View Full Version : Terraun's Take on the Trades....

02-25-2005, 12:53 PM
You guys knew you could trust your boy to chime in on the trades. I'll take'em team by team and my personal opinion on the success of the teams.

Philly: I start with them because they opened the floodgates with the C-Web acquisition. Essentially they got Rogers and Webber for the short run and Mashburn's contract for the long run. They gave up a guy who didn't play and 3 tweener 4's. If Webber plays like 80% of himself and defers to Ivo in the clutch (because Chris is sad), then they got the best of both worlds. Instant contender in a garbage division and a little long-term flexibility. They are also now the TTB in their division and a tough out in the playoffs, but they still won't go far because of "The Curse of the Wolverine"...or the Chris Webber kiss-of-death!

NO: Can anyone say...Salary Dump? NO is a dead franchise right now. Baron became expendable because of Dickau (who shoulda been drafted by Utah) and Jamal...well...he's just expendable. They are pulling a Charlotte right now and I don't blame them. They are in the toughest division in the toughest conference. ANd at the beginning of the season, I felt like BDiddy was gone anyway. The question is, are they gonna attract free agents? Have you seen New Orleans? It might be the dirtiest big city in the US (I would say the world, but Mexico City is pretty dingy). Mire in mediocrity...and sell a stake to Percy Miller!

GS: The future is bright...I think. On the surface, Davis, Rodney White, and Skita help and you basically gave up nothing for them (unless you believe Claxton was the key cog in the Spurs title run). Here's the bad news. Troy Murphy (52 over 6), JRich (66 over 6), Davis (63 over 4 left), Foyle (30 base over 5), Derek Fisher (37 over 6). And you still have Dunleavy to sign or let go with the failed Denver products. Basically, this is the team you're stuck with for awhile...unless you wanna trade any of these guys (there may be a sucker for Fisher). The prospect of Savis and Richardson is exciting and Murphy is nice...but they have injury issues which will derail any of Mullin's dreams...but he has big grapefruits! At best, an exciting team that could sneak in the bottom of the playoffs in the future. At worst...a money pit. Only time will tell.

ATL: Ummm...yeah. Gave up their cap space for a malcontent, a washed-up white boy, and the artist formerly known as Michael Stewart. Ironically, if they let all these guys go, they still have the cap space. I don't get it. Something tells me this was a screwjob like Shawn Michaels over Bret Hart in 1997!

BOS: Continued from above. I talked to Terrell last night and we agree on this. Ainge is an idiot. Why bring a guy back you PUBLICLY bashed as an announcer and as a whatever-you-are and stick him on the team with the guy you acquired? All I can say is Walker will be a free agent...but I can't even say that with confidence. He could get maxed out and Pierce could be hitting the highway. And you trade the jewel (by your own words) of that Dallas-Walker trade to Cleveland????? Ummm..yeah. There's more screwing going on here than on Desperate Housewives! At least they got picks...

NYC: And more picks! I'm starting to think this is the NFL. Well...you got a couple more tweeners in Mo Taylor and Malik Rose. Good job. But check it. Ima play devil's advocate. I see Isiah trying desperately to use the picks he got to package some of these massive contracts on some sucker (or suckers). Also Tim Thomas will be in his last year next year. I expect a few offseason moves. They won't be smart...but they'll be moves. Dumping all this payroll is near impossible unless you can convince like 5 guys to retire (most notably Houston, Hardaway, and Kurt), so you might as well swell the payroll...but at least get useful guys! DAMN!

Charlotte: Not much to say here except they are really nice to let Smith go to the Heat.

Miami: They are also nice to let Smith come to the Heat. An immobile, stand still shooter on a defensive-oriented team. I see this going to (Steve Smith...DNP-CD).

Cleveland: They got Jiri Welsch. I'm sure Lebron is thanking God his prayers were answered. Here's the funny part. They say he's going to improve the outside shooting...then flash 32-99 on the season from 3. Uhhh...that 32% and 33 is considered standard. Either the NBA's shooting expectations are WAAAAY down...or they tried to justify this trade somehow. But they only give up a 2007 2nd round pick. Oh well.

Dallas: "I like this team". "We're not looking to trade". BAM! Van Horn is a Maverick. Lesson here? Cuban is a lying piece of s***! I'm exaggerating. You have to look at it this way. They gave up Calvin Booth and Alan Henderson. They're not exactly scaring opposing teams. Van Horn is the American equivalent of a European player. He's skilled, soft, and shrinks under pressure like a sponge. He should fit in fine in Dallas! I don't think this changes Dallas's prospects...because I didn't like'em anyway.

Milwaukee: Uhhh...and they are trying to resign Redd? I'm sorry..I've been watching this guy for a few years now and he's a nice player. But he's a #2 guy at best to me. I can't see you building a team around him because he's incomplete as a player. But Milwaukee's gonna dump a max salary (or close to) on his plate and dare Cleveland to try and top it. So all their moves are for this purpose. They'll look really dumb if he bolts, meaning I think the deal is pretty much there and he's pretty much signing. Then they'll be pretty much mediocre.

Houston: Uhhh...yeah. THey got rid of Mo Taylor...something they HAD to do. The team just dies when he's on the floor. i think it's his gravity...since he's a small planet and all. They bring back fan fave Moochie Norris. They also got Mike James, who's being passed around faster than a groupie at a rock concert. They also got Vin Baker. You remember him, right? Of course you don't. Here's what I don't get. They seem to have their PG situation fairly resolved with Strickland and Barrett (who's played very well for them) with Sura..then they bring in 2 more PGs with marginal abilities. Uhhh...ok. PLEASE LET ME BE A GM ONE DAY!!!!

San An: They got Nazr. They got rid of Malik Rose. This doesn't change their status as the elite team in the West. Nuff said.

The Queens: Right...I watched the Kings a little last night and Adelman looked like he was about to s*** himself on the court...for a full game. Get used to that look.

All-in-all...a heap of activity...a boatload of confusion! I love the NBA. I'll let the dust settle on these trades and then evaluate the end-year prospects of all 30 teams (if anyone is keeping score on my preseason predictions...Washington, Minnesota, Denver, Utah, and the Lakers are killing me right now...but I don't mind the Wiz).

---Terraun J.

02-25-2005, 05:56 PM
Who was the biggest loser???????