View Full Version : Anyone ever use healing magnets/magnetic therapy?

Heath Ledger
01-08-2009, 01:47 AM
If you have can you explain your experience. Ive read plenty of conflicting info from it being hogwash to many people swearing by it.

The reason I ask is my cast was removed some 5 weeks ago on my hand and its still in quite a bit of pain to the point i feel like a gimp because I can't really lift anything or carry anything in my left hand. It feels sort of like a sprained wrist that just won't go away.

I bought a a 15000 gauss magnet to place over the injury a few days ago but so far have noticed no pain relief etc.

01-08-2009, 02:21 AM
My experience with them is 8-9 years old, so I don't know how relevant it is. I tried them for a back injury with no success at all, but I did know a couple of people that swore by them.

If you haven't already, you might want to try a hand specialist if the pain doesn't ease.

01-08-2009, 02:29 AM
I am still stuck to the fridge.

01-08-2009, 02:52 AM
Just rub some tussin on it.

01-08-2009, 08:21 AM
If you have can you explain your experience. Ive read plenty of conflicting info from it being hogwash to many people swearing by it.

The reason I ask is my cast was removed some 5 weeks ago on my hand and its still in quite a bit of pain to the point i feel like a gimp because I can't really lift anything or carry anything in my left hand. It feels sort of like a sprained wrist that just won't go away.

I bought a a 15000 gauss magnet to place over the injury a few days ago but so far have noticed no pain relief etc.

you can't lose weight using crackpot magnets heath.

maybe if you stop eating so much you would stop stomping around and breaking your magnets

01-08-2009, 10:33 AM
If you have can you explain your experience. Ive read plenty of conflicting info from it being hogwash to many people swearing by it.

The reason I ask is my cast was removed some 5 weeks ago on my hand and its still in quite a bit of pain to the point i feel like a gimp because I can't really lift anything or carry anything in my left hand. It feels sort of like a sprained wrist that just won't go away.

I bought a a 15000 gauss magnet to place over the injury a few days ago but so far have noticed no pain relief etc.

There is no evidence whatsoever that supports any of the claims on the part of "magnet therapy" proponents about what magnets do.


Some people WILL be helped by a placebo effect for any therapy, no matter how loopy, but the solid claims of thing like "aligning blood cells", or "attracting blood cells" don't really pan out. These bits are actually testable, and no objective research has shown that any magnets actually do this.

I would be remiss if I offered medical advice, you should probably see a physical therapist about the pain in your wrist.

Sorry, but the only thing "magnet therapy" is effective at is making the people who sell the "kits" a little bit richer at the expense of valid therapies.

01-08-2009, 10:37 AM
Magnets? That's just a scam. What you really need is some healing crystals.

http://img.alibaba.com/photo/11443542/Gemstones_Massage_Wand_And_Crystal_Healing_Wand.jp g

01-08-2009, 10:38 AM
Only works if you are trapped on an island off the coast of New Zealand.

01-08-2009, 10:39 AM
A top claim made by proponents is that magnets attract the iron in blood and improve blood flow, reducing pain. They only trouble with this theory is that iron in blood is bound to hemoglobin and is not attracted by magnets. You can test this, if you're brave, with a pinprick of blood.

Then again, if blood were attracted to magnets, when you enter under the powerful magnets of an MRI machine, which are thousands of times stronger that so-called therapeutic magnets, you'd blow up.

A few small studies have found marginal benefits, such as a 1997 study from Baylor College of Medicine involving 50 patients with knee pain. This is the study most cited by purveyors of magnetic goods.

Conversely, the dozen or so larger studies since 1997 finding no benefit from magnets are the least likely to be cited. The Baylor study has never been replicated, which in the world of medical studies can mean that a study's methods were flawed or that the results for some reason simply don't stick in the real world.

Don't confuse static magnets, however, with electromagnets, devices used in hospitals and involving pulses of electricity shown to help heal bone fractures. While experimental, the therapy is promising and likely relies on the "electric" part of electromagnetism affecting cell membranes or nerve cells.


To be fair, it seems your magnet is a lot stronger than the ones that are normally sold in the kits, it seems.

All of which leads me to believe that if you are using something 10-100 times stronger and didn't see any results, that says something.

01-08-2009, 03:18 PM
Man I swallowed a hand full of those little bastards....they ain't working for sh!t...

Heath Ledger
01-08-2009, 03:34 PM
Oh by the way MiamiaHeat don't bother replying to my posts I can't see your ignorant bullshit any more. Free at last.

01-08-2009, 03:36 PM
You'll be back.


You know you want it. Come on, Heath. You and I know you don't really want to lose all that weight.

Look at the yummy burger.

Ed Helicopter Jones
01-08-2009, 04:22 PM
No proven medical results....but some of those bracelets they sell look pretty cool.

01-08-2009, 04:25 PM
Maybe you just need to keep it immobilized a little longer. Have you tried a splint?

Heath Ledger
01-08-2009, 04:27 PM
No I havent tried a splint.

01-08-2009, 04:39 PM
You know there could still be some healing soft tissue in there that swells when you try to use your hand and then causes the pain. Keeping it in a nonmobile position may help.

01-08-2009, 04:42 PM
If you have can you explain your experience. Ive read plenty of conflicting info from it being hogwash to many people swearing by it.

The reason I ask is my cast was removed some 5 weeks ago on my hand and its still in quite a bit of pain to the point i feel like a gimp because I can't really lift anything or carry anything in my left hand. It feels sort of like a sprained wrist that just won't go away.

I bought a a 15000 gauss magnet to place over the injury a few days ago but so far have noticed no pain relief etc.
I broke my hand the same week you did and I got off free except for a slightly bent pinky. Guess I was the lucky one, but then again, maybe you deserve this since you broke your hand by hitting a face.

Heath Ledger
01-08-2009, 09:16 PM
No regrets here the fucker had it coming. After a few days of his bullshit I could stand no more. We feed the fucker, give him shelter and money, and he continusously disrespected me and my girlfriend in our home.

Next time I'll hit him with 2.5 million volts instead then when he is done shitting himself give him a bus ticket to anywherebuthere usa.

01-08-2009, 09:20 PM
So you hit a bum and fucked up your hand?

Who do you think is the retard in this case?

P.S I got some magic crystals, you buying? they make you immortal+heal hands.

Heath Ledger
01-08-2009, 10:45 PM
Ya the bum being my girlfriends brother.