View Full Version : Relax, it's only 1 game...

02-27-2005, 01:16 AM
I'm very sure that tonight's loss was a direct impact of Malik being traded. The turnovers show the lack of concentration. What does worry me is that the Spurs were beat in the paint:

Memphis: 44pts
Spurs: 34pts

At home.

Rasho Nesterovic is averaging his lowest pt total in 4-5 years. That is called regression. Maybe the emergence of Manu into the starting lineup(officially) may be the reason, but Rasho is also averaging less minutes than in the last 4-5 seasons.

I think Pop should've played Nazr some minutes...the Knicks played Malik and he was good reason why they won. No excuse why Pop couldn't play Nazr. What, because he didn't know the scheme??? That's a cop-out I don't think 3-5 minutes of Nazr would've been the reason why we lost the game. I actually think having Nazr on the floor might've helped Tim, Tony, & Manu turn the page on the Malik chapter, something that needs to be done sooner than later. We really need better work from our front court tandem of Duncan & Rasho. I think Rasho is a serviceable big at best and I think it's time we stop "handicapping" Rasho and giving him the benefit of the doubt.

2005: $6,160,000
2006: $6,720,000
2007: $7,280,000
2008: $7,840,000
2009: $8,400,000

2005 STATS
5.7pts(-3pts from 2004)
6.8RBs(-0.9 RBs from 2004)
1 asst (-0.4 asst from 2004)
44.6 FG% (-2.3% from 2004 and is also his lowest since his rookie year he played 2 games)
44 FT% (-3.4% from 2004 and also his lowest FT% of his career)

I think this is why we got Nazr. In my opinion, the Malik trade had more to do with Rasho's inability to play consistent minutes on both ends of the floor. If Rasho was putting up better numbers than last year, chances are we would've won a couple more games and we also probably would've kept Rose. But because Rasho has also been the subject of trade rumors this season and was not able to move Rasho, the Spurs knew they were in trouble unless they got a big and unfortunately it was Rose they had to trade to get him.

I think Nazr has got to get on the floor QUICK. I'm surprised he didn't play any minutes at all, but I think we'll see some good minutes from Nazr in the next game.

I'm am surprised Rasho had a poor effort tonight though. Considering we had just traded the heart & soul of our team for a guy that is very close to replacing him, Rasho came out with no real fire. Sure he had some blocks, but there's a reason why Rasho gets blocks: Rasho has a reputation of being soft so teams will go at him. I only hope the acquisition of Nazr, who I think is twice the player Rasho is, pushes Rasho to play better in fear of being benched.

I think we'll be fine. I think Pop will get the team focused again and we'll start rolling. I hope Tim, Tony and Manu got it out of their system tonight and understood that they can't mourn too long or before they know it, they're out of the playoffs.

I also think Pop should play Nazr more and just throw him into the fire, see what we got. I don't want Rasho thinking for a minute that his job is secure safely so he can play complacent because he feels he doesn't need to play better.

02-27-2005, 01:20 AM

Game after game after game...the Spurs simply cannot beat a scrubby team. ( I know the Grizz aren't scrubby but w/o Pau they are)

Spurs can beat good teams....sometimes at least...but they just can't freakin come out with a damn W at the end of the night against teams like Utah, Toronto,Portland...

Spurs haven't won vs. Memphis or Washington this season.

02-27-2005, 01:22 AM
It was a close game the Grizz won. They came with fire, give them credit.

I don't think they're a scrub team. I think they smelled "blood" and they went for the kill. They sensed the Spurs were in mourning and just not motivated or focused and took advantage of it.

Spurs will be fine, trust me. If they don't win the championship, I'll buy you a toy doll.

02-27-2005, 01:24 AM
Oh shit, don't start this damn "it's only one game" BS.

If the Spurs lose HCA by one game to Suns, it's crappy losses like this one that will have forced us to start the Suns series with 2 games @PHX.

02-27-2005, 01:38 AM
The Suns will not make it to the WCF's

02-27-2005, 12:21 PM
Hey guys did anyone stick around and wacth the news after the game. They did the story on the free ipods and other free stuff; I've heard about it before but I nver knew if it was legit or not,and they said it was the real deal so i'm in. Well anyways if anyone is interested we can try and get this going. you just sign up and refer 5 people. I just did it and here's my link if anyone wants to try


02-27-2005, 12:33 PM
Die, spammer.

02-27-2005, 01:09 PM
"Only one game"

We have been saying this after every stupid loss. I just don't understand how it works...the Spurs simply don't get it done against teams that aren't exactly great.

02-27-2005, 01:21 PM
Rasho Nesterovic is averaging his lowest pt total in 4-5 years. That is called regression. Maybe the emergence of Manu into the starting lineup(officially) may be the reason, but Rasho is also averaging less minutes than in the last 4-5 seasons.

I don't think Manu has anything to do with this, he doesn't average many shots per game, especially for a starting SG.

I think it's his minutes, and his FG % isn't as good as other centers.

Manu and Tony are guards and they shoot a higher percentage than Rasho, and I think it's due to his shot selection.
Rasho really takes some weird running hook shots that look retarded,.

02-27-2005, 01:29 PM
You know, everytime I see Suns fans after one of their losses, I have to laugh. You will hear things like, "the coach should be fired, he sucks", or "Nash is the coach, we have no coach". They often talk about how bad their coach is, how bad their centers are.

But in the end, what are they? They're still tied in losses for the best record in the NBA.

Let's not push the panic button. It's a long season and Pop got Nazr for the reason being Rasho isn't doing enough.

All we can ask is that Pop tries to better the team...and he did.

Let's get over the loss. It's no big deal. I didn't think we were going to have only 1 loss at home anyways.

I'm quite sure Tim, Tony & Manu learned their lesson last night and will not mourn any longer.


I look to see Nazr really make an impact, possibly starting.

02-27-2005, 02:08 PM
It's only one game playing against a team who was WITHOUT THEIR BEST DAMN PLAYER.

Don't try to minimize it.

02-27-2005, 02:54 PM
You tell em Shoogar(damn, why do I feel like Jim talking to Brad Pitt when I say that)

Keep bringing the heavy lumber!

02-27-2005, 02:58 PM
It's only one game playing against a team who was WITHOUT THEIR BEST DAMN PLAYER.

Don't try to minimize it.

So, what's different after the loss?

We are still tied in losses for the best record.

The Spurs still have the best start in their franchise.

Yeah, I'm totally devistated. Maybe we should just pack it in for a lottery pick, you think?



02-27-2005, 02:59 PM
If this trade screws up team chemistry I think a few apologies are going to have to come my way and fast.

02-27-2005, 10:58 PM
So, all that talk and negativity yesterday and today doesn't change anything at the end of the day...


Guys, relax. It's a long season. I miss Malik too and if I'm mad at anyone, it's Rasho because if Rasho was improving, we wouldn't have traded Malik. It is because of Rasho's inability to secure down the paint that we have to get more size.

Nazr has tremendous potential. I've seen him play over the years and have always wondered why he hasn't broken out.

This is a guy that(I believe) The Hawks chose to start over Ratliff. Nazr has talent, size, and is a much better defender than Nesterovic. We will be fine. It was a decent pickup.

Heck, who knows...maybe we'll trade for Malik back when we get rid of Horry?

02-27-2005, 11:00 PM
Didn't you already post a thread that says this verbatum that no one responded to?

02-27-2005, 11:01 PM
guy come in get 10 rebounds in 15 minutes and spurs win
people will start to forget about rose

02-27-2005, 11:08 PM
Didn't you already post a thread that says this verbatum that no one responded to?

Um, you responded to it, didn't you?





02-27-2005, 11:11 PM
There were a lot of different opinions as to why the Spurs did not play well against Memphis. I think you can also lay blame at the feet of the Spurs fans for this one. Pop couldn't put Nazr in the game because of the way the fans have been acting. Lorenzo Wright was having his way and with Nazr in their it could easily have been different. So you want someone to blame? Blame yourself.

02-27-2005, 11:13 PM
because tp was mourning the loss of rose who went to bat for him
manu and his 7 turnovers
duncan and his missed free throws

the hole team is to blame even the coach

02-27-2005, 11:16 PM
If this trade screws up team chemistry I think a few apologies are going to have to come my way and fast.If this trade screws up team chemistry the players need to go into therapy. If they are not mentally tough enough to handle trading Malik no way are they ready to win the championship.

02-27-2005, 11:18 PM
It was just a very dangerous situation:

1. Grizzlies coming off 4 game losing streak and playing the Spurs, whom they've had our number for the last 2 years. It's not like the Grizz are a mediocre team, they beat us 3 out of 4 last year and have taken the first 2 this year, which means I give the Spurs maybe one game this year and eventually lead to a 1-3 record against the Grizz. Something abotu Wright's athleticism. We need a body that can defend him with athleticism, and that's where Nazr comes in.

2. Mourning the loss of Malik. Guys just weren't focused, too many turnovers. I'm sure even Pop was affected because Pop is the guy that got Malik his chance and kept him there. Through the bickering, they both loved eachother tremendously and I don't rule out Pop bringing him back here in the future.

It was just 1 game.

Tonight, the Celtics beat the Suns in Phoenix.

NBA Players are human. If they were supposed to win every single game, why play the season??? Right?


02-27-2005, 11:18 PM
because tp was mourning the loss of rose who went to bat for him
manu and his 7 turnovers
duncan and his missed free throws

the hole team is to blame even the coachtotally agree

02-27-2005, 11:18 PM
Chemistry is something that is developed, and that is what allows you to win championships. If you have a team with Steve Francis, Stephon Marbury, Jamal Crawford, and Gilbert Arenas, you might have one hell of a team, but you're gonna lose every friggin game.

02-27-2005, 11:22 PM
It's one fucking loss everyone get over it.

02-27-2005, 11:24 PM
Some of them can't. They're destined to be cynical, bitter, and lonesome beings for the rest of their lives.

02-27-2005, 11:25 PM
Dude, there are 15+ threads that say this, read the friggin board before you post a new thread.

Besides, Boutons hasn't even posted anything yet that says two home losses before the 1 of May gaurentees a team is unable to win a championship if their second string PG is shooting under 60% from the three point line in the third quarter.

02-27-2005, 11:27 PM
Dude, there are 15+ threads that say this, read the friggin board before you post a new thread.

I think we've found our "cynical, bitter, and lonesome being" right here(LOL!).

RobinsontoDuncan, don't be so sad about 1 loss. It's over with.

The Spurs are the #1 team in the NBA tonight.

If the Spurs were perfect and unbeatable, why even play a season, right?

Don't get your panties in a bunch over one loss, sweetpea.

02-27-2005, 11:29 PM
Chemistry is something that is developed, and that is what allows you to win championships. If you have a team with Steve Francis, Stephon Marbury, Jamal Crawford, and Gilbert Arenas, you might have one hell of a team, but you're gonna lose every friggin game.

Not if you play them together for 7 seasons straight.