESPN.com this morning mentions that the Warriors are already -- already? -- shopping Corey Maggette. Maggette, you'll recall, turned down a free-agent offer from the Spurs last summer to sign a five-year, $50 million pact with Golden State. Talk about your buyer's remorse. The Spurs appear to have dodged a bullet on this one. Instead of Maggette, they ended up with Roger Mason Jr., a player who is more chemistry- and salary-cap friendly.

12-13-2008, 05:36 PM
* For some reason, Tim Duncan's retirement plans came up after last night's game. He doesn't have any, yet. "I care to do it as long as I can," he says. "That's all I can say about that." Duncan is under contract through the 2011-2012 season. It might be his last one. By the time that deal expires, Duncan will be 36.

That almost tells me he may extend again. 36 isn't old at all for a big, let alone one who plays close to the floor. Shit, Robinson played until 37, and he had major back problems. Duncan could easily go a few beyond that with his continued good health. People keep saying he's old, and he keeps proving them wrong. He's been as dominant as ever this year, because we need him to with the health issues of Manu and Tony.

12-13-2008, 05:59 PM
How long did Karl Malone play for? I think Tim can play longer than his contract says. But I think the question will be whether he wants to or not.

12-13-2008, 06:42 PM
How long did Karl Malone play for? I think Tim can play longer than his contract says. But I think the question will be whether he wants to or not.

I think his quote answered that question. If he wants to, I think Tim could play at a high level until he's 38 or 39. Probably something like 17, 18 points and 8,9 boards average. Not too many guys doing that combo at any age.

12-13-2008, 07:11 PM
Kareem played until what, age 42? Duncans game is almost exactly like his. It isnt an athletic game he plays, its more cerebral, just like Mr. Skyhook. Duncan can no doubt extend again when his current contract is up.

12-13-2008, 07:39 PM
While I agree Duncan could play for many years I don't think he will. I think he'll hang it up at the end of this contract. I just don't see him doing the grind of it all past 36, regardless of the fact that his game will hold up.

I see him wanting to be around his kids more while they're still fairly young, I think he'll devote more time to his Foundation.

I've been in the minority of almost every conversation I've had about it, but I think he's done in 2012. (Much to my dismay).

12-13-2008, 08:07 PM
He will play past his 2012 expiration I think. 2 or 3 more years.

12-13-2008, 08:48 PM
Its just business. Timmy is closer to his family then most would think. And San Antonio is a city of very close familys. If Timmy can play and be successful. Believe you me Pop, Timmy and Tony will drain every single penny they can before they hang up them gloves. And as long as they do it here in our pueblo, I dont have any problems with that. Cos even if they dont go all the way. Theres gonna be alot of wins inbetween them long days of rest.