View Full Version : Argentina to host 2010 FIBA World Cup if Turkey inspection fails

12-17-2008, 07:24 AM
They made already the proposition to FIBA. It will depend if Turkey doesn;t make it and they can outbid Australia to get it.

They have lots of political support in FIBA to get it and they can push this to be Manu Ginobili's last run with the national team and a "thanks and goodbye" to the whole golden generation.


I'd spend my whole vacations in ARG if this eventually happens :downspin:


Por Miguel Romano
De la Redacción de LA NACION

Desde hace dos semanas, cuando en la asamblea general de la FIBA trascendieron los problemas que enfrenta Turquía para organizar el Mundial 2010, los dirigentes argentinos empezaron a postularse para tomar la sede.

El inmediato interés surgido del gobierno nacional y de la Secretaría de Deporte incentivó las gestiones. Incluso se iba a aprovechar hoy la llegada del secretario general del organismo mundial, el suizo Patrick Baumann, para realizar un ofrecimiento oficial. Baumann, que anoche no pudo viajar, iba a asistir mañana a la despedida de Horacio Muratore como titular de la Confederación de Básquetbol y a la asunción en su lugar del vice Germán Vaccaro. De todos modos, su ausencia no impedirá que continúen las gestiones.

"Por ahora es sólo una ilusión, pero existe interés del Gobierno y de la Secretaría de Deporte de incluirlo dentro de los festejos del bicentenario de la Revolución de Mayo", afirmó con entusiasmo el propio Muratore.

"¡Te imaginás! Sería la despedida ideal de la selección nacional de Manu Ginóbili", agregó Vaccaro. Hay que recordar que el bahiense dijo alguna vez que en su cuenta pendiente está ganar un Mundial (fue subcampeón en 2002) y siempre pensó en llegar al de 2010. También que desde hace tiempo la Confederación busca un certamen adecuado para organizar y tributarle un reconocimiento a la Generación Dorada.

"Contamos con buenas posibilidades, pero pronto empezarán a aparecer otros interesados. Ya se habla de Australia, España, Grecia y China", señaló Muratore, integrante del buró de FIBA y futuro presidente de Fibaamerica a partir de marzo de 2010.

No hay duda de que políticamente la Argentina está en una posición casi ideal para asumir el compromiso que dejarían los turcos. También en el aspecto deportivo, pues figura en el primer lugar del ranking mundial.

FIBA envió una comisión especial para analizar los trabajos en Turquía, que ya avisó que no construirá el prometido estadio para 20.000 espectadores. "Hay que esperar hasta el 15 de febrero, cuando la FIBA estudie los informes y decida si cambia la sede", dijo también Muratore. Los puntos en contra están en la falta de grandes estadios. "Estamos estudiando la viabilidad y el tiempo que puede demandar el techado del estadio de Parque Roca. Eso es clave", explicó el máximo dirigente argentino. Debe recordarse que desde 2006 se juega con 24 países, lo que aumenta de 4 a 6 las sedes. "No tenemos tantas ciudades grandes con buenos estadios", reflexionó Muratore.

En cuanto a las cuestiones económicas, se sabe que este tipo de torneos son un negocio. Hay millonarios derechos de televisión, sponsors del mejor nivel y todo depende de cómo se arreglen los números. Hay esperanzas.

* La sede de 2014 marginaría a tres potencias
En la puja por conseguir la organización del Mundial 2014 sólo quedaron tres países: China, Italia y España. Ergo, los tres estarían impedidos de ofrecerse ahora, antes de que se adjudique la de 2014, para sustituir a los turcos en 2010. Hay que esperar hasta el 15 de febrero, cuando la FIBA decidirá sobre la situación de Turquía.

12-17-2008, 08:44 AM
I really hope the FIBA world cup will be held in Argentina where most of the people speak spanish, or espanol. In fact, I'm a spanish who can speak little spanish, which is my biggest regret in my life. I have thought about learning it a little bit but the time doesn't permit me to do so. Even so, I still love spanish and my english speaking is also pretty spanish. I mean I have a very strong spanish, even stronger than Marc Vandermeer. I enjoy it when I speak English with a strong spanish accent, although it may confuse others sometimes. My tongue was created for Spanish instead of English because I'm a spanish anyway, no matter what nationality I'm holding now.
My happiest moment was when the spain soccer team beat the germany team to win the Euro cup this summer. I love Spain a lot, even more than US.
Keep our heros in our minds for ever, my brothers. Texans are more spanish than american even though they speak english more frequently.
Casillas/Ramos/Puyol/Marchena/cappdevila/David Silva/Inesta/Marcos Senna/Xavi/Torres/Villa.

12-17-2008, 09:16 AM
I really hope the FIBA world cup will be held in Argentina where most of the people speak spanish, or espanol. In fact, I'm a spanish who can speak little spanish, which is my biggest regret in my life. I have thought about learning it a little bit but the time doesn't permit me to do so. Even so, I still love spanish and my english speaking is also pretty spanish. I mean I have a very strong spanish, even stronger than Marc Vandermeer. I enjoy it when I speak English with a strong spanish accent, although it may confuse others sometimes. My tongue was created for Spanish instead of English because I'm a spanish anyway, no matter what nationality I'm holding now.
My happiest moment was when the spain soccer team beat the germany team to win the Euro cup this summer. I love Spain a lot, even more than US.
Keep our heros in our minds for ever, my brothers. Texans are more spanish than american even though they speak english more frequently.
Casillas/Ramos/Puyol/Marchena/cappdevila/David Silva/Inesta/Marcos Senna/Xavi/Torres/Villa.

i dont think anyone on here gives a shit man.

and australia wont win the chance to hosts the FIBA championships in 2010, when its domestic basketball league is still in shatters with a couple of teams withdrawal from the comp and the future doesnt look bright.

12-17-2008, 09:23 AM
Cool. That would be a great for Manu and a good way for him to end his career over there.

12-17-2008, 10:10 AM
Cool. That would be a great for Manu and a good way for him to end his career over there.

WTF? Manu isn't retiring right after 2010

12-17-2008, 10:21 AM
WTF? Manu isn't retiring right after 2010

i think he will... retiring playing the WC with the golden Generation? r u kidding me? it really doesn't get any better than that... :downspin:

12-17-2008, 10:37 AM
WTF? Manu isn't retiring right after 2010

The WC is the only thing Manu has not won, Maybe if Argentina wins he'll want to retire.

12-17-2008, 04:21 PM
wow! I would really love to have the world cup here! I remember when it was held here in 1990, there where children playing in the streets using the trash bins as hoops, it was crazy!

But honestly speaking, Argentina has exactly the very same problems Turkey has: stadiums. While the political situation and the number 1 in the FIBA ranking helps a lot, there's not a single stadium able to host a World Cup, specially not after what we saw in Japan in 2006 (really luxurious stadiums).

They're talking about 6 venues. I can think of Mar del Plata, Neuquén (the Ruca Ché is a small but nice stadium), Córdoba (Orfeo) and at least one in Buenos Aires. Luna Park is old and decrepit, Parque Roca needs a roof. I would really love to have it in the Boca Juniors football stadium, with a proper roof. It is doable, the canadians had something similar in 1994. And home court advantage in Boca would be brutal.

But this are only dreams. There's not a single stadium with heating nor air conditioning, and press facilities are not optimal. Besides I do think the turks would make a good world championship, the atmosphere in their league games is great.

12-17-2008, 10:23 PM
doesnt Argentina's economy collapse every two weeks?

12-18-2008, 01:20 AM
No, every two years, and the next collapse is scheduled for 2009, so we'll be good for 2010.

But thanks for asking.

12-18-2008, 07:42 AM
There's not a single stadium with heating nor air conditioning, and press facilities are not optimal. Besides I do think the turks would make a good world championship, the atmosphere in their league games is great.

How about the Manu Ginobili stadium being built in Bahia Blanca??? :toast

12-18-2008, 11:42 AM
How about the Manu Ginobili stadium being built in Bahia Blanca??? :toast

It would help, and a city like Bahia Blanca definitely deserves a venue, but as far as I know it won't be a very large stadium, something around 8500 people. I mean, it will be huge for the domestic league, but I think FIBA is looking for some monster stadiums in well connected cities, specially for final games.

But, as I think about this, I even think this whole stadiums thing is overrated. If the turks can't build the stadium for 20000 people so what? During the last world cup in Japan the games were almost empty, except for Team USA games, and in Indianapolis 2002 it was actually worse, and there were only 16 teams back then. The main income comes from TV rights.

Well, let's wait until February to see what happens. Nothing against Turkey but ... :stirpot:

PS=The 2010 World Cup is the last major FIBA tournament with the current 3pt line! It will be at 6.75m afterwards.

12-18-2008, 11:47 AM
It would help, and a city like Bahia Blanca definitely deserves a venue, but as far as I know it won't be a very large stadium, something around 8500 people. I mean, it will be huge for the domestic league, but I think FIBA is looking for some monster stadiums in well connected cities, specially for final games.

But, as I think about this, I even think this whole stadiums thing is overrated. If the turks can't build the stadium for 20000 people so what? During the last world cup in Japan the games were almost empty, except for Team USA games, and in Indianapolis 2002 it was actually worse, and there were only 16 teams back then. The main income comes from TV rights.

Well, let's wait until February to see what happens. Nothing against Turkey but ... :stirpot:

PS=The 2010 World Cup is the last major FIBA tournament with the current 3pt line! It will be at 6.75m afterwards.

You can also ask Uruguay to be one of the 6 cities to host the pool play... you can have 12000 or up to 20000 people on it... it's the Cilindro Municipal de Montevideo also built for a FIBA WC... i wouldn't mind if Team USA plays there :stirpot:

kinda old but would get the job done...



12-18-2008, 01:01 PM
Oh yes, the good old Cilindro. I wouldn't mind to co-host the championship at all, quite the contrary, it would be great. But considering how politics get involved in this kind of events the chances of that happening I think are almost null, unfortunately.

By the way, and going slightly off topic, I remember in the 90s there was a proposal to make uruguayan teams join the argentinean league, in an attempt to also include brazilian teams afterwards and create a real south american league. Current south american league is more a "cup" than a league. Now, Brazil is just starting to create their own national competition, more than 10 years after that proposal, so the opportunity is gone.

Thunder Dan
12-18-2008, 01:04 PM
what does the Turkey have salmonella? ahahahahahaha i made a joke

12-18-2008, 01:51 PM
Oh yes, the good old Cilindro. I wouldn't mind to co-host the championship at all, quite the contrary, it would be great. But considering how politics get involved in this kind of events the chances of that happening I think are almost null, unfortunately.

By the way, and going slightly off topic, I remember in the 90s there was a proposal to make uruguayan teams join the argentinean league, in an attempt to also include brazilian teams afterwards and create a real south american league. Current south american league is more a "cup" than a league. Now, Brazil is just starting to create their own national competition, more than 10 years after that proposal, so the opportunity is gone.

yeah it was brought since we have 2 or 3 teams able to beat the Argies consistently... and only with 2 foreigns allowed on the rosters :devil

but as you said... it was more about politics than thinking on the fans and the game itself... fucking lame

12-18-2008, 02:42 PM
Uh? There were only 2 foreigners allowed in the argie league back then, and the best team didn't have any. Atenas with Milanesio, Espil, Oberto, Osella and Palladino was stacked!

12-18-2008, 02:52 PM
Pipe dream forum.

12-18-2008, 08:57 PM
Pipe dream forum.

and u r...?