View Full Version : Texas Death Row Inmate Pulls Out Eye, Eats It

01-11-2009, 09:11 PM
Associated Press - HOUSTON -- A Texas death row inmate with a history of mental problems pulled out his only good eye and told authorities he ate it.

Andre Thomas, 25, was arrested for the fatal stabbings of his estranged wife, their young son and her 13-month-old daughter in March 2004. Their hearts also had been ripped out. He was convicted and condemned for the infant's death.

While in the Grayson County Jail in Sherman, Thomas plucked out his right eye before his trial later in 2004. A judge subsequently ruled he was competent to stand trial.

A death-row officer at the Polunsky Unit of the Texas Department of Criminal Justice found Thomas in his cell with blood on his face and took him to the infirmary.

""Thomas said he pulled out his eye and subsequently ingested it," agency spokesman Jason Clark said Friday.

Thomas was treated at East Texas Medical Center in Tyler after the Dec. 9 incident. Then he was transferred and remains at the Jester Unit, a prison psychiatric facility near Richmond southwest of Houston.

"He will finally be able to receive the mental health care that we had wanted and begged for from day 1," Bobbie Peterson-Cate, Thomas' trial attorney, told the Sherman Herald Democrat. "He is insane and mentally ill. It is exactly the same reason he pulled out the last one."

At his trial, defense lawyers also argued he suffered from alcohol and drug abuse.

Thomas does not have an execution date.

The Texas Court of Criminal Appeals in October upheld his conviction and death sentence for the death of 13-month-old Leyha Marie Hughes. Also killed March 27, 2004, were his wife, Laura Christine Boren, 20, and their son, 4-year-old Andre Lee.

Thomas, from Texoma, walked into the Sherman Police Department and told a dispatcher he had just murdered the three and had stabbed himself in the chest.

Thomas told police how he put his victims' hearts in his pocket and left their apartment, took them home, put them in a plastic bag and threw them in the trash.

Court documents described the three victims as having "large, gaping wounds to their chests."

http://www.mysanantonio.com/37357149.html http://images.craigslist.org/3nd3m43oc1f612414a91b805dbd90cbcd15d6.jpg

Anyone know this guy???

01-11-2009, 09:33 PM
Mental health care?

He killed his wife and ripped her heart out.

Fry the motherfucker and be done with it.

baseline bum
01-11-2009, 09:44 PM
Mental health care?

He killed his wife and ripped her heart out.

Fry the motherfucker and be done with it.

What a simplistic answer. I guess in your world schizophrenics are just lazy asses who want to drink all day, and there is no such thing as a psychopath; only sociopaths.

01-11-2009, 09:49 PM
This rockhound cat's one of the more fucking dumb pieces of shit that's been posting as of late. This alone wouldn't be so bad but viewed in the context that literally everything he writes is idiotic garbage, it sure is. Suck a dick rockhound, ya fucking moron.

Pistons < Spurs
01-11-2009, 10:02 PM


01-11-2009, 10:02 PM
What a simplistic answer. I guess in your world schizophrenics are just lazy asses who want to drink all day, and there is no such thing as a psychopath; only sociopaths.

what do you think should be done with him?

Last Comic Standing
01-11-2009, 10:07 PM
Someone keep an eye out for updates.

I am Tom
01-11-2009, 10:17 PM
latest update.


01-11-2009, 10:18 PM
This rockhound cat's one of the more fucking dumb pieces of shit that's been posting as of late. This alone wouldn't be so bad but viewed in the context that literally everything he writes is idiotic garbage, it sure is. Suck a dick rockhound, ya fucking moron.

No offense but that's pretty funny coming from you "ballijuana". Pretty much everything you post is tediously pathetic if only for the reason that your nic is "ballijuana".

There has never been a more pathetically clueless attempt at being cool or hip or what the fuck ever in the entire history of man, than the day you signed up with the username "ballijuana".

SpursTalk became an exponentially shittier message board on that day, simply because that username sucks so incredibly bad...and every single fucking time you post using the nic, "ballijuana", you hurt this board more than other single thing in it's entire history.

Seriously...go fuck yourself and don't call anyone stupid or lame, or call anyone out for anything until you stop using the username, "ballijuana", you ignorant, pathetic and stupid piece of shit.

Stop killing the board by posting with that name..it is the stupidest fucking username in the history of the internet and you're pathetically lame and suck ass for using it.

01-11-2009, 10:20 PM
PS: when you use words like "cat" it only magnifies the enormity of suck you bring to this board with every post you make. You're about as cool and hip as Jared the sandwich guy...FOAD pathetic wannabe.

01-11-2009, 10:25 PM
what do you think should be done with him?

base wants him fully rehabilitated and sane so that's once he's no longer out of his mind he'll realize he brutally murdered his wife and children, mutilated himself, and will be blind and most likely institutionalized for the remaining 60 years of his life.

Liberals are kind like that...

Richard Cranium
01-11-2009, 10:31 PM
He must believe in an eye for an eye.

Richard Cranium
01-11-2009, 10:32 PM
We must not lose sight of the real issue.

I am Tom
01-11-2009, 10:32 PM

Richard Cranium
01-11-2009, 10:33 PM

01-11-2009, 10:38 PM
I think he's bluffing...pulling your eyes out isn't insane when you are facing the death penalty.

They should give him a knife and see what else he does...then evaluate his sanity depending on what's left when he's done.

Richard Cranium
01-11-2009, 10:43 PM
I think he's bluffing...pulling your eyes out isn't insane when you are facing the death penalty.

They should give him a knife and see what else he does...then evaluate his sanity depending on what's left when he's done.

Yeah, he's probably just poking our eyes.

01-11-2009, 10:46 PM
No offense but ................

Reminds me of Jerry Springer.........Babe you know I love you but...........

The Reckoning
01-11-2009, 10:46 PM
the guards must've been keeping an eye out for him

baseline bum
01-11-2009, 10:52 PM
base wants him fully rehabilitated and sane so that's once he's no longer out of his mind he'll realize he brutally murdered his wife and children, mutilated himself, and will be blind and most likely institutionalized for the remaining 60 years of his life.

Liberals are kind like that...

So you can't see the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath? Not saying this guy doesn't know right from wrong (not enough info), but pulling ones eyes out and eating them kind of point in the direction of someone who doesn't have it all there.

baseline bum
01-11-2009, 10:54 PM
what do you think should be done with him?

So would you kill someone who had no concept of reality? Does your conservative dogma tell you there's no such thing and that insanity is only the excuse of sociopaths?

Richard Cranium
01-11-2009, 10:57 PM
Maybe he just likes to watch what he eats.

01-11-2009, 11:02 PM

:lmao Winner!!

Richard Cranium
01-11-2009, 11:04 PM
All those in favor of the death penalty say "eye".

01-11-2009, 11:06 PM
So you can't see the difference between a psychopath and a sociopath? Not saying this guy doesn't know right from wrong (not enough info), but pulling ones eyes out and eating them kind of point in the direction of someone who doesn't have it all there.

Nothing insane about it if it can keep you alive.

Ever hear about that rock climber that cut his arm off with a pocketknife when it was pinned under a rock and it was the only way he could survive?

Let's just say you're right and he is insane and out of touch with reality...if he is ruled insane they have a moral obligation to do everything in their power to help him regain his sanity....

Suppose they are successful and do actually rehabilitate him...and he eventually comprehends the full horror and wrong of what he did, the full weight of what he did, and feels the full wieght of the guilt of those actions....it'll be an enormous guilt and pain he carries around with him for the rest of his life...

A sane man forever burdened with the actions of a madman...

What have you accomplished base?

A sane innocent man will be suffering the consequences of the actions of an insane guilty one...

Again I ask...what exactly have you accomplished?

baseline bum
01-11-2009, 11:17 PM
Nothing insane about it if it can keep you alive.

Ever hear about that rock climber that cut his arm off with a pocketknife when it was pinned under a rock and it was the only way he could survive?

Let's just say you're right and he is insane and out of touch with reality...if he is ruled insane they have a moral obligation to do everything in their power to help him regain his sanity....

Suppose they are successful and do actually rehabilitate him...and he eventually comprehends the full horror and wrong of what he did, the full weight of what he did....it'll be an enormous guilt and pain he carries around with him for the rest of his life...

A sane man for every carrying the burden of the actions of a madman...

What have you accomplished base?

A sane innocent man will be suffering the consequences of the actions of an insane guilty one...

Again I ask...what exactly have you accomplished?

It would accomplish not killing someone who didn't deserve it. To me there's a huge difference between someone who goes and kills because the radio told him to do it or he heard voices from god than as opposed to one who kills because he's pissed, because he doesn't like another person, because his girl cheats on him, etc. A schizo doesn't have the same free will that a sociopath does, and should not pay the same penalty as what is given to one who can think for himself and still decides it's good to off someone. If this guy knew what he was doing and knew it was wrong, then by all means fry him to a crisp in the chair.

01-11-2009, 11:21 PM
And if he ever truly understands and fully comprehends what he has done and the future that lies ahead of him...he will wish for death with all his heart.

Why exactly would you want to do that to an innocent man?

Mighty Christian of you if you ask me...

01-11-2009, 11:23 PM
I still say there is something very sane about his supposedly insane actions for one facing the death penalty...

Giving him a knife or hatchet and seeing what else he does is the only way to truly evaluate his sanity...

baseline bum
01-11-2009, 11:24 PM
And if he ever truly understands and fully comprehends what he has done and the future that lies ahead of him...he will wish for death with all his heart.

Why exactly would you want to do that to an innocent man?

Mighty Christian of you if you ask me...

So you're saying all he would want to do is kill himself? You seem to not be of the philosophy that every day above ground is a good one.

01-11-2009, 11:33 PM
So you're saying all he would want to do is kill himself?

Well...he murdered his wife and child and permanently blinded himself...what would you consider a sane reaction to knowing you commited those actions?


Complete detatchment from the actions? Isn't that the basis for his insanity claims to begin with?

I mean isn't that the problem in the first place?

You seem to not be of the philosophy that every day above ground is a good one.

If I murdered my wife and child by cutting their hearts out and fully understood what I had done...I'd not only want to be dead, I'd think I deserved it. If I felt guilty of commiting the murders, and felt the full crushing burden of the guilt of murdering my wife and baby girl, two people I was supposed to be protecting, IMHO, the only possible reaction of a sane person...I'd think death was proper punishment.

If I didn't feel guilty but fully understood what I did in the throes of insanity, and understood the full horror of those actions, which in itself sounds like a pretty insane and completely disassociated state of mind...I'd consider death a merciful release or else I'd be as insane as I was when I disassociated from the actions in the first place.

The Reckoning
01-11-2009, 11:42 PM
All those in favor of the death penalty say "eye".

now thats what i call "blind justice"

Richard Cranium
01-11-2009, 11:42 PM
It is clear you guys don't see eye to eye on this issue.

01-11-2009, 11:47 PM
This rockhound cat's one of the more fucking dumb pieces of shit that's been posting as of late. This alone wouldn't be so bad but viewed in the context that literally everything he writes is idiotic garbage, it sure is. Suck a dick rockhound, ya fucking moron.

lmao. You are nothing but a pussy weed-smoking liberal douche.

How can you even begin to think an opinion from a tool like you could even come close to affecting me homie? :rollinI'm sure you have plenty of like-minded friends who make you feel comfortable, but the reality is you are a cancer on this generation.

01-11-2009, 11:47 PM
It is clear you guys don't see eye to eye on this issue.

Base needs his eyes opened worse than this guy does...

As for myself...what can I say other than Justice should be blind.

baseline bum
01-11-2009, 11:49 PM
If I murdered my wife and child by cutting their hearts out and fully understood what I had done...I'd not only want to be dead, I'd think I deserved it. If I felt guilty of commiting the murders, and felt the full crushing burden of the guilt of murdering my wife and baby girl, two people I was supposed to be protecting, IMHO, the only possible reaction of a sane person...I'd think death was proper punishment.

If I didn't feel guilty but fully understood what I did in the throes of insanity, and understood the full horror of those actions, which in itself sounds like a pretty insane and completely disassociated state of mind...I'd consider death a merciful release or else I'd be as insane as I was when I disassociated from the actions in the first place.

Wanting death isn't very logical, unless you're of the belief there is something after life. Your agrument breaks down to something like I've done a lot of bad shit, might as well grab a shotgun, stick it in my mouth, and do one more.

Just based on the way drugs for schizophrenia work, I wonder how much he would be tormented. It seems like the drugs slow everything down in the brain as a way to quiet the 'voices', and put the person into a kind of trance. Not the best way to go through life, but decidedly superior to having your brain misfire and tell you to do all kinds of things that have no basis in reality, and surely better than being 6 feet in the ground.

01-11-2009, 11:58 PM
What a simplistic answer.


Why try to go off the situation like it is convoluted?

Mental health problem or not,


If that is not instant death penalty....WTF is? Why should the state have to feed this fucker for 40 more years?

But you're right. Let's complicate it so some lawyers can make some money and the justice system can continue using that tax money.

01-12-2009, 12:05 AM
Wanting death isn't very logical, unless you're of the belief there is something after life.

Either that or you realize death is an inevitability as it stands now...no matter your religious beliefs.

Your agrument breaks down to something like I've done a lot of bad shit, might as well grab a shotgun, stick it in my mouth, and do one more.

And I don't think there's anything insane whatsoever about that notion...

Just based on the way drugs for schizophrenia work, I wonder how much he would be tormented. It seems like the drugs slow everything down in the brain as a way to quiet the 'voices', and put the person into a kind of trance. Not the best way to go through life, but decidedly superior to having your brain misfire and tell you to do all kinds of things that have no basis in reality, and surely better than being 6 feet in the ground.

You don't know that he's schizophrenic...

baseline bum
01-12-2009, 12:09 AM
You don't know that he's schizophrenic...

We don't even know the he's insane. It's a hypothetical.

baseline bum
01-12-2009, 12:10 AM

Why try to go off the situation like it is convoluted?

Mental health problem or not,


If that is not instant death penalty....WTF is? Why should the state have to feed this fucker for 40 more years?

But you're right. Let's complicate it so some lawyers can make some money and the justice system can continue using that tax money.

Let's use your logic.

George Bush


Get the gallows and string him up.

01-12-2009, 12:11 AM
Base your stance is inherently contradictory...

I mean for a guy who doesn't understand preferring death you certainly aren't very survival oriented...if you were you'd certainly undestand why plucking his eyes out when he is facing certain execution is far from conclusively the action of a madman...but rather easily also the action of a man who is deperate to survive and get away with murder, as is feigning insanity.

On the one hand you don't seem to understand why plucking his eyes out is better than death and dub that action as clearly insane...and then you turn around and act like anything is better then death if you are sane...

I dub the full of shit.

baseline bum
01-12-2009, 12:13 AM
Base your stance is inherently contradictory...

I mean for a guy who doesn't understand preferring death you certainly aren't very survival oriented...if you were you'd certainly undestand why plucking his eyes out when he is facing certain execution is far from conclusively the action of a madman...but rather easily the action of a man who is deperate to survive.

On the one hand you don't seem to understand why plucking his eyes out is better than death...and then you turn around and act like anything is better then death if you are sane...

I dub the full of shit.

Man, you're fucking dense. I never argued it was conclusive evidence he was insane. I said it pointed that way. He should be evaluated to see if he really is capable of having a grip on reality.

01-12-2009, 12:13 AM
Let's use your logic.

George Bush


Get the gallows and string him up.

He was granted that power by the citizens of the United States of America.

01-12-2009, 12:15 AM
Man, you're fucking dense. I never argued it was conclusive evidence he was insane. I said it pointed that way. He should be evaluated to see if he really is capable of having a grip on reality.

And I'd say the fact he is begging for help and vocally pushing for an insanity defense pretty much proves he is sane...an insane person doesn't know they're insane...that's part of what makes them insane. They certainly don't think they need help.

Read the comments of his laywer again and you can see right through his ass...as well as his lawyer.

Then again, if you could see through the bullshit comments of a lawyer you probably wouldn't have voted Obama in the past election...

I know I know...you did it for the space program.

01-12-2009, 12:18 AM
gotta love the buddah! yep i said it and even though it goes against all this thread entails... fuck you bitches for stepping on ballijuana's feet just because his nick includes a hint towards bud. bunch of fuckin' pussies in here. marijuana makes you stupid, blah blah blah, we are nothing but pussies, blah blah blah; yeah that's all i'm hearing from all you pussies in this thread.

oh and i could care less what happens to that blind pos.

01-12-2009, 12:20 AM
Not insane, just dumb. All he is doing is working the flawed system.

baseline bum
01-12-2009, 12:21 AM
Then again, if you could see through the bullshit comments of a lawyer you probably wouldn't have voted Obama in the past election...

You really got to quit this shit. All you did was bitch and whine about how great your dumbass candidate was for blaming all her shortcomings on the gotcha media. Go fuck yourself.

01-12-2009, 12:22 AM
Who the fuck cares if he has a grip on reality..........fry him, what will the world really have lost?

01-12-2009, 12:23 AM
You really got to quit this shit. All you did was bitch and whine about how great your dumbass candidate was for blaming all her shortcomings on the gotcha media. Go fuck yourself.

whottts a fag anyway. hey whottt gay marriage will now be legal in your state too so you should thank mr obama. go suck a dick!

01-12-2009, 12:25 AM
I'm all for putting his insantity to the detest...I'm just not satisfied with his degree of self mutilation yet...if he cuts out his tongue...maybe cuts off his dick or nuts...takes off a hand or a couple of feet...I'll give him insanity.

Right now what we know is that he's been ruled sane, is pushing for an insanity plea, and has done nothing so far to prove beyond all doubt he is certifiable.

I want to see how far he's willing to go to prove he's insane...he hasn't gone far enough yet. He's got to at least cut his tongue out.

01-12-2009, 12:26 AM
It makes me laugh when people that support gay marriage call another person a "fag"

01-12-2009, 12:26 AM
I'm all for putting his insantity to the detest...I'm just not satisfied with his degree of self mutilation yet...if he cuts out his tongue...maybe cuts off his dick or nuts...takes off a hand or a couple of feet...I'll give him insanity.

Right now what we know is that he's been ruled sane, is pushing for an insanity plea, and has done nothing so far to prove beyond all doubt he is certifiable.

I want to see how far he's willing to go to prove he's insane...he hasn't gone far enough yet. He's got to at least cut his tongue out.

Agreed............with hilarious results.

01-12-2009, 12:28 AM
whottts a fag anyway. hey whottt gay marriage will now be legal in your state too so you should thank mr obama. go suck a dick!

#1. I support the legalization of marijuana(and a great deal more than that actually, in fact I might have the most extremist pro-plant alkaloid stance on the entire board ).

#2. Obama didn't support gay marriage YOU STUPID FUCK.

#3. I couldn't care less about gay marriage.

#4. I care a great deal about you shutting up and never posting to me again.

So shut up and never post to me again.

01-12-2009, 12:31 AM
#1. I support the legalization of marijuana(and a great deal more than that actually).

#2. Obama didn't support gay marriage YOU STUPID FUCK.

#3. I couldn't care less about gay marriage.

#4. I care a great deal about you shutting up and never posting to me again.

So shut up and never post to me again.

1. i do too. wow. we agree on one thing.
2. i didn't say he did.
3. neither do i.
4. fuck you. how's that for a post?

01-12-2009, 12:32 AM
1. i do too. wow. we agree on one thing.
2. i didn't say he did.
3. neither do i.
4. fuck you. how's that for a post?

I find response #3 a little hard to believe Mr. Secretary.

01-12-2009, 12:32 AM
I thought I told you to shut up...

01-12-2009, 12:32 AM
It makes me laugh when people that support gay marriage call another person a "fag"

support gay marriage? i just don't go out there prying into other peoples lifes is all. if gays want to be as miserable as the rest of the fuckin' wedded population then more power to them.

ps: fag.

01-12-2009, 12:33 AM
I thought I told you to shut up...

Pssst, Koriwhat..........I think he's talking to you.

01-12-2009, 12:33 AM
I thought I told you to shut up...

and i thought i told you if you're gonna say something to me atleast wait until you're done sucking that cock so i can hear you through all your mumbling.

01-12-2009, 12:34 AM
ps: fag.

Your little avatar absolutely screams heterosexual

[end sarcasm]

01-12-2009, 12:34 AM
and i thought i told you if you're gonna say something to me atleast wait until you're done sucking that cock so i can hear you through all your mumbling.

So this is what you've resorted too now? I thought you were better than this............wait, no I didn't. Carry on.

01-12-2009, 12:36 AM
Your little avatar absolutely screams heterosexual

[end sarcasm]

so having tats on your legs, spurs tats at that, is gay? ha. you supporting mr fag himself is as gay as it gets. keep takin' in the ass john smith. you know i used to know a john smith who ended up in jail. i bet that john smith and you have some comparable stories about what it's like to get bent over by bubba.

01-12-2009, 12:37 AM
ok i'm off to the bars now. have fun my fruity friends.

ps: fuck you dwight howard!

The Reckoning
01-12-2009, 12:37 AM

queer eye for the straight guy thread

01-12-2009, 12:44 AM
This one hard mofo. Someone get this kat some Koolaid.

01-12-2009, 12:55 AM
Andre Thomas, 25, was arrested for the fatal stabbings of his estranged wife, their young son and her 13-month-old daughter in March 2004. Their hearts also had been ripped out. He was convicted and condemned for the infant's death.

This story makes me ill.
I guess my question is - Why was he convicted and condemned for the infant's death, but not for the other 2?

01-12-2009, 01:03 AM
Well murdering the infant makes it an automatic death sentence...so there's really not any need to convict him for anything else if you get that one.

In Texas if you murder a child under the age of 6 it's Capital Murder and you will die for it if you get convicted.

No life inprisonment for that crime...

That's why his insane actions seem all too sane.

He was probably found guilty of the others and it didn't get mentioned or something...but after that conviction he's dead anyway so nothing else matters.

I think killing more than one person in the same incident is also an automatic death sentence as well in Texas.

01-12-2009, 01:04 AM
Well murdering the infant makes it an automatic death sentence...so there's really not any need to convict him for anything else if you get that one.

In Texas if you murder a child under the age of 6 it's Capital Murder and you will die for it if you get convicted.

That's why his insane actions seem all too sane...

I kind of figured, but I wasn't 100%.

I. Hustle
01-12-2009, 09:29 AM

01-12-2009, 10:48 AM
Let's use your logic.

George Bush


Get the gallows and string him up.

I personally have no problem with stringing up bush. Problem is that bush will never be convicted much less even tried for any kind of crime.

I've heard time and again that it's more expensive to execute someone than it is for them to serve a life sentence so I'm for whatever way keeps this type of person permanently out of society.

However IMO, I'd say this guy is not much more than an sick rabid dog that attacked someone and needs to be put to sleep.

Ed Helicopter Jones
01-12-2009, 12:44 PM
I don't know what good rehabilitating this guy, or putting him into psychiatric care would do at this point. Time to pull the plug.

My mindset is that if you intentionally kill another human being you possess a certain degree of insanity, regardless of society's definition of what constitutes a sane person. All murderers have an insanity defense. Keeping this guy alive and incarcarated under an insanity plea is just a waste of time, space and money.

01-12-2009, 01:39 PM
i don't give a fuck if he is crazy or not.. he killed 2 innocent people. he deserves to die regardless of his situation.

Richard Cranium
01-12-2009, 02:30 PM
He'll die soon enough.

baseline bum
01-12-2009, 03:50 PM
I personally have no problem with stringing up bush. Problem is that bush will never be convicted much less even tried for any kind of crime.

I've heard time and again that it's more expensive to execute someone than it is for them to serve a life sentence so I'm for whatever way keeps this type of person permanently out of society.

However IMO, I'd say this guy is not much more than an sick rabid dog that attacked someone and needs to be put to sleep.

I don't agree with that argument, or I wouldn't have posted it. It was merely an application of cockhound's twisted logic to come to an unjustified conclusion. The only politicians who I can say absolutely deserve to go to the gallows are Gramm and Paulson.

jack sommerset
01-12-2009, 04:54 PM
That is one of the nastiest things I have heard. "Eats own eye"

01-12-2009, 04:56 PM
I don't agree with that argument, or I wouldn't have posted it. It was merely an application of cockhound's twisted logic to come to an unjustified conclusion. The only politicians who I can say absolutely deserve to go to the gallows are Gramm and Paulson.

ah, gotcha